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FARMOD和COSTAB软件在黄土高原水保世行项目中的运用何兴照(黄委会黄河上中游管理局,西安710043)自1991年开始准备黄土高原水土保持世行贷款项目以来,几种计算机软件在该项目中的应用,使项目分析工作上升到了一个新层次。本文根据在黄土高原项...  相似文献   
An overview of ex situ collections of cultivated flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) and 53 other species of the genus Linum L. is presented. The names of 33 genebanks in 23 countries preserving Linum germplasm and the species preserved at these places are provided. World genebanks engage in ex situ preservation of about 48,000 accessions of cultivated flax (Linum usitatissimum). However, possibly only 10,000 accessions of these are unique. Of the ca. 200 species of the genus Linum, other than L. usitatissimum, 53 are reported to be represented in the world’s ex situ collections with a total of about 900 accessions. Of these, 279 accessions alone refer to the wild progenitor of cultivated flax, Linum bienne Mill. However, L. bienne from the region of origin of cultivated flax is rarely represented in genebank collections. References to publications describing the techniques for ex situ conservation and the infraspecific variation of cultivated flax are made. It is suggested that taxonomic species delimitation within the genus Linum is in need of clarification and that the variation in Linum species for ornamental use or use in breeding is investigated.  相似文献   
The Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) lieswithin the center of domestication of Asian rice(Oryza sativa L.). Many traditionalvarieties are grown in the rainfed lowland and rainfed uplandecosystems, but there is a danger of genetic erosion, particularly inthe lowlands, as farmers adopt improved varieties. The Lao Ministryof Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) and the InternationalRice Research Institute (IRRI) jointly explored most of therice growing areas between October 1995 and April 2000 and collected13192 samples of cultivated rice, and 237 samples of six wild ricespecies. Cultivated samples were classified according to ecosystem,endosperm type and maturity. The numbers of samples collected fromthe northern, central and southern regions were 5915(44.8%), 4625 (35.1%) and 2652(20.1%) respectively. More samples(55.9%) were collected from the uplands than fromlowland sites. Most samples (85.5%) had glutinousendosperm. Almost half the samples were medium maturing(47.1%), with approximately an equal number of earlyand late maturing forms. Apart from some localized areas whereaccessibility was restricted, the collection is representative of therice genetic resources of the whole country. A genebank formedium-term storage was established near Vientiane. Forlong-term conservation, duplicate samples were sent to theInternational Rice Genebank at IRRI in the Philippines.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity in the Lima bean (P. lunatus L.) was assessed bymeans of two chloroplast DNA probes. Based on data obtained from 152accessions including wild forms and landraces, the two separateMesoamerican and Andean groups were confirmed and a transition poolof genetic diversity was observed in the two botanical formsconsistent with their distribution range. Three primary centres ofgenetic diversity and one secondary diversification spot are proposedfor the wild Lima bean whereas only two domestication sites areunderlined for the landraces. The importance of human intervention inwidening the distribution range and the genetic diversity inlandraces is discussed.  相似文献   
Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) is atraditional Indian medicinal plant known for its natural nootropicaction of saponins present in large amount in its shoots. Acollection of 24 B.monnieri accessions from differentagro-climatic zones of India and an introduction from Malaysiamaintained in the field genebank at CIMAP was analysed for RAPDvariation. Among the 40 random primers tested, 29 primers generatedone or more polymorphic bands. The number of polymorphic bandsgenerated was primer dependent, ranging from 2 to maximum of 8.Similarity matrices were generated from the RAPD data on the basis ofNei's estimates of similarity indices and dendrograms wereconstructed based on UPGMA clustering. All the accessions were foundto be in the range of 0.8–1.0 of similarity, which isindicative of a narrow genetic base among the various accessions witha medium level of polymorphism. It was possible to differentiateindividual accessions, showing differences in morphological andgrowth properties at DNA level. The observed low levels of geneticvariation were attributed to interplay of sexual and vegetative modesof reproduction and similarity of local environments in habitats ofB. monnieri.  相似文献   
A sandy soil, Nampong soil(classified as Ustoxic Quartzipsamment), was incubated under controlled condition i) to compare the mineralization of major plant nutrients derived from different types of biochars and other organic soil amendments; ii) to examine their effects on soil properties and plant nutrient availability; and iii) to evaluate the plant nutrient losses in leachate from the rooting zone of soil incorporated with the different amendments. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with 3 replications.Five treatments of soil amendments used were cassava stem base biochar(CSB), rice husk biochar(RHB), chicken manure(CM),compost(CP), and no amendment application(control). The RHB treatment released the highest amounts of mineralized NO-3-N,available P and K(2.30–17.26, 5.50–42.90 and 43.00–187.63 mg kg-1, respectively) while the CM treatment releasing the highest NH+4-N in the range of 1.86–53.67 mg kg-1. The CSB and RHB treatments showed better continuity of mineralization of nutrients than the treatments of CM and CP, particularly in the case of the CSB treatment. In the soil column incubation experiment, the amounts of NH+4-N and NO-3-N in all treatments barely changed on Day 1 to Day 30 of incubation and then the amounts increased markedly on Day 60. On Day 60, the RHB treatment contained a very high amount of NO-3-N( 250 mg kg-1). This suggests that N would become more available 30 d after the incorporation. The CM treatment gave the highest amounts of organic matter and available P in the ranges of 4.64–8.94 g kg-1and 14.41–36.33 mg kg-1, respectively, during the 60-d column incubation. The CSB treatment tended to have higher available K throughout the measuring period. The NO-3-N was leached from the soil column quite quickly on Day 1 of incubation while the loss of NH+4-N decreased slightly from Day 1 until the end of the measurement. The amounts of P and K losses varied with the type of soil amendments, and the pattern of the loss was irregular.  相似文献   
Isozyme analysis was utilized for identification of duplicates in indigenous collection of cassava germplasm. 786 indigenous accessions of cassava were screened for 11 key morphological characters and the morphological duplicates were identified. Two hundred and eighteen accessions of cassava consisting of ninety one sets of morphological duplicates were analysed for esterase isozyme polymorphism. Thirty seven polymorphic bands were obtained, showing high polymorphism for this enzyme. Thirty seven double sets and 17 multiple sets were found to be similar at isozyme level. These isozyme duplicates will be further analysed for DNA similarity before eliminating them from the field germplasm. The dissimilar sets showed variation in minor morphological characters, thus confirming the relation between isozyme polymorphism and phenotypic variation.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were: (1) to analyse the physico-chemical characteristics of 48 Dioscorea alata varieties representing a core sample of the Vanuatu national germplasm collection; (2) to relate those characteristics with the varieties eating quality; and (3) to assess the possibility of selecting varieties according to their chemotype. Overall, 331 accessions were collected from 15 different islands of Vanuatu, planted in an ex situ germplasm collection and described during 3 years. The 48 varieties included in the core sample were selected according to their island of origin, eating quality, tuber shape, tuber flesh colour and morphotype. Analyses of their tubers were made for percentage dry matter, starch, amylose, lipids, minerals, proteins, sugars and gelatinisation temperature range. Significant variation exists for each of these characteristics except for gelatinisation temperature. Varieties with good eating quality are characterised with high dry matter, starch and amylose contents. Chemotypes appear to be genetically controlled and further screening of germplasm and/or breeding will have to take into consideration these characteristics, important for farmers’ adoption.  相似文献   
Bulk precipitation and throughfall analyses in 50–100-year-old Scots pine stands revealed decreasing sulphur, nitrogen, calcium and magnesium deposition gradients, which extend from the St. Petersburg-Leningrad region and N.-E. Estonia to S.-E. Finland. The Ca and Mg deposition alleviate the acidifying effect of sulphur and nitrogen. The Scots pine canopies acted as a sink for ammonium and nitrate, while the canopy interactions increased sulphur, calcium and magnesium content in throughfall. Foliar S, N and Ca concentrations correlated positively with the corresponding deposition loads. In contrast, low foliar magnesium concentrations were detected in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. The results indicate that the sulphur and calcium deposition may have increased soil leachate S and Ca concentrations in the most polluted Scots pine stands.  相似文献   
Coconut palm is a multipurpose crop cultivated in tropics. Diversity in this crop is rich in South Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean Islands. Foliar traits have not been studied extensively to understand the diversity. Seven traits relevant to wind tolerance, dry matter production and taxonomic discrimination known in palms are used in the study. An attempt was made using Shannon–Weaver index with an objective to understand the level of diversity for these traits in a germplasm collection from diversity hotspot areas. Seven tall groups and four dwarf groups representing seven island territories were studied using 206 individuals. Diversity estimate was the highest in Nicobar tall group whereas it was low in tall genotypes of Fiji and Tonga. Thickness of leaf sheath fiber of weft and warp strands had shown high diversity estimates. Results obtained in this study were analyzed in relation to adaptation, geographical affinity, mating system and taxonomic forms (typica and nana) along with the importance of foliar traits in diversity of coconut. *CPCRI Contribution No. 1181  相似文献   
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