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黄河流域灌区的灌溉管理改革进展及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用三年的面板数据实证研究了我国黄河流域灌区灌溉管理改革的进展及影响因素。结果表明,进入21世纪以来,黄河流域灌区的灌溉管理改革的推进速度进一步加快,而且用水协会管理已经成为改革的主导方式。另外,在改革的快速推进中,激励机制的建立和农民的参与也都有了较大进步。实证研究的结果还表明,在改革的推进中,不仅政府的政策干预仍发挥着十分重要的作用,水资源和耕地资源的禀赋条件及水利设施状况的作用也日益重要。  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sariva)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) rotation is the major production system in the Indo-Gangetic plains of South Asia and mid hills and is important for the food security of the region. The productivity and profitability of the rice-wheat system are very low mainly because of inappropriate nutrient input and poor crop management practices. Field experiments were conducted in 21 farmers' fields in Bara and Parsa districts in the Eastern-Gangetic plains of Nepal from May 1999 to April 2002 to evaluate site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) and integrated crop management (ICM) for improving rice-wheat productivity and profitability. Soil nutrient-supplying capacity (based on omission plot method) varied largely among farmers' fields. Rice soil had a higher N, P, and K-supplying capacity (35–76, 8–17, and 63–98 kg ha1, compared with wheat (16–41, 6–12, and 20–104 kg ha1, respectively). Both SSNM and ICM strategies significantly improved the grain yields of rice and wheat. Overall yield increment by ICM over farmers' practice (FP) reached up to 2.3 Mg ha1 (66%) in rice and 2.3 Mg ha1 (87%) in wheat, suggesting that there is a large potential for increasing rice and wheat yields in Nepal. Yield gap 1 (maximum attainable yieldaverage yield in ICM) was 1.3 to 1.4 Mg ha1 for rice and 0.3 to 1.0 Mg ha1 for wheat. While yield gap 2 (maximum attainable yieldaverage yield in FP) ranged from 2.8 to 3.5 Mg ha-1 for rice and 2.3 to 2.8 Mg ha-1 for wheat. Rice N-use efficiencies increased up to 50% and 70% with SSNM and ICM, respectively, over FP. In wheat, N-use efficiency increased up to 46% by ICM over SSNM. The net profit gained by applying ICM over FP was higher in wheat (US$ 217) than in rice (US$ 73). The findings suggest the urgent need to develop an effective program for wider dissemination of ICM technology in the Eastern-Gangetic plains.  相似文献   
夏玉米残茬覆盖与耕作方式的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对小麦机械收获后残茬覆盖与不覆盖两种条件下免耕、翻耕和间隔深松三种土壤耕作方式夏玉米的营养生长及籽粒产量进行了研究。结果表明,残茬覆盖和深松耕作玉米播种后出苗率高,次生根条数多,株高增加而基部节间缩短,叶面积系数提高,最终产量显著高于其他处理。  相似文献   
【目的】研究新疆南疆地区氮素运筹方式对滴灌春小麦干物质积累及产量特征的影响,确定适宜的施氮量、施氮时期及比例,为生产提供依据。【方法】以新春6号和宁2038为材料,采用小区栽培试验开展研究。设置4个施氮水平:N0(0 kg/hm2)、N1(104.5 kg/hm2)、N2(207.0 kg/hm2)和N3(310.5 kg/hm2),每个施氮水平下设置4个施氮时期:R1 (100%基肥)、R2 (60%基肥+40%拔节肥)、(R3 40%基肥+40%拔节肥+20%孕穗肥)和R4 (20%基肥+40%拔节肥+20%孕穗肥+20%灌浆肥)。【结果】两品种花前营养器官干物质的转运量、花前营养器官干物质的转运率及对籽粒的贡献率均以N3R4处理最大,花后干物质的积累量均以N3R3处理最大,新春6号花后干物质积累量对籽粒的贡献率以N3R4处理最大,宁2038以N3R3处理最大。在施氮量相同时,R3处理的穗粒数、千粒质量和产量最大;在施氮时期及比例相同的条件下,产量构成因素及产量以N3最高,但与N2处理差异不显著。【结论】在施氮量为310.5 kg/hm2、施氮时期及比例为基肥∶拔节肥∶孕穗肥=4∶4∶2和基肥∶拔节肥∶孕穗肥∶灌浆肥=2∶4∶2∶2时,两品种均可获得较高产量,新春6号达1.21~1.26 g/株(折合产量8 511.78~8 930.72 kg/hm2),宁2038达1.09~1.12 g/株(折合产量8 190.62~8 362.59 kg/hm2)。  相似文献   
论森林工程与森林可持续经营   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
从森林工程与森林可持续经营关系入手,分析了森工作业对森林生态系统中生产者、消费者、分解者、非生物环境等因素的影响,提出了保证森林可持续经营的“生态森林工程”概念、模式和技术体系。  相似文献   
该文以中国热带农业科学院橡胶研究所大型仪器设备管理与共享的现状为例,对当前农业科研单位大型仪器设备购置、运行管理的专项基金、技术管理队伍建设、共享的相关规章制度、共享服务信息平台等方面存在的问题进行了探讨与分析,提出了加强大型仪器设备购置管理、设立大型仪器设备开放共享专项基金、加强大型仪器设备技术管理队伍建设、完善大型仪器设备共享管理相关规章制度服务信息平台功能等促进农业科研单位大型仪器设备共享的建议与途径  相似文献   
Dead wood patterns and dynamics vary with biophysical factors, disturbance history, ownership, and management practices; the relative importance of these factors is poorly understood, especially at landscape to regional scales. This study examined current dead wood amounts in the Coastal Province of Oregon, USA, at multiple spatial scales. Objectives were to: (1) describe current regional amounts of several characteristics of dead wood; (2) compare dead wood amounts across ownerships; (3) determine the relative importance, according to spatial scale, of biophysical and ownership characteristics, to regional dead wood abundance. Dead wood plot data were evaluated with respect to explanatory variables at four spatial scales of resolution: plots, subwatersheds, watersheds and subbasins. The relationships of dead wood characteristics with biophysical attributes and ownership were diverse and scale-specific. Region-wide dead wood abundance and types varied among ownerships, with public lands typically having higher amounts of dead wood and more large dead wood than private lands. Regression analysis of total dead wood volume indicated that ownership was important at the subbasin scale. Growing season moisture stress was important at plot, subwatershed, and watershed scales. Topography was important at the two coarser scales. Multivariate analysis of dead wood gradients showed that ownership was important at all scales, topography at the subbasin scale, historical vegetation at watershed and subbasin scales, and current vegetation at plot and subwatershed scales. Management for dead wood and related biodiversity at watershed to landscape scales should consider the distinct dynamics of snags and logs, the importance of historical effects, and the relevance of ownership patterns.  相似文献   
发展农民用水户协会,激励农民参与灌溉管理,明确小型水利产权和管护主体。以奥斯特洛姆的多中心治理理论为基础,分析用水户协会管理模式与多中心治理理论原则的耦合性,从自主治理的视角对典型用水户协会管理模式进行比较,分析各种管理模式存在的问题,从多中心治理角度提出完善用水协会多元决策机制和多中心治理结构等改进对策。  相似文献   
在对福建省福安山区巨峰葡萄栽培地气候、土壤调查的基础上,通过采取一系列措施,总结出适合福安山区巨峰葡萄优质栽培的管理技术:(1)多施有机肥,并针对不同生长期进行配方施肥;(2)套袋;(3)大棚防雨;(4)病虫鸟害防治;(5)采后树体管理。  相似文献   
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