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Components of the energy and heat balances were examined in two maize hybrids grown at three different plant densities (40, 70 and 100 thousand plants per hectare). One of the hybrids was drought tolerant, while the other was bred for cultivation under irrigated conditions. An increase in plant density influenced not only the size of the leaf area, but also the distribution of the leaves at various plant heights. The extinction coefficient, which provides a quantification of radiation penetration, was higher in the irrigated treatments. By contrast to the other two treatments, the plant canopy in the thinly sown stands remained open throughout the vegetation period, and thus behaved quite differently to the closed stands, making it impossible to compare them. Smaller albedo values were recorded for the hybrid bred for irrigation and in thinly sown stands. The low plant density allowed more energy to reach the soil, from which it was reflected, making a considerable contribution to the final temperature in the stand. The latent heat, in keeping with the quantity of water transpired, was the greatest in the densely sown stands. There was little difference between the latent heat values of the normal and dense stands in either hybrid, indicating that they both had a similar sensitivity to increased stand density. If sufficient water is available it would appear that the stand density could be increased even for the drought-tolerant hybrid.  相似文献   
长武塬区土壤热状况变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过分析长武塬区农田生态系统内的土壤热状况来探讨该系统地气界面的能量传递的过程和特征,为陆面过程及大气边界层的研究提供参考。根据2008年气象观测资料,本研究从反照率、温度梯度、土壤热通量及其与辐射的相互关系等方面进行研究,从而分析土壤热状况月变化特征及其影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)除10~20 cm层外,各层月变化在5月份及6月份上旬最小,11月份下旬到次年2月上旬一直维持在较高水平,且变化不大;(2)土壤热通量月变化趋势与土壤温度表现负相关;(3)反照率在1月份达到年最大值0.66,3-9月份变化不大,在9月份达到最低值0.14;从10月份开始,上升趋势明显,直到次年1月份;(4)在日变化中净辐射持续增强和减弱两个时间段内,同一辐射强度对应的热通量值相差较大,土壤热通量延迟不明显。增强时段的相关性(R12=0.766)小于减弱时段的相关性(R22=0.799)。农田生态系统中土壤热通量和净辐射的相关性远远高于林地,低于草地和稀疏灌层生态系统。  相似文献   
地表反照率变化影响地表辐射收支与能量平衡,从而对区域和全球气候产生影响.以准噶尔盆地为研究对象,利用MODIS卫星遥感数据产品MOD09A1反演地表短波反照率,结合气象数据和植被指数分析准噶尔盆地2001—2018年荒漠草地地表反照率时空变化特征及其影响因素.结果表明:准噶尔盆地地表反照率空间分布地域差异明显,地表反照...  相似文献   
In long term studies the following climatological characteristics were measured or calculated: air and soil temperature, sunshine, wind speed, vapor pressure, saturation deficit, precipitation, humidity, incoming and reflected solar energy, energy emitted by active surfaces and primary production. Taking into account the relationships between climatological characteristics, the growth stages of vegetation, and relations between heat balance components, the fluxes of energy used for evapotranspiration, air, and soil heating were estimated in various ecosystems composing the agricultural landscape. The energy contained in biomass production of various crops was estimated also. Aggregate estimates of energy flow connected with evapotranspiration, and soil and air heating were calculated for eight model landscapes which differed by the plant cover structure. A higher variability of energy fluxes was observed for individual ecosystems than for agricultural land-scapes. It was shown that the structure of the plant cover has an important bearing on energy flow and water cycling both by direct and indirect influences. Shelterbelts are especially important in their influence on energy flow and water cycling.Studies carried out within the project CPBP.04.10.03.  相似文献   
以新疆地区的MODIS遥感图像数据和地表野外同步观测的光谱数据为例,在野外数据量较少且有定标数据的条件下反演地表反照率。在窄波段反照率与宽波段反照率之间存在线性关系的前提下,通过与相同时段的MODIS图像数据的窄波段反照率建立多元线性回归方程,构建回归模型,实现窄波段到宽波段的反演。并应用该回归模型对新疆沙漠化地区的地表反照率进行反演验证,经统计分析,结果证明此方法简便可行,精度较高。  相似文献   
根据Kaufman等提出的暗像元法,通过6S辐射传输模式,对MODIS的红光、蓝光、近红外通道辐射特性进行了敏感性实验.结果表明:三个通道的行星反射率对地表反射率都非常敏感,行星反射率随地表反射率的增加而增加.进一步提出了对地表反射率进行大气订正的思路,讨论了暗像元法确定地表反射率误差对大气气溶胶光学厚度反演结果的影响.最后计算分析了光学厚度反演误差对地表反射率大气订正传递误差的大小及其对NDVI、SAVI、ARVI和EVI 4种植被指数计算结果的影响.光学厚度误差对植被指数反演误差的影响以ARVI最为敏感,其误差范围与气溶胶光学厚度误差可达同一量级,两者呈负相关;NDVI与SAVI误差变化范围大致相近,与光学厚度误差均呈负相关.EVI受气溶胶光学厚度误差影响最小.  相似文献   
Effects of four tillage systems on the albedo of a tropical loamy sand were studied under dry and moist surface conditions. The aim was to determine whether tillage-induced roughness and soil wetness significantly affected soil albedo. Changes in smooth reference surface albedo with respect to four roughness conditions were used to assess tillage effects. Surface albedo (), soil moisture content (θm) and soil surface roughness (δ) were measured. Two types of pyranometers used for albedometers are CM 3 and SP LITE. Mean albedo of a reference smooth surface (<2 mm sieved soil) was 0.16 and 0.20 for CM 3 and SP LITE under moist condition, and 0.29 and 0.28 under dry condition, respectively. Bare-soil shortwave albedo generally increased with an increase in solar zenith angle, whereas albedo decreased with an increase in surface roughness and soil wetness. Linear relationships of albedo with surface roughness and soil moisture content indicated that albedo was more sensitive to surface roughness under dry condition. The goodness-of-fit of a multiple linear regression model combining the effects of roughness and wetness on surface albedo was 0.96 with a standard error of 0.01. This simple model could be used to estimate albedo of bare soil similar to the tropical loamy sand reported in this study. This study provides useful information for modelling tillage effects on the energy budget at the soil surface.  相似文献   
元江干热河谷太阳辐射各分量及反照率变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了探讨干热河谷太阳辐射的特征,本文利用元江干热河谷稀树灌草丛通量塔上连续2年(2013年5月至2015年4月)辐射数据,对元江干热河谷稀树灌草丛植被林冠上太阳辐射(总辐射(Q)、反射辐射(Qα)、有效辐射(I)、净辐射(Rn))的日变化、季节和年变化特征进行分析,探讨了反照率(α)和I变化特征及其原因。结果表明: 该区域Q、Qα、I、Rn的年均辐射值分别为6 210.2、807.9、1 822.9、3 578.7 MJ/(m2·a)。雨季各辐射总量占年总量比例分别为52.9%、56.3%、39.1%、59.2%,除雨季I占全年的比例小于干季外,其他3个辐射分量占全年的比例均是干季雨季。α由于受雨季叶面积指数(LAI)增大和林冠郁闭度增加的影响,其季节变化特征表现为干季雨季,这是生态系统为缓解该区域尖锐的水热矛盾而长期进化的结果。Qα、I和Rn年分配率分别为13.0%、29.8%、56.9%,其中Qα和Rn分配率的季节变化均表现为干季雨季,而I的分配率特征与Qα和Rn的相反。干季I分配率的增加降低了地面和林冠温度,减少了生态系统水分流失,削弱了研究区域干季时水分的胁迫效应,避免了森林植被因水力结构破坏而引发的碳饥饿所导致的死亡,有利于元江干热河谷稀树灌草丛植被在干季生存和维持该生态系统平衡。由于元江干热河谷Q和Rn都较大且该地区降雨少,故人类活动及气候变化更容易影响该地区的生态系统平衡。   相似文献   
城市模型反射率测量方法与运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种测试城市模型反射率的试验方法。制作10个条形和十字形的城市模型进行测试,观测路面不同反射率对城市反射率的影响,并将实测模型反射率与ASTM E1918-06规范计算结果进行对比。研究发现:瞬时太阳辐射强度变化值在规范允许范围内,模型计算的反射率与ASTM E1918-06测量值的误差在0~0.1之间。当峡谷纵横比(建筑物高度与路面宽度之比)为1.0时,路面反射率从0.15提高到0.65,城市峡谷反射率增幅在0~0.30之间;提高路面反射率并不能有效提高城市峡谷反射率,尤其是纵横比较大的深峡谷。城市峡谷中的多重反射抑制城市反射率的提高。同时,反射路面将给行人增加额外的辐射通量,可能带来热不适感和眩光刺眼等问题。因此,应谨慎看待反射路面作为一个缓解城市热岛效应策略。  相似文献   
太阳辐射在城市峡谷内形成多重反射,加剧城市热岛效应。峡谷太阳辐射吸收量与城市结构、墙体和路面反射率及时间显著相关。建立城市峡谷反射率数值模型,评估提高路面反射率能否有效提高城市峡谷反射率,并探讨反射路面对邻近建筑墙体的反射与散射辐射的影响。通过现场观测数据验证数值模型的可靠性。研究结果表明:建筑物高度与路面宽度之比(纵横比)是城市峡谷反射率最关键的影响因素,当峡谷纵横比<1.0时,路面反射作用较为明显;而且,相对于冬季,夏季时峡谷内反射路面能向邻近建筑物反射更多的额外散射辐射,而峡谷走向对额外散射辐射的影响较小。当峡谷纵横比<1.0时,建议采用反射路面缓解城市热岛。  相似文献   
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