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筛选对废弃苹果枝条具有降解作用的细菌,为农业废弃物的资源化利用奠定基础。首先利用稀释涂布法从采集的带菌苹果枝段中分离,再通过羧甲基刚果红培养基和复筛培养基挑选出产纤维素酶的菌株,利用发酵培养基验证筛选菌株的纤维素降解能力,进行腐烂病(Valsa mali)的对峙试验并测定其生防潜力,最后通过菌落形态、显微观察和gyrA序列的16S rDNA分析对细菌进行鉴定。从采集的苹果枝条中共分离出3株细菌,其中X-2菌株对苹果枝条具有降解作用,其最适生长pH为8,最适生长温度为30 ℃左右。菌株分泌产生的滤纸酶(FPAase)、β-葡萄糖苷酶和羧甲基纤维素酶(CMCase)活力分别高达(12.78±0.03) U/mL、(8.63±0.64) U/mL和(8.36±0.02) U/mL,枝条纤维素降解率高达12.36%±0.44%,经过16S rDNA序列测定和Blast 同源序列检索,得出该生防菌株X-2为解淀粉芽孢杆菌 (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens)。菌株X-2可以满足废弃苹果枝条的降解需求,其在碱性条件下生长良好,有望应用于碱性地区废弃枝条纤维素的降解。  相似文献   
I–2 is an avirulent strain of Newcastle disease virus. During establishment of the I-2 strain master vaccine seed, a series of selection procedures was carried out at 56°C in order to enhance heat resistance. This master seed is used to produce a working seed, which is then employed to produce the vaccine. These two passages are done without further heat selection; however, it is not known how rapidly and to what extent thermostable variants would be lost during further passage. The study was therefore conducted to determine the effect of passage on thermostability of strain I-2. The virus was serially passaged and at various passage levels samples were subjected to heat treatment at 56°C for 120 min. The inactivation rates for infectivity and haemagglutinin (HA) titres were assayed by use of chicken embryonated eggs and HA test, respectively. Thermostability of HA and infectivity of I-2 virus were reduced after 10 and 5 passages, respectively, without heat selection at 56°C. These results suggest that 5 more passages could be carried out between the working seed and vaccine levels without excessive loss of thermostability. This would result in increased vaccine production from a single batch of a working seed.  相似文献   
新品系A系兔生长发育及部分特征特性测定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对127只五世代的新品系A系兔进行测定,结果表明:A系兔早期增重较快、肉质良好。35日龄断奶个体重0.7kg左右,56日龄重1.3kg,90日龄重2.17kg,与德国白兔同期体重相近。断奶~56日龄、56~90日龄平均日增重分别为28g和26g,幼兔(断奶~90日龄)成少这96.06%,料重比为3.541。3月龄A系兔全净率51.14%、肉骨比为4.66:1。兔肉PH值6.21,失水率18.29%  相似文献   
A rapid biological assay based on incubation time has been developed for determination of the potency of Newcastle disease virus strain I-2 vaccine. It is based on the observation that the interval between inoculation and the first detection of haemagglutinin (HA) depends on the titre of the vaccine inoculated. Chicken embryonated eggs were inoculated with different titres (109, 106 and 103 EID50/0.1 ml) of vaccine and incubated for 24 h. At hourly intervals, 5 eggs from each vaccine titre were tested for the presence of HA. The results showed that the HA activity was detected from 5, 11 and 15 h after inoculation with vaccine doses of 109, 106 and 103 EID50, respectively. On the basis of these results it is suggested that if there is no HA detected from 5 to 11 h after inoculation of eggs with the vaccine virus, the vaccine should not be used to vaccinate chickens as it might have an infectivity titre of less than 106 EID50/0.1 ml, which is equivalent to the recommended single chicken dose. It is concluded that measuring the time between inoculation of the vaccine virus and the onset of HA activity might provide an estimate of the titre of the vaccine within 24 h.  相似文献   
《Veterinary microbiology》2015,175(1):105-113
Bacterial infections causing mastitis in sheep can result in severe economic losses for farmers. A large survey of milk samples from ewes with mastitis in Sardinia, Italy, indicated an increasing prevalence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. It has been shown previously that during chronic, biofilm-associated infections P. aeruginosa populations diversify. We report the phenotypic and genomic characterisation of two clonal P. aeruginosa isolates (PSE305 and PSE306) from a mastitis infection outbreak, representing distinct colony morphology variants. In addition to pigment production, PSE305 and PSE306 differed in phenotypic characteristics including biofilm formation, utilisation of various carbon and nitrogen sources, twitching motility. We found higher levels of expression of genes associated with biofilm formation (pelB) and twitching motility (flgD) in PSE305, compared to the biofilm and twitching-defective PSE306. Comparative genomics analysis revealed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and minor insertion/deletion variations between PSE305 and PSE306, including a SNP mutation in the pilP gene of PSE306. By introducing a wild-type pilP gene we were able to partially complement the defective twitching motility of PSE306. There were also three larger regions of difference between the two genomes, indicating genomic instability. Hence, we have demonstrated that P. aeruginosa population divergence can occur during an outbreak of mastitis, leading to significant variations in phenotype and genotype, and resembling the behaviour of P. aeruginosa during chronic biofilm-associated infections.  相似文献   
本试验是在PDA培养丛中,添加不同浓度的高美施微肥,通过两个供试菌株的对比试验,选出了适宜各菌抹的最佳高美施生长浓度,结果,不同苗株在不同浓反的高美施培养基中的在现不一致。因此.在制种工作中,要根据平菇不同品种的特征特性来确定其最佳生长的营养条件。高美施在平菇母种制种技术上的应用在国内属首次报道。  相似文献   
苹果渣发酵料栽培糙皮侧耳优良菌株的选育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新选育的糙皮侧耳菌株PL -A2 属于早熟型品种。该菌株菌丝在 5~ 37℃温度范围内均能生长 ,菌丝生长适温为 18~ 30℃ ,最适温度为 2 5~ 2 8℃。在苹果渣发酵料培养基上 ,菌丝粗壮、整齐、洁白 ,爬壁能力强 ,满袋天数为 2 2d± 1d。经推广栽培证明 ,PL -A2 是高产优质菌株  相似文献   
十个侧耳菌株的模糊综合评价初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用模糊数学中隶属度和模糊概率概念,对10个侧耳菌株进行了模糊综合评价。结果表明,SN1是表现最好的菌株,与实际试验结果较为一致。  相似文献   
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