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商月惠  董文轩  王颖  王蒴  于维军  周攀 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(14):4097-4098,4147
以平邑甜茶[Malus hupehensis(Pamp.)Rehd.var.pingyiensis Jiang]及其与扎矮山定子[Malus.baccata(L.)Borkh.]杂交获得的非整倍体植株为试材,采取不同的前处理方法和观测方式探索其对试材的胚胎特别是胚囊观测效果的影响.结果表明:用浓度4%蔗糖曙红溶液对胚珠进行整体染色,染色后充分水洗,最后采用LSCM 1 024×1 024的分辨率观测,获得了最清晰的胚胎特征图像.  相似文献   
 用中国春双端二体(Double ditelosomic)系列作母本分别和“云南小麦”杂交,并对所得21个组合F#-1代进行端体配对分析。其中在13个组合中观察到中国春的两个端体同时和“云南小麦”相应染色体配对形成异型三价体(ttl')的PMC频率达77.7-93.7%,说明“云南小麦”的这13条染色体和中国春的相应染色体间的差异很小。在另外8个组合(包括2A、7A、2B、4B、5B、6B、1D、5D)中,出现ttl'、tl'+t'和t'+t'构型的PMC频率分别为35.0-73.7%、21.5-55.0%和1.0-10.0%,表明“云南小麦”这8条染色体和中国春相应染色体之间在某个臂上存在一定程度的分化。在绝大多数组合中都观察到不包含端体的三价体、四价体,这表明在“云南小麦”的某些染色体可能发生了易位变异。  相似文献   
余建章 Palm.  RG 《作物学报》1989,15(4):397-304
该新三体于1983年发现,1984年鉴定。新三体的超数染色体为带随体的染色体,命名为Trisomic E(简写为 Tri E),其四体应称为随体四体(Satellite tetrasomic)。非整倍体的原始真叶较小,生长势较弱,单株结荚数比二倍体少得多。控制茸毛色的基因(t)可以定位在新三体的超数染色体上。  相似文献   
J. Thomas  E. Riedel  G. Penner 《Euphytica》2001,119(1-2):217-221
Chromosome locations of two allele-specific SCAR (sequencecharacterized amplified region) DNA markers in wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) were found by identifying critical aneuploids obtained by thepollination of haploids. One SCAR, linked to a gene for antibioticresistance to wheat midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana Géhin) was onchromosome 2B. The second SCAR, linked to one of three genes for whiteseed color was on 3B. Unemasculated haploids of M11 (resistant & whiteseeded) were pollinated with BW252 (susceptible & a three-genered) yielding about 1 hybrid seed per 4 heads pollinated. Out of 94 seedstested, endosperm DNA of 15 seeds lacked one SCAR or the other,signaling a critical deficiency. These 15 selected seeds gave 9 viable hybridsof which 2 were false negatives. By screening for polymorphicmicrosatellites, informative markers were obtained for all chromosomesexcept 7D. Chromosomes missing from marker negative hybrids wereinferred from monomorphism of chromosome-specific microsatellites plusmeiotic data. Hybrids lacking the midge SCAR lacked 2B from M11 whilehybrids lacking the white SCAR lacked all or part of 3B from M11. Whilesome of the aneuploids were complex, simple monosomics were recoveredfor both 2B and 3B.  相似文献   
Viable aneuploid embryos of pearl oyster, Pinctada martensii Dunker, were produced by inhibiting the first polar body (PB1) with cytochalasin B treatment in eggs from triploids fertilized with haploid sperm. During the period of growth measurement, aneuploid showed the slowest growth compared with diploid and triploid groups. The body size and weight measurement data showed that there were no differences between aneuploids (as a group) and diploids in body size and weight (P>0.10), but that they were significantly different from triploids (P<0.01). There were no differences between aneuploids within diploid condition (2n±n) and diploids in SL (P>0.1), but significant differences in BW were found (P<0.05). Aneuploids within triploid condition (3n±n) were significantly smaller than triploids in BW (P<0.05), but not different from triploids in SL (P>0.05), and almost identical to diploids in both (P>0.1). These dada indicated that some aneuploids might be associated with growth retardation. Karyotype analysis revealed that there were metacentric, submetacentric or subtelocentric chromosomes losses or gains; aneuploid pearl oysters with the same chromosome numbers had different chromosome composition. Aneuploids are valuable research materials for genetic analysis.  相似文献   
对郁南无核黄皮根尖、茎尖、幼叶以及花药壁体细胞进行染色体数目观察,结果表明:体细胞染色体数目变化很大,有二倍体2n=2x=18、三倍体2n=3x=27和非整倍体(2n=19~26),非整倍体细胞出现频率最高,占观察细胞总数的64.8%,其次是二倍体细胞,占28.8%,三倍体细胞占6.4%。对郁南无核黄皮和对照鸡心黄皮气孔的密度与大小、花粉形态进行观察和比较,进一步揭示了郁南无核黄皮为有核黄皮的变异株。文章对郁南无核黄皮染色体数目多样性的原因及其与无籽结实间的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   
郁南无核黄皮染色体倍性变异研究初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对郁南无核黄皮根尖、茎尖、幼叶以及花药壁体细胞进行染色体数目观察,结果表明:体细胞染色体数目变化很大,有二倍体2n=2x=18、三倍体2n=3x=27和非整倍体(2n=19~26),非整倍体细胞出现频率最高,占观察细胞总数的64.8%,其次是二倍体细胞,占28.8%,三倍体细胞占6.4%。对郁南无核黄皮和对照鸡心黄皮气孔的密度与大小、花粉形态进行观察和比较,进一步揭示了郁南无核黄皮为有核黄皮的变异株。文章对郁南无核黄皮染色体数目多样性的原因及其与无籽结实间的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   
K. H. Lee  H. Namai 《Euphytica》1992,60(1):1-13
Summary Aneuploids with 2n=21 and 2n=22 derived from crossing of sesquidiploids (2n=29, AAC) and Brassica campestris (2n=20, AA) were selfed successively in order to follow the changes in chromosome number of the progenies for three consecutive generations. Progenies with 2n=22, 23 and 24 obtained after selfing of S0 generation and the succeeding S1, S2 and S3 generations were analyzed in terms of pollen stainability, % seed set as well as cytogenetically based on meiotic behaviour with the aim of determining the possibility of addition of one or more alien chromosomes into n=10 species which may lead to differentiation of single or plural disomic addition lines. The generation of aneuploids with 2n=21 progressed in such a way that most plants seem to revert to the 2n=20 chromosome number of B. campestris after selfing. From 2n=22 aneuploids, however, the succeeding progenies showed high frequency of plants with two additional chromosomes which accounted for 50.6% and 52.9% of total S3 progenies via 2n=22 and 2n=24 S2 generations, respectively. The meiotic behaviour of these progenies indicated evidence for a rule governing the frequency distribution of chromosome number among these addition lines and high possibility to breed such disomic plants with 2n=22. A method of selecting stable aneuploids was suggested in addition to the possible role of pollination biology at various processes of such breeding program.  相似文献   
以野生阿宽蕉(Musa itinerans Cheesman,AA)、抗枯1号(Kangku 1,AAA)、大蕉(Musa Paradidiaca L.,ABB)3个香蕉品种为试材,研究其胚性悬浮细胞在长期继代培养后的分化能力和染色体数目的变异.结果表明,3个香蕉品种ECS在继代培养过程中,胚性悬浮细胞染色体数目均不稳定,染色体数目从6个到116个不等,各ECS均为整倍体和非整倍体组成的混倍体,随继代次数的增加,染色体数目变异的细胞比例随之增多,体细胞胚胎分化能力逐渐下降.野生阿宽蕉、抗枯1号和大蕉的ECS继代培养1.5 a后,细胞变异率分别为96.3%、93.0%和94.0%,而体胚分化能力分别为0.96×103、0.55×103、0.65×103个/mL PCV.试验为进一步研究香蕉ECS染色体变异机理提供新的线索.  相似文献   
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