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王则宇  崔向新  蒙仲举  党晓宏  王健  葛楠 《土壤》2018,50(4):819-825
结合锡林河流域风水侵蚀情况,对锡林河流域围封天然草地、放牧草地、封育种植草地表层(0~5 cm)土壤粒度特征及其与风蚀、水蚀关系进行研究,结果表明:封育种植草地较放牧和天然草地在降低土壤风蚀和水蚀方面均起到了较明显的作用;锡林河流域草地表层土壤粒度组成以砂粒为主,其所占比例为75%~82%,放牧草地较天然草地及封育种植草地土壤粒度粗化明显,封育种植草地中蒙古冰草+草木樨草地土壤颗粒分选性较差,其余草地土壤颗粒分选性均为中等;研究区内粒径在160μm左右土壤颗粒为易受侵蚀土壤颗粒;研究区土壤粒度组成特征与风蚀、水蚀均有明显相关性,尤其与近地面20 cm风速和径流产流总量联系最为密切。  相似文献   
在野外模拟降雨条件下,研究了黄土粒度分布和微结构在降雨前后的变化及其对泥流启动的影响.结果表明,采自径流沉积物的降雨后土样中的细黏粒、粗黏粒体积含量分别相对增加了22%和18%,而粗粉粒、微砂体积含量分别相对减少了7.6%和3.3%.坡面残余土的粒度“粗化”,降雨后土骨架连接松散,这些由降雨引起的黄土的粒度和微结构变化说明降雨后黄土的抗剪强度和抗压能力将降低,导致泥流启动的可能性增加.随着降雨入渗,当沿坡面的黄土重力分力与抗剪强度间的平衡被打破,黄土开始滑移并发展成泥流.有效防止坡面土粒度“粗化”是遏制水土流失的关键.  相似文献   
东柳沟流域表土粒度分布特征及可风蚀性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
区域表土粒度分布特征可反映该区环境特征,研究风水复合侵蚀区小流域内部表土粒度分布特征,可为探究风水两相侵蚀作用机理提供一定的理论依据。通过野外表土空间采样和室内测定,对地处风水复合侵蚀区的东柳沟流域的表土粒度分布特征及其可风蚀性进行研究,结果表明:东柳沟流域各种土地利用类型的表土粒径主要为细砂粒(50~250μm),体积分数为56.59%~86.65%,属于风沙土。流域不同土地利用类型表土粒度性质存在显著差异,草地、农地、灌木地的平均粒径(Mz)分别为77.60,81.66,87.85μm,颗粒级配较细,而沙地、河道的Mz分别为126.36,151.80μm,颗粒级配较粗;流域表土粒径大部分表现出正偏和窄峰,颗粒分布较集中。从流域上游到中游,表土粒度表现出明显的粗化现象,具体表现为:除河道外,上游各土地利用类型表土的Mz均显著小于中下游(P0.05)。而在流域中游,除草地、河道之外,其他土地利用类型的Mz与沙地之间没有显著性差异。对流域表土的可风蚀性颗粒分析结果表明,自上游到中游的各土地利用类型的易风蚀颗粒含量显著增加,草地、农地、灌木、河道分别增加了44.4%,54.23%,48.84%,33.76%。结论表明,流域中游是表土粒度分布最复杂、风蚀作用最强烈的区域,同时也是风蚀与水蚀叠加作用最为频繁的区域。  相似文献   
中国5种典型土壤的侵蚀泥沙粒径分布特征   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
通过天然降雨试验,研究我国5种典型土壤的侵蚀泥沙团粒和单粒粒径分布以及泥沙各级团粒的机械组成特征。2013—2014年汛期(6—9月),监测红壤、紫色土、黄绵土、褐土和黑土径流小区的降雨产流事件,收集侵蚀泥沙样品,利用湿筛法和吸管法测定其团粒和单粒粒径分布;同时,筛选出泥沙各级团粒样品,进一步测定其单粒粒径组成。结果表明:(1)侵蚀泥沙粒径分布是土壤质地和降雨强度综合作用的结果,团粒粒径分布更适合作为表征泥沙输移的指标;(2)5种土壤的侵蚀泥沙皆表现出粉团(0.002~0.05mm)和黏团(0.002mm)的明显富集;(3)在泥沙单粒粒径分布方面,除红壤的粉粒(0.002~0.05mm)和黏粒(0.002mm)有轻微富集外,其余4种土壤的各级单粒均无明显富集;(4)红壤侵蚀泥沙粉团(0.002~0.05mm)中的黏粒含量最多,其余4种土壤侵蚀泥沙机械组成和各级团粒的机械组成均与原土接近。  相似文献   
为了准确评价乳的稳定性和加工性能,探讨不同前处理条件对动态光散射检测酪蛋白胶束粒径的影响,研究了稀释液的种类(超纯水、钙咪唑缓冲液、模拟牛乳超滤液和牛乳超滤液)、稀释液温(4和25℃)和稀释液的放置时间(0~48 h)对脱脂乳中酪蛋白胶束粒径的动态光散射测试结果的影响,并将酪蛋白胶束粒径的动态光散射测试结果与冷冻透射电镜图像中测得的真实结果进行比较。研究发现以超纯水和钙咪唑缓冲液作为脱脂乳稀释液时,部分胶束发生解离,影响测试结果;采用牛乳超滤液及模拟牛乳超滤液作为稀释液时,胶束的微环境没有改变,反映了胶束的真实粒径及分布;放置24 h后,牛乳超滤液及模拟牛乳超滤液将产生颗粒;温度对测试有显著的影响(P0.05):4℃的样品用25℃的稀释液进行稀释后,动态光散射的计数率和粒径分别增大了16.6%和11.4%;25℃的样品用4℃的稀释液进行稀释后,计数率和粒径分别降低了16.1%和9.8%。结果表明酪蛋白胶束粒径的测试前处理较适宜的条件为:在与样品的温度相同条件下,以配置好后24 h内的模拟牛乳超滤液或牛乳超滤液(10 k Da超滤膜)作为脱脂乳的稀释液进行稀释。通过与冷冻电镜条件下测得的酪蛋白胶束粒径的真值比较,发现该前处理条件下酪蛋白胶束粒径的动态光散射测试结果的相对误差为-5.7%~1.8%,表明该样品前处理方法可用于动态光散射方法快速检测酪蛋白胶束粒径。研究结果为快速、准确地获取酪蛋白胶束的粒径信息,进而准确分析乳的稳定性及加工性能提供参考。  相似文献   
The relationships between surface active properties and humic acid (HA) particle sizes were investigated. Two HAs from an Ando soil and a Brown forest soil were separated into 6 particle size fractions by gel permeation chromatography. Surface-active properties characterized by surface excess value (\gT mol cm-2), cross-sectional surface area per molecule (A nm2), critical micelle concentration (CMC g L-1), efficiency and effectiveness of water surface tension reduction were obtained by the measurement of the surface tension of HA solutions from different particle size fractions. For the HA from the Ando soil, except for the smallest particle size fraction, increasing particle size enhanced the efficiency of reduction of the water surface tension and decreased the CMC, while the effectiveness of reduction of the water surface tension was about the same. The surface activity of the HA from the Ando soil increased with increasing particle size. This phenomenon was similar to the surface activity of a homologous series of surfactants, which increased with increasing alkyl chain length. For the HA from the Brown forest soil, the smallest particle size fraction and three large fractions showed a high efficiency, namely a high surface activity. The smallest fraction from the Brown forest soil showed the highest efficiency and the lowest CMC value. In both HAs, the smallest particle size fraction showed exceptional surface-active properties compared with the other fractions and three fractions with large particle size showed a higher surface activity than other smaller fractions.  相似文献   
The soil-water contact angle is used as a measure of the surface hydrophobicity of soils. The contact angle for particular solid–liquid combination is considered to vary with the drop size. In this paper, we focused on examining the drop size dependence of contact angle on soil surfaces compared with homogeneous solid surfaces, and determining its relation to the droplet geometry and line tension. The contact angle estimated using geometric parameters of the droplets (θ G) showed decreasing trend with increasing drop size from 5 to 50?µL irrespective of the deformations in the droplet shape in larger drops. This was considered to be a result of the corresponding deviations of the geometric parameters of the droplets. The directly measured contact angle (θ A) first decreased and then increased with increasing drop size from 5 to 50?µL. The drop size at lowest θ A for hydrophobized silica sand with 1?g?kg–1 stearic acid (SA) and the acryl surfaces was 20?µL, whereas that for hydrophobized silica sand with 5?g?kg–1 SA and siliconed paper was 30?µL. The decrease in θ A with increasing drop size was explained as a result of the line tension effect using the modified Young's equation. Despite the surface heterogeneity, all the surfaces tested in this study showed positive line tensions on the order of 10?µJ?m–1. Irrespective of the heterogeneity of the surfaces, the θ A in this experiment agreed with the modified Young's equation for drop sizes up to about 20–30?µL, where the θ A and θ G were also in good agreement. Drop size dependence of contact angle was independent of the level of surface hydrophobicity. The θ A on all the examined surfaces started to increase with increasing drop size when the deformation index, I d, exceeded 5%, where the wetting radius, R exceeded the capillary length. The increase in θ A with increasing drop size was attributed to the deformations of water drops due to the effect of gravity.  相似文献   
To separate soil humic acids (HAs) into their constituents and characterize them, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) was carried out in the presence of 7 M urea using a preparative electrophoresis system. Two types of soil HAs were fractionated into nine fractions by PAGE. The dark-colored constituents were recovered from the electrophoretic fractions by precipitation on acidification, and the brown-colored constituents dissolved in the acidic solution of fast-moving fractions were recovered by adsorption onto DAX-8 resin. High-performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) confirmed that the constituents of the HAs were separated based on their molecular size by PAGE. The dark-colored constituents exhibited higher degrees of humification than did the corresponding unfractionated HAs, except for the constituents remaining in the electrophoretic gels at the end of electrophoresis. Diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy revealed that the chemical properties of the dark-colored constituents changed regularly: the content of carboxyl groups decreased and the proportions of proteinous, aliphatic and polysaccharide moieties increased with increasing molecular size. The humification degrees of the constituents adsorbed onto DAX-8 resin were considerably lower than those of the corresponding unfractionated HAs. The chemical properties of the DAX-8-adsorbed constituents were different from those of the dark-colored constituents. Observation of electrophoretic fractions under blue light (470 nm) and HPSEC with fluorescence detection at an excitation wavelength of 460 nm and an emission wavelength of 520 nm showed that green fluorescent substances were largely concentrated in the smallest molecular size fractions and were partitioned into both the dark-colored precipitates and DAX-8-adsorbed fractions. The proportion of organic carbon recovered by precipitation and adsorption onto DAX-8 resin was 45–63%, indicating that substantial parts of the HA constituents were missing. The unrecovered constituents were considered to be acid-soluble, nearly colorless substances. The dissociation of the acid-soluble constituents from the acid-insoluble dark-colored constituents during the preparative PAGE of soil HAs was ascribed to disruption of hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions caused by concentrated urea.  相似文献   
土壤及泥沙颗粒组成与养分流失的研究   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
利用自然降雨影响下的农田为试验样地,分析了降雨前后土壤颗粒组成与养分含量的变化,探讨了流失泥沙颗粒组成与养分的变化特征。结果表明,在降雨后,西瓜地与油菜地表土颗粒组成呈现粘粒与粉粒含量减少,砂粒含量相对增加的趋势;土壤养分含量都有不同程度的下降,其中水解氮与速效磷下降的幅度很大,西瓜地与油菜地水解氮降雨后降幅分别为9.67%和7.99%,速效磷的降幅分别为9.20%和8.76%;全氮养分降幅很小,西瓜地与油菜地分别为2.17%和1.54%;流失泥沙细小颗粒含量与养分含量随时间基本都呈降低的变化趋势,并且细小颗粒含量与携带流失的养分含量有显著甚至极显著的正相关性;流失泥沙具有富集粘粒和富集养分的特性,油菜地与西瓜地粘粒富集率分别为1.23和1.20,两样地全氮与速效磷的富集率都在1.3以上,而全磷和水解氮富集率基本处在1.1-1.3之间。  相似文献   
Micropores are important to soil moisture retention and plant growth. Microporosity and pore size distribution were evaluated using mercury intrusion porosimetery on aggregates from 35-year-old experiments started in 1962 at Wooster (40.5 °N, 82 °W) and South Charleston (39.8 °N, 84 °W) in Ohio, USA and from three land use practices on Kolombangara (8 °S, 157 °E) in Solomon Islands. Tillage treatments in Ohio included: moldboard plowing (MP), chisel plowing (CP), and no-till (NT) with continuous corn. The land use treatments in Kolombangara included: natural forest (NF), traditional farming (TF) and topsoil removal (TR). Pore size measured in aggregates ranged from 0.2 to 100 μm in diameter. Median pore radius was significantly (P < 0.05) larger for NT than for MP and CP treatments at Wooster, but not at South Charleston. Tillage treatments had significant effect on the volume of both storage and residual pores for both sites in Ohio. Volume of storage and residual pores were higher for Wooster than South Charleston soil. At Kolombangara, the NF treatment had significantly larger median and peak pore radii, and microporosity than TF and TR treatments. There was, however, no significant difference among treatments in the volume of pore size distribution. These data support a recommendation for adoption of no-till or conservation tillage in soils of the temperate region, and of minimal disturbance and effective erosion control in soils of the tropics.  相似文献   
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