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Scientific interest in geophysical information about land surface temperature (LST) is ever increasing, as such information provides a base for a large number of applications, including environmental and agricultural monitoring. Therefore, the research of LST retrieval has become a hot topic. Recent availability of Landsat-8 satel- lite imagery provides a new data source for LST retrieval. Hence, exploring an adaptive method with reliable ac- curacy seems to be essential. In this study, basing on features of Landsat-8 TIRS thermal infrared channels, we re-calculated parameters in the atmospheric transmittance empirical models of the existing split-window algorithm, and estimated the ground emissivity with the help of the land cover classification map of the study area. Further- more, a split-window algorithm was rebuilt by virtual of the estimation model of the updated atmospheric transmit- tance and the ground emissivity, and then a remote sensing retrieval for the LST of Shihezi city in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region of Northwest China was conducted on the basis of this modified algorithm. Finally, precision validation of the new model was implemented by using the MODIS LST products. The results showed that the LST retrieval from Landsat-8 TIRS data based on our algorithm has a higher credibility, and the retrieved LST is more consistent with the MODIS LST products. This indicated that the modified algorithm is suitable for retrieving LST with competitive accuracy. With higher resolutions, Landsat-8 TIRS data may provide more accurate observation for LST retrieval.  相似文献   
以西双版纳2015年Landsat 8 OLI和DEM为基础研究数据,采用基于像元的分类方法,经试验对比分析筛选出了森林提取的最佳指数,运用多种景观指数对西双版纳热带雨林在海拔、坡向及坡度的破碎化程度进行分析。结果表明:以NDVI为指标,能够有效提取热带森林的空间分布(精度为95.66%);2015年西双版纳的森林盖度为77.8%,森林面积在海拔及坡度上呈现出正偏态分布,在坡向上分布较为均匀;森林景观在地形上的破碎化程度差异性较大。海拔低于500 m及平坡处的森林破碎化程度最为严重;随着海拔的上升及坡度的增加,PD值不断下降、AI值持续上升,森林破碎化程度逐渐降低。坡向上以北坡向的PD值最高、AI值最低,森林景观破碎化程度明显高于其他坡向。  相似文献   
香型优质高产杂交稻国豪国香8号高产制种技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]推广应用国豪国香8号。[方法]对国豪国香8号的特征特性及其制种技术进行阐述。[结果]国豪国香8号具有米质优、口感好、抗性较强、制种产量高等特点,3年区试生产试验平均产量比汕优63增产了3.30%、1.60%和9.60%。[结论]制种时花期应避开高温伏旱,严格隔离条件,确保种子质量。  相似文献   
广丰香8号是广州市农业科学研究院育成的优质高产丝苗型香稻品种,2009年1月通过广东省品种审定,2012 ~2014年连续3年被遴选为广州市农业主导品种.该品种米质优,达国标优质2级、省标优质2级,并且叶、茎、米均有清香味,饭软、滑,口感好,冷饭不回生,适合加工高档丝苗米和香米;丰产性较强,于2012 ~2014年连续3年纳入万亩连片示范区示范,2012、2013年经实割测产平均产量在7 500 kg/hm2以上.介绍该品种的特征特性和高产栽培技术.  相似文献   
In this paper, we study urban migrants' sense of place in Guangzhou, China, focusing on the structural relations between place attachment, identification and dependence as the three key place dimensions. Through both quantitative structural equation modelling and qualitative analysis of in‐depth interviews data, our research suggests that migrants' sense of place demonstrates complex relationships between the three registers of emotional attachment, identity formation and functional dependence. The construction of sense of place is also related to the personal experiences of living as urban ‘outsiders’. Our research also reveals a striking difference between the city and community levels in terms of the ways in which migrants' sense of place is constructed. Urban migrants tend to exploit the functional utilities of microscopic urban spaces to meet their demands for recreation, education and socialisation. On the other hand, their sense of place to the city is largely compromised by their attachment to the hometown and conditioned by their personal identification to the city.  相似文献   
地下结构的浮力多以阿基米德定律为基础进行计算,未考虑周围回填土体。该文以某地下粮仓为研究对象,考虑周围回填二八灰土的实际工况,分别进行直径为400(模型筒A)、500(模型筒B)、600 mm(模型筒C)的室内缩尺模型试验。试验包含纯水试验和回填二八灰土试验。纯水试验结果表明,以阿基米德定律计算的实际浮力与模型筒自重(包含模型筒上部约束反力所折算自重)的理论浮力基本一致,模型筒A、B、C的实际浮力与理论浮力的误差分别为0.03%、1%、3%。在回填二八灰土试验中,通过缓慢注水,利用位移计、压力传感器监测模型筒位移及模型筒上部的约束反力,分析了模型筒整个上浮过程中位移和约束反力的变化情况。位移突变值滞后于约束反力突变值,压力传感器读数发生明显变化而位移计读数未发生明显变化所测量的水位为警戒水位,压力传感器与位移计读数均发生明显变化所测量的水位为实际起浮水位。以警戒水位和实际起浮水位作为理论计算依据,得出警戒水位和实际起浮水位时模型筒自重(包含模型筒上部约束反力所折算自重)作用下理论抵抗浮力及计算所得的实际抵抗浮力。警戒水位时模型筒A、B、C实际抵抗浮力为理论抵抗浮力的1.93、2.43、1.66倍。实际起浮水位时模型筒A、B、C实际抵抗浮力为理论抵抗浮力的2.15、3.36、2.96倍。从安全储备方面综合考虑,回填工况地下粮仓在预警水位时实际抵抗浮力为理论抵抗浮力的1.5倍,实际起浮水位时抵抗浮力为理论抵抗浮力的2倍,研究结果为今后地下粮仓及其他地下结构的抗浮设计提供参考。  相似文献   
[目的]探索获得蒙古羊Hoxc8基因启动子序列的方法。[方法]尝试利用交错式热不对称PCR法,获得蒙古羊Hoxc8启动子序列。[结果]通过PCR获得的序列不理想,测序结果无法与已知序列相匹配。虽然利用交错式热不对称PCR法未获得蒙古羊的Hoxc8的启动子序列,但可为今后的相关研究提供借鉴。[结论]该研究为进一步分析蒙古羊Hoxc8的启动子区域的甲基化状态奠定了基础。  相似文献   
含PRRS病毒ORF5的伪狂犬病病毒TK基因缺失转移载体的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提取伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)BarthaK61株基因组DNA,用限制性内切酶KpnI充分消化,回收5.9kb片段(J片段),将其克隆于质粒pUC119 KpnI位点上,获得pBKJ。用两对针对PRV TK基因的特异性引物对重组质粒进行PCR鉴定,证明其中含有PRV TK基因。然后用KpnI、PstI和BamHI等限制性内切酶对其进行酶切分析,确定了克隆片段的物理图谱。进一步研究证实TK基因位于其中的  相似文献   
To evaluate arachidonic acid-related immunoregulatory mechanisms during long-term persistent pestivirus infection, we measured plasma contents of leukotriene C4 (LTC4), prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) and their plasma fatty acid (FA) precursor, arachidonic acid (AA), in six lambs with congenital border disease (BD). Significantly elevated average plasma LTC4 during the first half year of life was associated with increased PDG2 when compared to uninfected control lambs. Significantly elevated total plasma esterified AA stores suggest an effective BDV-mediated prostenoid immunostimulation. However, at 1 yr old, prostenoid secretion had fallen to normal (LTC4) or below normal (PGD2) levels. In contrast, there remained significantly elevated plasma esterified AA, present as available substrate for formation of these anti-viral immunoregulatory agents. These results suggested that preventing mobilization of AA from lipid stores for effective immune responses may be a viral strategy of BD virus that is associated with long term border disease effects.  相似文献   
为了比较传染性支气管炎病毒3种主要结构蛋白免疫鸡后对CD4+、CD8+T淋巴细胞亚群的不同影响.本试验以pVAX1载体为携带工具,制备分别含有IBV主要结构蛋白基因的质粒免疫健康雏鸡,采用流式细胞仪(FACS)对免疫鸡外周血中CD4+、CD8+T淋巴细胞数进行检测.结果显示:各试验组间,携带N蛋白基因的质粒在免疫后3周内CD4+T淋巴细胞数和CD8+T淋巴细胞数均高于其他组,且差异极显著(P<0.01).由此可见,IBV的N蛋白可明显诱导CD8+T淋巴细胞的CTL免疫作用和CD4+T淋巴细胞的辅助性免疫作用,其细胞免疫原性高于S1蛋白和M蛋白.  相似文献   
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