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吴天侠  盖钧镒 《大豆科学》1990,9(2):103-111
本文研究江淮下游8个大豆品种(系)双列杂交F_2至F_4表现的亲本配合力;证实F_2与F_3间有产量配合力与世代互作;评选出7206—934、诱变30、493—1、1138—2等具优良一般或特殊配合力的亲本与组合。按Hayman方法推演了综合F_2至F_4三世代信息的多基因体系遗传分析;除每株粒数外,产量、百粒重、生育前期、株高等均有上位性作用;从加性、显性效应估计值及上位性度量的组成对优良亲本与组合作分析和解释;进而对亲本性状基因显性方向及分布作出估计。  相似文献   
Rice protein content (RPC) and rice fatcontent (RFC) are two important componentsof rice nutritional quality. In order toexamine the genetic basis of these traits,a doubled haploid (DH) population and anRFLP linkage map consisting of 232 markerloci were used to search QTLs for thetraits with the computer programQTLMapper1.0. This program is based onmixed linear models and allows simultaneousmapping of both main-effect and digenicepistastic QTLs in a DH population. RPC andRFC were evaluated based on a dry weightbasis of head rice by the Kjeldahl andSoxhlet methods respectively. A total offive main-effect QTLs for RPC wereresolved. The five QTLs collectivelyexplained 74% of the phenotypic variationwith LOD=15.2. Among these QTLs, the majorQTL qRPC-5 with the largest effectwas mapped in the interval of RG435-RG172aon chromosome 5. It accounted for 35% ofthe phenotypic variation with a LOD of16.7. At this locus the allele from theparent `Gui 630' increased RPC by 1.32%.The second QTL qRPC-7 was mapped inthe interval ZG34B-G20 on chromosome 7. Itexplained 23% of the phenotypic variancewith a LOD of 6.1. Its positive alleles,also from the parent `Gui 630', increasedRPC by 1.05%. As for the remaining threeQTLs, their additive effects wererelatively small and their positive alleleswere all inherited from the parent `02428'.Three QTLs for RFC were mapped onchromosome 1, 2 and 5 respectively. Theycollectively explained 44% of thephenotypic variation. Among these loci,QTLs qRFC-2 and qRFC-5 withlarger effects individually accounted for24% and 26% of the phenotypic variancerespectively. At QTL qRFC-2 thepositive allele came from the parent `Gui630', while at QTL qRFC-5 thepositive allele from the parent `02428'.The fact that both parents possess thepositive alleles at the QTLs for the twotraits provides an appropriate explanationfor the large transgressive segregationobserved in the DH lines. Furthermore, onlyone pair of epistatic loci explaining only5.1% of the phenotypic variance wasdetected for RPC, whereas seven pairs ofepistatic loci were resolved for RFC. Thetotal absolute effects of these RFCinteractions amounted to 0.97% which ismuch larger than that (0.42%) of the threemain-effect QTLs for the trait. Alongwith the observation that RPC showed a highheritability (78%), these resultsdemonstrate that RPC in the DH populationcould be mainly controlled by relativelyfew QTLs with large main-effects. As forRFC, epistatic interactions might be aneven more important component of thegenetic basis and the segregation of the DHlines could be largely explained by a fewmain-effect QTLs and many epistatic loci.In addition, a highly negative correlation(r = –0.45) between RPC and RFC inthe DH population was observed. Thiscorrelation could be largely explained bythe linkage of qRPC-5 and qRFC-5 with the directions of effectsopposite and the co-locations of the twoepistatic loci for RFC respectively withtwo different main-effect QTLs for RPC. Theinformation reported in the present papermay be useful for improving ricenutritional quality by means ofmarker-assisted selection.  相似文献   
Peanut pod shape is a heritable trait which affects the market acceptance of in-shell peanut products. In order to determine the genetic control of pod shape, six component traits of pod shape (pod length, pod width, pod length/width ratio, pod roundness, beak degree and constriction degree) were measured using an image-based phenotyping method. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population consisting of 181 lines was phenotyped across three environments. Continuous distributions and transgressive segregations were demonstrated in all measured traits and environments. Significant correlations were found among most component traits with broad-sense heritability ranging from 0.87 to 0.95. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis yielded 26 additive QTLs explaining 3.79 to 52.37% phenotypic variations. A novel, stable and major QTL region conditioning multiple shape features was detected on chromosome 2, which spans a 10.81-Mb genomic region with 543 putative genes. Bioinformatics analysis revealed several candidate genes in this region. In addition, 73 pairs of epistatic interactions involving 92 loci were identified for six component traits explaining 0.94–6.45% phenotypic variations. These results provide new genetic loci to facilitate genomics-assisted breeding of peanut pod shape.  相似文献   
玉米八个产量相关性状的QTL鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以玉米优良自交系‘农系531’和‘SIL8’为亲本构建200个F2:3家系,利用复合区间作图法对8个产量性状进行QTL鉴定。8个性状共检测到34个QTL,单个QTL的表型贡献率为5.21%~26.62%不等,累计解释各个性状的表型变异为21.33%~74.10%。分布于第1、3、4、5、6染色体上16个QTL形成6个QTL富集区,且表型贡献率最大的QTL均位于富集区内。共检测到26对上位性互作,其中QTL间互作1对,QTL与背景间互作8对,背景间互作17对,所解释的表型变异为5.98%~15.93%不等,累计解释各性状的表型变异为15.93%~61.64%。多数产量相关性状的遗传基础非常复杂,上位性在产量相关性状形成的遗传控制中具有重要的作用。QTL富集区对于数量性状的遗传分析与作物遗传改良具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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