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选用无氮培养基(NFM)对草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis)根际土壤样品中的固氮菌株进行了分离和纯化,共获得21个固氮菌株的纯培养,对其形态学和生理生化特性进行了研究。结果表明,草地早熟禾根际的固氮菌以Azoobacter为主,其次为Pseudomonas、Bacillus及Enterobacter,菌株细胞基本形状为杆状或类球状,有少量的菌株(N1、N5、N8、N16)存在芽孢;过氧化氢酶、溶菌酶试验均为阳性反应,不能水解果胶,不产生吲哚,在pH为5.7的营养肉汤培养液中都生长不良,在厌氧性测定反应中除了菌株N13和N14能厌氧生长外,其他菌株均为好氧生长。  相似文献   
利用乙炔还原法、比色法等对草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis)根际分离得到的21个固氮菌株进行固氮酶活性、溶磷能力和分泌植物生长素性能的研究测定,在固氮酶活性测定中,21个菌株还原C2H2产生的C2H4在39.9~227.5 nmol·mL-1·h-1,大于100 nmol·mL-1·h-1的有14株,占所分离固氮菌株的67%;菌株的溶磷强度在13.38~58.21 μg·mL-1,其中菌株N4 、N16及N20溶磷能力较强;菌株N2、N4、N5、N10、N14、N16、N17及N20具有较强的分泌植物生长激素的能力。  相似文献   
对17种茶树菇菌株的菌丝长势、菇体颜色、抗逆性、开伞度、产量及生物学效率等多项农艺性状进行评比实验。结果显示,茶树菇大部分菌株菌丝长势都很好,较易开伞,具有较强抗逆性,原基发生约34 d~48 d,初潮时间约40 d~53 d,且生物学效率近50%以上,其中浅灰褐色品系菌丝长势偏好。但白菇和As-F各项农艺性状均较弱。综合比较后筛选出优良的核心菌株As-1。  相似文献   
施钾对烤烟高钾新品系生长发育及含钾量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探明不同施钾量对烤烟钾高效基因型新品系生长发育和含钾量的影响,本试验以‘K326’为对照,高钾新品系GK2、GK8为供试材料,分析比较烟株农艺性状、干物质积累量及含钾量在不同供钾水平下的差异。研究结果表明:增施钾肥可以明显改善烤烟高钾新品系的农艺性状,促进烟株株高、茎围、叶片大小及单株叶数的增加;团棵期不同供钾水平下烟株的长相长势基本一致,进入旺长期后,施钾240 kg/hm2时,烟株长势最好,不同品种(系)间表现为:GK8>GK2>‘K326’。烤烟高钾新品系根、茎、叶的干物质积累量随着施钾量的增加而增加,不同时期各器官干物质积累量为:叶>茎>根;不同供钾水平为:T3>T2>T1;不同品种(系)间表现为:GK8>GK2>‘K326’。  相似文献   
Studies were carried out to determine the fate of virulent Toxoplasma gondii challenge in immune animals. Toxoplasma strains isolated from human, swine, rabbit and cat hosts were used for the primary immunization of mice. Brains were removed at various intervals after the challenge and subinoculated into normal mice. Prior immunization with one of the nine toxoplasma strains enabled the mice either to eliminate or harbour the challenge organisms without loss of virulence. The outcome of challenge infection was dependent on the parasite strain used for the immunization and the time interval between challenge and subinoculation. Mice immunized with strain KSU isolated from a cat eliminated repeatedly administered challenge from 80% of animals. Strain S 162 isolated from a swine eliminated similar challenge from only 20% of animals. The results indicate that the extent of protection against virulent T. gondii can vary widely and is related to the immunogenicity of the original immunizing strain.  相似文献   
Possible side-effects of the acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicide chlorimuron-ethyl on Bradyrhizobium japonicum (Kirchner & Jordan) in pure culture and on inoculated soybean plants growing under controlled conditions were investigated. Growth of B japonicum strain E109 was not affected by this herbicide even when exposed to concentrations 150 times higher than recommended field doses. However, nodulation of soybean plants treated 5 days after emergence with chlorimuron-ethyl at standard application rates was impaired: a 38% decrease in the number of nodules per plant was observed four weeks after treatment. Despite nodule number decrease, no changes in shoot nitrogen content could be detected. Total fresh biomass was diminished by 25% in herbicide-treated plants. Leghemoglobin content in nodules did not vary; nevertheless total nodule protein was diminished by 40% in the herbicide-treated group. ALS activity in different soybean tissues and their relative sensitivity to chlorimuron-ethyl were also investigated. Roots and bacteroids had the greatest specific ALS activities. On a fresh weight basis, the bacteroid fraction displayed the highest ALS activity and was also the most tolerant to in vitro chlorimuron addition: 72% of its activity was retained after including 10 microM chlorimuron-ethyl in the reaction mixture. These results indicate that standard application rates of chlorimuron-ethyl will have limited incidence on B japonicum survival, and effects on nodulation may have little long-term consequences on soybean nitrogen fixation potential. The differences found among soybean tissues not only in intrinsic ALS activity but also in their relative sensitivity to this herbicide suggests that, in leguminous plants living in symbiosis with rhizobia, nodules may contribute to an enhanced tolerance to ALS inhibitors.  相似文献   
收集大豆抗大豆花叶病(SMV)抗源和鉴别寄主40份,通过接种Cho和Goodman划分的抗大豆花叶病毒株系SMV G1-G7,了解这些材料对该株系的抗性反应.同时比较了其中部分材料对中国学者划分的SMV Sc1-Sc17株系的抗性反应.结果感病材料无论对SMV G1-G7株系,还是SMV Sc1-Sc17株系均表现感病;但是,齐黄1、科丰1、早18和8101等对SMV G1-G7株系均表现抗病的材料,对SMV Sc1-Sc17株系却表现出部分抗病;而另外一些材料,如:诱变30、徐豆1、文丰5、铁6915、齐黄10和Harosoy等对SMV G1-G7株系的抗性反应却与北美的鉴别寄主相同.结果表明:无论是对 SMV G1-G7株系,还是对SMV Sc1-Sc17株系,抗病材料的抗性遗传基础是相似的;中国一些大豆花叶病毒株系的致病力强于国外的株系.因此,结合国外的SMV株系鉴定系统,创建一套统一的SMV株系鉴定系统是可行的.  相似文献   
马桑根瘤内生菌纯培养物的分离、回接及其生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多次采用根瘤切片法直接从野生的马桑根瘤中分离内生菌纯培养物均未获成功;但用同样方法从温室里人工接种形成的马桑根瘤中却分离到大量纯培养物。其中273株经盆栽回接后发现有24株能侵染结瘤;少数菌株还通过半固体斜面和珍珠岩盆栽回接成功。对10株纯培养物表型特性的研究表明,它们均具有Frankia的形态和培养特征;生理类型除有A、B两型外,尚出现有一类A、B混合型,其中凡属B型菌株的均能侵染结瘤,A型则不能,两株A、B混合型中有1株能结瘤,另1株却不能;碳、氮源利用特性和其它Frankia基本相似;细胞壁组分既有Ⅲ型也有Ⅱ型;全细胞鉴别性糖大多为木糖和半乳糖,少数菌株只含有半乳糖或木糖,或含有半乳糖、木糖和阿拉伯糖。DNA中G+C mol%为65%~74%。  相似文献   
蛋用鹌鹑栗羽系的选育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]提高栗羽鹌鹑的生产性能。[方法]以引进的栗羽鹌鹑为基础,组建选育基础群和家系繁殖-世代观测群,对公鹌鹑进行家系选择,对母鹌鹑进行综合选择。测定不同世代鹌鹑的生活力、生长发育、产蛋性能、蛋品质量、料蛋比等指标。[结果]与0世代基础群相比,6世代核心群开产日龄由47.10 d提前到45.87 d;开产体重由135.50 g/只下降到128.79 g/只;20周产蛋数由68.60枚/只提高到86.63枚/只;平均蛋重二者基本一致,为10.90 g/枚。按6世代核心群产蛋情况计算,栗羽鹌鹑在46日龄开产至140日龄的94 d内可产蛋86.63枚/只,平均产蛋率在92%以上。[结论]采用家系选育提高了栗羽鹌鹑的产蛋量。  相似文献   
对马铃薯晚疫病菌[Phytophthorainfestans(Mont.)deBary]卵孢子形成的影响因素及卵孢子菌系生物学特性进行研究。卵孢子形成的影响因素试验结果表明:在黑麦A培养基中卵孢子产生的量最多,其次是燕麦培养基,V8培养基最少,在Mira品种上卵孢子产生量最多,而在PB06上只有少量产生,在10℃下产生卵孢子的量最多,15℃最少。用液体培养基产生的卵孢子悬浮液涂于黑麦A抗菌素培养基或直接挑单卵孢子培养于黑麦A抗菌素培养基上,获得单卵孢子菌落,继续培养获得单卵孢子菌系。以A1和A2孢子囊等量混合制成悬浮液,接种于Mira叶片上,获得卵孢子群,经穿薯片培养获得卵孢子群菌系。将获得的单卵孢子菌系和卵孢子群菌系进行交配型、抗药性和致病性测定,结果表明:所测的18个卵孢子菌株中,有17个为A2交配型,1个为A1交配型;占75%的卵孢子菌株对甲霜灵表现为中抗,25%的表现为抗性;对非水平抗性品种表现为较强的致病性,而对水平抗性品种的致病性较弱,不同的卵孢子菌系的致病性表现较明显的差异。  相似文献   
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