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Physical and chemical properties, macro‐ and micromorphology, clay mineralogy, and stable‐isotope compositions of paleosols within a pedostratigraphic column (PSC) of early to late Pleistocene age, interstratified paleosols, and loess (NW Caucasus, S Russia) were examined to better understand the evolution of the pedogenic environment over this time period, separating the effects of postpedogenic diagenesis. The column includes eight paleosols and six intercalated loessic horizons. Most of paleosols represent Vertisols or vertic intergrades. Vertic features increase in the middle of the PSC, where the paleosols are more clayey in texture and reddish in color. The morphology of carbonate nodules and soft masses, morphology‐ and depth(age)‐related changes in stable C and O isotope compositions, soil color, redoximorphic features, clay mineralogy, and illuviated clay indicate periods of wetter pedoenvironment in the past and suggest the Pleistocene paleosols are polygenetic and were formed with several wet/dry stages under a climate generally similar to the modern environment in the N Caucasus (mean annual temperature approx. 9°C–12°C). Interpretation of the time sequence of climate/environmental change requires careful separation of pedogenic mineral phases from phases altered by later diagenesis. The early Pleistocene period of paleosol formation appeared to be wetter or more humid, resulting in more significant development of vertic features. The terrestrial ecosystem remained dominated by C3 vegetation throughout the formation of the PSC, with four small periods of change towards a greater proportion of C4 plants or increased moisture stress.  相似文献   
 A study of the effects of different qualities (fresh and composted) and rates (equivalent to 120, 240, and 360 kg N ha–1) of mustard meal application on wheat yields on humid tropical vertisol was started in 1990 at Ginchi Research Station in Ethiopia. After continuous wheat cropping for 7 years and without any further fertilisation, soil microbial parameters (basal respiration, microbial biomass-C and N, organic-C, and ecophysiological quotients) were studied during one growth period. After 7 years of application, mustard meal still exerted a significant positive effect on microbial biomass, basal respiration, organic-C, Cmic : Nmic ratio, and metabolic quotient (qCO2). Organic-C, qCO2 and Cmic : Nmic ratios were higher for the compost-amended plots than plots amended with fresh mustard meal. Basal respiration, Cmic, and Cmic : Nmic ratio showed a clear seasonality, but only in manured plots. The data indicate shifts in microbial community structure (from bacteria to fungi and from r to K strategists) and suggest positive medium-term effects of mustard meal on humid tropical vertisol biological qualities. Received: 25 May 1999  相似文献   
采用田间试验与实验室培育试验研究作物秸秆还田对砂姜黑土理化性质及Cu、Zn、Mn有效性的影响,结果表明,秸秆还田可降低土壤容重,增大土壤总孔隙度,特别是毛管孔隙度显著增加。土壤中胡敏酸和富里酸含量显著增加,胡敏酸含量的增加对提高土壤有机质活性和改善土壤肥力具有良好效应。与单施化肥比较,秸秆配施化肥土壤中交换态锰、锌、铜含量分别增加11%、21%和41%,有机结合态锰、铜分别增加19%和103%。培育试验表明,加入粉碎的作物秸秆培育90d后,土壤中有效锰、有效铜含量分别增加21%和27%。  相似文献   
 The evoluion of NH4 +-N and NO3 -N was monitored during three growing seasons, 1992–1993, 1993–1994, 1994–1995 in the soil profile (0–60 or 0–90 cm) under bare fallow and wheat on a vertisol site of the Sais plateau, Morocco. The aim of this study was to relate the soil mineral N dynamics to crop N uptake and soil N transformation processes. The efficacy of the current N fertilisation rate (100 kg N ha–1) for wheat production in the region was evaluated. The high level of residual mineral N in the soil profile resulted from a low N plant uptake relative to the soil N supply and N fertilisation, and masked the effect of N fertilisation on dry matter accumulation. NH4 +-N was present in considerable amounts, suggesting a low nitrification rate under the given pedo-climatic conditions. An artefact due to the sampling procedure was encountered shortly after the application of N fertiliser. Losses through leaching and denitrification occurred after heavy rainfall, but were limited. At least part of the exchangeable NH4 +-N seemed to be barely taken up by the crop. NO3 -N was therefore considered to be a better indicator of plant-available N than total mineral N for this type of soil. The low N fertiliser use efficiencies demonstrated clearly that the current fertilisation rate (100 kg N ha–1) for wheat production in this region is unsustainable. The maximum N uptake ranged from 40 kg N ha–1 to 180 kg N ha–1. The estimation of the seasonal production potential is considered to be the main prerequisite for the determination of the best rates and timing of N fertiliser application in this region. Received: 9 December 1997  相似文献   
A field study was conducted to assess the effect of N fertilizer application to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), tillage system and crop rotation on total denitrification N losses, N2O and CO2 emissions under Mediterranean conditions in a long-term trial started 18 years ago on a Vertisol soil. The tillage system consisted of conventional tillage vs. no-tillage and the crop rotation system consisted of two different 2-years rotations: wheat–sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) (WS) and wheat–faba bean (Vicia faba L.) (WF). Fertilizer rates were 0 and 100 kg N ha−1 applied to wheat splitted in two amendments of 50 kg N ha−1 each. Two different fertilization systems were studied. In the old fertilized plots system fertilizer had been applied for 18 years since the beginning of the trial, and in the new fertilized plots system fertilizer was applied for the first time when this experiment was started. Measurements were carried out after fertilizer applications.

In the long term, continued fertilizer application produced a higher soil total N content. Nevertheless, no increase in denitrification potential, N2O + N2 production by denitrification, N2O or CO2 emissions was observed either by the recent application of N or by the continued application during 18 years. The soil presented a higher potential to denitrify up to N2 than up to N2O. So, denitrification was probably occurring mainly in the form of N2, while N2O emissions were occurring in a great manner by nitrification, both denitrification and nitrification occurring simultaneously at soil field capacity (60–70%) expressed as water filled pore space (WFPS). Conventional tillage induced an increase in soil total N content and in the potential to denitrify up to N2 with respect to no-tillage. This higher potential was translated into higher N2O + N2 production by denitrification presumably stimulated in the short time by the higher available carbon provided by decomposing roots and by the subsequent creation of soil anaerobic microsites. Contrarily, no effect of tillage was observed on N2O emissions because of being produced in an important manner by nitrification, which does not depend on carbon availability. The wheat–faba bean rotation induced higher soil nitrate contents than the wheat–sunflower, although the effect in the long time was not observed regarding soil total N content. The same as for the fertilizer effect, this increase in nitrate content was not followed by a higher denitrification potential or higher N2O + N2 production by denitrification because of the lack of organic matter, while an increase was observed in N2O emissions.  相似文献   

Summary Damage caused by Rivellia angulata larvae to pigeonpea root nodules at the ICRISAT center in India was greater in the crop grown on Vertisols (up to 86%) compared to that on Alfisols (20%). Attempts to quantify the field effects of nodule damage on growth and yield of pigeonpea in a Vertisol, involving many heavy applications of soil insecticides (aldrin and hexachlorocyclohexane) failed because the insecticides did not control the pest and adversely affected the growth of the pigeonpea and the subsequent crop of sorghum (Sorgorum bicolor L. Moench). The impact of nodule damage on pigeonpea growth, yield and nutrient uptake was successfully studied in greenhouse-grown plants at three N levels. In this pot study, artificial inoculation with Rivellia sp. led to substantial nodule damage (70%). The results of this damage were a significant overall reduction in nodule dry weight (46%), acetylene reduction activity (31%), total leaf area (36%), chlorophyll content of leaves (39%) and shoot dry weight (23%) 68 days after sowing. At maturity, Rivellia sp. infestation caused significant reductions in top dry weight (22%), root and nodule dry weight (27%), seed dry weight (14%), and total N (29%) and P uptake (19%). The problems and prospects of manipulating nodule damage so as to reduce N losses in pigeonpea are discussed.Submitted as JA No. 756 by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)  相似文献   
The mouldboard plough is the standard tillage implement used with animal power in Kenya. Various designs are currently used indiscriminately in varied soil types and conditions of operation. Their draught characteristics and comparative ability to achieve or maintain desired depths of operation under inherent edaphic conditions are unknown. The significance of variation in working speeds, when different species of draught animals are used, is also unknown. This study was therefore aimed at rating the performance of some common ploughs in order to advise farmers on optimisation of their use. Draught and vertical reaction (suction) on a per-tool basis were measured for four ploughs commonly used in the region; the Victory®, the Rumpstad winding-body® and two types of Rumpstad cylindrical-body® ploughs, using an instrumented rig. The experiments were in Pellic Vertisol, Ferralsol and Nitosol soils under two soil moisture conditions. Draught increased significantly with depth for all four ploughs, hence, regulation of tillage depth is paramount to avoidance of drastic fluctuations. Similarly, vertical reaction increased with depth of ploughing, which implies a more stable operation, hence, when draught can be sustained over an acceptable work duration, it is desirable to set the ploughs to work deeply. Significant speed–depth interactions were also recorded, and these imply that speed is important when operating depth is stochastic as is the case in the dynamics of these ploughs. Overall, the Victory plough had the lowest draught requirement (0.32–1.02 kN) under dry and moist soil conditions, hence, was the best option for use in areas represented by the three soil types in Kenya. Soil-type had a significant effect on mean draught and vertical reaction in the order (Draught, Vertical reaction); Vertisol (1.65 kN, 0.70 kN) > Ferralsol (0.66 kN, 0.44 kN) > Nitosol (0.64 kN, 0.01 kN), and Ferralsol (1.17 kN, 0.71) > Vertisol (1.09 kN, 0.23 kN) > Nitosol (0.49 kN, 0.11 kN) under moist and dry conditions, respectively. These results suggest that the duration of continuous work periods with draught animals should be based on soil-type.  相似文献   
A study was conducted for comparative evaluation of atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) for determining extractable zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and iron (Fe) in sixty diverse soil samples having a wide range in pH and organic carbon (C). The results were significantly affected by the method of analysis and soil type but generally did not follow a definite trend. Results for extractable Fe in Alfisol samples were significantly greater when using ICP-OES than AAS; and the results for Zn, Cu, and Mn were not significantly different for the two methods. For Vertisol samples, the results for extractable Cu were significantly greater by ICP-OES than by AAS, whereas extractable Fe and Zn were significantly greater by AAS than by ICP-OES, and the results for Mn were not significantly different for the two methods. The results are discussed relative to soil type and differences in soil organic carbon and pH of the samples used in the study.  相似文献   
Zinc (Zn) deficiency in soils and field crops is widespread across the world, including India, resulting in severe reduction in yield. Hence, soil application of Zn fertilizers is recommended for ameliorating Zn deficiency in soil and for obtaining higher crop yield and better crop quality. Zinc sulfate is commonly used Zn fertilizer in India because of its solubility and less cost. However, good quality and adequate quantity of zinc sulfate is not available in the market round the year for farmers' use. Field experiments were therefore conducted during rainy season of 2010 and 2011 at research farm of Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal, India to assess the influence of Zn application through zinc sulfate monohydrate (33% Zn), zinc polyphosphate (21% Zn) and Zn ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) (12% Zn) on yield and micronutrient concentration and uptake by maize (Zea mays L.). In both the years, grain and vegetative tissue (stover) yield of maize increased significantly with successive application of Zn up to 1 kg ha?1 added through zinc sulfate monohydrate and zinc polyphosphate. Addition of 2.5 kg Zn ha?1 did not increase yield further but resulted in highest stover Zn concentration. Zinc, copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and iron (Fe) concentration in maize grain varied from 22.2 to 27.6, 1.6 to 2.5, 3.5 to 4.7 and 19.9 to 24.5 mg kg?1 respectively in both the years. Maize stover had 25.9 to 36.2, 7.9 to 9.8, 36.7 to 44.9 and 174 to 212 mg kg?1 Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe, respectively. Zinc application did not influence Cu, Mn and Fe concentration in both grain and stover of maize. Transfer coefficients (TCs) of micronutrients varied from 0.72 to 0.95, 0.18 to 0.30, 0.08 to 0.13 and 0.10 to 0.15 for Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe respectively. Total Zn uptake significantly increased with Zn application from 0.5 to 2.5 kg ha?1 supplied through zinc sulfate monohydrate and zinc polyphosphate. Recovery efficiency of Zn declined with increased Zn rates.  相似文献   
淮北砂姜黑土上连续三年的试验结果表明,施用氯化钾肥可提高油菜籽粒产量和含油率,但对油菜籽粒蛋白质含量影响不明显。施用氯化钾肥提高了油菜中期茎叶氯、钾离子浓度及成熟期茎叶和籽粒的钾离子浓度,同时增加了油菜对N、P、K养分的吸收总量。对于中等钾含量水平的土壤,施钾(K2O)80kghm-2难以维持土壤钾素养分平衡,当其用量达到160kghm-2以上时,基本能满足作物高产对钾素的需求,并且土壤速效钾含量水平缓慢提高。  相似文献   
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