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Abstract. Anecdotal and circumstantial evidence have suggested that the Olsen test underestimates plant-available phosphorus (P) in basaltic soils in Northern Ireland. Therefore, the ability of this test to predict plant-available P in basaltic (and non-basaltic) soils was investigated by regressing Olsen-P data against herbage P indices calculated from plant tissue test data using the diagnosis and recommendation integrated system. The average Olsen-P concentration for a range of fields situated on basaltic soils was considerably lower than the average Olsen-P concentration for a range of fields situated on non-basaltic soils, and yet mean sward P status, as given by the herbage P indices, was similar for both groups of fields. Herbage P indices were also much better correlated with Olsen-P measurements in non-basaltic soils than in basaltic soils. Furthermore, at low Olsen-P values (≶9mgPL−1) some swards on basaltic soils were genuinely deficient in P, while others were sufficient or even in surplus for this nutrient. The results confirm that Olsen-P is inadequate as a predictor of plant-available P in basaltic soils. It is concluded that an alternative soil test is needed to provide a reliable assessment of plant-available P in basaltic soils, to prevent overuse of fertilizer and manure P and to minimize the amounts of P entering local watercourses.  相似文献   
Modern biotechnology promises a number of new applications in animal breeding and production. Although conventional pig breeding has achieved a high level of efficiency and productivity numerous problems have been encountered with animal health and the loss of meat quality. Selection based on phenotypic performance data of individual animals does not take into account the importance of specific genes and their relevance within a complex regulatory system. In most cases it is therefore difficult to trace back the genetic origins of clinically important disorders. The application of genetic engineering techniques in pig production will facilitate diagnosis, improvement of productivity, and animal health by allowing direct genetic manipulation. Attention must be focussed on the physical and genetic analysis of the procine genome. The isolation and characterisation of genes, DNA-markers, polymorphic DNA-fragments, and their chromosomal assignment will be important prerequisites and tools for the elucidation of genetic disorders. Especially the detection of heterozygous carriers of recessive disorders and their elimination from the breeding stock will increase selection accuracy and decrease the generation intervals. But also the rapid and simple detection of infectious diseases, which is sometimes difficult if not impossible at present, will improve animal health and welfare. Although the production of transgenic animals either by DNA-microinjection into zygotes or the use of embryonal stem cells manipulated in vitro is less straightforward than DNA-based diagnosis it will play an important role in the direct manipulation of the porcine genome and genes. Breeding programmes including the use of transgenic livestock have already been developed. There is no doubt that genetic engineering has reached a degree of practical feasibility, allowing it to play an important role in pig breeding in particular and animal production in general.  相似文献   
犊牛腹泻是一种在规模化养牛场中的常见易发病,由于发病病因复杂,如果在第一时间内不能及时做出准确诊断,做好有效治疗,将会造成牛场的快速感染,带来一定的经济损失。本文通过对武威市某规模牛场“汉和牛”犊牛腹泻的病原调查,采集病样进行检测分析,摸清引起该场犊牛腹泻的病原体,根据养殖场实际情况,通过临床和实验室诊断方法,并研究探讨出具体可行的治疗和预防措施。  相似文献   
机械设备故障诊断用便携式数据采集分析系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设计了一套应用于机械设备故障诊断的便携式数据采集分析系统。系统整体采用主从结构:上位机软件基于Labview,主要实现路径、数据、通讯等的管理以及数据分析;下位机实现采集、分析。下位机的硬件层核心采用片上系统(SoC)芯片;操作系统层移植了自行研发的实时操作系统(RTOS):TDNC-OS,给出了任务划分;应用软件层引入了缓冲区操作机制;通讯层主要由UART模块组成。实例表明系统具有很好的实时性和可靠性。  相似文献   
基于粒子群算法的圆柱度误差评定方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据最小区域条件,建立了圆柱度误差的数学模型以及优化目标函数和适应度函数,阐述了粒子群优化算法的原理和实现方法,然后根据粒子群算法优化求解。实例表明,该方法对于圆柱度误差评定等非线性优化问题能得到全局最优解,粒子群优化算法的计算精度与其他满足最小条件的计算方法相比略有提高,且参数设置少,计算速度快,可用于三坐标测量机等测量系统的圆柱度误差测量后的数据处理。  相似文献   
应用陀螺力学理论,对传统动力总成悬置系统的无阻尼动力学方程进行修正,引入陀螺矩阵,得到新的动力学方程。对新的动力总成悬置系统动力学模型进行计算分析,研究了陀螺矩阵对频域、时域响应的影响。使用遗传算法分别对修改前后的方程进行优化计算,并进行比较分析。结果表明,对于低转速发动机,曲轴转动的陀螺效应不明显,而对于高转速的发动机,陀螺效应不能忽略,应以考虑陀螺力矩的方程为基础进行设计分析。  相似文献   
利用改进BP神经网络预测初产奶牛产奶量的方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对传统BP算法的缺陷,提出了一种采用L-M训练法的BP神经网络。在此基础上建立了基于改进BP神经网络非线性系统的奶牛305d产奶量预测模型,此模型可以提前215d预测初产奶牛305d产奶量,从而实现提早进行选择,加速奶牛育种工作进程。并通过具体的实验验证了改进BP神经网络预测模型的有效性。  相似文献   
车用永磁式缓速器设计中漏磁影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以优化设计和减少漏磁为目标,运用磁路分析法建立永磁式缓速器的漏磁场模型,得到设计参数的解析式。由于参数之间的复杂函数关系,采用区间数学算法来优化永磁式缓速器的设计参数,将影响漏磁系数的非线性方程组化简为线性方程组。选取满足设计要求的目标参数——转子鼓磁感应强度Bm、气隙磁感应强度Bg,ave、漏磁系数K的最佳取值区间。使用区间迭代法,求出自变量参数的取值区间和权数pi。运用Matlab语言编程直接搜索合理的设计参数,减少了计算量和循环次数。三维有限元漏磁分析和试验均证明了设计参数选取的合理性。结果表明:永磁体高度HPM、气隙ge对漏磁系数K影响较大;区间数学Tschernikow算法在永磁式缓速器设计中是有效的。  相似文献   
为探究附红细胞体在内蒙古呼和浩特市托克托县地区的流行情况,接诊呼和浩特托县地区某东佛里生奶绵羊养殖场病例,该场近一周多圈舍出现产奶羊只体温升高、精神沉郁、瘫软、食欲减退或废绝等症状,有出现症状1 ~ 2 d迅速死亡病例,也有使用抗生素硫酸庆大霉素-青霉素联用结合补液治疗1周无好转或死亡病例,死亡总数超8只,仍有10余只相似症状正在接受治疗。经现场剖检、圈舍环境调查、样品实验室检测,结合临床诊疗,确诊此次疫情为奶绵羊附红细胞体病,且周边羊养殖场(户)羊只也存在附红细胞体感染。说明附红细胞体在托克托县呈地方性流行。  相似文献   
常规方法对区域农田灌溉短期用水量预测时易出现预测数据误差大,预测过程复杂等现象。设计基于SVM算法对区域农田灌溉短期用水量进行预测。以某沿黄区域位于全景属于黄河流域东南方向一区域农田为研究对象,首先基于SVM算法选择用水量特征,选取一对一的构造方法将农田灌溉短期用水量数据分为两个类别。通过SVM算法中支持向量机分类功能将农田灌溉短期用水量特征子集进行获取,并在此基础上可以根据特征子集通过预测模型进行用水量预测。由于用水量序列波动性较强,将GM(1,N)模型与机器学习算法LSSVR模型相结合来进行用水量预测,并确定模型评价指标。结果证明基于SVM算法的区域农田灌溉短期用水量预测方法误差在允许范围内且在农业中具有可使用性。  相似文献   
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