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The objective of this study was to compare the performance of two different remotely sensed techniques in detecting the effects of terminal heat stress and N fertilization on final maize aerial biomass (AB) and grain yield (GY). The study was conducted under field conditions for two consecutive growing seasons. Six N treatments combining three doses [0, 100, 200 Kg N ha−1] and two timings [at V4 and at 15 days before silking] were applied. Within each N treatment three heat treatments were applied (pre-flowering, post-flowering and the control treatment at ambient air temperature). Remote sensing measurements were taken with a multispectral band camera to measure the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and a digital Red/Green/Blue (RGB) camera to measure the normalized green red difference index (NGRDI). Both indices failed to predict the GY of pre-flowering heat-treated plants due to grain set establishment problems that could not be detected by vegetation indices which are designed to capture differences in green canopy area. In contrast, both the NGRDI and the NDVI correlated positively with GY and AB in the control heat treatment and to a lesser extent in the post-flowering heat treatment. Under the control heat treatment, the NGRDI exhibited higher correlations with AB and GY than the NDVI across the N fertilization treatments. Since the NGRDI is formulated based only on the reflectance in the visible regions (VIS) of the spectrum (Green and Red) without dependence on the near infrared regions (NIR), it performs better than the NDVI. This is because it overcame the reported saturation patterns at high leaf area index and was more efficient at capturing even small differences in leaf colour (chlorophyll content) due to the different applied N treatments. Also, the NGRDI seemed to be a more seasonally independent parameter than the NDVI, which is more affected by temporal variability within the field, and thus the NGRDI predicted AB and GY better than the NDVI when combining the data of the two growing seasons.  相似文献   
本研究采集夏玉米拔节、抽雄、灌浆和成熟4个时期的无人机可见光和多光谱影像,提取和筛选植被指数与纹理特征参数,构建植被指数与纹理特征融合变量,采用反向传播神经网络、随机森林和支持向量机3种机器学习方法构建玉米产量预测模型。结果表明:相较于单一类型参数,融合植被指数和纹理特征进行产量预测模型精度更高;3种机器学习方法中以随机森林构建的玉米产量预测模型效果最好,且最佳预测时期为灌浆期(籽粒水泡期);综合评价建模和验证结果,基于多光谱影像植被指数与纹理特征融合变量和随机森林方法构建的模型玉米产量预测效果最佳。遥感信息的多特征融合与机器学习方法的搭配能够挖掘和利用更多信息并提高玉米产量预测的精度和鲁棒性。  相似文献   
基于颜色特征的作物与背景分割的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
化学除草剂和杀虫剂的运用对环境造成很大的冲击,有选择地对准目标精确喷药能够有效地减少化学药剂的使用量,对准精确喷药的关键是运用机器视觉技术正确地识别目标,而作物与背景的快速并准确地分割是正确识别目标的基础。文章介绍几种图像的颜色模型和转换公式,运用VC++软件设计出图像背景分割的程序。选择南京农业大学江浦农场的玉米田、花生田和校园内的小麦田作为研究对象,运用自行设计的程序对图像进行分割并计算出分割图像所需的时间。用处理耗时与处理效果两个指标来评定用于背景分割的几种颜色特征。研究结果表明,过绿的2G-R-B是最好的背景分割因子,这个分割因子具有耗时少、分割效果好且不受光照强度影响的特点,能够满足农业智能生产中实时性的要求。  相似文献   
为提高RGB(Red,Green,Blue)图像方法在检测植物叶片叶绿素含量的预测精度、普适性和实用性,该研究提出了一种智能手机结合辅助拍照装置获取植物叶片RGB图像并即时检测叶绿素含量的低成本方法.设计了一种内置主动光源的低成本便携式拍照装置,用以降低环境光及拍照角度等因素对成像质量的影响;并采用了基于24色Macb...  相似文献   
无人机通常搭载可见光波段传感器获取红-绿-蓝(Red-Green-Blue,RGB)影像,由于无人机RGB影像波段较少,影像的地物信息提取存在一定难度.该研究提出了一种匹配点云结合色调-饱和度-亮度(Hue-Saturation-Intensity,HSI)空间色彩分量的无人机RGB影像信息提取方法.首先以饱和度分量和...  相似文献   
 为了实现用计算机和机械设备进行猪肉颜色自动化分级,本研究对猪肉样品照片进行图像处理,提取其中颜色特征参数,并进行色彩空间参数换算。通过对基于核函数的3种SVM多分类方法进行比较,选择出最适合于猪肉颜色的SVM多分类评定方法。对比结果显示,采用单独的HSV数据及RGB与HSV联合数据进行分类,分类效果好于RGB数据。RBF核函数“二叉树”SVM多分类模型,经过样本学习后,其分类的正确率可达98%;同时考虑经验风险和置信风险,其分类正确率达80%。  相似文献   
RGB色彩模式是工业界的一种颜色标准,是通过对红(R)、绿(G)、蓝(B)三个颜色通道的变化以及它们相互之间的叠加来得到各式各样的颜色的。RGB是目前运用最广的颜色系统之一。然而目前市面常见的RGB多为高端控制器,芯片主频高,同时也价格不菲,对于中低端用户而言使用成本较高,因此作者设计了一种基于STC12系列单片机的低成本的RGB控制器,能满足中低端应用需求。  相似文献   
Textile production must be coupled with hi-tech assistant system to save cost of labor, material, time. Therefore color quality control is one very important step in any textiles, however excellent the fabric material itself is, if it lacks good color, then it may still result in dull sale. Therefore, this paper proposes a printed fabrics computerized color separation system based on backward-propagation neural network, whose primary function is to separate rich color of printed fabrics pattern so as to reduce time-consuming manual color separation color matching of current players. What it adopted was RGB color space, expressed in red, green, and blue. Analyze color features of printed fabrics, use gene algorithm to find sub-image with same color distribution as original image of printed fabrics yet smaller area, for later color separation algorithm use. In terms of color separation algorithm, this paper relied on supervised backward-propagation neural network to conduct color separation of printed fabrics RGB sub-image, and utilized PANTONE® standard color ticket to do color matching, so as to realize accurate color separation.  相似文献   
为了给叶片颜色特征参数与全氮的预测模型研究提供理论依据,利用图像处理技术提取生长关键期烟叶的颜色特征参数RGB,同时测定叶片全氮,采用线性拟合和多元回归分析方法,建立了烤烟旺长期叶片全氮含量估算模型,并对其精度进行了评价和验证。结果表明:RGB颜色系统的G、B可以作为叶片全氮含量估算的主要颜色特征参数,全氮含量的预测值与实测值的决定系数为R2=0.649(P〈0.01);直线斜率为1.022 9,接近1,模型精度高,预测可靠。进而为烟株氮素快速诊断提供理论基础。  相似文献   
基于RGB颜色空间的早稻氮素营养监测研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
针对双季稻区水稻过量施肥带来环境污染和成本提高问题,设计不同品种氮肥梯度大田试验,应用数码相机获取早稻冠层数字图像,研究不同色彩参数及早稻氮素营养指标的时空变化特征,以期确立双季早稻氮素营养预测模型。结果表明:不同品种同一氮肥处理下图像色彩参数差异不大;拔节期数字图像参数对氮素营养指标敏感;模型构建结果显示,图像参数INT与水稻氮素营养指标构建的模型决定系数(R2)最大,模型预测效果最佳,R2分别为0.895 7和0.924 7;进一步采用多元回归分析和BP神经网络分析法进行预测,预测效果均较好。对预测结果进行检验,发现品种对于模型的构建影响不大,以BP神经网络分析法构建的叶片氮浓度(LNC)模型和以INT为敏感色彩参数构建的叶片氮积累量(LNA)回归模型效果最优,而多元回归分析方法则效果不佳。早稻冠层RGB颜色空间敏感参数与氮素营养指标间相关性较好,可以实现氮素营养的无损监测诊断。  相似文献   
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