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采用两种改进的多孔固体材料水分扩散偏微分方程分析求解方法,即Dincer方法与Crank方法,分析并计算落叶松干燥过程的水分扩散系数(D)与水分传递系数(k)。使用扩散型微分方程对落叶松干燥过程进行数学模拟,木材试件被理想化为无限大平板状材料,假定木材内部水分的扩散过程是一维的。实验测定了不同干燥介质条件下木材干燥动力曲线。基于取得的实验数据,通过Dincer方法计算了木材水分扩散系数(D)与水分传递系数(k);使用传统的Crank方法分析计算了木材动态水分扩散系数(D)。研究表明,使用Dincer方法计算的木材水分扩散系数(D)均大于相应实验条件下Crank方法计算数值,接近1个数量级。这种结论应该是由于两种分析求解方法间的差异以及水分扩散与热量传递数学求解间的差异。因此相关的水分扩散微分方程的分析求解方法有待改进。随干燥介质温度的升高,木材水分扩散系数(D)与水分传递系数k均显著增大,可以采用Arrhenius方程与木材结合水传递理论来分析解释实验条件下的扩散系数(D)与干燥介质温度(T)间的变化趋势。图2表3参6。  相似文献   
五道河林场次生用材林龄级结构调整及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龄级结构是森林结构中最重要的结构之一 .该文对河北省五道河林场的次生用材林的龄级结构用数学规划方法进行了调整 ,并用欧氏距离和平衡率 2方法对龄级结构调整的结果进行了评价 ,效果良好  相似文献   
AbstractThis study examined the performance of mechanically graded timber in bending when exposed to fire at various load ratios. The test specimens were 150 pieces, each with the dimensions of 60 × 120 × 3500mm. The modulus of elasticity (MOE) of 150 specimens was measured, and 60 among them were selected to formulate the prediction equation for MOE and modulus of rupture (MOR), which was used to predict the remaining 90 specimens. These were tested under fire exposure in bending using three-point loading at 11.1%, 16.7%, 33.3%, 66.7%, and 83.3% of the ultimate load. Using mechanically graded timber, which means acknowledging the actual strength of the bending member, permits fairly precise application to the targeted design load. This research confirmed that mechanically graded timber under fire exposure has the following tendencies: under the same load ratio, time to failure is independent of strength class, and, at any load ratio, the critical strength is dependent on the timber strength class. The obtained design bending strength under fire exposure using the reduced cross section method and the reduced strength method conformed to those calculated based on Eurocode 5. Following those findings, mechanically graded timber can be applied to obtain the design bending strength when taking into account the fire attack.  相似文献   
根据资料综合报道165种储木及建筑木材上的腐朽菌,其中担子菌133种,子囊菌32种;引起褐色腐朽的有28种,白色腐朽137种。详细记载了每种真菌的腐朽类型、寄主和生长环境、地理分布。生长在原(储)木上的腐朽菌有三色拟迷孔菌、红缘拟层孔菌、毛盖采孔菌等8种;生长在枕木上的有褐褶菌Gloeophyllum spp.、囊孔菌Hirschioporus spp.、栓菌Trametes spp.、炭团菌Hypoxylon spp.等43种;生长在干燥环境下火烧木材上的有炭生褐褶菌、黑轮层炭壳等5种,潮湿环境下的有12种,其中裂褶菌、皱褶栓菌、黑轮层炭壳等能生长在栽培菇类的木段上,成为污染杂菌;生长在建筑木材上有5种,如皱褶栓菌、冷杉附毛菌、伏果圆炷菌(干朽菌,泪菌)等,其中伏果圆炷菌能生于各种木质物和建筑木材上,是危害最大的腐朽菌之一。  相似文献   
木材市场价格变化对森林资源资产经营的影响分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在对福建埔上国有林场自1995年以来的杉木价格变动趋势分析的基础上,以具有代表性的一般杉木中径材经营类型生长指标并结合有关技术经济指标,计算市场销售木材保本价格,据以分析木材价格变动对森林资源资产经营的影响,为森林经营者经营决策提供借鉴。  相似文献   
孙照斌 《木材工业》2006,20(5):27-29
采用非稳态法测定龙竹竹材热压干燥过程中的水分扩散系数,并探讨了温度对水分扩散系数的影响.结果表明:干燥温度越高,干燥各阶段水分扩散系数及平均水分扩散系数也越大;初始高含水率阶段,随含水率逐渐降低,水分扩散系数呈逐步增加趋势,在纤维饱和点附近时达最大值;随后,随含水率逐渐降低呈逐步减少趋势.  相似文献   
Lifting for handling and flatbed truck transportation to the job site are important processes during manufacture of prefabri-cated wooden construction units like mini homes and building modules. Significant damage can occur to sections or components of units during these operations. Although damage usually will not impair its structural safety, it is costly to fix and causes the public to perceive prefabricated wooden buildings as low quality products. Field observations and preliminary numerical models for prefabri-cated units subject to lifting and transportation forces are summarized here. Once fully developed and verified, models will support the creation of damage mitigation strategies centered on structural details indicating how units are to be supported during lifting and transportation.  相似文献   
不同类型长白落叶松人工林各龄期的木材产量评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据立地指数的不同将长白落叶松林地分为7个立地等级(立地Ⅰ~Ⅶ),结合其营林技术规程选择造林密度为2 500株/hm2、3 300株/hm2和4 400株/hm2等不同类型的长白落叶松人工林分作为评估对象。在前人研究的基础上计算该不同类型林分在各林龄阶段的平均树高,利用相关模型推算相应林龄阶段的林分平均胸径和林分平均单株材积。建立长白落叶松人工林分的密度定量管理模型,根据此模型确定不同立地等级不同初植密度长白落叶松人工林分在理想状态下的间伐时间、间伐强度和木材收获量,为其营林生产和科研提供参考。  相似文献   
本文根据系统思想,分析了森工企业中木材生产格局,建立了优化在生产格局中木材产品生产投入产出的线性规划微机决策支持模型,并探讨了将本模型应用于优化木材投向、制定企业木材生产发展战略、完善目标管理和承包经营等方面的问题.  相似文献   
本文以隧昌县白马山林场杉木经营类型为例,针对我国当前市场实际,探讨了用材林资产中林木和林地的几种评估方法,并提出若干亟需解决的问题。  相似文献   
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