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赤霉素喷施对红灯甜樱桃果实品质及解剖结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究红灯甜樱桃生长期喷施不同浓度(20、60、100 mg·L-1)赤霉素(GA3)对果实品质及解剖结构的影响。结果表明,60 mg·L-1的GA3处理增加了单果重与纵径。不同浓度GA3处理对果实横径无显著影响,但降低了果实硬度、可溶性糖、维生素C和可溶性固形物含量,升高了可滴定酸含量,致果实品质总体下降。解剖结构结果表明,GA3喷施浓度越大,果实角质层与表皮厚度越薄,果肉细胞与表皮细胞越大,硬度越小。建议在生产中减少GA3的使用,尤其是高浓度(100 mg·L-1)的GA3喷施对果实不利。  相似文献   
为了探讨影响樱桃[Cerasus pseudocerasus(Lindl.)G.Don]开花习性的内在因素及机理,研究了樱桃结果母枝直径与开花习性的相关性。结果表明,樱桃结果母枝直径与结果母枝长度和总芽量之间呈高度正相关,与叶芽量、4朵花芽量和4朵花量之间呈显著正相关,与萌芽率、3朵花芽量和3朵花量之间呈显著负相关,与2朵花芽量、总花芽量和2朵花量之间呈低度负相关,与总花量呈负相关。作图分析结果表明,樱桃结果母枝直径以4.4~6.5 mm最好,其次以6.5~7.3 mm较好;回归分析结果表明,樱桃结果母枝直径与结果母枝长度、总芽量、叶芽量、萌芽率、2朵花芽量、3朵花芽量、4朵花芽量、总花芽量和总花量等指标的回归曲线都符合二次回归方程。建议可以通过培养优质枝梢来提高花的质量,通过调查樱桃结果母枝直径来预测各类花芽量和开花量等指标。  相似文献   
Little cherry virus 1 (LChV‐1), a member of the recently proposed genus Velarivirus, is a sweet cherry pathogen that has been recently reported to infect other Prunus species and is associated with various plant disorders. In this work the incidence of the virus on its putative hosts and possible mechanisms driving its evolution were investigated. Due to problems encountered with LChV‐1 detection, a new nested RT‐PCR assay was developed and applied. The virus was found to be prevalent in cherry plantations in Greece and only occasionally detected in other Prunus species. Sequences corresponding to the partial RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), heat‐shock protein homologue (HSP70h) and coat protein (CP) genes were determined from Greek LChV‐1 isolates originating from different hosts; these were analysed, along with published homologous genomic regions from other isolates. Phylogenetic analysis of the three genes revealed the segregation of four evolutionary distinct groups showing no host or geography‐based clustering. Mean genetic distances among the four groups were high with the CP region showing the highest divergence, although intragroup variability levels were low. Nevertheless, estimations of the mean ratio of nonsynonymous substitutions per synonymous site to synonymous substitutions per synonymous site (dN/dS) for the partial RdRp, HSP70h and CP indicated that these genomic regions are under negative selection pressure. Interestingly, a recombination event was identified at the 3′ end of RdRp on a Greek virus isolate, thus highlighting the role of this mechanism in the evolutionary history of LChV‐1.  相似文献   
寿研橙樱是以自交系T81260379为母本,以自交系T81260361为父本配制而成的樱桃番茄一代杂种.无限生长类型,植株生长势强,果实卵圆形,整齐均匀,成熟果橙色,有光泽,可溶性固形物含量7.6%,VC含量272.0 mg·kg-1,β-胡萝卜含量48.0 mg·kg-1;耐贮运性好,平均单果质量22 g,每667 ...  相似文献   
乳酸菌的分离选育及对樱桃番茄果脯品质的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以樱桃番茄自然发酵液和酸奶为原料,通过分离、纯化、产酸量测定、形态学鉴定、生理生化试验等方法,筛选出优质乳酸菌,并在此基础上,深入研究了不同的接种量、不同的发酵时间、不同的发酵温度对樱桃番茄果脯品质的影响。结果表明,共筛选出乳酸菌7株,其中L-5,L-4,L-3在产酸速度、产酸量、耐糖性等方面优于其他的4株菌;这3株菌株中,L-5最好。接种L-5的发酵条件为:接种量为2%,发酵温度40℃,发酵时间15 h,制得的产品色、香、味俱佳。  相似文献   
甜樱桃休眠期枝条SOD·POD酶活性变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]研究甜樱桃枝条休眠期内SOD、POD酶活性的变化规律,探讨其抗寒性。[方法]以4个甜樱桃品种1年生枝条为试材,测定不同时期的SOD、POD酶活性变化。[结果]试验表明,甜樱桃4个品种的SOD、POD酶活性随温度的降低而升高,随气温的回升而降低,1月份达到最高值。4个品种的SOD、POD酶活性均为龙冠较高,显著高于其他3个品种,表现出较强的抗寒性;龙宝、红蜜次之;龙丹的SOD、POD酶活性均低于其他3个品种,抗寒性较弱。[结论]甜樱桃4个品种的抗寒性大小排序为:龙冠〉龙宝〉红蜜〉龙丹。  相似文献   
不同处理对甜樱桃近生物冰点贮藏效果研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
研究了甜樱桃品种‘拉宾斯’(Prunus aviumL.cv.Lapins)经冰水预冷、0℃强制通风预冷以及15%CO2短时处理后在近生物冰点(-1.0±0.5℃)贮藏条件下果实的风味品质、腐烂率和贮藏过程中的果汁冰点变化。结果表明,近生物冰点贮藏条件下,除对照外,各处理均能有效保持果实硬度(0.6~0.7 kg)、可溶性固形物含量(13%~14%)、可滴定酸含量(0.9%~0.6%)和果皮花青苷含量(70~100 U);贮藏60 d,冰水预冷和冰水预冷+CO2处理果实腐烂率分别达到25.5%和18.4%,而对照和强制通风预冷则只有7.7%和3.6%,其中以强制通风预冷+CO2短时处理+聚乙烯袋效果最佳,在贮藏过程中未出现果实腐烂现象;除对照外,各处理在贮藏过程中的果汁冰点一直维持在-1.5℃左右,变化不大。说明近生物冰点贮藏技术能最大程度的延长甜樱桃的贮藏期。  相似文献   
密枝红叶李在西北干旱地区景观绿化中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过介绍密枝红叶李的形态特征及生物学特性,从栽培技术以及养护与管理等方面探讨密枝红叶李在西北地区园林景观中的应用,以期指导实际生产。    相似文献   
Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) is a native plant species in Serbian forests, but is also widely used for ornamental plantings. Following two extremely wet summers in 2014 and 2015, in spring and summer of 2016 and 2017, numerous cherry laurel plants with symptoms indicative for Phytophthora diseases, like wilting and chlorosis of leaves, dieback and bleeding bark necroses, were recorded in a park in Belgrade and in two ornamental nurseries in central Serbia. From necrotic bark samples and rhizosphere soil, self‐sterile Phytophthora isolates with woolly colonies were obtained. Due to the production of ellipsoid and elongated, non‐papillate sporangia in water and of ornamented oogonia with two‐celled antheridia in mating tests with tester strains of both Phytophthora × cambivora and P. cryptogea, these isolates were identified as P. ×cambivora which was confirmed by ITS sequence analysis. Pathogenicity of P. ×cambivora from cherry laurel (PCCL) was tested by inoculating one‐year‐old seedlings of cherry laurel under the bark. P. ×cambivora from European beech (PCB), and isolates of P. cactorum (CAC), P. cryptogea (CRY), P. plurivora (PLU) and P. ×serendipita (SER) were included as comparison. Three and a half months after inoculation, nine of the twelve plants in PCB, three in PCCL and CAC and two in PLU declined with longitudinal necroses and chlorosis, wilting and premature shedding of leaves. These results demonstrate the ability of P. ×cambivora to infect and cause decline of cherry laurel plants. The particularly high aggressiveness of the P. ×cambivora isolate from beech shows that this pathogen poses a serious risk to cherry laurel in the rare natural communities of cherry laurel and beech in Serbia.  相似文献   
为研究高海拔咖啡和低海拔咖啡质量的不同,对保山市龙陵县木城乡渔塘桠口村海拔1 400 m和海拔1 200 m的咖啡鲜果的果实性状进行测量,并采用SPSS 19.0软件进行独立样本t检测和相关性检测。结果表明:咖啡鲜果重量、鲜果纵横径、果皮重量、果皮厚度、种子单重、种子纵横径、种子厚度等方面在2种海拔下具有显著差异,在果皮厚度方面,海拔1 400 m海拔1 200 m,其他指标海拔1 400 m海拔1 200 m。此结果表明,高海拔咖啡的质量优于低海拔咖啡的质量。  相似文献   
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