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对过境哈国小麦指定离境口岸监管措施的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据哈萨克斯坦(简称哈国)小麦过境中国从连云港口岸离境的业务需求,针对过境哈国小麦疫情防控的特点,对过境哈国小麦的法规政策支撑、制度规范保障、监管技术要求等方面进行了深入的研究,提出过境哈国小麦指定离境口岸疫情防控的"三不、三专"监管措施原则。对过境哈国小麦指定离境口岸的检疫监管模式及疫情防控体系建设进行了探讨,并提出有关问题与建议。  相似文献   
茶翅蝽是一种重要的农林害虫,近年来在我国的发生为害程度呈现加重趋势。本文通过田间小区试验和室内行为研究,评价了茶翅蝽成虫对不同植物种类的选择偏好程度。在田间25科115种植物中,84种植物上调查到茶翅蝽成虫,种群发生密度整体较低,但寒麻、芝麻、红麻、籽粒苋、向日葵、大豆、白花菜等植物上成虫密度相对偏高。在室内Y型嗅觉仪测试中,与空白对照相比,茶翅蝽雌雄成虫对苗期和花期的向日葵、大豆、白花菜植株气味均表现出了明显的趋好行为。上述研究结果为深入解析我国茶翅蝽区域分布与发生消长规律提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
试验表明 ,38个 4年生欧美杨无性系间的树高、胸径、年生长量、造林成活率差异均呈极显著水平。用座标综合法评价了各无性系的优劣 ,从中初选出 6个优良无性系 ,其胸径和全高分别比对照高 2 1%和 2 0 %。  相似文献   
基于货币成本收益和非货币成本收益,对鄱阳湖生态经济区农民工回流决策及回流农民工的职业选择进行了经济分析。结果显示,考虑机会成本因素后的转移纯收益小于0时,转移农民工就会主动回流,而回流纯收益与转移纯收益趋于平衡时,非货币因素也会成为影响农民工回流决策的重要因素。回流农民工职业纯收益大于0,农民工就会放弃原有职业选择新职业。  相似文献   
通过观察黑翅土白蚁工蚁的觅食行为,进行了黑翅土白蚁对5种材料(姬松茸、木屑、菌草草粉、菌草姬松茸培养料、木屑姬松茸培养料)的取食选择性研究。结果表明,木屑和菌草草粉的被食率极显著高于其他3种材料,而姬松茸被食率为0;木屑与菌草草粉的泥被面积和泥被覆盖率极显著高于其他3种材料。这都表明姬松茸菌丝及其子实体散发出来的挥发性物质可以抑制黑翅土白蚁取食,黑翅土白蚁为害姬松茸主要是对其栽培料的破坏。  相似文献   
薯绿1号(原名徐菜薯1号)是以台农71为母本,以广薯菜2号为父本,通过定向有性杂交选育而成的菜用甘薯专用新品种。株型半直立,分枝多,叶片心形,顶叶黄绿色,叶基色和茎色均为绿色。薯块纺锤形,白皮白肉。茎尖无茸毛,烫后颜色翠绿至绿色,无苦涩味,微甜,有滑腻感,食味好。高抗茎线虫病,抗蔓割病。在国家区域试验3个月时间内每667m2产量1800kg左右,如在保护地条件下可周年生产,每667m2产量在5000kg以上。适合江苏、山东、河南、浙江、四川、广东、福建、海南等适宜地区作叶菜种植。  相似文献   
《茶树无性系良种"二段法"快繁育苗技术研究》为湖北省恩施农科院茶叶研究所自2005年以来的攻关课题,旨在解决山区茶农茶苗移栽成活率低的瓶颈问题,加快武陵山区无性系良种化建设进程。该技术成功实现了工厂化育苗、半年育苗出圃、带土坨移栽等重要技术指标,可提高茶苗移栽成活率95%以上,茶苗移栽无缓苗期,因营养液水质及pH值对短穗水培愈合及生根起到比较关键的作用。本文就营养液选择适宜pH值的试验作简要介绍,以供广大育苗单位及爱好者参考,较常规育苗技术提前1年获高产,项目成果推广性很强。  相似文献   
An image-based stated choice approach was used to investigate the conditions determining why visitors to an urban forest in Vienna feel crowded or not. Respondents (N=213) evaluated several sets of images depicting trail use scenarios with different levels of social crowding conditions and several types of social interferences. Forest users were segmented into three groups based on their global evaluations of use levels during weekends and work days, resulting in a crowding-averse, a crowding-tolerant, and a crowding-indifferent segment. Crowding-averse respondents reacted much more negatively to scenarios with high-use levels, heterogeneous trail use conditions, and violations of personal minimum spatial requirements caused by the presence of others. This user group felt overcrowded because social conditions experienced in the area interfered with their main visiting goals, especially to walk with their dog unleashed and to recreate. By contrast, crowding-tolerant respondents disliked very low-use and high-use situations, and preferred a certain amount of social stimulation in the form of some encounters, and more heterogeneous trail use conditions.  相似文献   
Urban green spaces (UGS) provide important contributions to people. Yet, UGS planning requires better understanding of by whom and where such contributions are being valued or missed. Based on a mixed-methods online survey and choice experiment with residents of Wellington in Aotearoa New Zealand, we analyse how much and why residents value UGS and their benefits when deciding where to live and how socio-economic and spatial factors might impact nature orientation and opportunity for satisfactory local UGS. We find that local UGS are an important residential choice criteria for the majority of respondents, especially in the context of Wellington’s intensification plans. However, we show that socio-economic and spatial factors significantly impact whether someone values and is satisfied with UGS in proximity to their place of residence. Our findings call for careful scoping of a city’s population and spatial structure when planning for equitable UGS provision. More holistic approaches to green space planning are needed to address contextualities and the complex interdependencies between nature orientation and opportunity and to plan for green space distributions that provide opportunities now and help shaping nature orientation for future generations.  相似文献   
择食饲喂对肉鸡生产性能和养分代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验研究择食饲喂对肉鸡生产性能、饲料养分利用率和肉鸡整体CP、能量转化率的影响。将144只22日龄艾维茵肉鸡随机分成3组,每组4个重复,每重复12只,分别饲喂粉碎玉米 浓缩料、豆粕 平衡料的试验日粮和基础全价对照日粮,每处理均设两个食槽。结果表明:(1)择食饲喂比饲喂全价混合日粮时生产性能略有下降;(2)择食饲喂对日粮干物质、粗蛋白和能量的表观代谢率无显著影响(P>0.05);(3)择食饲喂对肉鸡整体CP、能量沉积率无显著影响(P>0.05);(4)择食饲喂玉米组,日粮CP以及赖氨酸转化为体增重的效率显著高于另两组(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
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