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为阐述高产的小麦蘖叶构型特征,并验证了具有这种蘖叶构型小麦品种的高产性,对郑麦7698、周麦18和矮抗58的蘖叶动态及其特征进行分析。结果表明,高产小麦蘖叶建构过程中,分蘖以冬前低位蘖为主,春生高位蘖少且不拔节;小麦生育前期冠层上部叶片直立,冠层透光性好,下部叶片面积大且持绿期长,在灌浆中后期叶片仍能保持较好的直立性。这种蘖叶构型分蘖冗余小,光和养分资源能高效利用,同时冠层透光性好,群体光合同化能力可以得到充分发挥,进而易于实现高产。该蘖叶构型在密植条件下的优势更为突出,有助于解决生产中农民大播量种植进而造成倒伏减产的问题。  相似文献   
机械臂连杆柔性、关节柔性等非线性变形的综合影响,导致其末端位置发生偏离而产生误差。本文以IRB1410型串联机械臂为研究对象,采用理论分析、仿真分析与实验验证相结合的方式,对机械臂末端位置误差进行分析与补偿研究。首先,建立机械臂刚柔耦合理论误差模型,并运用Newmarkβ法进行数值仿真分析;联合ANSYS和ADAMS进行刚柔耦合机械臂末端位置运动误差仿真;为了实现快速补偿,提出基于BP神经网络的伪目标点法对位置误差进行补偿,补偿后其位置误差均方根减小了68.3%,说明该方法具有较好的补偿效果;最后,自主设计并搭建了测量实验平台,采用所提算法进行了误差补偿实验,对比补偿前后距离误差,补偿后误差均方根减小了77.01%,验证了伪目标点法对柔性误差补偿的有效性。  相似文献   
针对鱼类关键生境位置确定的应用需求,该文提出了一套适用于自然水体的超声波标记鱼定位算法,解决了标记鱼定位以及存在粗差观测值,即水听器记录的超声波信号接收时间存在错误情况下算法的抗干扰性。宜昌黄柏河的实测结果表明,基于现有1 ms级精度的水听器,可在自然水体中获得2.15 m精度的信号标记鱼三维游动轨迹。如因气泡、遮挡等因素对水听器观测数据引入粗差,当粗差量级在10 m以上,该方法可接近100%探测出是否存在粗差。当粗差观测值在3个以内时,该方法的探测成功率可达84.3%以上,3个以上时粗差探测成功率明显下降,5个及以上,即粗差观测值个数占观测值总数的比例大于31.25%时,基本只能探测出观测数据中存在粗差而无法有效确定粗差。该研究可为渔业增殖、鱼类栖息地保护、鱼类洄游通道等研究提供参考。  相似文献   
Hyperspectral remote sensing for monitoring horticultural production systems requires the understanding of how plant physiology, canopy structure, management and solar elevation affect the retrieved canopy reflectance during different stages of the phenological cycle. Hence, the objective of this study was to set up and to interpret a hyperspectral time series for a mature and healthy citrus orchard in the Western Cape province of South Africa considering these effects. Based on the remotely sensed data, biophysical parameters at the canopy level were derived and related to known observed physiological and phenological changes at the leaf level and to orchard management. Fractions of mature fruit, flowers, and sunburnt leaves were considered, and indices related to canopy structure chlorophyll content and canopy water status were calculated.Results revealed small cover fractions of mature fruit, flowers and sunburnt leaves of respectively 2.1%, 3.1% and 7.0%, but the high spectral contrast between flowers and leaves allowed a successful classification of flowering intensity. Furthermore, it was shown that canopy level time series of vegetation indices were sensitive to changes in solar elevation and soil reflectance which could be reduced by applying an empirical soil line correction for the most affected indices. Most trends in vegetation indices at the canopy level could be explained by a combination of changes at the leaf level (chlorophyll, carotenoids, dry matter), changes in canopy structure (leaf area index and leaf angle distribution) and changes in cover fractions of vegetative flushes, flowers and sunburnt leaves. The transformed chlorophyll absorption ratio index over the optimised soil adjusted vegetation index (MCARI/OSAVI) was best related to leaf level trends in chlorophyll content. Seasonal changes in the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) were linked to inverse changes in the carotenoid-to-chlorophyll ratio. Canopy structure indices (the modified triangular vegetation index or MTVI2 and the standardized leaf area index determining index or sLAIDI) were sensitive to changes in leaf area index, average leaf angle as well to management interactions (pruning and harvest). Canopy water status was highly impacted during the spring flush due to expanding leaves that concealed trends in the underlying mature leaves. Seasonal trends in soil and weeds reflectance were related to changes in volumetric soil water content and to the earlier and reduced growth period of non-irrigated weeds.  相似文献   
基于冠层光谱的锦橙叶片磷素营养监测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以盆栽蓬安100号锦橙施肥调控试验为基础,利用田间冠层光谱信息探索建立植株磷素营养监测技术与方法。通过采集蓬安100号锦橙95个单株样本的冠层光谱信息和室内检测分析叶片磷含量,随机选取76个作为建模样本,19个为检验样本,运用多种光谱预处理方法和偏最小二乘法(Partial least square method,PLS)及内部交叉验证方法建立校正模型与模型检验。结果表明,经多种光谱预处理方法的建模结果比较,冠层原始反射光谱经二阶求导和SNV处理后建立的蓬安100号锦橙叶片磷含量冠层光谱监测模型预测能力和稳健性最佳,其主成分数4个,能表达全波段63%的信息;校正模型相关系数为0.90,偏差Bias=2.45E-10,且RMSEC和RMSEP均最小。模型检验预测的决定系数R2=0.85。因此,利用二阶导数及标准归一化(Standard normal variate transformation,SNV)预处理的田间冠层光谱信息快速无损监测蓬安100号锦橙叶片磷含量具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   
The spatial variability of the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the canopy (fPAR) was characterized for a heterogeneous boreal mixedwood forest site located in northern Ontario, Canada, based on relationships found between fPAR and light detection and ranging (lidar) data over different canopy architectures. Estimates of fPAR were derived from radiation measurements made above the canopy at a flux tower and below-canopy radiation was measured across a range of species compositions and canopy architectures. Airborne lidar data were used to characterize spatial variability of canopy structure around the flux tower and a map of mean canopy chlorophyll concentration was derived from airborne hyperspectral imagery. Different volumes of lidar points for the locations directly above each photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) sensor were examined to determine if there is an optimal method of relating lidar returns to estimated fPAR values.The strongest correlations between mean lidar height and fPAR occurred when using points that fell within a theoretical cone which originated at the PAR sensor having a solid angle α = 55°. For diffuse conditions, the correlation (r) between mean lidar height versus fPAR × chlorophyll was stronger than between mean lidar height versus fPAR by 8% for mean daily fPAR and from 10 to 20% for diurnal fPAR, depending on solar zenith angle. For direct light conditions, the relationship was improved by 12% for mean daily fPAR and 12–41% for diurnal relationships.Linear regression models of mean daily fPAR × chlorophyll versus mean lidar height were used in conjunction with gridded lidar data and the canopy chlorophyll map to generate maps of mean daily fPAR for direct and diffuse sunlight conditions. Site average fPAR calculated from these maps was 0.79 for direct light conditions and 0.78 for diffuse conditions. When compared to point estimates of mean daily fPAR calculated on the tower, the average fPAR was significantly lower than the point estimate. Subtracting the direct sunlight fPAR map from the diffuse sunlight fPAR map revealed a distinct spatial pattern showing that areas with open canopies and relatively low chlorophyll (e.g., black spruce patches) have a higher fPAR under direct sunlight conditions, while closed canopies with higher chlorophyll (e.g., deciduous species) absorb more PAR under diffuse conditions. These findings have implications for scaling from point measurements at flux towers to larger resolution satellite imagery and addressing local scale heterogeneity in flux tower footprints.  相似文献   
河套灌区畦田内不同位置土壤入渗特性及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确河套灌区畦田田块不同位置土壤的入渗特性,通过野外试验和室内检测对试验区田块不同位置土壤理化性质和入渗过程进行分析,并基于土壤入渗模型对试验区田块不同位置的土壤入渗过程进行拟合,同时探讨影响土壤入渗过程的影响因素.研究结果表明:试验区田块内不同位置土壤理化性质及入渗特性具有一定差异性且不同位置土壤入渗特性与土壤理化...  相似文献   
基于视觉里程计的森林样地调查系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以视觉里程计技术恢复连续摄影序列图像位姿,并以恢复位姿的图像为基础构建样地调查系统。该系统通过对图像位姿尺度恢复、定义样地坐标系、标记立木等过程估计样地中立木位置及胸径。用相机对12块半径为7. 5 m的圆形样地进行连续摄影,获取有序图像序列,并使用构建的样地调查系统对图像序列进行处理,以获取样地中立木位置及胸径。实验结果表明,所有样地立木位置估计值x轴与y轴方向的偏差(BIAS)分别为0. 04、-0. 03 m,均方根误差(RMSE)分别为0. 21、0. 17 m;样地中立木胸径估计值的BIAS及RMSE分别为0. 09 cm(0. 51%)和0. 88 cm(5. 03%)。  相似文献   
为了研究不同导叶位置对S型轴伸式贯流泵装置水力性能的影响,设计了4种不同导叶相对位置的方案,并分别针对小流量(Q=0.8Q0)、设计流量(Q=1.0Q0)、大流量(Q=1.2Q0)3种工况下的S型轴伸贯流泵装置进行了数值模拟计算。对比数值模拟结果与试验结果,并分析计算结果的外特性与内特性,通过模型试验验证了数值模拟计算结果的准确性。结果表明,泵装置效率和扬程随导叶相对位置逐渐增大呈现先上升后下降的趋势,导叶与叶轮之间的相对距离存在最优值A=10 mm,在此位置时,泵装置效率和扬程相对最高,导叶体水力损失与出水流道水力损失相对最小,导叶体对于动能的回收能力强。小流量与设计流量工况下,出水流道进口平均涡角的大小随导叶相对位置先减小后增加,对应出水流道水力损失先下降后上升的趋势。大流量工况下,平均涡角不随导叶相对位置变化而变化。  相似文献   
发动机是收获机械的动力源,其安装位置精度将直接影响整机装配质量,进而关系机器的作业效率和可靠性。由于收获机械底盘机架结构复杂、表面粗糙度大,现有测量方法及设备难以满足大跨距孔组位置度误差测量需求,针对收获机械发动机安装孔位置度的自动化测量需求,提出了基于机器视觉的大跨距孔组位置度误差在线检测方法,通过建立孔组位置度误差模型,使用多部工业相机获取安装孔二维图像,通过相机在线标定、图像增强处理、特征提取、坐标变换等手段,实时测取并计算安装孔组之间的位置度误差。在此基础上,基于LabWindows/CVI平台,开发了自动检测软件,实现了发动机安装孔位置度的快速检测。以某型玉米收获机底盘机架发动机安装孔组为对象开展了试验研究,结果表明,利用该方法能够有效获取安装孔组的位置度关系,建立的孔组位置度误差模型能够进行误差分析与评定,在分辨率和测量精度上均优于传统测量方式,检测效率较高,能够满足生产线自动化检测需求。  相似文献   
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