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猕猴桃溃疡病防治研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对猕猴桃细菌性溃疡病防治方法进行研究,结果表明,冬末春初“划道”控制,病斑,夏委彻底刮除治疗病斑,疗效达80%-90%,DTMz等为此病防治的首选药物。  相似文献   
杨树刺槐混交林及纯林土壤酶活性的季节性动态研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
测定了22年生杨树、刺槐混交林及纯林根际和非根际土壤中与氮、磷养分转化相关的酶活性的季节性动态变化. 结果表明,混交后非根际土壤的脲酶、蛋白酶、磷酸酶活性比纯林提高50%~100%;但对于根际土壤,混交后杨树有所提高,而刺槐则有所下降. 说明混交后更有利于氮、磷养分的转化,并且杨树得益大于刺槐.  相似文献   
黑米胚乳直链淀粉含量的遗传效应研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以直链淀粉含量(简称 AC)不同的5份黑稻品种为材料配制杂交和回交组合,用单粒法测定了亲本及正反交 F_1,F_2,B_1,B_2种子的 AC,以研究其遗传效应。结果表明:(1)控制 AC 合成的 Wx 基因在遗传上具有剂量效应,第一剂量对提高 AC 的作用最大,第二剂量的作用次之,第三剂量的作用较小。(2)糯与非糯亲本的杂交后代 F_2种子胚乳的 AC 呈明显的4峰分布,并符合1:1:1:1的分离比例,分别对应0,1,2,3个 Wx 基因剂量。(3)AC 受三倍体核基因控制,不存在细胞质影响,其遗传符合加性显性模型。(4)为改进黑稻的 AC,在杂交育种中应使一个亲本具有理想的 AC,但在杂优利用中父母本最好都有理想的 AC。  相似文献   
研究了河北省太行山刺槐种群乔木层生物量、各组分量及种群密度的动态规律。结果表明,刺槐种群自人工造林伊始,其种群总生物量、各组分量、种群密度(断面积表示)即表现出速增性,约至12a生达到峰值,基本符合Logistic规律。此后随个体间竞争的加剧,自疏作用加强,种群呈不稳定状态,种群密度和生物量下降,由一个同龄纯林逐渐趋向于具有多代个体年龄结构稳定的群体,并使种群生物量回复到一个相对稳定水平。本文还建立了生物量及各组分量与种群年龄、密度的相关模型,及W~f(A,G,H)多元线性回归议程。  相似文献   

Elevated levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) can directly affect the cold hardening process in evergreens through their effect on the accumulation of carbon and nitrogen reserves. This study investigated the biochemical responses of black spruce [Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.] seedlings to CO2 enrichment during growth, cold hardening and dehardening. Seedlings were grown under 350 (ambient) or 710 (elevated) ppm of CO2 for 12 months in eight mini-greenhouses. Photoperiod and temperature were gradually lowered in autumn to induce cold hardening, and the conditions were reversed in spring to promote dehardening. At regular intervals, cold tolerance was assessed and sugars, starch and amino acid concentrations were measured. The freezing tolerance differed between the two treatments only in early autumn, with seedlings growing under high CO2 being more tolerant. The northern ecotype was more cold tolerant with concomitant higher concentrations of sucrose, fructose, pinitol, glucose and total soluble sugars. The concentration of soluble sugars increased in needles and roots of black spruce along with cold hardening, and the concentrations of the cryoprotective sugars sucrose and raffinose were lower under elevated CO2. Amino acid concentrations were also lower under elevated than under ambient CO2. The lower level of reserve did not translate into a lower level of freezing tolerance.  相似文献   
番茄斑萎病毒(Tomato spotted wilt virus,TSWV)自19 世纪发现以来,在全世界各地蔓延,对多种作物造成重大经济损失。本文以辣椒为例,从TSWV 的发生与分布、病害症状检测、传播方式、防治方法、抗TSWV 育种及展望等6 个方面对国内外辣椒TSWV 的研究现状进行综述。  相似文献   
为确定胡椒园间作槟榔体系影响胡椒产量的关键小气候因子,在海南胡椒园间作槟榔优势区开展4种间作模式与单作胡椒园小气候因子对产量影响的为期4 a的试验,研究不同间作密度下,对胡椒产量有主要贡献的灌浆期的叶片光合作用参数、每日最高和最低气温、不同深度土层土壤温度和含水量,分析胡椒园间作槟榔体系小气候因子对胡椒产量的影响。结果表明:合理间作可以提高胡椒产量,其中间作槟榔株数为765株/hm2的T2处理可以显著提高胡椒产量38.71%,为增产效应最大的处理。分析T2处理增产的原因,发现光强影响的关键光合参数气孔导度对产量有极显著正效应,光合有效辐射、光合速率对产量有显著正效应,T2处理显著提高了这三个光合参数;高温干旱的灌浆期胡椒园日最高温和升温幅度与产量负相关,T2处理显著降低了这两个参数,使胡椒产量增加;表层土壤温度与产量呈负相关关系,T2处理显著降低了表层土壤温度,对胡椒根系有保护作用。综合分析,发现光合有效辐射、日最高温、升温幅度和表层土壤温度是影响胡椒产量的关键小气候因子,所以,这几种小气候因子是用来确定间作模式是否合理的关键参数。  相似文献   

Invasive alien plant species (IAPs) represent one of the main biological threats to biodiversity worldwide. Information about their phenotypic plasticity are needed to increase awareness about their future invasive potential. A study about phenotypic plasticity in response to contrasting light regimes and its quantification by a plasticity index (PI) of two IAPs (Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudoacacia) inside a Strict Nature Reserve was conducted. R. pseudoacacia showed a 70% higher PI, with a strongly greater value at morphological leaf level, associated with a greater ability to survive and grow in forest understory, explaining its greater widespread. Otherwise, A. altissima showed its highest PI at physiological level, which was associated with the ability to colonize and grow in environments with high-light regimes. Based on these results, the conservative management has limited the presence of A. altissima by its lower ability to grow in forest understory. In fact, the small-scale gaps in the forest infrastructure, that could allow its recruitment, are originated only from the death of a single tree or small group of trees. Regarding R. pseudoacacia, it is critical to maintain this type of management because any disturbances resulting in large openings could further promote its presence inside the Reserve.  相似文献   
针对黄淮海平原典型中低产土壤砂姜黑土黏粒含量较高,土壤有效水分库容较低,严重限制作物生产的现状,该文采用盆栽试验,研究了不同外源改性物料的添加对土壤持水性能及小麦生理的影响,以期获得农田水分管理过程中的关键参数。盆栽试验设置常规氮磷钾(control,CK),常规氮磷钾配施下的添加秸秆(straw returning,SR)、秸秆碳(straw carbon,SC)和粉煤灰(fly ash,FA)处理,维持土壤相对含水率在80%,培育小麦至抽穗期,开展为期10 d的干旱胁迫试验。结果显示SR和SC处理提高了土壤持水能力,且处理间的差异较小;FA处理因其表面富含大量疏水性结晶矿物,土壤相对含水率下降较快,迟效水含量显著低于其余处理,但土壤速效水含量显著提高。不同改性措施均有提高小麦叶片相对含水率,减轻干旱胁迫的趋势,但在极端干旱胁迫下,FA处理叶片相对含水率不仅明显低于其余处理,且作物体内积累大量丙二醛、过氧化氢等有害物质。田间管理中砂姜黑土相对含水率应维持在38%(SR)、36.5%(SC)和24.5%(FA)以上,当土壤相对含水率低于30.78%(SC)、28.43%(SR)和22.5%(FA)时将会对作物生理产生不可逆的伤害。鉴于秸秆优良的保水性能,粉煤灰“富水,不保水”的特性,秸秆与粉煤灰的配合施用将利于砂姜黑土的改良。相关机制值得进一步研究。  相似文献   
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