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我国植物资源丰富,其中有1万多种植物含有毒素和生物碱,具有防病、治虫、灭菌的功效,将其配制成农药防病治虫,成本低,效果好,对人畜无害,对环境无害.以下列举值得开发利用的15种植物农药.  相似文献   
植保技术讲座(五)喷雾机的性能标准及田间操作规程   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
农药最终的防治效果要通过药械和使用技术来实现,药械从提高作业效率、减轻劳动强度向高效、安全、精准施药方向发展.喷雾机的性能及施药技术是安全施用农药的重要环节.  相似文献   
江苏省仪征市马集镇某养鹅户所饲养的800只14日龄的锥鹅.因为转舍的原因一夜未饮水.转舍工作完成后饲养员立即给雏鹅喂料加水。喂前鹅群精神活泼.喂料时采食正常.加水时鹅群抢水很凶,饮水很猛,喂料加水半小时后.发现鹅群突然发病.半小时后开始出现死亡.2天内死亡285只.死亡率达35%.  相似文献   
一、虫害防治1.银杏。将银杏果实放入臼内捣烂加入等量的水,过滤得原液。使用时取原液按容量比1:2加水稀释喷雾,可防  相似文献   
治疗水火烫烧伤,经笔者长期临床摸索,采用桐油100克,生石灰上清液(刚出窑的生石灰1份,捣碎,加水3份搅匀,静置后取上清液)100克混匀,涂搽患处,每日3次,连涂2~3日可获痊愈。  相似文献   
废电池中含有许多重要的化学物质,如铜、锌、二氧化锰、氯化铵等,若能很好处理,可从中获得不少有用物质.根据电池的结构,可按以下方法进行处理.一、收集铜帽.取下废电池盖,用小刀除去沥青,然后用钳子慢慢把碳棒拔出,取下铜帽集存,可作为实验或生产硫酸铜等化工产品的原料.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Eighteen (Duroc x Landrace x Yorkshire) castrated boars, 55 days of age and weig- hing approximately 19 kg, were used to investigate the effects of montmorillonite nanocomposite on tissue levels of lead as well as changes in blood biochemical parameters in pigs fed lead contaminated diets. The barrows were randomly assigned to one of three treat- ments (n = 6) including a control which were fed a basal diet based on corn and soybean meal. The re- maining two groups were fed the basal diet supple- mented with 10 mg/kg lead either with or without 0.5% montmorillonite nanocomposite for 50 days. Pigs treated with lead had significantly increased lev- els of lead in their tissues. Lead accumulated in all tis- sues of the body with the highest accumulation found in the hair. When montmorillonite nanocomposite was given along with lead, tissue concentrations of lead did not differ from the control. Fecal excretion of leadincreased significantly in lead-exposed pigs treated with montmorillonite nanocomposite. A progressive and appreciable accumulation of lead was seen in blood with a concomitant increase in zinc protopor- phyrin levels during the course of treatment. Howev- er, zinc protoporphyrin levels did not differ from the control when montmorillonite nanocomposite was ad- ministered along with lead. The activity of ~-amino le- vulinic acid dehydratase in blood was significantly in- creased in lead treated pigs compared with the con- trol. However, in pigs treated with lead and montmo- riltonite nanocomposite in combination, the activity of δ-amino levulinic acid dehydratase was similar to con- trol pigs. Our results indicate that montmorillonite nanocomposite treatment of pigs exposed to lead re- suited in reduced lead concentrations in body tissues. It appears that montmorillonite nanocomposite func- tions by increasing fecal excretion of lead.  相似文献   
试验证明,甜菜施用稀土微肥拌种、浸种、喷洒、拌种加喷洒4种方法及不同用量,均表现出增产、增糖的效果。其中:处理④750g/hm^2稀土微肥,375g/hm^2溶于3k9水中用于播前拌种,375g/hm^2稀土微肥加水600kg在叶丛繁茂期喷洒效果最好,单产较对照增产29.5%;增糖2.0度,达到板显著水平。总体看:稀土微肥不论用于甜菜拌种或浸种都具有显著的增产效果。其中拌种加喷洒既增产又增糖,是最佳使用方法。  相似文献   
1药物增产法 1.1常用药物。①喷施宝:每支5m1加水50kg,能使出菇整齐均匀,菇体变厚。也可使用叶面宝,用法与喷施宝相同。②高产灵:每袋125g加水80k,能使出菇提前、出菇多,菇体厚大结实。③丰产素:每瓶100ml,加水200kg,能使出菇提前、出菇多。④萘乙酸:每袋5g加水60垤,能使出菇整齐,促使菇体成熟。  相似文献   
1.进猪后如发现猪跑动有垫料粉尘泛起,证明垫料干燥,要用喷淋水做湿度调整,加水量为猪跑动垫料不泛起粉尘垫料为止.  相似文献   
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