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研究结果表明,浅耕油菜的出苗高峰期和出苗终止期分别为播后14d和播后49d,而免耕的分别为播后21d和播后63d,浅耕的出苗集中在播后7~21d,而免耕的出苗集中在播后14~28d。杂草发生量浅耕的比免耕的明显减少,杂草以看麦娘为主,发生量最大。  相似文献   
水稻免耕栽培的优化效应与调控技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
水稻免耕栽培主要包括水稻免耕抛秧、免耕直播和免耕插秧等技术。试验示范结果表明:该项技术能提高水稻产量0.9%~5.1%,节省工本,提高纯收入达19.2%~37.0%,并省水节电,增加土壤表层孔隙度,增加土壤速效养分含量。介绍了水稻免耕栽培的调控技术。  相似文献   
The response of the soil food web structure to soil quality changes during long-term anthropogenic disturbance due to farming practices has not been well studied. We evaluated the effects of three tillage systems: moldboard plow/rotary harrow (MP), rotary cultivator (RC), and no-tillage (NT), three winter cover-crop types (fallow, FL; rye, RY; and hairy vetch, HV), and two nitrogen fertilization rates (0 and 100 kg N ha−1 for upland rice, and 0 and 20 kg N ha−1 for soybean production) on changes in nematode community structure. Sixty-nine taxa were counted, total nematode abundance (ALL), bacterial feeders (BAC), predators (PRD), omnivores (OMN), and obligatory root feeders (ORF) were more abundant in NT than in MP and RC, but fungal feeders and facultative root feeders (FFR) were more abundant in RC than in NT and MP. Cover crop also influenced nematode community structure; rye and hairy vetch were always higher in ALL, BAC, FFR, ORF, and OMN than fallow. Seasonal changes in nematode community structure were also significant; in particular, as soil carbon increased, nematode abundance also increased. The relationship between nematode indices and soil carbon was significant only in NT, but not in MP and RC. In NT, with increasing soil carbon, enrichment index and structure index (SI) were positive and significant and channel index was negative. Bulk density was significantly negatively correlated with FFR and ORF. Seasonal difference in nematode community between summer and autumn was larger in an upland rice rotation than in a soybean rotation. Over the nine-year experiment, SI increased not only in NT but also in MP and RC, suggesting that repeated similar tillage inversions in agroecosystems may develop nematode community structures adapted to specific soil environmental conditions. Because NT showed the highest values of both SI and soil carbon, the increase of soil carbon in NT is expected to have a great impact on developing a more diverse nematode community structure.  相似文献   
在黑土区37年不同耕作模式定位试验田,采用原位法比较常规旋耕灭茬起垄(CT)、旋耕留高茬行间深松-少耕(RT)、免耕(NT)和深翻(PT)4种耕作模式土壤呼吸速率及其与土壤温度和湿度的关系,测定土壤总碳氮、无机氮,微生物碳氮的变化。结果表明,玉米生育期间土壤呼吸呈单峰变化,开花期达最大值,生长季平均呼吸速率依次为RT > NT > CT > PT。4个处理土壤温度与土壤呼吸速率间存在显著指数关系。不同耕作模式0~10 cm土壤温度可解释土壤呼吸速率变异的38.3%~67.9%,温度敏感性系数Q10范围为2.1~5.3;RT和NT处理显著提高0~20 cm土壤碳氮含量;RT处理在0~20 cm土壤中微生物碳含量均高于CT、NT和PT处理。RT处理土壤呼吸对温度响应提高,RT和NT处理显著增加上层土壤总碳氮含量,利于土壤质量提升。  相似文献   
Tillage affects the soil physical and chemical environment in which soil microorganisms live, thereby affecting their number, diversity and activity. However, soil disturbance generally has the greatest impact on biological properties, including both free and symbiotic fungal populations. Interest in more ecologically sustainable agricultural systems is rising with increasing recognition that agricultural intensification can adversely affect environmental quality. This paper discusses the effect of tillage system on some soil characteristics, such as pH, C, N and S levels, total and Olsen-P contents including some P forms associated with organic matter, glomalin contents and arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) parameters, such as root colonization, spore number and total and active hyphal length. Measurements were in the sixth year of an on-going tillage-rotation experiment conducted on an Ultisol under no-till (NT), reduced tillage (RT) and conventional tillage with stubble mixed into the soil (CTS) or stubble burnt (CTB). Soil was sampled at two dates; after wheat (Triticum aestivum) harvest (autumn) and 6 months after subsequent grassland seeding (spring). Higher C, N, S, total P and fulvic acid-P concentrations and pH occurred under NT and RT than under CTS and CTB after wheat harvest. However, results at the second sampling were not consistent. AM spore number and active hyphal length were highest under NT having the greatest incidence on AM root colonization and P concentration in shoots of the pasture. Glomalin concentration was higher under NT and RT than under CTS and CTB but no differences in calculated glomalin to total C (ca. 5%) were found. It is concluded that a less disruptive effect of NT influences positively all soil characteristics and also increases P acquisition by the following crop in the rotation system.  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted from 1983 to 1992 in Tsukuba, Japan to investigate the effects of tillage on soil conditions and crop growth in a light-colored Andosol. Three tillage methods (NT: no-tillage, RT: no-tillage for summer cropping and moldboard plowing for winter cropping, and CT: conventional rotary tillage to a depth of 15 cm) were employed in combination with crop residue application (+R, −R) and fused magnesium phosphate (FMP) fertilization (+P, −P). Under the combination of NT and +R, diurnal variation of soil temperature at a depth of 5 cm was smaller during the summer cropping season and soil temperature in the daytime was lower during the winter cropping season than under CT. Soil inorganic N concentration at a depth of 0–30 cm was +R > −R and NT > RT > CT. The early growth of summer crops was accelerated under NT in comparison with CT, and yields were higher under NT and RT in comparison with CT. On the other hand, winter crop yields were significantly reduced under NT, while they were still higher under RT in comparison with CT. Yields were higher with +R and +P application, respectively, and these effects were more pronounced in winter cropping. The positive effect of FMP fertilization was greater in combination with NT, and that of residue treatment was greater in combination with RT and NT than with CT. In conclusion, the best tillage practice for Andosols on the Kanto Plain is RT, i.e. a combination of NT for summer cropping and CT for winter cropping. The application of NT for winter cropping is not recommended, although the application of phosphate and crop residues could reduce the risk of yield reduction, because of improved soil nutrient status and moderation of diurnal soil temperature.  相似文献   
Intensive tillage for annual crop production may be affecting soil health and quality. However, tillage intensity effects on biological activities of volcanic-derived soils have not been systematically investigated. We evaluated the effects of three different tillage practices on some biological activities of an Ultisol from southern Chile during the third year of a wheat–lupin–wheat crop sequence. Treatments were: no tillage with stubble burning (NTB), no tillage without stubble burning (NT) and conventional tillage with disk-harrowing and stubble burning (CT). Biological activities were evaluated in winter and summer at 0–200 mm and at three soil depths (0–50, 50–100 and 100–200 mm) in winter. Total organic C and N were significantly higher under no-tillage systems than CT. In general, NT increased C and N of microbial biomass in comparison with CT, especially in winter. Microbial biomass C was closely associated with microbial biomass N (r = 0.986, P < 0.05); acid phosphomonoesterase (r = 0.999, P < 0.05); β-glucosidase (r = 0.978, P < 0.05), and others. Changes in biological activities occurred mainly in the upper soil layer (0–50 mm depth) in spite of the short duration of the experiment. Biological activities could be used as practical biological indicators to apply the more appropriate management systems for increasing soil sustainability or productivity.  相似文献   
In semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems, low and erratic annual rainfall together with the widespread use of mouldboard ploughing (conventional tillage, CT), as the main traditional tillage practice, has led to a depletion of soil organic matter (SOM) and with increases in CO2 emissions from soil to the atmosphere. In this study, we evaluated the viability of conservation tillage: RT, reduced tillage (chisel and cultivator ploughing) and, especially, NT (no-tillage) to reduce short-term (from 0 to 48 h after a tillage operation) and mid-term (from 0 h to several days since tillage operation) tillage-induced CO2 emissions. The study was conducted in three long-term tillage experiments located at different sites of the Ebro river valley (NE Spain) across a precipitation gradient. Soils were classified as: Fluventic Xerocrept, Typic Xerofluvent and Xerollic Calciorthid. Soil temperature and water content were also measured in order to determine their influence on tillage-induced CO2 fluxes. The majority of the CO2 flux measured immediately after tillage ranged from 0.17 to 6 g CO2 m−2 h−1 and was from 3 to 15 times greater than the flux before tillage operations, except in NT where soil CO2 flux was low and steady during the whole study period. Mid-term CO2 emission showed a different trend depending on the time of the year in which tillage was implemented. Microclimatic soil conditions (soil temperature and water content) had little impact on soil CO2 emission following tillage. In the semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems studied, NT had low short-term soil CO2 efflux compared with other soil tillage systems (e.g., conventional and reduced tillage) and therefore can be recommended to better manage C in soil.  相似文献   
湖北双季稻区免耕直播油菜生长及产量形成   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
长江流域双季稻区因茬口紧、土壤黏重,晚稻收获后大都未种植下茬作物而形成冬闲田。本研究以华双5号油菜品种为材料,在湖北双季稻区三试验点进行裂区试验,测定油菜各生育期在不同氮素及密度水平下的个体及群体指标,成熟期考察经济性状及产量构成,为双季稻区免耕直播油菜示范及管理提供依据。结果表明:(1)双季稻区免耕直播油菜全生育期尤其是苗期显著缩短,苗期生长量严重不足,蕾薹期至开花期油菜生长快,春发特性明显;(2)氮肥及种植密度水平对双季稻区免耕直播油菜生长及产量有着显著影响,增施氮肥可改善个体素质、增加产量,提高密度可提高群体素质、增加产量;(3)湖北各试点每公顷纯氮用量270 kg、种植密度为45万株及60万株处理的产量均接近或达到2 250 kg hm–2,超湖北平均单产,说明油菜免耕直播栽培模式可在湖北双季稻区试验示范;(4)生产实践中,应重视氮肥与密度的双重调节,以肥促长、以密补迟,相互配合。  相似文献   
Reclamation of Brazilian cerrados (savannas) has been intensified in the last decades, with implications for soil quality and soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics. Studying the impact of different tillage systems is essential to define better strategies for land use in Cerrado, which may favor C sequestration and improve soil quality. We used density fractionation and 13C natural abundance to assess changes in SOM in an Oxisol previously under a cerrado sensu-stricto following 30 years of cultivation. The objectives of the study were to: (i) evaluate the long-term impact of tillage systems on SOM stocks in a Dark Red Latosol (Oxisol) from the Cerrado Biome, and (ii) better understand the dynamics of SOM in different density fractions of this soil. Cultivation led to compaction, which significantly increased soil bulk density. This resulted in the systematic overestimation of C and N stocks in cultivated areas when compared to the natural cerrado. Conversion of the cerrado into cropland using plow tillage (PT) or no-tillage (NT) system did not alter the total C (100 Mg ha−1) and N (7 Mg ha−1) stocks in the first 45 cm depth at the end of 30 years of cultivation. However, about 22% of the total C was replaced by C from maize. The relative replacement of C decreased following the order: free light fraction (F-LF)>heavy fraction (HF)>occluded light fraction (O-LF). The low substitution in the O-LF was attributed to a possible presence of charcoal. Converting cerrado into cropland significantly decreased F-LF quantity. The proportions of C replacement in this fraction were higher in PT than NT, suggesting a faster turnover in PT. Nevertheless, because most C (95%) was held in the HF, C dynamics in the whole soil were controlled by the behavior of this fraction. The maintenance of C levels even at the end of 30 years of cultivation and the lack of differentiation between NT and PT were attributed to the high clay contents and Fe+Al oxi-hydroxides concentrations of the studied soil as well as to a sufficient C supply by the maize crop.  相似文献   
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