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应用小孢子离体培养技术培育大麦新品系 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
以大麦F1、F2代为供体材料,通过技术优化,建成了大麦小孢子培养高频再生技术程序。利用大麦小孢子加倍单倍体育种技术平台,二年内就可获得种性稳定的株系,四年内即可参加新品种区试。经过田间严格鉴定与选择,育成了大麦新品系“花98-11”和新株系“花01-3”、“花01-12”。 相似文献
[目的]研究如何构建草本纤维提取工程菌株。[方法]用PCR扩增的方法获得甘露聚糖酶、果胶酶和木聚糖酶DNA片段,连到载体上,获得单质酶表达载体,依次将单质酶载体转入大肠杆菌JM109中,使其共存于同一宿主细胞。[结果]获得了一个果胶酶新基因(EU597234) 得到了能同时产甘露聚糖酶、果胶酶、木聚糖酶3种酶的复合酶工程菌株。[结论]草本纤维生物提取是一个复杂的生物反应过程,构建草本纤维提取菌株既要考虑菌株所产的酶又要考虑菌株本身的生物学特性。 相似文献
Maria Clia Ramos Bellenzani PhD Associate Professor Júlia Maria D'andrea Greve PhD Professor-Physiatrics Csar Augusto Martins Pereira 《Journal of Equine Veterinary Science》2007,27(11):475-480
Horseshoeing is a common practice, but effects on the hoof wall are poorly understood. Strain gauges were used to document and compare hoof behavior in vitro during flat weight bearing and after artificial heel elevation. Ten front limbs of Thoroughbred race horses, shod with conventional flat shoes, were used. Eight strain gauges were symmetrically distributed around the toe, quarters, and heels. Each limb was mounted to a testing machine (Kratos K5002; Kratos Dynamômetros, Ltda., Cotia-SP-Brazil) and subjected to a load equivalent to 30% of the donor's body weight. Strains (μ) were acquired by means of a computerized system and the results compared using Friedman and Wilcoxon statistical tests. There was greater strain variation when the heels were elevated. Compression predominated during flat weight bearing, with a tendency to horizontal traction after heel elevation. The changes in strain caused by heel elevation were not always symmetrical. Elevation of the heels tensed the toe and the medial quarter horizontally, increased load at the posterior portion of the hoof capsule, and hindered its expansion. 相似文献
分别采用10日龄和12日龄SPF鸡胚增殖禽流感H9亚型SD696株病毒,并改变后孵化温度,将死亡高峰期、最终死亡率、平均单胚收获量、尿囊液血凝价HA、病毒含量EID50进行对比,结果表明用12日龄SPF鸡胚比用10日龄SPF鸡胚增殖禽流感H9亚型SD696株病毒,死亡高峰期推迟12-24 h,最终死亡率、尿囊液的HA和EID50无差异,平均单胚收获量提高了2-3mL。35℃培养比37℃培养鸡胚死亡高峰期延迟、最终死亡率降低、平均单胚收获量提高、尿囊液的血凝价HA及病毒含量EID50偏高。选择12日龄SPF鸡胚,35℃培养温度为生产工艺,既提高疫苗产量,降低成本,又能够提高产品的质量。 相似文献
大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)是耐盐、耐寒的优良作物,筛选全株饲用大麦品种(系)进行青刈利用有助于提高盐碱土地利用率、增加春季青绿饲草供应。本研究选用27个常规大麦品系,测定株高、茎粗和叶茎比等农艺性状,并于抽穗期刈割,分别测定产量、可溶性碳水化合物(WSC)、粗蛋白(CP)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)和干物质体外消化率(IVDMD)等饲用品质性状,进行农艺性状与产量、饲用品质性状相关分析,筛选产量高、饲用品质优良的大麦品系;利用6个不同类型品系进行外源赤霉素(GA)的喷施试验,研究GA对全株饲用大麦产量的影响。结果表明:R150,R153,R287,R143,R295适宜整株青饲;分蘖数、茎粗和株高可作为辅助选择适宜整株青饲大麦品系(种)的依据。苗期喷施GA对不同类型大麦品系产量的影响不同,R154、R159、R171的产量显著增加(P<0.05),R195产量增加不显著,R134产量降低。对于R169来说,仅60 g·hm-2喷施浓度的处理高于对照。因此应结合大麦品种特点选择适宜的GA喷施时间和浓度。 相似文献
M. Baron Toaldo G. Romito M. Cipone A. Diana M. Tursi 《Journal of Veterinary Cardiology》2017,19(5):462-468
A 14-year-old American Staffordshire terrier was presented for episodes of exercise-induced syncope. At admission, atrial flutter coupled to third-degree atrioventricular block was diagnosed electrocardiographically. On the second day of hospitalization, surface electrocardiogram revealed spontaneous conversion to sinus rhythm with persistence of atrioventricular block. Complete transthoracic echocardiograms were performed after each electrocardiographic examination. The combined use of conventional echocardiography with tissue Doppler imaging-based modalities allowed to investigate the atrial electromechanical correlation and function during typical atrial flutter and after its resolution. 相似文献
为获得可用于鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)抗体检测的重组抗原VP2蛋白,根据GenBank中发表的IBDV VP2序列设计一对特异性引物,应用RT-PCR技术克隆IBDV经典标准攻毒株(BC6/85株)的VP2基因,插入质粒pET-32a中构建重组表达质粒pET-32a-VP2,经IPTG诱导后获得了以包涵体形式表达的重组蛋白。重组蛋白纯化后,Western-blot检测表明具有良好的反应原性。本研究为下步建立IBDV抗体的间接ELISA方法及新型疫苗的研制奠定了基础。 相似文献
以德系、法系安哥拉、沪2071 系和GSAB兔为育种素材,通过合成杂交方式建立选育基础群,实施半开放式核心群世代选育,经过5 个世代育成粗毛型兔新品系。新品系平均年产毛量1704g,兔毛品质优良,粗毛率20.11% ,料毛比40.33∶1,成年体重5.5kg,体长55cm ,胸围40cm ,平均窝产仔7.36只,育成成活率92% 。适应性和抗病力较强,体质健壮,外貌整齐,遗传性稳定 相似文献