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经济发展改变了铜陵淡水豚国家级自然保护区的水域水生生态环境,为了揭示该保护区浮游植物群落结构特征与水质状况,分别于2011年6月、7月及9月按对4个代表性断面进行浮游植物群落研究,并根据浮游植物群落结构的物种组成,及其结合Shannon-Weaver指数和 Pielou 均匀度指数对水质营养及污染状况进行评价。结果表明:该保护区浮游植物有86种,其中绿藻门最多,34种,占全部浮游植物种类的39.53%;硅藻次之,29种,占总种类的33.73%;蓝藻门14种,占总种类的16.28%。浮游植物总平均密度为9.79×105 ind•L-1,总平均生物量为0.303mg•L-1,调查区域浮游植物平均密度由高到低依次为铜陵沙头南>铜陵沙头北>萝卜洲尾南>萝卜洲尾北;平均生物量由高到低依次为铜陵沙头南>铜陵沙头北>萝卜洲尾北>萝卜洲尾南。铜陵淡水豚自然保护区水质属于富营养型,处于α-中污染状态。  相似文献   
Juvenile green abalone Haliotis rufescens were grown under laboratory conditions at 21±1 °C and fed formulated diets consisting of different protein:energy ratios (mg protein/kcal), 62, 74, 85, 100, 108, for 60 days. The level of crude protein ranged from approximately 26% to 44% while the energy content remained constant at about 4.1 kcal g−1. Growth ranged from 3.63 to 12.33 mg day−1. The growth of abalone fed the 100 and 108 diets was significantly greater than that of each of the other diets. Protein efficiency ratio increased as the dietary protein content increased except for the T108 diet (44% crude protein). Abalone apparently consume food to satisfy an energy requirement. Caloric expenditure due to metabolism was estimated for abalone fed diets with protein ratios of 62, 85, 100. Energy loss due to respiration did not vary appreciably among abalone fed the different diets. The proportional distribution of dietary energy into fecal, digestible, growth, and metabolic energy was estimated for abalone fed these diets. Apparent dry matter digestibility was among the lowest for abalone fed the 100 P:E diet, but growth of abalone fed this diet was significantly higher than that of each of the other treatments except the 108 diet. Unexplained energy loss to achieve balance ranged from 7% to 28.5%, some of which is probably due to differential mucus and ammonia production. Results suggest a potential for the reduction of both dietary protein and lipid without causing any adverse effects on the growth response.  相似文献   
为完善新疆博尔塔拉河流域的渔业生态评估及体系养护,2016年11月在博尔塔拉河流域展开资源调查,于干流设置4个监测断面,对该水域鱼类群落结构进行研究。本调查共采集鱼类1515尾,隶属于3目5科14属,共计15种,均为硬骨鱼类;通过相对重要性指数(IRI指数)获得的博尔塔拉河干流的鱼类优势种共计3种,分别为麦穗鱼(Pseudorasbora parva)、棒花鱼(Abbottina rivularis)和新疆高原鳅(Triplophysastrauchii)。基于Bray-Curtis相似性指数的二维聚类分析结果显示,在60%相似水平上空间聚类,可将博尔塔拉河分为上游及下游2组,物种聚类在50%相似水平上可分为Ⅰ~Ⅳ共计4组。典范对应分析(CCA)表明,影响冬季鱼类群落空间结构的主要环境因子为海拔、温度和溶氧。对照历史资料结果表明,博尔塔拉河流域的土著鱼类种类减少;外来鱼类种类逐年增加;经济鱼种减少;鱼类群落小型化明显。本研究可为该流域生态环境评估、水资源开发利用及渔业资源养护提供基础数据,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
对福建万木林省级自然保护区苦槠天然林的群落结构、物种组成、多样性及演替趋势等进行调查分析,结果表明:该群落的物种多样性较丰富,共有维管束植物36科58属79种,群落中木本植物占绝对优势;群落层次分明,有乔木、灌木和草本3个层次;乔木层中苦槠的重要值最大,但在灌木层中未见苦槠分布,表明苦槠林正处于缓慢演替之中。  相似文献   
合肥超市茶饮料市场调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白蕊  雷鸣  华再欣  齐灿  戴前颖  宛晓春  李大祥 《安徽农业科学》2013,41(15):6902-6905,6907
茶饮料具有口感舒适,滋味香甜,有利健康等优势,茶饮料工业已成为茶产业的重要支柱。通过对2011年夏季合肥五大超市中的茶饮料(奶茶饮料除外)的品牌与种类、销售价格以及茶饮料的配料成分、营养成分、感官品质等进行调查分析。结果发现,合肥市场茶饮料的品牌主要为康师傅、统一、雀巢原味、立顿等;茶饮料种类中红茶和绿茶饮料占到67%;茶饮料售价均价为2.55元,价格在2.0~2.9元的占67%;茶饮料的茶配料主要以速溶茶粉为主,并大多数种类添加有甜味剂(含代糖成分)、酸味剂、防腐剂等食品添加剂;茶饮料的感官品质符合该类型茶饮料的风味特点;茶饮料中无糖和低糖型饮料占调查总数的66.1%,且均为无蛋白、无脂肪型、无钠或非常低钠型液体饮料。同时还对茶饮料的热量值、pH、标签上的茶多酚含量标注以及茶饮料标准GB/T 21733-2008中茶多酚含量的测定方法等进行了讨论。  相似文献   
李星群  文军 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(12):5757-5759
调查了山口红树林自然保护区周边社区居民对滨海生态旅游开发的认知情况。结果显示,社区居民对生态旅游开发认知集中在旅游开发意愿认知、旅游开发外部因素感知、旅游影响感知、旅游者认知、旅游开发认知、环境效益认知6个方面。社区居民的认知集中反映出自然保护区生态旅游开发如何成为对社区居民负责任的旅游和如何增加社区居民生态旅游参与2大问题。并从保护区管理处职能定位、全方位提供旅游开发支持措施、搭建社区居民旅游参与平台等方面提出了自然保护区生态旅游开发的建议。  相似文献   
贵州湄潭茶区茶叶机械采摘的技术应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步推广茶叶机械化采摘,提高茶叶采摘质量,对贵州湄潭永兴茶场和东南茶场进行机械采摘技术应用研究,结果表明,大宗茶生产过程中,不同采摘方式以双人采茶机采摘效果最佳,手采质量最差;永兴茶区大宗茶采摘时期掌握偏迟,采下原料较大,难以生产出品质较高的产品;东南茶场夏秋茶生产的采摘间隔期为15 ~ 18 d,不同时间气候条件差异大,尤其是日照时数、湿度、降雨量、蒸发量等气象要素的变化使相同间隔期内采下的芽叶质量相差甚大,确定采摘适期应考虑这几个气象要素的变化;茶园营养水平对原料质量影响大,适当提高目前湄潭茶区施肥量,改进施肥方法,对获优质机采原料有好的保证.  相似文献   
以乌鲁木齐市生活垃圾为原料进行高温堆肥发酵,研究了堆肥过程中各营养成分的变化情况及堆肥腐熟程度.结果表明:在乌鲁木齐市生活垃圾处理厂目前生产工艺下,氮素和碳素损失均主要发生在发酵前3 d,发酵后期氮素和碳素损失较少.因此,堆肥发酵前3 d是控制养分损失的关键时期.在堆肥过程中,速效钾含量从堆制当天的1 507 mg/kg,增加到结束的2 099 mg/kg;速效磷的含量从堆制开始的78 mg/kg,增加到结束的103 mg/kg.不同发酵时期的堆肥样品进行发芽率试验结果表明,生活垃圾在发酵过程中产生植物生长抑制物质较少.C/N比、堆温的试验结果表明生活垃圾经45 d堆制,基本达到了腐熟堆肥的要求.  相似文献   
Recent research in western North America suggests that open forage areas are a greater limiting factor to mule deer abundance than closed conifer forests. However, much of this work was conducted in ecosystems prone to fire and low snow depths compared to the limits of mule deer range such as the Columbia Mountains, British Columbia, where snow is deep and fires are rare. We used snow track surveys as a measure of habitat use and fecal nitrogen as an index of dietary quality to compare the relative value to mule deer of open deciduous canopies to closed coniferous canopies in a wet ecosystem with deep snow and few fires. Deciduous canopies contain higher levels of understory forage compared to dense coniferous canopies, which are better at intercepting snow. We also evaluated food habits across landscapes with contrasting forest canopies. Results corroborated previous work in that foraging areas such as deciduous stands were strongly selected by deer, despite deeper snow relative to closed coniferous stands. Deer consumed fewer understory shrubs in coniferous-dominated stands, suggesting lower nutritional intake in these stands. Finally, deer appeared to derive a nutritional benefit in landscapes that had a higher proportion of open deciduous canopies, as indexed by fecal nitrogen. However, not all open canopy stands were of equal value to deer – deciduous-dominated stands were selected, whereas clearcuts were avoided. Similarly, not all closed coniferous stands were equally selected: cedar–hemlock stands were avoided whereas Douglas-fir stands were selected and indeed contained the highest proportion of deer tracks. We suggest that winter foraging areas have been underrepresented in management policy in British Columbia, but that snow-interception cover provided by coniferous stands still plays a role in winter deer ecology in deep-snow ecosystems.  相似文献   
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