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Bunch orientation is an economically important trait in plantain (Musa spp. AAB group) and banana (Musa spp. AAA or ABB groups). Pendulous bunches are more symmetrical than subhorizontal, horizontal, or erect bunches and are, therefore, better adapted for transportation. Erect, horizontal, subhorizontal, and pendulous bunches were observed in segregating populations derived from crosses between plantains and bananas and among bananas. A proposed genetic model controlling this trait was tested in four populations. The true breeding diploid banana line, 'Calcutta 4' shows a pendulous bunch and has recessive alleles at three bunch orientation loci. The diploid banana cultivar 'Pisang lilin', which is heterozygous for the three loci, has a subhorizontal bunch. The triploid AAB plantain cultivar 'Bobby Tannap' has two simplex and one duplex loci, which also results in subhorizontal bunch orientation. The other plantain cultivar, 'Obino l'Ewai', which is simplex for two loci and nulliplex for the third, has a pendulous bunch due to dosage effects at the triploid level of the recessive alleles at simplex loci. Two tetraploid hybrids (TMPx 582-4 and 1187-8) have a subhorizontal bunch because of its duplex genotype for two loci and simplex genotype for the other locus. Bunch orientation might be an oligogenic trait regulated by the epistatic effects of at least three dominant loci. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity between parents is important for hybrid breeding and for maximum usefulness of a cross in pure line breeding. However, wide crosses may suffer from poor adaptation in the target environments and recombination losses owing to disruption of favourable epistatic gene combinations. In this study we investigated the importance of various gene effects for different traits in the parents and generations F1 to F5 derived from 99 intra- and inter-pool crosses among 20 lines of the Minor, Major, and Mediterranean germplasm pools of faba bean in Mediterranean and German environments. Yield performance of parental inbreds and progenies of crosses in different selfing generations was high in the region of adaptation of the respective germplasm pool. Heterosis for yield was greatest in interpool crosses of Minor × Mediterranean germplasm, amounting to 106% in Mediterranean and 72% in German environments. Interpool crosses exhibited significantly greater heterosis compared with intrapool crosses in both mega-environments. Generation means analysis revealed the importance of additive gene effects and dominance × dominance epistasis in Mediterranean and German environments. Dominance effects and additive × additive epistasis for yield were negligible in most crossing groups. Since intrapool crosses of Mediterranean germplasm in Mediterranean environments and crosses of Minor and Major germplasm in the German environments were most promising, we suggest crosses among adapted germplasm for hybrid breeding and for establishing new base material in line breeding in faba bean.  相似文献   
The genetic nature of early blight resistance in tomato was studied in three crosses at seedling and adult plant stages. A six generation mean analysis of the cross Arka Saurabh (susceptible) × IHR1939 (resistance) and its reciprocal cross revealed that the resistance to early blight was conferred by recessive polygenes at both seedling and adult plant stages. This polygenic early blight resistance revealed the importance of additive and additive × additive gene effects at seedling stage and higher magnitude of dominance and dominance× dominance gene effects at adult plant stage. Evaluation of parents, F1, F2 and backcross generations of IHR1816 (resistance) × IHR1939 (resistance) revealed that the early blight resistance genes in IHR1816 (Lycopersicon esculentum NCEBR-1) and IHR1939 (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium L4394) are independent. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
用包括基因型×环境互作效应的加性—显性—加性×加性上位性遗传模型和统计方法 ,对水稻茎秆抗倒性杂种优势进行了研究 .结果表明 ,评价水稻茎秆抗倒性的 5个性状 (秆长、茎粗、茎基抗折力、秆型指数和抗倒指数 )的杂种优势既由基因型控制也受环境 (年份 )互作效应影响 .茎粗对环境的敏感性较弱 ,表现较低的正向群体平均优势和负向群体超亲优势 .基因型×环境互作效应影响了秆型指数和抗倒指数杂种优势表达的程度和方向 .秆长、茎基抗折力在不同环境中均表现正向基因型×环境互作效应 ,这表明随着环境的改善均可增强杂种优势  相似文献   
【背景】粮食安全是保障国家安全的重要基础,水稻是人民赖以生存的主要粮食作物,提高其产量是重要的育种目标。水稻产量由每株有效穗数、每穗实粒数和粒重等性状构成,其中,粒重与籽粒形状、充实程度等密切相关。但这些性状都是由多基因控制,遗传基础复杂。染色体片段代换系(CSSL)可将这些复杂性状的QTL较准确地分解为单个孟得尔因子研究,且与育种工作紧密衔接,因而是理想的遗传研究和育种材料。【目的】前期以4代换片段的水稻染色体片段代换系Z481精细定位了一个易落粒基因SH6,但Z481与受体日本晴间还存在多个显著差异的穗部性状。明晰控制这些差异性状的QTL在代换片段上如何分布,并分解为单片段代换系,对目标QTL的图位克隆及应用于水稻分子设计育种有重要应用价值。【方法】利用受体亲本日本晴与Z481杂交构建的次级F2分离群体以SAS9.3统计软件的混合线性模型(mixed linear model,MLM)法进行穗部性状QTL定位(P<0.05),然后,根据基因型和表型,从F2选择42个单株在F3株系利用MAS法培育单片段及双片段代...  相似文献   
陆地棉产量、纤维品质相关性状主效QTL和上位性互作分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 【目的】为了能够较为全面地了解陆地棉产量和纤维品质相关性状的遗传基础,利用包含471个标记、总长3 070.2 cM、覆盖棉花基因组65.88%左右的遗传图谱对其进行主效QTL定位和上位性互作分析。【方法】以DH962×冀棉5号的F2:3家系为分析群体,用WinQTLCartV2.5进行复合区间作图定位主效QTL,利用EPISTACY软件对共显性标记进行两位点的上位性互作分析。【结果】共检测到9个与产量相关性状的主效QTL,和5个与纤维品质相关性状的主效QTL,整齐度和比强度在显著LOD阈值下没有检测到相关QTL。共检测到75对互作位点,大多数互作属于非QTL位点与非QTL位点之间的互作,互作类型以加性显性互作和显性加性互作为主。所涉及的性状中,影响衣分和纤维长度的互作位点最多,单株铃数和衣指的最少。在LG1上检测到1个同时控制单株籽棉重、单株皮棉重和籽指主效QTL。在两位点的互作对中也发现了同时影响单株籽棉重、单株皮棉重和马克隆值的互作位点1对,同时影响衣分和纤维长度的互作位点4对。【结论】除了主效QTL外,上位性是陆地棉产量和纤维品质性状的重要遗传基础。主效QTL的效应小和上位性互作将会使得棉花分子标记辅助育种更加困难和复杂。表型相关的性状是由相同的QTL/互作位点所控制,这有助于多个性状的同时选择。  相似文献   
Peanut pod shape is a heritable trait which affects the market acceptance of in-shell peanut products. In order to determine the genetic control of pod shape, six component traits of pod shape (pod length, pod width, pod length/width ratio, pod roundness, beak degree and constriction degree) were measured using an image-based phenotyping method. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population consisting of 181 lines was phenotyped across three environments. Continuous distributions and transgressive segregations were demonstrated in all measured traits and environments. Significant correlations were found among most component traits with broad-sense heritability ranging from 0.87 to 0.95. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis yielded 26 additive QTLs explaining 3.79 to 52.37% phenotypic variations. A novel, stable and major QTL region conditioning multiple shape features was detected on chromosome 2, which spans a 10.81-Mb genomic region with 543 putative genes. Bioinformatics analysis revealed several candidate genes in this region. In addition, 73 pairs of epistatic interactions involving 92 loci were identified for six component traits explaining 0.94–6.45% phenotypic variations. These results provide new genetic loci to facilitate genomics-assisted breeding of peanut pod shape.  相似文献   
本研究利用有丝分裂雌核发育建立牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)双单倍体(Doubled Haploids,DH)群体,对牙鲆体重、全长、背鳍长、腹鳍长、体高、尾柄高、头高和躯干长共8组表型性状标准化处理后,进行主成分分析,得到可解释全部性状90.4%的表型主成分性状。然后,基于JoinMap 4、MapDisto、JoinMap 4-DistortedMap、MapDisto-DistortedMap构建4个连锁图谱,用偏分离标记矫正数量性状位点(Quantitative Trait Locus,QTL)基因型条件概率,采用Bayesian模型选择方法定位牙鲆表型主成分性状的加性QTL和上位性QTL。结果表明,用不同方法构建的遗传图谱和表型主成分性状QTL定位结果均有所不同。在图谱构建中,与基于JoinMap 4构建的图谱相比,基于MapDisto构建的图谱中偏分离标记的相对位置和遗传距离都发生了变化,甚至有5个偏分离标记没有被定位到相应的连锁群上;相对于基于JoinMap 4和MapDisto构建的图谱,经DistortedMap校正后的图谱中偏分离标记的相对位置没有发生变化,但是偏分离标记间遗传距离发生了变化。另外,在4个图谱中都检测到3个加性QTL,分别位于6号连锁群上,可解释表型变异的12.95%、14.85%、11.56%和11.76%,9号、22号连锁群上,具有负向加性效应;9号连锁群上,可解释表型变异的13.86%、13.27%、11.17%和11.25%,具有负向加性效应;22号连锁群上,可解释表型变异的5.68%、4.36%、4.97%和3.58%,具有正向加性效应。同时,分别检测到28对、19对、29对和20对上位性QTL,主要分布在6号、7号、9号、17号、20号和22号连锁群上,可解释表型主成分性状变异的2.19%~17.62%、2.40%~22.26%、2.08%~26.0%、3.16%~22.05%。研究结果表明,基于MapDisto软件构建、经DistortedMap软件包矫正后的图谱,定位结果更加准确,但仍需进一步验证。  相似文献   
R. S. Malhotra  K. B. Singh 《Euphytica》1989,40(1-2):169-172
Summary Triple test cross-analysis was used to detect epistasis in chickpea. None of the characters investigated exhibited epistasis. In the absence of epistasis, additive and dominance effects were estimated. The results indicated the importance of additive genetic variance for seed yield, biological yield, number of primary branches, number of secondary branches, 100-seed weight, days to flower, and number of seeds per pod; dominance genetic variance for days to mature; and both additive and dominance genetic variances for plant height. Selection methods, such as pedigree and bulk, are suggested for the improvement of most characters.Joint contribution from ICARDA, P.O. Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria and ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics), Patancheru P.O. 502 324, A.P., India.  相似文献   
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