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本文对晋南牛开发实施方案、经济杂交方案及基因库工作方案的内容给予了肯定的评价,并对三个方案提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   
猪瘟是猪的最严重疾病之一,其病原 是猪瘟病毒,基因组为单股正链RNA。猪瘟 弱毒疫苗在猪瘟的免疫防治中发挥了巨大作 用,但由于弱毒疫苗免疫的动物不能从血清 学上与自然感染动物区分,使其应用受到很 大限制,研制标记疫苗是解决这个问题的重 要途径。由于RAN的结构不稳定成为阻碍 RNA病毒研究的主要障碍,所以病毒分子生 物学是新型猪瘟疫苗研究的必要手段。近年 来兴起的逆向遗传研究将RNA病毒的基因 组转化为cDNA,文章就猪瘟病毒逆向遗传 研究的意义、方法、概况及其在猪瘟新型疫苗 研究中的应用进行了全面综述。  相似文献   
The objective of this review was to summarise and evaluate the current state of knowledge about chronic progressive lymphoedema in draught horses. Clinical signs of this multifactorial disorder are mainly restricted to the lower limbs, comprising progressively deteriorating skin, swelling and deformation. Although typical lesions were first reported at the beginning of the 20th century, chronic progressive lymphoedema was recognised as a specific syndrome only in 2003, and since then research has driven forward. Despite the high prevalence in some breeds and the serious economic impact, the pathogenesis is not fully understood, and the available treatment options remain symptomatic and noncurative. There is a need to improve diagnostic techniques and to develop selection tools.  相似文献   
Toxoplasma gondii, a zoonotic protozoal parasite, is well-known for its global distribution and its ability to infect virtually all warm-blooded vertebrates. Nonetheless, attempts to describe the population structure of T. gondii have been primarily limited to samples isolated from humans and domesticated animals. More recent studies, however, have made efforts to characterize T. gondii isolates from a wider range of host species and geographic locales. These findings have dramatically changed our perception of the extent of genetic diversity in T. gondii and the relative roles of sexual recombination and clonal propagation in the parasite's lifecycle. In particular, identification of novel, disease-causing T. gondii strains in wildlife has raised concerns from both a conservation and public health perspective as to whether distinct domestic and sylvatic parasite gene pools exist. If so, overlap of these cycles may represent regions of high probability of disease emergence. Here, we attempt to answer these key questions by reviewing recent studies of T. gondii infections in wildlife, highlighting those which have advanced our understanding of the genetic diversity and population biology of this important zoonotic pathogen.  相似文献   
传染性法氏囊病是鸡的最严重疾病之一,其病原是鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV),IBDV基因组为两片段双链RNA,变异株和超强毒株的出现,给传统的疫苗免疫带来了新的挑战,因此,加强对IBDV的基础研究是控制该病的关键.RNA的结构不稳定成为阻碍RNA病毒研究的主要障碍,近年来兴起的反向遗传技术将RNA病毒的基因组转化为cDNA,从而使RNA病毒的基因操作成为可能,也使RNA病毒的研究获得了快速的发展.文章就传染性法氏囊病病毒反向遗传操作研究的意义、方法、概况及相关分子生物学进行了全面综述.  相似文献   
Scrapie is a fatal, neurodegenerative disease of sheep and goats. It is also the earliest known member in the family of diseases classified as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) or prion diseases, which includes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), and chronic wasting disease in cervids. The recent revelation of naturally occurring BSE in a goat has brought the issue of TSE in goats to the attention of the public. In contrast to scrapie, BSE presents a proven risk to humans. The risk of goat BSE, however, is difficult to evaluate, as our knowledge of TSE in goats is limited. Natural caprine scrapie has been discovered throughout Europe, with reported cases generally being greatest in countries with the highest goat populations. As with sheep scrapie, susceptibility and incubation period duration of goat scrapie are most likely controlled by the prion protein (PrP) gene (PRNP). Like the PRNP of sheep, the caprine PRNP shows significantly greater variability than that of cattle and humans. Although PRNP variability in goats differs from that observed in sheep, the two species share several identical alleles. Moreover, while the ARR allele associated with enhancing resistance in sheep is not present in the goat PRNP, there is evidence for the existence of other PrP variants related to resistance. This review presents the current knowledge of the epidemiology of caprine scrapie within the major European goat populations, and compiles the current data on genetic variability of PRNP.  相似文献   
Isolates of Phaeomoniella chlamydospora ( Phc ) and Phaeoacremonium aleophilum ( Pha ), two haploid, deuteromycetous fungi, were obtained from vines showing symptoms of esca disease in different localities in two French regions, and within a single vineyard in one of these regions. The population genetic structure was determined in both fungi using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Populations of Phc showed similar levels of diversity at local and regional levels. The most frequent Phc haplotypes were found in every population, and the frequencies of positive alleles of markers were similar across populations. The hypothesis that recombination had occurred was rejected for the full set of samples, but not for the samples reduced to haplotypes, indicating that Phc may be a recombining species. Different features were identified in Pha populations. First, the southern population of Pha appeared more diverse than the south-western populations. Second, genetic differentiation was identified between Pha populations from southern and south-western regions for several RAPDs. Finally, in the southern population of Pha no evidence for recombination was obtained, even by reducing the sample to haplotypes. Within the single vineyard surveyed, several haplotypes of both fungi were recovered and randomly distributed. Thus different infection events appeared to have occurred on a low spatial scale. Data from this study showed that haplotypes of both fungi were distributed over long distances geographically, and that most of the vineyards surveyed were infested by more than one haplotype of Phc and Pha .  相似文献   
Crown rust (caused by Puccinia coronata f. sp. lolii) is a serious foliar disease of the pasture and turfgrass perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne). Previous genetic studies have detected both qualitative and quantitative resistance mechanisms, and interpretation of the genetic system is complicated by variation within the sexually reproducing pathogen. Resistant and susceptible parental genotypes of ryegrass were identified using a composite urediniospore population collected from three geographically distinct locations. A two-way pseudo-testcross mapping population was obtained as the F1 progeny of the pair-cross between ryegrass parental genotypes Vedette6 and Victorian9. Both parents showed intermediate resistance against a pathogen population collected in a single geographical zone (Hamilton, Victoria), but in the F1 population, significant variation for a range of resistance-associated characters was detected. Statistical analysis of phenotypic data suggested a major gene effect, hence bulked segregant analysis with map-assigned simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers was used to scan the genome. A marker showing strong association with resistance was assigned to linkage group (LG) 2 of perennial ryegrass. Analysis of 11 LG2 SSR markers defined an interval between loci xlpssrh03f03 and xlpssrk02e02 as containing the gene or genes (LpPc1) conferring crown rust resistance. Resistance gene determinants were inherited from both parents, with up to 80% of the total phenotypic variation explained by markers segregating from Vedette6 and up to 26% of the variation explained by markers segregating from Victorian9. The two contributions together resulted in an additive increase in effect, with fully resistant individuals requiring determinants from both parents. A conserved syntenic relationship was observed with linkage group B of Avena strigosa, which is the location of a cluster of resistance genes to the oat form of crown rust. The implications of this study for marker-assisted selection of disease resistance in perennial ryegrass are discussed.  相似文献   
Single-copy restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers were used to determine the genetic structure of the global population of Mycosphaerella musicola , the cause of Sigatoka (yellow Sigatoka) disease of banana. The isolates of M. musicola examined were grouped into four geographic populations representing Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Australia and Indonesia. Moderate levels of genetic diversity were observed for most of the populations ( H  = 0·22–0·44). The greatest genetic diversity was found in the Indonesian population ( H =  0·44). Genotypic diversity was close to 50% in all populations. Population differentiation tests showed that the geographic populations of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Australia and Indonesia were genetically different populations. Using F ST tests, very high levels of genetic differentiation were detected between all the population pairs ( F ST > 0·40), with the exception of the Africa and Latin America-Caribbean population pair. These two populations differed by only 3% ( F ST = 0·03), and were significantly different ( P  < 0·05) from all other population pairs. The high level of genetic diversity detected in Indonesia in comparison to the other populations provides some support for the theory that M. musicola originated in South-east Asia and that M. musicola populations in other regions were founded by isolates from the South-east Asian region. The results also suggest the migration of M. musicola between Africa and the Latin America-Caribbean region.  相似文献   
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