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糠醛渣改良土壤增强苕子对盐碱土的适应性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
科学合理的盐碱土改良措施对植物在盐碱土上适应性栽培具有重要的科学意义与应用价值。该研究旨在通过施用糠醛渣探讨盐碱土土壤特性及植物生长适应性栽培研究,为糠醛渣在盐碱土的合理使用提供科学依据。试验按土壤质量为基数确定糠醛渣的用量,试验由添加量0、5%、10%糠醛渣的盐碱土3个处理组成,温室条件下进行盆栽试验。结果表明,施用糠醛渣不仅降低盐碱土pH和含盐量,而且显著提升了土壤微生物多样性Sobs和Shannon指数,降低了simpson指数降低。主要表现在变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)成为优势菌门。施用糠醛渣增加了苕子叶片中叶绿素、可溶性糖含量和脯氨酸含量。显著增强了过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性。施用糠醛渣明显促进苕子生长发育,增加了苕子苗期生物量,5%糠醛渣用量处理改良盐碱土效果较优。研究表明糠醛渣通过改善盐碱土的其理化特性及生物多样性分布,促进苕子的生长发育,研究为糠醛渣在盐碱地土壤改良及植物适应性栽培的合理应用提供了科学依据与参考。  相似文献   
喷药治蚜防病试验中,溴氰菊酯和久效磷对豆蚜(Aphis craccivora)的防效分别达到96.7%和67.1%。两次和三次施用溴氰菊酯的防病效果分别达到84.1%和86.1%,蚕豆产量分别比未施药对照增产17.7%和21.9%。施药也影响蚕豆黄化卷叶病的时间分布型,三次施药小区的病株始终为泊松分布,病害没有再次扩散;未施药小区早春病株就出现负二项分布,越冬前病害已经扩散。豆蚜蚜害率与蚕豆黄化卷叶病发病率密切相关。  相似文献   
The relation between the frequency of legume crops in a rotation and the root rot severity in pea was examined in a field survey. Additionally, greenhouse experiments were performed with soil samples from legume rotation trials or from farmers' fields. The frequency of pea crops in current rotations proved to be much less than the recommended value of one in six years. The correlation between pea root rot and the number of years that pea or other legumes were not grown on the field under consideration (called crop interval) was weak. Root rot severity correlated better with the frequency of peas or legumes in general over a period of 18 years, but the frequency still explained only a minor fraction of the variation in disease index. Some experimental data pointed to the occurrence of a highly specific pathogen microflora with continuous cropping of only one legume species, but this phenomenon probably does not occur in farmers' fields. In field samples, root disease index for pea correlated well with that for field bean. The survival of resting structures of pathogens such asAphanomyces euteiches probably explains why the frequency of legume cropping has a higher impact than crop interval on root disease incidence. Pea-free periods and legume frequencies have a poor predictive value for crop management purposes.  相似文献   
通过对不同播种时期(8月15日、8月30日、9月15日、9月30日、10月15日和10月30日)的光叶紫花苕种子生产进行了比较研究,结果表明:不同播期对生育期影响明显,播种越早的其生育期越长。随着播期推迟,其种子产量先增加后减少,在9月15日播种种子产量最高,达1013.55kg/hm^2,10月30日播种种子产量最低,为292.2kg/hm^2。  相似文献   
Differences in the expression of autofertility and in the evidence of attractiveness to bees were investigated in both autumn-sown and spring-sown faba beans. All six winter stocks and one spring stock expressed very little autofertility, with averages of only 10% of flowers and 7% of ovules fertilized when undisturbed. Three other spring stocks, including a closed-flower population, were moderately autofertile, with 22% of flowers and 17% of ovules fertilized when undisturbed. The remaining two spring stocks, both English cultivars, expressed good autofertility, with 50% of undisturbed flowers and 44% of ovules fertilized. Current levels of autofertility in the winter and closed-flower stocks were inadequate to allow the development of a desirable distribution of pods without substantial bee visitation. If levels of autofertility could be raised simply by selection within populations, then they should have been much higher in these stocks. Therefore, autofertile parents will probably have to be included in programmes for breeding cultivars with improved levels of auto fertility. The closed-flower population received significantly less bee visitation than the other stocks in the spring trial. No variation in attractiveness to bees was found among the open-flowered spring stocks, nor among the winter stocks.  相似文献   
[目的]研究新疆伊犁河水域的不同位点的水质污染程度。[方法]利用蚕豆根尖微核技术对新疆伊犁河水域的30个水样进行动态监测和评价。[结果]各样点MCN%砑,对照组相比差异极显著(P〈0.01),30个水样点中有12个水样点无污染(P,值在0~1.5);10个水样点轻度污染(P,值在1.5~2.0);8个水样点中度以上污染(H值2.0以上)。[结论]新疆伊犁河水质受到不同程度的污染,部分区域中度以上污染,应及时加以治理。  相似文献   
运用蚕豆根尖细胞微核监测技术,以微核千分率为指标,对武汉市某自来水厂的水质进行评估.结果表明,随着暴露时间的延长,各取样点的蚕豆根尖微核千分率显著升高,且与对照组相比具有显著差异.选取暴露32 h的微核千分率计算其污染指数,判定该厂水源水和中间水为中度污染,自来水为轻度污染.因此,该厂作为武汉市饮用水的重要来源,其水质存在一定程度的污染,具有致细胞突变性.  相似文献   
刘勇  王彦荣 《草业科学》2014,8(7):1302-1309
试验研究了温度和土壤水分交互效应对兰箭2号箭筈豌豆(Vicia sativa ‘lanjian No.2’)幼苗生长的影响,确定了其苗期适宜生长温度和需水状况。设定5个土壤含水量(90% FMC、80% FMC、70% FMC、60% FMC、50% FMC,FMC为田间最大持水量),4个生长温度(10、15、20、25 ℃),共20个处理。结果表明,箭筈豌豆在苗期受温度和水分影响作用显著, 80% FMC和90% FMC水分条件均不利于箭筈豌豆幼苗生长,与70% FMC相比,80% FMC和90% FMC时,在10、15、20和25 ℃条件下,箭筈豌豆出苗率和总生物量干质量均显著下降(P0.05)。70% FMC水分条件和20 ℃时箭筈豌豆幼苗生长发育最好,其出苗率最高(96.87%),总生物量干质量最大(3.083 3 g),与其他各处理间差异显著(P0.05)。因此,幼苗出土后,土壤含水量保持在50% FMC~70% FMC,外界环境温度控制在15~20 ℃,对箭筈豌豆幼苗生长最有利。  相似文献   
通过盆栽试验研究了铅锌尾矿污染土壤中施用有机肥、石灰、蛭石和白云石等4种改良剂对光叶紫花苕生长发育、叶绿素及重金属Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn积累特性的影响,并分析了施用改良剂后土壤pH和有效态重金属含量的变化。结果表明,与对照相比,不同改良剂及其不同施用水平均能不同程度地提高土壤pH,显著降低土壤各重金属有效态含量,并显著抑制了Cd、Pb向光叶紫花苕地上部转移,降低了重金属在光叶紫花苕植株地上部的积累,改善了光叶紫花苕的生长和发育,光叶紫花苕株高、地上部鲜重和地下部鲜重、叶绿素含量均有不同程度增加,其中株高和地上部鲜重增加达到显著水平。4种改良剂的不同处理水平对光叶紫花苕地下部重金属含量影响均达显著水平。  相似文献   
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