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植物LEA蛋白与Lea基因表达   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
LEA蛋白与Lea基因是当前植物胚胎学以及逆境生理学研究的热点之一.本文主要介绍植物LEA蛋白的性质、类型、结构、功能以及Lea基因表达的相关研究进展,并初步分析了其广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   
The population of the freshwater animal was declined day by day due to the degradation of habitat and use of illegal fishing methods, which cause a great threat to these aquatic animals. The main purpose of this study was to scrutinize the wild population and fecundity of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium assamense peninsulare in Rawasan stream to assess the health status of prawn. Fecundity was estimated by a random sampling of prawn from five selected sites of Rawasan stream. A wild collection of a total of 35 ovigerous females was collected for an interval of 2 years (August 2013–July 2015) from May to September month, that is breeding session. The maximum number of eggs was 102 eggs in an individual having 52 mm total length and 2.66 g body weight. It was concluded that fecundity of Macrobrachium assamense peninsulare was low, and egg dimension was larger than other closely related species of freshwater prawn. Fecundity of Macrobrachium assamense peninsulare showed a positive relationship with a total weight (R2 = .71) and moderate with the total length (R2 = .38). A strong correlation exists between egg mass and total weight, and between egg mass and total length of female (R2 = .849 and R2 = .77 at p < .05) respectively. The numbers of eggs, that is fecundity, in a female were increased with the body growth of an individual, which results in a linear graph.  相似文献   
斑马鱼(Danio rerio)早期胚胎发育囊胚时期是胚胎发育过程的关键时期,利用i TRAQ蛋白质质谱分析技术,检测斑马鱼早期胚胎发育过程中囊胚sphere时期的蛋白质表达情况,并分析该时期表达的蛋白质的相应功能和参与调控的生物过程。以野生型斑马鱼发育至sphere时期即4 hpf的胚胎为样本,利用i TRAQ标记与LC-MS/MS串联质谱技术,结合数据库比对,对该时期表达的蛋白质进行定性和定量的鉴定分析。检测结果共鉴定到的总蛋白数为1 178个,利用生物信息学进行功能分析,发现这些蛋白广泛参与了细胞信号传递、细胞运动和细胞骨架构建、细胞增殖、细胞分化、物质合成与代谢等各项重要的生命活动过程。研究表明,利用i TRAQ标记的方法可以对4hpf时期的斑马鱼胚胎中的蛋白质进行有效的分离和鉴定,并初步建立了斑马鱼早期发育关键阶段sphere时期的蛋白质组表达图谱,以期为斑马鱼胚胎发育过程中蛋白质组学和调控机制的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
Ambient temperature during early stages of life has a substantial effect on physiological processes, eliciting phenotypic plasticity during zebrafish developmental stages. Zebrafish are known to possess a noteworthy ability to modify their phenotype in dependence of environmental factors. However, there is a poor understanding of the effects of temperature during embryogenesis, which influences the biological functions such as survival ability and masculinization in later developmental stages. Since the middle embryonic phase (pharyngula period) is genetically the most conserved stage in embryogenesis, it is very susceptible to embryonic lethality in developmental processes of vertebrates. Here, we tested the effect of transient perturbations (heat shock) during early development (5–24 hr post‐fertilization; hpf) at 35°C compared to control group at 28°C, on survival ability of zebrafish to study the embryonic and post‐embryonic mortality. We studied the variation of heat‐induced masculinization among and across the families in response to high temperature. Furthermore, morphometric traits of adult zebrafish at different developmental time points were measured in order to estimate the temperature × sex interaction effect. We found the highest embryonic mortality around the gastrula and segmentation periods in both experimental groups, with significantly lower survival ability in the temperature‐treated group (73.30% ± 0.58% vs. 70.19% ± 0.57%, respectively). A higher hatching success was observed in the control group (71.08% ± 0.61%) compared to the heat‐induced group (67.95% ± 0.60%). A distinct reduction in survival ability was also observed in both experimental groups during the first two weeks after hatching, followed by a reduced level of changes thereafter. We found sex ratio imbalances across all families, with 25.2% more males under temperature treatment. Our study on growth performance has shown a positive effect of increased temperature on growth plasticity, with a greater impact on female fish in response to high ambient temperature.  相似文献   
【目的】明确适合湿地松Pinus elliottii及其杂交种的体细胞胚胎发生条件,建立体胚成熟萌发的技术。【方法】以2016年6月采集的2个湿地松家系(EE1,EE2)、2个湿地松杂交种家系(EC,EH)的未成熟合子胚(含胚乳)为材料,从诱导、增殖、成熟到萌发配制3个系列培养基,比较外植体采集时间、家系、基本培养基对胚性愈伤组织诱导的影响。用显微镜进行胚性愈伤组织鉴别后,进一步挑选诱导形成的胚性愈伤组织进行增殖、成熟、萌发,最终获得再生植株。【结果】湿地松及其杂交种合子胚的发育进程可划分为8个阶段,阶段Ⅱ、Ⅲ为未成熟胚,适合体胚发生,EC最早出现阶段Ⅲ合子胚。外植体诱导产生具有胚性胚柄团(ESM)结构的胚性愈伤组织,可进一步增殖。诱导培养基对愈伤组织形成及胚性愈伤组织占比具有较大影响,3种诱导培养基(T1、T2和T3)产生愈伤组织效率最高的为T1培养基(49.0%),胚性愈伤组织所占愈伤组织的比例最高为T2培养基(22.4%)。培养基配方的诱导率存在基因型间的差异,T1培养基整体诱导率低;T2培养基对家系EE1诱导率最高,为5.82%;T3培养基对参试材料均能诱导成功,且平均诱导率最高,为3.75%。随采样时间延后,家系EE1、EH的体胚诱导率逐渐增加,家系EE2、EC的体胚诱导率则随采样时间延后逐渐降低。体胚诱导率与合子发育阶段结果基本一致,阶段Ⅲ合子胚均出现较晚,前期诱导率低。胚性愈伤组织继代24次以后,胚活性逐渐降低。成熟培养基T1S和T3S可完成胚的成熟,平均每克成熟培养基分别成熟23.3和15.9个子叶胚,萌发率为32.1%,移栽保存率为47.8%。【结论】诱导培养基T3对参试家系均能诱导成功,T3具有较广泛适用性,各家系在阶段Ⅲ合子胚出现时表现出较大的诱导率,阶段Ⅲ合子胚可能为体细胞胚发生的最佳诱导阶段。建立了湿地松及其杂种体细胞胚发生方法并形成了再生植株。  相似文献   
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The level of artificial electromagnetic field (EMF) has steadily increased with the development of human civilization. The developing chicken embryo has been considered a good model to study the effects of EMF on living organisms. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of a 1800 MHz electromagnetic field during embryogenesis on the frequency of chick embryo malformations, morphometric parameters of the heart and liver and concentration of corticosterone in blood plasma, lipid and glycogen content in the liver of newly hatched chicks. A 1800 MHz EMF was found to shorten the duration of embryogenesis (earlier pipping and hatching of chicks) while having no effect on the quantity and quality of chicks and on increasing the incidence of embryo malformations. Exposure of chick embryos to EMF caused decreases in relative heart weight and right ventricle wall thickness. The pipping and hatching of chicks can be accelerated by stressful impact of EMF, which is confirmed by a significant increase in plasma corticosterone concentrations and decrease in fat and glycogen in the liver of chicks exposed during embryogenesis on the electromagnetic field with a frequency of 1800 MHz.  相似文献   
小孢子培养获得松花型花椰菜DH再生植株   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对5个松花型花椰菜(Brassica oleraceavar.botrytisL.)杂种一代的小孢子培养研究表明,小孢子胎胚发生主要依赖于基因型,庆农65天的每花蕾胚状体产量最高,平均达15.5个。松花菜的胚状体萌发率一般在30%左右,并有效地获得了大量的DH再生植株。冷激预处理能显著地影响花椰菜小孢子的胚胎发生,但供体材料间存在不同的结果。结球期和开花结角期再生植株的生育期与育性出现较大分离,可育且能正常结角的比例约占全部小孢子再生植株的50%以上,因而不再需要加倍处理。  相似文献   
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