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Improved cold tolerance during the juvenile phase is a major breeding goal to develop new sorghum cultivars suitable as an alternative energy crop in temperate regions. The objectives of this study were to identify marker‐trait associations for cold tolerance in a sorghum diversity panel fingerprinted with 2620 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) in two F2:3 populations. Traits of interest were dry matter growth rate (DMGR), leaf appearance rate (LAR), chlorophyll content (SPAD) and chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv′/Fm′ and ФPSII) in relation to temperature. The association panel comprised 194 genotypes, while the F2:3 populations consisted of 80 and 92 genotypes. All populations were tested under controlled conditions in a minimum of four temperature regimes ranging from 9.4°C to 20.8°C. QTL were identified for means across environments and regression parameters describing temperature effects. Several marker‐trait associations for mean (m) DMGR, base temperature (Tb) of SPAD and ФPSII and temperature effect on LAR were validated by QTL detected in population 1 or 2. Promising QTL regions were found on chromosomes SBI‐01, SBI‐02, SBI‐03, SBI‐04, SBI‐06 and SBI‐09, among them genomic regions where candidate genes involved in the C‐repeat binding pathway or encoding cold‐shock proteins are located.  相似文献   
基于单片段代换系的玉米百粒重QTL分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
籽粒大小是影响玉米产量的关键因素。本研究基于59份玉米染色体单片段代换系(SSSL)纯合体,对玉米百粒重性状进行2年6个试验环境的表型鉴定,利用t测验和重叠群作图的方法对SSSL内代换片段上的百粒重效应进行了QTL分析。共检测出20个百粒重QTL,分布在玉米的8条染色体上,其中14个(70.0%)在2个以上试验环境中被重复检出,4个(20.0%)在4个以上试验环境中被重复检出,在全部6个试验环境中重复检出且基因加性效应值较大的玉米百粒重QTL是位于玉米第5染色体Bin5.05区SSR分子标记bnlg278和umc1680附近的q100kw-5-3。研究结果为玉米籽粒大小性状相关基因的进一步精细定位和克隆奠定了基础。  相似文献   
大豆遗传群体选择与品质QTL的获得   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以高油品种哈交97-5404-1为母本,以哈交99-5448-4为父本,建立重组自交系群体.应用SSR技术,对不同世代F2∶3,F2∶6、F2∶9遗传群体中的油份QTL定位进行了分析,不同世代大豆分离遗传群体中油份含量均接近于正态分布,油份含量性状表达偏向于母本哈交97-5404-1,F2∶3代获得了对油份贡献率较高的QTL,F2∶9代则获多个与油份相关的QTL,大豆F2∶3和F2∶9代的遗传群体适宜用做品质性状的QTL定位,不同世代定位的油份QTL,均与SSR位点Satt193有关,通过对来自全国不同品种的SSR进行了分析和方差分析证实,Satt193在第一等位变异下(即DNA片段长度为270 bp)做为油份的筛选标记具有实用性,而在第三等位变异下(即DNA片段长度为220 bp)做为蛋白质材料的筛选标记具有应用性.  相似文献   
通过单粒传法构建了含130个家系的AR z×扬麦158 F6∶7重组自交系群体(R IL),并采用田间病圃自然发病和喷洒悬浮孢子液两种方法对该群体进行赤霉病田间抗性鉴定;利用SSR标记对群体中控制抗赤霉病性的QTL进行定位分析。结果表明:群体中各家系的病情指数在所有试验中都存在很大的变异,在2002年、2003年和2005年其变异幅度分别为20.0%~80.0%,10.6%~74.6%和33.2%~89.0%;不同年份间的病情指数具有中等程度的相关性,且都达到了极显著水平(P<0.000 5);Xgwm114、Xgwm296、Xgwm111.2等15个SSR标记位点与群体抗赤霉病性显著相关,这些位点分别位于2DL、3BL和7DL等染色体上;经区间作图分析发现位于染色体7D上的Xwm c 94~Xwm c273.2区间存在一个抗赤霉病QTL,它在3年试验中的LOD值分别为1.5、2.6和2.0,可解释病情指数变异率的5.8%、8.7%和6.7%,Xgwm114是与该抗赤霉病QTL紧密连锁的标记位点,位于该抗性QTL的峰值区域。  相似文献   

Heterobasidion parviporum (Fr.) Niemelä & Korhonen and Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. sensu lato are some of the major forest pathogens in the northern hemisphere causing root and butt rot to conifers. The relative susceptibility to H. parviporum was investigated in a full-sib family of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] by inoculating a set of 252 cloned progenies from a controlled cross. Four ramets of each progeny were used and the 2-year-old rooted cuttings were incubated for 6 weeks under greenhouse conditions. The condition of the cuttings was assessed visually and all the plants were in excellent vigour with no mortality recorded during the experiment. To score the relative susceptibility, lesion length in the inner bark and fungal growth in the sapwood were measured. Among the progenies, significant differences were found for fungal growth in the sapwood (p<0.0005). There was no significant difference for lesion length; however, there was a significant positive correlation between fungal growth and lesion length. The broad-sense heritability was 0.11 for fungal growth. This shows that the genetic component for susceptibility to H. parviporum can be detected even within a full-sib family of Norway spruce and that there is a potential for mapping quantitative trait loci for this trait in Norway spruce.  相似文献   
Segregation distortion of molecular markers has been reported in a broad range of organisms. It has been detected in an interspecific BC1 Populus pedigree established by controlled crossing between clone “LM50” (Populus tomentosa) and its hybrid clone “TB01” (P. tomentosa×P. bolleana). The study with a total of 150 AFLP markers (approximately 18.9% of the total loci) exhibited significant deviation from the Mendelian ratio (1:1) (p<0.01). Twenty-five percent of the markers were mapped on the pa-rental specific genetic linkage maps of clones “LM50” and “TB01” with a pseudo-test-cross mapping strategy. Twelve linkage groups had markers with skewed segregation ratios, but the major regions were on linkage groups TLG2, TLG4 and TLG6 in the linkage map of clone “LM50”. We also analyzed the association between distorted loci and expression of complex traits with Map-maker/QTL software. A total of 16 putative QTLs affecting 12 traits were identified in the distorted regions on seven linkage groups. Therefore we could detect the distribution of skewed loci along the entire genome and identify the association between quantitative traits and segregation loci via genetic mapping in an interspecific BC1 P. tomentosa family. Furthermore, the genetic nature and pos-sible causes of these segregation distortions for differentiation between female and male parents were also discussed.  相似文献   
Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) is a major constraint to rainbow trout culture. Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki bouvieri) have greater resistance to this virus than do rainbow trout (O. mykiss), but the genetic mechanism of this resistance is not understood. We conducted a genome scan using a backcross of cutthroat trout into a rainbow trout background to estimate the number and locations of quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with IHNV resistance and growth in trout. IHNV resistance was considered in terms of both survival (binary trait) and days to death (quantitative trait). The genetic map was scanned using interval mapping via two different approaches: one model considered survival alone and a second two-part model combined both survival and days to death. Three QTL were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) associated with virus resistance genome-wide, explaining 32.5% of the phenotypic variation. Cutthroat alleles at two of these QTL resulted in increased resistance to the pathogen, as expected. No growth QTL were detected in this cross. We suggest that these traits are genetically independent.  相似文献   
小麦品种百农64的慢白粉病QTL分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白粉病是我国小麦的主要病害,发掘慢白粉抗病基因及其紧密连锁的分子标记是培育慢病性品种的基础。本实验利用100个SSR标记和58个AFLP标记,分析百农64×京双16组合218个F2:3系的基因型,构建了由158个位点组成的遗传连锁图,在小麦连锁群上覆盖3114 cM。2003-04和2004-05年度将该群体种植于北京和安阳两点,鉴定各个家系对白粉病的抗性。采用复合区间作图法进行慢白粉病的QTL分析,发现3个控制慢白粉病的QTL,其中位于2B和2D 染色体的2个QTL在两种环境下均能检测到,贡献率分别为9.6%~11.3%和21.2%~26.1%。QTL遗传效应表现为加性和部分显性,其加性效应均来自抗病亲本百农64。  相似文献   
【目的】本研究旨在挖掘水稻粒型新基因、探索其分子机理,解析籽粒发育调控遗传网络奠定基础,并为通过分子标记聚合有利基因开展超级稻分子设计育种提供理论依据。【方法】以植株和籽粒形态差异较大的晚粳稻品种春江16B(CJ16B)和广亲和中籼稻背景恢复系C84为亲本构建含有188个家系的重组自交系为作图群体,利用158对在双亲中存在多态性差异的分子标记,构建了遗传连锁图谱,总遗传距离为1428.40cM,平均标记间距为9.04cM。在构建遗传图谱的基础上,完成RIL188个株系籽粒的粒长、粒宽、粒厚、长宽比和千粒重等5个性状考查并进行QTL定位。【结果】在海南陵水和浙江杭州两地共检测到籽粒相关主效QTL30个,包括籽粒QTL新座位18个,解释遗传变异3.51%~17.25%。其中粒长、粒宽、粒厚和长宽比QTL位点分别为9个、5个、5个和6个,千粒重QTL位点5个。经基因座位比对,发现有5个QTL区间与已克隆的调控籽粒形态相关基因座位相近,我们通过对双亲目标基因的测序并根据差异位点设计dCAPs分子标记进行验证。【结论】该RIL群体及其遗传图谱可用于水稻重要农艺性状主效QTL基因的定位和克隆,新定位的18个粒型QTL可以为水稻籽粒发育调控网络提供补充和资料积累。  相似文献   
大豆是重要的植物蛋白质和植物油脂来源,干旱是影响大豆产量的重要环境因子之一。为解析大豆耐旱性的遗传基础,本研究在PEG水压胁迫条件下,对由409个家系组成的巢式关联作图群体(具有1个共同亲本的2个重组自交系群体组成)进行叶片脯氨酸含量测定,通过限制性二阶段多位点全基因组关联分析(restrictivetwo-stagemultilocus genome-wide association study,RTM-GWAS),解析了大豆根部水压胁迫耐逆指数(root hydraulic stress tolerance index,RHSTI)的遗传体系。结果表明,在春季和夏季环境下,3个亲本蒙8260(共同亲本)、通山薄皮黄豆甲和正阳白毛平顶在RHSTI上均存在显著差异,其衍生群体RHSTI表型变异丰富,变幅分别为0.11~2.94和0.03~1.93,遗传力分别为97.7%和97.9%;2个环境联合分析发现,家系遗传力和家系与环境互作遗传力分别为37.9%和60.1%,说明群体RHSTI的变异受遗传和环境共同控制。通过RTM-GWAS方法,共检测到45个与RHSTI相关的QTL,分布在大豆18条染色体上,可以解释37.58%的表型变异,其中7个QTL的表型贡献率超过1%,为大贡献位点;这些QTL中,有34个位点与环境存在显著互作,可以解释12.50%的表型变异。结合PEG胁迫下大豆转录组数据,在定位区间500kb范围内共筛选到38个差异表达基因,可归为ABA响应因子、逆境响应因子、转录因子、发育因子、蛋白代谢因子、未知功能和其他等7类,其中逆境响应因子、转录因子和发育因子是最大的3类;其中位于主效位点的6个基因,与ABA响应因子、逆境响应因子、转录因子相关,应为主要候选基因。上述结果表明,大豆耐旱性是一个由多位点、多基因控制的复杂数量性状,且与环境存在互作,遗传基础复杂。研究结果为大豆耐旱性分子育种提供了依据。  相似文献   
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