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为了观察3种治疗方法治疗犬传染性肝炎的疗效并进行对比,选出较好的治疗方案,以提高犬传染性肝炎的治愈率。本研究选宠物医院确诊为犬传染性肝炎的病犬60只,将患犬随机分4组,分别采用茵陈篙汤加味配合西药、单用茵陈篙汤加味、单用西药的治疗方法,并设对照组。结果显示,茵陈篙汤加味配合西药组的治愈率86.67%;茵陈篙汤加味组治愈率73.33%;西药组治愈率66.67%;对照组治愈率为0。试验表明,采用茵陈篙汤加味配合西药治疗犬传染性肝炎的疗效高于其他两种方法,为临床治疗该病提供了确实可行的治疗方法。  相似文献   
甘甜2号是以09G25为母本,以09G05为父本配制而成的薄皮甜瓜一代杂种,中熟,全生育期95 d(天)左右,植株生长势强。果实发育期30 d(天)左右,果实梨形,果面光滑细腻,果皮白色,完熟时果面会出现黄晕,单果质量350g左右。果肉白色,肉厚2.0 cm,果实中心可溶性固形物含量12.0%~14.0%,松脆爽口。易坐果,耐贮运性好,每667 m~2产量2 000~2 450 kg。田间抗白粉病和霜霉病能力强于对照千玉200。适于甘肃省日光温室和大棚栽培。  相似文献   
以东方百合索蚌(Sorbonne)的鳞片为试材,采用Hoaglang与Amon 1938年提出的营养液配方Y1(N:P:K=15:1:6)和对照(CK)去离子水处理,研究了小子球分生、新根和新叶产生动态.结果表明,小子球分生大多在鳞片愈伤组织腹内侧1~2 mm处,呈线状规律排列,愈伤组织(伤口)与腹背产生较少,仅占1%左右;营养液和对照两种培养方法,子球的分化期都集中在破球扦插后的3~4周,以后子球的数量不再增加;营养液无土扦插较对照去离子水培养,子球产生高46.74%,差异极显著;新根的分化集中在破球前1~4周,但破球后的生长期内仍有新根产生;新根产生较对照高35.69%,差异极显著.营养液培养下,子球分生较新根早,而对照根的发生则先于小子球,但新叶产生较早,比对照提早2周,差异显著.  相似文献   
东方百合鳞片组织培养研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以鳞片为外植体,研究了7个东方百合品种的组织培养方法。结果表明,东方百合不同品种之间鳞片不定芽的分化率以及单个外植体上再分化不定芽的数量存在显著差异,以西伯利亚最高,分化率为68.04%,瑞塔较低,仅为12.96%,索蚌最差。不同部位鳞片不定芽的分化率也存在显著差异,分化能力由大到小依次为中层、外层、内层。适宜东方百合鳞片不定芽分化和增殖的最适培养基为MS+6-BA0.50mg/L+NAA0.05mg/L,不定芽生根最适培养基为1/2MS+NAA0.20mg/L。  相似文献   
种植密度对东方百合“西伯利亚”生长及切花品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究不同种植密度对东方百合"西伯利亚"生长及切花品质的影响,试验选用周径16~18 cm的东方百合"西伯利亚"为试材,分别设32株·m2(处理A)、44株·m-2(处理B)、52株·m-2(处理C)3个种植密度处理.结果表明,不同种植密度下的东方百合"西伯利亚"生长发育进程的总体趋势基本一致,种植密度对东方百合"西伯利亚"生长发育进程的影响主要出现在植株生长发育的中后期,但处理间的差异不显著;种植密度对东方百合"西伯利亚"的生物学性状具有一定影响,其中处理A的叶片数、比叶重、基根均长以及茎根均长都显著高于处理C;种植密度对东方百合"西伯利亚"的干物质积累和分配存在一定影响,除了切花产量之外,不同种植密度下的东方百合"西伯利亚"的其他切花品质指标虽然存在一定差异,但均不显著.因此,适当密植不仅对东方百合"西伯利亚"的生长和切花品质不会造成较大的影响,而且还可以有效地利用各种资源,增加单位面积的切花产量,进而提高切花生产企业的经济效益.  相似文献   
利用性诱剂防治梨小食心虫的研究试验   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用性诱剂对梨小食心虫进行防治研究,结果表明,梨小食心虫在晋中地区1年发生4代,可在成虫高峰期进行化学防治;15个/hm2诱盆用于梨小食心虫大量诱捕试验中,可在72d内平均每盆诱虫900头;1050,750个/hm2诱芯的迷向处理迷向率极显著,迷向率分别为97.43%和81.83%,防治效果为74.72%和56.43%。并对梨小食心虫性诱剂的应用提出了几点建议。  相似文献   
东方白鹳国内圈养种群的统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马珺 《野生动物》2011,32(5):273-276
应用种群管理软件SPARKS 1.5及PM 2000 v1.214对东方白鹳的国内圈养种群进行统计分析。在有记录的36 a人工圈养的历史中,野外捕获个体在1975~1999年间是构成圈养种群的主要部分,自1984年首个圈养个体出生后,圈养出生个体数量以年平均增长率15.10%速度增长,至2000年取代野外捕获个体数量,成为目前种群发展的主要力量。截至2009年12月31日,我国共有61家动物园或机构圈养了375只东方白鹳个体。种群周期增长率λ=1.0311,性别比例为雄性:雌性=0.927 8,现有种群中能够繁殖的个体共25只(雄性13只,雌性12只);种群遗传多样性指标GD=95.44%,平均近亲系数F=0.031 6。为了保证东方白鹳国内圈养种群的自我维持,促进种群的健康发展,建议开展未知性别个体的性别鉴定工作、建立种群发展规划并进行合理的宏观调控。  相似文献   

Responses of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) to chloride vary according to tobacco types, cultivars, and methods of fertilization, cultivation, and harvesting used. Until now, research has focused on types other than Oriental. In this work, the effect of chloride concentration (10 to 80 mg L?1) in irrigation water on growth and agronomic and chemical characteristics of Oriental tobacco was evaluated with a three-year (1999–2001) outdoor pot experiment. Whether Oriental tobacco cultivars, aromatic and neutral, respond differently to chloride was also investigated. The results showed that the influence of chloride on growth-development and total cured leaves yield on Oriental tobacco was inconsistent and substantial only in neutral cultivars. The increased cured leaves yield in neutral cultivars with 50 mg Cl L?1 was attributed mainly to the increased size of leaves. Leaf chloride concentration increased linearly with the increase of chloride level in irrigation water, but the leaf chloride concentration and the rate of linear increase were highest in the upper leaves of the plant, and decreased gradually from the upper to the lower leaves. Generally, the optimum chloride level in irrigation water was found to be below 20 mg L?1, whereas the 40 mg L?1 level was the critical upper threshold to avoid adverse effects on Oriental tobacco. The six cultivars showed different accumulation rates of chloride in leaves, and these rates were affected differently by the increased chloride in water. The changes in chemical characteristics examined concerning cured-leaf product quality were minor. The results indicate that one may choose among cultivars, either aromatic or neutral, in order to limit the adverse effects of irrigation with water containing increased chloride concentration.  相似文献   
用引诱剂甲基丁香酚、4-(P-醋酸基-苯基)2-丁酮(简称Cuelure)与这两种药的混合剂(简称Islon)对柑桔小实蝇和瓜实蝇(雄虫)进行诱捕试验,结果表明,国产与日本产的这两种引诱剂的效果无明显差异,日产的甲基丁香酚药效持久性稍长于国产的;cuelure与Islon对瓜实蝇的诱捕效果无明显差异;甲基丁香酚对柑秸小实蝇的诱捕效果稍高于Islon剂。推荐用Islon作检疫或监测实蝇的引诱剂。本文还对柑桔小实蝇和瓜实蝇的虫口变动与寄主之间的关系进行了观察。  相似文献   
A foliar nematode, Litylenchus crenatae ssp. mccannii, is associated with beech leaf disease (BLD) symptoms. Information about the types of tissues parasitized and how nematode populations fluctuate in these tissues over time is needed to improve surveys as well as understand the nematodes role in BLD. During this study, the nematode was detected throughout the known range of BLD by researchers at both Canadian and US institutions using a modified pan method to extract nematodes. Monthly collections of symptomatic and asymptomatic leaves during the growing season (May–October), and leaves and buds between growing seasons (November–March), revealed that nematodes were present in all tissue types. Progressively larger numbers of nematodes were detected in symptomatic leaves from Ohio and Ontario, with the greatest detections at the end of the growing season. Smaller numbers of nematodes were detected in asymptomatic leaves from BLD‐infected trees, typically at the end of the growing season. The nematode was detected overwintering in buds and detached leaves. The discovery of small numbers of nematodes in detached leaves at one location before BLD was detected indicates that nematodes may have been present before disease symptoms were expressed. Other nematodes, Plectus and Aphelenchoides spp., were infrequently detected in small numbers. Our findings support the involvement of the nematode in BLD and indicate that symptoms develop only when certain requirements, such as infection of buds, are met. We also found that the nematode can be reliably detected in buds and leaves using the modified pan extraction method.  相似文献   
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