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广东紫珠栽培技术对药材产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用随机区组、正交设计等开展不同密度、施肥与截干栽植等栽培技术试验,探讨主要栽培技术措施对广东紫珠药材产量的影响,以及调查比较不同种植环境、不同苗木来源、不同采收方式对广东紫珠生长与药材产量的影响,为其优质高产栽培技术规范的制定提供理论依据.结果表明:良好的土壤等环境因素是广东紫珠丰产的重要条件,合理密植和施肥是提高广...  相似文献   
冰冻雪压对杉木人工林近成熟林分危害调查   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以受冰冻雪灾较为严莺的江西省大岗山林区杉木近成熟林分为研究对象,探讨杉木林分结构和立地条件与杉木受损类型及灾害发生程度的关系,得到几点主要结论:1)冰冻雪压造成大岗山林区杉木受害株数比例达66.84%,受灾相当严重,杉木林分受害类型可分为弯梢、断梢、斜干、断干、倒地及翻蔸等6种,其中断干和断梢为最主要的2种受害类型.2)杉木林分结构对冰冻雪压危害具有明显的调节作用,灾害主要发生于径阶相对较小的林木,林分内径阶越大的林木其受害程度明显越轻;林分密度与受害强度具极显著正相关,密度越高,林分受损株数愈多,且密度主要影响断干、翻蔸这2种不可逆的受损类型,合理的密度调控至关重要.3)杉木林分的立地条件与受害程度紧密相关,高海拔、高坡位、陡坡处的林分更易受到冰冻雪压的危害,较高的立地指数有利于杉木在遭受冰冻雪压灾害时减轻损失.  相似文献   
Greenhouse trials with containerized Eucalyptus globulus and E. urophylla seedlings were made to determine effective inoculum spore densities (Scleroderma cepa from temperate Australia, and S. citrinum from sub-tropical China) and spore storage conditions (fresh spores or spores stored for 5 years at room temperature or at 4 °C; S. albidum, S. areolatum and S. cepa from Western Australia). Inoculation with 106 or 108 spores/seedling increased eucalypt growth by up to 46% in height and 42% in dry weight compared to non-inoculated seedlings at 12 weeks after inoculation. Mycorrhizal formation was poor at 102 spores/seeding. Spores stored at 4 °C for 5 years were as effective in forming mycorrhizas as freshly collected spores when a standard density of 106 spores/seedling was applied. It is recommended that spore densities ≥104 be used for inoculation of containerised eucalypts and that spores be stored at 4 °C until use.  相似文献   
通过对毛条灌木林进行平茬,在人工灌溉条件下观测平茬毛条生物产量的变化,认为毛条平茬后具有很强的萌蘖能力,可产生原生枝条数4.1倍的萌生枝条;每年灌溉1次,灌水量1050m^3/hm^2,既可维持平茬毛条林的正常生长;在4株/m^2的密度条件下,平茬毛条的年产草量(干质量)可达538g/m^2,植被盖度可达78%以上,达到了经济效益和生态效益的共同提高;根据平茬毛条的生长变化规律,可初步确定冬春季节和夏季干旱时期为毛条灌木草场适宜的放牧时间。  相似文献   
施氮量与栽插密度对杂交香稻香两优875产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探索杂交香稻品种在贵阳高海拔地区高产栽培的技术,为大面积生产推广应用提供技术参考,2007年在贵阳市郊(海拔1350 m)对优质杂交香稻香两优875进行了不同施氮量和不同栽插株数的裂区栽培试验。结果表明:施用农家厩肥1000 kg/667m2作基肥,4月5日播种和秧龄50 d的条件下,施纯氮6.9 kg/667m2和栽插1万株苗/667m2的处理产量达681.8 kg/667m2,获得较好结果。并对香优875在高海拔1200~1400 m地区的栽培技术和经济效果进行了讨论。  相似文献   
采用密度泛函法(Density functional theory method,DFT)在6-31G*基组水平上对金丝桃素(Hypericin,4,4′,5,5′,7,7′-六羟基-2,2′M甲基-中位-萘骈二蒽酮,化学式为C30H16O8)的分子结构、轨道能量、电荷布居、红外图谱等进行了研究,并对分子中的不同氢键类型以及光活性的本质特性进行了讨论;同时对部分计算结果与实验数据进行了对比分析.结果表明,金丝桃素易于与生物分子发生作用从而破坏病变分子;理论计算的数据与一些已知的实验数据具有较好的吻合性,说明计算结果有效.  相似文献   
Abstract – Programmes of habitat restoration usually assume that the targeted populations will readily colonise the newly provided habitat. However, this assumption may not always hold, and the success of restoration may be impaired if the individuals are driven to aggregate in areas of the habitat already available instead of spreading to new ones. We investigated how weirs situated along a river could drive Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to aggregate their redds and tested whether aggregation intensified at low fish density. For this, we applied spatial point pattern analysis to a data set consisting on the distribution of salmon redds in a small river over 15 years (1992–2006). Within the habitat suitable for spawning, redds were significantly aggregated, especially in the first 15 morphodynamic units below weirs. Our results suggest that the constraint imposed by obstacles on redd distribution should be considered when conducting habitat restoration.  相似文献   
Abstract – The size of 2-month old trout Salmo trutta parr differed between sites and between years along the River Esva catchment (Asturias, northwestern Spain). Such variation was in a direction opposite to the variation observed in parental size. Parr were smaller in sites where parents grew faster, whereas larger parr occurred in sites where parents grew less. Parr size of six cohorts (1990–1996, except 1995) at 14 sites along the River Esva was inversely related to the growth rate and length of parents and positively related to canopy, egg size, and water temperature. The latter acted similarly on all parr independently of egg size and the site where the egg originated. Covariation patterns among parr size, parental traits, and canopy suggest that a canopy-regulated, growth-determined trade-off between egg size and number, previously described for the Esva trout, also extends to alevin size. In forested, shaded sites, adult trout grew less and spawned fewer larger eggs that resulted in larger alevins, whereas in fully insolated, production-rich sites, trout grew faster and spawned higher numbers of smaller eggs that produced smaller parr. I hypothesize that the phenotypic plasticity illustrated by the environmentally induced trade-off between egg size and number further extended to alevin size may be evolutionarily advantageous because it relates the size of trout alevins to food availability, as predicted by the growth previously experienced by parents. NOTE  相似文献   
南洞庭湖湿地龙虎山次生林林分空间结构研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了优化洞庭湖湿地典型森林类型林分空间结构,充分发挥湿地森林涵养水源、保持水土和调节气候等多项功能,以南洞庭湖湿地龙虎山林场次生林群落为研究对象,依据现代森林生态和森林经理学原理,在现有林分空间结构分析方法的基础上,应用混交度、大小比数分析林分空间结构的树种隔离程度和林木大小分化程度,并提出应用角尺度和空间密度指数在分布角度和林木分布密度上分析林分空间分布格局的新方法,克服了传统研究中用角尺度不能确切反映树木个体之间距离的不足。结果表明:南洞庭湖龙虎山林场次生林林分1、2、3、4的混交度分别为0.29、0.43、0.46、0.16,属于弱度混交与中度混交的过渡类型,树种隔离程度不高,与多次人为干扰有关;平均大小比数分别为0.45、0.43、0.7、0.22,其先锋树种生长优势明显;平均角尺度分别为0.65、0.47、0.53、0.40,平均空间密度指数为0.65,其值分布在[0.485,0.806]的区间,总体分布格局呈均匀分布向随机分布演替的趋势,接近于近自然的随机分布状况。龙虎山林场次生林群落林分空间结构是洞庭湖湿地区域森林生态系统空间结构恢复和近自然经营研究的较理想的森林群落。  相似文献   
以黄土丘陵区2、6、10、15龄旱作枣林(Ziziphus jujube cv.Junzao)为研究对象,采用根钻法,距树干0.5、1、1.5 m处、分层(0.2 m)钻取土样,分析了旱作枣林细根随树龄的变化特征。结果表明:随着枣林树龄增大,枣林细根根长密度增加,比根长减小;2龄枣树细根主要分布于径向1.5 m以内和垂向1.6 m以上,10、15龄枣树细根分布超过径向1.5 m和垂向3 m以上,并在株间形成根系高密度区,6龄枣树细根径向分布范围大于2龄,垂向分布与10龄和15龄接近;不同树龄枣林细根根长密度均随土层深度增加而减小,且主要集中在0~0.6 m土层中;随着树龄增加,细根根长密度径向分布无差异(10、15龄)。研究表明:2、6龄枣林应靠近树干地表处施肥,而理论上成熟期10、15龄枣林可在林内任意位置施肥;同时为防止枣林减产和退化,需增加枣林管理措施以有效降低枣树自身奢侈性耗水和非生产性耗水。  相似文献   
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