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[目的]调查浙江温州、舟山、绍兴等地35家水产养殖场水环境和底质环境质量状况.[方法] 2014年对浙江温州、舟山、绍兴等地35家水产养殖场水环境和底质环境质量状况开展调查,并用单项污染指数法对水产养殖场产地环境质量现状进行评价.[结果]海水、淡水和底质样品各检测参数污染指数均小于1,说明水产养殖场水环境和底质环境均符合无公害水产品生产基地的标准要求,目前环境状况良好,适合生产无公害水产品.但个别海水养殖场水质中总大肠菌群、粪大肠菌群、铜和底质中铜、铬等参数以及个别淡水养殖场水质中总大肠菌群、镉、氟化物和底质中铜、铅、铬等参数污染指数均接近1,有潜在超标隐患.[结论]该研究可为制定水产品质量安全相关政策提供基础数据支持.  相似文献   
阐述了风险感知的基本内涵、农户旱灾风险感知的影响因素以及主流的评估模式;总结了农业旱灾风险感知研究方法的最新发展;归纳了近年来农业旱灾风险感知研究状况,并对其发展趋势进行了展望;提出了未来农业旱灾风险感知研究中应当完善的领域.  相似文献   
作物—CO2环境模拟装置及评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用作物—CO2环境模拟装置,探讨未来大气CO2浓度倍增与作物生长关系的实验研究,已在各国取得不同程度的进展。该文简要综述了近年来国外有关的实验装置概况和发展动向,概述了三种类型装置(封闭式气室、开顶式气室、开放式系统)的结构、性能、特色及其应用,并作出了综合评价。  相似文献   
辽宁地区樗蚕的生物学特性及人工饲育技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
樗蚕(Samia cynthia Walker et Felde)是一种珍贵的泌丝及食用昆虫资源。通过室内及野外人工饲育的方法,观察分布在辽宁地区的樗蚕的形态特征和生活习性,发现与分布于其它地区的樗蚕存在不同程度的差异。辽宁地区的樗蚕年发生1-2代,喜食臭椿(Ailanthus altissima)、山花椒(Zanthoxylum schinifollum)、枣树(Zizyphus jujube)、黄檗(Phellodendron amu-rense)等的树叶,幼虫4眠5龄,龄期经过25-37d,饲料种类不同可造成龄期差异;以蛹滞育。人工饲育樗蚕可采用小蚕室内育,大蚕野外育的饲养形式;种茧保护可采用柞蚕(Antheraea pernyi)的种茧越冬保护技术与方法,春季种茧出库后在温度20~23℃、相对湿度75%~85%的条件下暖茧,成虫交配时间超过4h的卵孵化率较高;樗蚕的主要病害有细菌性软化病、白僵病、微粒子病,春、秋季野外饲养的樗蚕易被蚕饰腹寄蝇(Blepharip azebina)寄生危害。樗蚕茧丝的纤度为1.80~3.60dtex,茧层丝胶练减率平均为25%,茧丝中的丝素蛋白约78%。  相似文献   
Turf management on golf courses entails frequent maintenance activities, such as mowing, irrigation and fertilisation, and relies on purchased inputs for optimal performance and aesthetic quality. Using life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology, this study evaluated energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from management of two Swedish golf courses, divided into green, tee, fairway and rough, and identified options for improved management. Energy use and GHG emissions per unit area were highest for greens, followed by tees, fairways and roughs. However, when considering the entire golf course, both energy use and GHG emissions were mainly related to fairway and rough maintenance due to their larger area. Emissions of GHG for the two golf courses were 1.0 and 1.6 Mg CO2e ha−1 year−1 as an area-weighted average, while the energy use was 14 and 19 GJ ha−1 year−1. Mowing was the most energy-consuming activity, contributing 21 and 27% of the primary energy use for the two golf courses. In addition, irrigation and manufacturing of mineral fertiliser and machinery resulted in considerable energy use. Mowing and emissions associated with fertilisation (manufacturing of N fertiliser and soil emissions of N2O occurring after application) contributed most to GHG emissions. Including the estimated mean annual soil C sequestration rate for fairway and rough in the assessment considerably reduced the carbon footprint for fairway and turned the rough into a sink for GHG. Emissions of N2O from decomposition of grass clippings may be a potential hotspot for GHG emissions, but the high spatial and temporal variability of values reported in the literature makes it difficult to estimate these emissions for specific management regimes. Lowering the application rate of N mineral fertiliser, particularly on fairways, should be a high priority for golf courses trying to reduce their carbon footprint. However, measures must be adapted to the prevailing conditions at the specific golf course and the requirements set by golfers.  相似文献   
孤雌生殖是西花蓟马(Frankliniella occidentalis)繁殖的一种重要方式。前期研究发现,西花蓟马在高温下,雌性的存活率远大于雄性。为探究高温处理后仅有雌性西花蓟马孤雌产雄的情况下其后代建立种群的可能性,试验设定:高温(45℃,2 h)处理西花蓟马单个雌性个体,分别进行孤雌产雄生殖后,雄性子代(F1代)与其母系回交产生F2代;高温(45℃,2 h)处理西花蓟马多个雌性个体,进行孤雌产雄生殖后,雄性子代(F1代)与亲代多个雌性个体共存情况下进行交配产生F2代。两组处理模式下建立F2代实验种群生命表。结果表明,上述两种处理模式,母代雌性个体与子代雄性个体交配后均可产生后代,雄性F1代与其母系回交产生的F2代的雌雄性比为1.05∶1;与亲代多个雌性个体共存下交配产生的F2代性比为1.55∶1。雄性F1代与其母系回交产生的F2代的平均单雌产卵量(F)和内禀增长率(rm)显著小于与亲代多个雌性个体共存下交配产生的F2代(P0.05);各龄期的平均发育历期、平均产卵前期和平均总产卵前期2个繁殖力参数以及净生殖率(R0)、平均世代周期(T)2个种群参数,前者则比后者长(P0.05);另周限增长率(λ)两者之间无显著差异。研究表明西花蓟马在孤雌产雄状态下仍然可以在短期建立种群,具有较强的抗高温能力和繁殖能力,为其成功入侵奠定了生态学基础。  相似文献   
结合我国水权和水权交易的特点,基于资产评估收益法的理论提出了水权交易价值评估的收益法模型,并对收益额、折现率和收益期限等重要参数进行了说明,为水权交易价值评估提供了一种新思路、新方法。  相似文献   
The hydrolysis of trans-permethrin and α-naphthyl acatate by midgut, fat body, and cuticle homogenates from Pseudoplusia includens (Walker) was monitored during the development of the last instar. The midgut homogenates appeared to have two pH optima (7.6 and 8.6) for the hydrolysis of trans-permethrin, the fat body homogenates had one optimum (7.4–7.8), and the cuticle homogenates had a major optimum at 6.6. Hydrolysis of both substrates peaked during the late feeding stages for midgut and cuticle homogenates, although relative changes were not the same. Hydrolysis of trans-permethrin peaked during the late feeding stage in fat body homogenates, while hydrolysis of α-naphthyl acetate continually increased through the prepupal stage. Thus, the hydrolysis of α-naphthyl acetate is not necessarily associated with the hydrolysis of trans-permethrin. The LD50 values for trans-permethrin on the different stages appeared to reflect the influence of hydrolysis.  相似文献   
[目的]揭示安徽省棉花雹灾风险格局。[方法]基于安徽省棉花雹灾风险评价数据库,采用统计推断法和综合指标度量法,提取雹灾致灾强度指数(H)和棉花损失率(L);使用Matlab和SPSS软件,拟合棉花苗期、蕾期、铃期和吐絮期4条雹灾脆弱性曲线;基于构建的棉花雹灾年度灾害损失率计算模型Sa=∑ni=1Si-∏ni=1Si=1-∏ni=1(1-Si),开展安徽省棉花雹灾风险评价,并编绘风险评价图谱。[结果]安徽省棉花雹灾高风险区集中在东北部地区和皖西山地丘陵区,低风险区分布在长江中下游地区和皖南山区,与棉花历史雹灾空间分布吻合较好。[结论]该研究探讨了基于不完备信息数据的雹灾风险评价方法,可为其他地区雹灾风险评价提供方法和技术参考。  相似文献   
介绍了国内外医疗网站信息服务的评价方法和标准,阐述了目前互联网医疗网站信息服务的评价研究现状及发展趋势。  相似文献   
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