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Five types of aquatic food industry waste products (carp offal, carp roe, fish frames, trout offal and surimi processing waste) together with fish meal were evaluated for their suitability as potential fish meal replacements, partially or wholly, in diets for three species (rainbow trout, Murray cod and shortfin eel) cultured in Australia, using a number of criteria.

The proximate composition of the ingredients on a dry matter basis including protein content, lipid and ash, varied considerably. The essential amino acid (EAA) contents of the waste products and fish meal decreased in the order: carp roe > fish meal > carp offal > ‘surimi’ processing waste > fish frames > trout offal. The results of cluster analysis of A/E ratios of waste products and fish whole body fell within three clusters. The EAAI of whole body tissue of Murray cod, rainbow trout and Australian shortfin eel however, were closest to fish meal, followed by fish frame waste and/or ‘surimi’ waste. The results on A/E ratios and EAAI did not conform to the raw data on TAA and EAA. Therefore, the study emphasizes the need to have a multi-prong approach to determine the suitability of ingredients for incorporation into fish feeds.  相似文献   
采用金华猪场1979~1999年金华猪的繁殖性能生产记录,测定了2355头金华母猪(纯繁)和金华猪(K)与约克夏(Y)、长白(L)、杜洛克(D)、汉普夏(H)杂交后代的繁殖性状。综合考虑各性状的各种固定效应,并建立各性状的固定效应模型,对其进行方差分析,计算各性状的最小二乘均数(LSM),对影响较大的固定效应在各观察水平上的LSM进行分析与比较。固定效应分析结果表明:品种、胎次、季节、年份对产活仔数、60日龄头数的影响极显著(P<0.01)。而产仔数受胎次、季节、年份的影响极显著(P<0.01)。金华猪纯繁组以及LK×D、K×L杂交组的产仔数、产活仔数较高,K×L、K×Y杂交组合的60日龄头数较高。而其他外来品种之间杂交组合的繁殖性状显著低(P<0.01)。说明金华猪具有高产的优良特性。金华猪产仔数、产活仔数随胎次逐渐递增,6~7胎达到高峰。金华猪夏季产仔数最高为15.72±1.66,显著高于秋、春、冬(P<0.01)。产活仔数春、夏、秋季无差异(P>0.05),但高于冬季(P<0.05)。1982~1987年间金华猪无论是产仔数还是产活仔数整体都维持较高的水平。  相似文献   
渔业互助保险自1994年在我国开展以来已经走过了15个年头,显示了极强的生命力,但业界有关渔业互助保险方面的研究比较少见。文章通过对浙江沿海主要渔区的调查,从实证层面反映渔业生产风险情况和渔民对渔业互助保险的基本态度,为进一步研究渔业互助保险运作机理提供基础材料。  相似文献   
超声提取茶树菇可溶性糖的影响因素及优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过单因素和正交试验方法探讨了提取温度和时间及超声波输入功率对茶树菇可溶性糖提取量的影响.结果表明:在同一原料粒度、相同料水比的条件下,温度和时间对提取量的影响较大,提取量随超声波输入功率的增大而提高.超声提取茶树菇可溶性糖的最佳工艺条件为:提取温度65℃,提取时间35 m in,超声波输入功率100 W.  相似文献   
辽东湾北部近海海域表层沉积物类型及分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2004年采自辽东湾北部近海海域的16个表层沉积物样品作了粒度分析和粒度参数计算,并进行了沉积物分类和分布特征的研究,结果表明,辽东湾北部近海的表层沉积物粒度主要由粉砂组成,平均含量65.15%,平均粒径5.031。总的特征是在5~10 m等深线,沉积物粒度的平均粒径由东部的4.530、中部的5.050逐渐增大到西部的6.236。沉积物粒度的组成类型由东向西按粉砂质砂→砂质粉砂→粉砂→砂-粉砂-黏土→黏土质粉砂由粗至细排列。  相似文献   
Four isonitrogenous (30% crude protein) and isocaloric (4.40 kcal/g) experimental diets were formulated to contain 0.0% (control), 0.5%, 1.0%, or 1.5% cinnamon. The diet containing 1% cinnamon resulted in significantly greater (P < 0.05) specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed efficiency ratio (FER), protein efficiency ratio (PER), apparent protein utilization (APU), and energy utilization (EU). In regard to body composition, there was no significant difference in dry matter, protein, lipids, and ash (P > 0.05) contents due to cinnamon supplementation. Blood plasma profile showed an improvement in hemoglobin (HB), red blood cell (RBCS), hematocrite (PCV), total protein, and total lipids, while there was a decrease in creatinin, urea, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and glucose in fish fed 1% cinnamon. Cinnamon was found to have an antibacterial activity antagonistic to Aeromonas hydrophila infection in fish. Performance and FCR improvement translated into a 10% decrease in feed costs associated with the 1% cinnamon diet.  相似文献   
太阳辐射是利用FAO推荐的Penman-Monteith(PM)公式计算参考作物需水量(ET_0)的必要参数。为了探究PM公式在辐射数据缺失的条件下,利用FAO推荐的公式及参数获得太阳辐射值(R_(s_c))替代观测值(R_(s_o))在中国大陆地区的适用性,本研究选用了中国大陆112个站点至少15 a的多年月平均观测数据,通过逐点计算分析了R_(s_c)和R_(s_o)的时空差异及二者分别输入PM公式获得的参考作物需水量ET_(0_c)和ET_(0_o)的时空差异。结果表明,R_(s_c)与R_(s_o)存在显著的时空差异性,二者相对差值范围为-2.86~4.41 MJ·m~(-2)·d~(-1),且在4—8月份差异较大;大致以"胡焕庸线"为界,线西北区域R_(s_c)与R_(s_o)的时空差异相对较小,且稳定,线东南区域的时空差异较大,且不稳定。但是,基于二者计算的ET_(0_c)和ET_(0_o)时空差异却不显著,平均只有0.06~0.26 mm·d~(-1)的误差;"胡焕庸线"西北地区的ET_(0_c)和ET_(0_o)绝对差值常年稳定在0.00~0.25 mm·d~(-1),"胡焕庸线"线东南地区则随季节而变化,夏季差异相对较大。在实际的应用中,西北地区全年和北方地区春、秋、冬三季以及长江、珠江流域所覆盖的南方地区在1、2、10、11、12月使用R_(s_c)替代R_(s_o)获得ET_0具有较好的适用性,北方地区的夏季、南方地区的3—9月份使用R_(s_c)计算ET_0则必须研究相应的方法对结果进行矫正,否则会有误差,且偏大。  相似文献   
小熊猫源犬瘟热病毒全基因序列的克隆及序列分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究对军事兽医研究所病毒二室分离驯化后的小熊猫源犬瘟热病毒(canine distemper virus,CDV)基因组进行全序列测定,并对其基因组特征及H基因遗传稳定性进行比较分析。根据GenBank公布的犬瘟热病毒全长基因组序列设计合成17对特异性引物,以小熊猫源犬瘟热病毒总RNA为模板,RT-PCR进行分段扩增,并克隆到pEASY-Blunt Simple载体中,经测序、拼接获得全长cDNA序列。结果显示,小熊猫源犬瘟热病毒全基因序列与GenBank登录号分别为AF014953、AY445077、AY542312、AY466011、AY386316、AF164967、EU716337、EU726268、AY443350、AB474397、GU138403和AY649446的12个不同毒株全基因序列的同源性分别为86.6%、92.4%、92.5%、92.5%、94.3%、96.3%、95.9%、87.1%、94.5%、92.3%、87.4%和94.6%,与标准强毒株A75/17株(AF164967)的亲缘关系最近,全基因同源性达96.3%,但与疫苗株Onderstepoort(AF014953)亲缘关系相对较远,同源性为86.6%。小熊猫源犬瘟热病毒H基因与其他不同地区具有代表性的30株CDV进化树分析显示,小熊猫源犬瘟热病毒属于Asia Ⅰ型,H蛋白中309-311位氨基酸残基所形成的潜在糖基化位点,为疫苗株没有而野毒株所共有的,并且可能与病毒的免疫原性有关。因此,致弱的小熊猫源CDV在预防免疫的针对性上可能强于已有的疫苗株。  相似文献   
大黄鱼苗淀粉卵涡鞭虫病的诊断及防治方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何祥楷 《福建水产》2013,(6):475-479
淀粉卵涡鞭虫是大黄鱼苗种培育危害最大的寄生虫之一.本文对大黄鱼苗淀粉卵涡鞭虫病发生的临床症状和防控方法进行了研究,除常规防治方法外,利用双氧水与高锰酸钾合用也可起到杀灭虫体,减少寄生数量的效果.同时,本文分析和比较了发生寄生虫病的育苗池水与正常池水的水质理化因子,为有效诊断和防治大黄鱼苗淀粉卵涡鞭虫病提供基础材料.  相似文献   
The objective quality indices of squid (Photololigo duvaucelii) and cuttlefish (Sepia aculeata) stored in ice were compared with the subjective counterparts. Sensory (overall quality rating, quality index method [QIM], and multisample difference test), microbiological (total viable count [TVC], psychrophilic count), chemical (trichloroacetic acid-soluble peptide [TCA-soluble peptide], trimethylamine nitrogen [TMA-N], total volatile bases nitrogen [TVB-N], ammonia content, and protein pattern), and physical analyses (expressible drip, color, and texture) were determined in both species during 16 days of iced storage. As storage time increased, TCA-soluble peptide, TVB, ammonia content, and expressible drip were increased (p < 0.05). TMA content was markedly increased after 10 and 8 days of storage in squid and cuttlefish, respectively. Both TVC and psychrophilic count increased as the storage time increased (p < 0.01). Myosin heavy chain was degraded with coincidental decrease in shear force and sensory texture during storage (p < 0.05). According to the overall rating score, shelf life of both species in ice was estimated to be 6 days. The increases in ammonia content and expressible drip were highly correlated with the decrease in overall quality rating and increase in quality index score of squid and cuttlefish (p < 0.01).  相似文献   
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