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Current practices in many nurseries involve the germination of tropical rainforest seedlings in shaded conditions and transferral, at a later date, to environments with greater light intensities. Determination of the ability of these seedlings to acclimate to increased light intensities will allow seedling stock to be processed with maximum efficiency within the nursery. The acclimation abilities of three species, Agyrodendron actinophyllum, Cardwellia sublimis, and Flindersia brayleyana, commonly found in north Queensland's rainforests were investigated in this study. These particular species are highly valued for their cabinet timber qualities and are being reared in nurseries for use in reforestation trials and programs in north Queensland. Seedlings were initially raised in greenhouse conditions under two layers of shade cloth (16% of full sunlight) and then transferred into full sunlight at three different ages (3 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 weeks). Upon transfer, organ ratios and the direction of dry matter distribution was determined for each species and age group. Approximately 3 months after the seedlings were transferred, the acclimation ability of each species and age group was then determined. Dry matter distribution was found to change with age, irrespective of light environment. Individuals within a species with larger root systems and thicker or more dense leaves had a greater acclimation ability than those with smaller root systems and thinner or less dense leaves. Furthermore, individuals within a species whose dry matter distribution upon transfer was directed towards developing a large root system, and a small photosynthetic area and mass, had a greater acclimation ability than those whose dry matter distribution was directed away from such morphologies. Awareness of these relationships allows a better understanding of seedling response to gap formation in natural forests, and also allows plant nursery operators to make a more informed decision about when to move seedlings to environments with a higher light intensity.  相似文献   
通过对生长在植被砼上的5个狗牙根栽培种叶上表皮细胞观察,比较不同栽培种的长细胞、短细胞和气孔的长、宽、长宽比及密度.结果表明:南京狗牙根的长细胞最长,宽最短,气孔的长宽和气孔密度最大,佳宝最小且均存在显著差异;短细胞长和宽分别以佳宝和040459/680最大;5个栽培种气孔的长宽比差异均不显著.  相似文献   
Ninety-seven pure-bred Akitas were examined clinically and histologically for sebaceous adenitis. The diagnosis was established histologically in 23 Akitas by demonstrating an inflammatory reaction targeted against the sebaceous glands or a reduction in the number of glands. The clinical course of sebaceous adenitis in the Akita was similar to that seen in other breeds. The first skin lesions occurred mainly on the dorsal midline and ears. Compared with the Poodle, the age at first onset of the disease was more variable and the hair loss affected mainly the undercoat. The progression of sebaceous gland destruction varied between dogs and was not seen in all cases. Because bud-like sebaceous gland proliferation could be identified, it seems that regeneration of the sebaceous glands may occur. An autosomal recessive inheritance appears to be possible. Apart from a genetic background, immune-mediated factors possibly influence the onset and course of sebaceous adenitis.  相似文献   
Unbalanced and excessive use of N-fertilizers causes environmental pollution, lodging of plants and increased pest pressure, in addition to increased cost to farmers from excessively applied fertilizers and pesticides. N application at the right time and in right amount is critical for healthy plant and environment. Rice leaf color intensity is directly related to leaf chlorophyll content and leaf nitrogen status. The concept for the use of leaf color as an indicator to apply N in rice was crystallized during 1990s. The International Rice Research Institute and the Philippine Rice Research Institute developed a leaf color chart (LCC) that helps guide farmers for real-time nitrogen management in rice farming. The technology is inexpensive, and easily affordable by most resource poor rice farmers. In 2003 we initiated a farmer-participatory research to validate real-time N management in rice by the use of LCC in West Bengal state of India. After 3 years of validation research, a survey was conducted to assess the adoption and impact of LCC. The survey was conducted in both intervention and adjacent control villages and data were collected from 20% farm households selected randomly. In this paper, we report findings of the study on the determinants of adoption of LCC, and its effect on fertilizer and pesticides use.  相似文献   
采用定株观察,以芝麻生长正常单株为对照,研究不同生育时期,不同蒴果发育时期去叶,对芝麻农艺性状和单株产量的影响。结果表明,随着芝麻生育进程,终花期,封顶期,盛花期去叶减产值幅度递增。相同植株同天开花采取不同时期去叶所结蒴果分别与对照相比,去叶时间越早秕籽率越高,千粒重越低。同时还进一步研究出延长芝麻中上部叶片功能期,提高单株产量的技术措施。  相似文献   
小豆EMS诱变叶形突变体筛选及农艺性状分析(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]对EMS化学诱变小豆京农6号M3代材料进行筛选鉴定,以期获得有潜力、有价值的变异材料。[方法]利用浓度0.5%、0.9%、1.4%的EMS分别处理小豆京农6号12h和24h,对M3代叶形变异率、变异类型、农艺性状及产量构成因素进行分析。[结果]EMS诱变变异叶形突变体223份,占突变体群体总数的18.31%,类型丰富,产生了小密叶、肾形叶、剑叶、鸡爪叶、叶缺刻等叶形突变体。浓度0.9%EMS处理24h,其叶形变异类型最为丰富,且突变频率最高,其变异率分别为4.93%、10.31%、2.69%、8.07%、3.14%。当处理时间相同时,浓度0.9%EMS处理变异类型最丰富,同时表现出一定的高剂量抑制效应,总体表现为浓度0.9%浓度0.5%浓度1.4%;诱变时间不同时,处理时间越长,变异率越高,且变异类型也越丰富。综合叶形突变体农艺性状分析,各种突变类型总体表现为小叶肾叶叶缺刻小密叶剑叶鸡爪叶。这表明小叶、肾叶突变体具有株高降低、紧凑直立、多分枝、多荚、单株产量高、百粒重高等优良性状。[结论]该研究筛选的突变体可为小豆育种及遗传学研究提供有价值的材料。  相似文献   
膏桐组织培养的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 通过不同激素配比诱导膏桐外植体产生愈伤组织,为利用愈伤组织进行离体快繁和膏桐转基因及生物工程育种奠定基础。结果表明:诱导膏桐子叶产生愈伤组织的最佳培养基是MS+2,4-D 2.0mg/L和 MS+6-BA 2.0mg/L+NAA 2.0 mg/L;诱导愈伤组织形成芽的最佳培养基为:MS+6-BA 2.5 mg/L+IBA 0.1mg/L;根的形成不需添加任何激素。适当的激素配比可有效诱导膏桐子叶产生愈伤组织并形成再生植株.  相似文献   
为了快速监测小麦叶片水分含量,以敏感波段组和植被指数组2种变量分别作为输入变量,以地面同步观测的冬小麦叶片含水量作为输出变量,分别采用偏最小二乘(partial least squares, PLS)、极限学习机(extreme learning machine, ELM)和粒子群算法(particle swarm optimization, PSO)优化极限学习机,建立冬小麦叶片含水量预测模型,并对其反演效果进行比较。结果表明,光谱反射率和植被指数与叶片含水量之间存在较为密切的相关性,依此确定的敏感光谱波段为红光、蓝光和近红外波段,敏感植被指数为绿度指数、过红指数、归一化绿红差值指数、三角形植被指数和过绿指数。从2种变量的建模效果看,基于植被指数组构建的模型的精度和稳定性均优于敏感波段组,其中基于植被指数组的PSO-ELM模型在6个叶片水分含量反演模型中表现最佳,其r2和RMSE分别为0.98和0.26%。利用最优模型反演得到研究区冬小麦叶片含水量的分布范围为45%~75%,平均为64.57%,反演结果与地面实测较相符,说明基于无人机光谱数据通过建立以植被指数为...  相似文献   
硼肥不同施用方法对油菜生长及产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对洞庭湖地区油菜常规施硼(叶面喷施)效果不稳定的问题,于2004~2005年在沅江市北部垸田区进行了油菜不同施硼方法的试验。结果表明,硼肥基施加叶面喷施比单纯叶面喷施效果更佳,以基施7 500 g/hm2+喷施1 500 g/hm2增产效果最好,经济效益最高,可在生产上推广应用。  相似文献   
以14C为示踪剂,用14CO2+CO2法对2年生黄柏进行半株标记,在主干上环状剥去韧皮部,以塑料薄膜包裹,燃烧法制样、液体闪烁测量法测14C活度。结果表明,未剥皮黄柏韧皮部的14C同化物运输速率为52.0cm/h,3h左右同化物从树冠运输到根系,树冠不同部位的功能叶14C同化物分配为:中部功能叶>上部功能叶>下部功能叶;剥皮后,同化物分配规律改变为:上部功能叶>中部功能叶>下部功能叶;剥皮第15天在新生韧皮部、剥口下方的树皮及根系中检测到14C同化物,表明新生韧皮部的生理功能得到恢复。  相似文献   
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