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 本研究以硝酸盐营养缺陷型突变体(nit)和多菌灵抗性为遗传标记,在5个所选菌株中设计了3个玉蜀黍赤霉病菌Gibberella zeae的杂交组合,使各菌株之间进行杂交,从而诱导有性重组体。从各杂交组合的后代中任意挑选出3个有性重组体,比较了这些有性重组体与其亲本在无性和有性阶段的主要生物学性状。结果表明,玉蜀黍赤霉中的nit基因及对杀菌剂多菌灵的抗药性基因可以通过有性杂交的方式重组,即发生了有性重组。有性重组体与其亲本在菌落生长、培养性状和致病性方面没有显著差异;但某些有性重组体中,产孢量和产子囊壳能力方面存在一定差异。总体看来,有性重组体仍然保持了较高的适合度。因此,可以认为有性重组在玉蜀黍赤霉群体对多菌灵抗药性发生发展以及群体遗传进化中可能起着重要的作用。  相似文献   
Wheat‐Dasypyrum villosum translocations T6V#2S·6AL and T6V#4S·6DL, carriers of Pm21 and PmV, respectively, confer high resistance to wheat powdery mildew. For better understanding of the difference in genetic effect between them, a RIL population was constructed based on the cross between “Yangmai 18” carrying T6V#2S·6AL and “Yangmai 22” carrying T6V#4S·6DL. Analysis of distribution of the translocations showed that T6V#2S·6AL is much more transmittable than T6V#4S·6DL. By comparing their effects on main agronomic traits, we firstly found that T6V#2S·6AL contributes greatly to top spikelet fecundity, but causes a decrease of 6.7%–10.5% of spike number. No stable effects of T6V#4S·6DL on agronomic traits were found, except for positive effect on plant height. Excitingly, a new recombinant, T6V#4S‐6V#2S·6AL carrying PmV, was screened and proved to have a higher transmission rate than the original translocation T6V#4S·6DL, which will greatly promote the utilization of PmV. The above conclusions of this research will provide important guidance for utilization of Pm21 and PmV more effectively, in wheat powdery mildew resistance breeding.  相似文献   
R. Franke 《Plant Breeding》1991,107(4):303-308
One hundred years after the creation of the first true triticale crosses of Rimpau , several recent cultivars of triticale and rye have been crossed with two of them. Recombinants of the awned type of Rimpau 's triticale (10) with ‘Grado’, ‘Lasko’ and ‘Otello’ exhibited a prolonged vegetative period, a shorter straw, an improved lodging resistance, good yielding capacity and higher disease resistance as compared to ‘Lasko’.  相似文献   
A large‐scale survey was carried out to assess the occurrence, natural host range and genetic diversity of Blackcurrant reversion virus (BRV) in cultivated and wild Ribes in Latvia using RT‐PCR and sequence analyses of 3′ NTR of BRV RNA2. The virus was detected in all surveyed habitats in most of the studied Ribes, except gooseberries, Ribes sanguineum, Ribes laxiflorum and crossbreeds between blackcurrants and gooseberries. The overall occurrence of BRV was 27%, although it varied significantly among the surveyed Ribes habitats, exceeding 40% in home gardens and germplasm collections. Among cultivated Ribes, blackcurrants were the most infected and BRV was detected in all commonly grown cultivars. The virus was detected for the first time in Ribes aureum, Ribes fragrans, Ribes nigrum var. pauciflorum and Ribes fasciculatum var. chinense. The sequence identities of the studied fragments of RNA2 3′ NTR varied from 92.8% to 99.7% among 26 BRV isolates from various cultivated, ornamental and wild hosts from Latvia and from 91.1% to 97.1% when they were compared with 27 corresponding sequences from GenBank. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the major clustering of isolates was not related to host, origin or symptoms. Grouping of BRV isolates based on host or location was identified within the phylogenetic subclusters. Several well‐supported clades were formed within the subclusters, including a group of BRV isolates from redcurrants that had unique nucleotide substitutions. Five putative recombinants were identified for the first time among BRV isolates from Latvia, Finland, Scotland and the Czech Republic.  相似文献   
利用重寄生链霉菌F46和生防放线菌SC11进行原生质体融合,通过菌落形态特征及颜色的差异分离获得8株融合菌株。皿内实验结果表明,包括F-S5,F-S8,F-S12,F-S15和F-S16在内的5个菌株保留了亲本 SC11较强的抑菌作用,其中F-S8只对粉红聚端孢(Trichothecium roseum)有较强的抑菌活性,抑菌率>60%;F- S12对粉红聚端孢(T.roseum)和大丽轮枝菌(Verticillium dahliae)有抑菌作用,抑菌率接近60%;而其他3个菌株对5种靶标病原真菌皆有强的抑菌活性,抑菌率可达70%左右。在受抑菌丝再生能力测定中发现,菌株F-S15对粉红聚端孢(T.roseum)有永久抑菌作用;菌株F-S5对胶胞炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)以及菌株F-S15对大丽轮枝菌(V.dahliae)的永久抑菌作用比较显著。显微观察发现,受融合菌株抑制的菌丝均有不同程度的畸变。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the vaccine efficacy of a fowlpox virus recombinant expressing the H7 haemagglutinin of avian influenza virus in poultry. PROCEDURE: Specific-pathogen-free poultry were vaccinated with fowlpox recombinants expressing H7 or H1 haemagglutinins of influenza virus. Chickens were vaccinated at 2 or 7 days of age and challenged with virulent Australian avian influenza virus at 10 and 21 days later, respectively. Morbidity and mortality, body weight change and the development of immune responses to influenza haemagglutinin and nucleoprotein were recorded. RESULTS: Vaccination of poultry with fowlpox H7 avian influenza virus recombinants induced protective immune responses. All chickens vaccinated at 7 days of age and challenged 21 days later were protected from death. Few clinical signs of infection developed. In contrast, unvaccinated or chickens vaccinated with a non-recombinant fowlpox or a fowlpox expressing the H1 haemagglutinin of human influenza were highly susceptible to avian influenza. All those chickens died within 72 h of challenge. In younger chickens, vaccinated at 2 days of age and challenged 10 days later the protection was lower with 80% of chickens protected from death. Chickens surviving vaccination and challenge had high antibody responses to haemagglutinin and primary antibody responses to nucleoprotein suggesting that although vaccination protected substantially against disease it failed to completely prevent replication of the challenge avian influenza virus. CONCLUSION: Vaccination of chickens with fowlpox virus expressing the avian influenza H7 haemagglutinin provided good protection against experimental challenge with virulent avian influenza of H7 type. Although eradication will remain the method of first choice for control of avian influenza, in the circumstances of a continuing and widespread outbreak the availability of vaccines based upon fowlpox recombinants provides an additional method for disease control.  相似文献   
Sixteen Plum pox virus (PPV) isolates from several stone fruit cultivars, host species, orchards and geographical areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina were selected for typing, using serotype-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and PCR–RFLP, targeting the 3' terminal region of the coat protein (CP) and P3-6K1 with restriction enzymes Rsa I and Dde I. Four PPV isolates were identified as PPV-M by serology and PCR; eight isolates were identified as PPV-D based on PCR–RFLP on both genomic regions, but were not recognized by the D-specific MAb4DG5. Four isolates from plum were identified as natural D/M recombinants (PPV-Rec), based on conflicting results of CP and P3-6K1 typing. To investigate the genetic diversity of Bosnian PPV isolates in more detail, five isolates (three PPV-Rec, one PPV-M and one PPV-D) were partially sequenced in the region spanning the 3' terminal part of the NIb gene and the 5'-terminal part of the CP gene, corresponding to nucleotides 8056–8884. Nucleotide sequence alignment of recombinant isolates showed that they were closely related at the molecular level to previously characterized recombinants from other European countries, and shared the same recombination break point in the 3' terminal part of the NIb gene. This is the first report of naturally infected Prunus trees with PPV-M, PPV-D and PPV-Rec in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The high variability of the Bosnian PPV isolates fits with the presence of this virus in the country over a long period.  相似文献   
稻瘟病菌无性重组体若干生物学性状的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将营养体亲和的、携带抗药性标记的稻瘟病菌不同小种的菌株对峙培养 18d后 ,对交界处产生的菌丝融合带进行单菌丝片段群体分离 ,从 5个配对组合中获得的 75个无性重组体中筛选出 2 0个稳定的无性重组体。对它们的生长速率、产分生孢子能力、分生孢子萌发率和致病力等生物学性状进行测定 ,结果显示 :供试重组体在 5种常规培养基上均生长良好 ,部分重组体的生长速率显著超过亲本 ;在玉米稻汁培养基上均具有较好的产孢能力 ,产孢量每皿 (直径 6 0mm)为 1 0 8× 10 5~ 8 18× 10 6个 ,部分菌株产孢量显著超过亲本 ;分生孢子萌发率为 6 5 %~ 97% ,与亲本无显著差异 ;大多数重组体均可对水稻致病 ,且无性重组还导致毒性发生复杂的变异。来自同一配对组合的无性重组体后代在日本 13个已知抗性基因品种上显现出与双亲不同的毒性表型 ,部分重组体丧失了亲本所具有的毒性 ,而有部分重组体表现出亲本所没有的毒性 ,提示双亲的遗传物质在重组体内存在复杂的互作关系。研究结果表明 ,稻瘟病菌不同小种菌株间通过菌丝融合产生的无性重组体具有较强的适生性 ,提示无性重组可能是稻瘟病菌遗传多样性产生的重要途径之一。  相似文献   
The seed protein production of more than a hundredPisum mutants and recombinants was determined. There is a negative correlation between seed production and protein content of the seed meal in the material tested. Geneipc of thePisum genome increases the protein content of the seed flour by about 20%, but the mutant carrying this gene and the recombinants available so far produce only low amounts of protein, due to their poor seed production. The biochemical methods used allow the detection of the genetic diversity as expressed in altered gene products in closely related genotypes. Many mutants and recombinants, derived from the same mother variety, are available in our collection showing not only quantitative and qualitative differences in their seed proteins, but also other characters of agronomic interest such as higher yield or adaptation to distinct climatic conditions. They represent a suitable material for analyzing the regulatory mechanisms controlling the incorporation of proteins into seeds.  相似文献   
农抗5102产生菌同源菌株9011和FR008的原生质体融合重组子SR7能产生1种两亲本所没有的抗细菌活性物质。该物质可用724弱酸性阳离子树脂从发酵滤液中吸附,以7%硫酸解吸后,经717强碱性阳离子树脂柱层析精制。经热稳定性、酸碱稳定性、纸电泳、纸层析谱、紫外吸收光谱和呈色反应等多项试验检测,初步判定为1种强碱性水溶性氨基糖苷类抗生素。它具有广谱抗G+、G-细菌的活性,对各种真菌和酵母无活性。  相似文献   
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