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为了查明塔里木河中游野生塔里木马鹿种群数量及栖息地资源,2006年10月1~15日,采用截线抽样法和地理信息系统相结合,对塔里木马鹿种群及其栖息地进行了研究.结果表明,现有野生种群数量大约在21~71头,集中分布在离人类干扰比较远的依明且克和托胡拉克阔坦一带.同时采用地理信息系统分析方法对研究地区的LANDSAT TM 遥感影像进行了监督分类处理,把研究区影像土地覆被分成了农田、水体、高密度林地、中密度林地、低密度林地、草地、沙漠、盐碱地、荒漠等9类型.其中塔里木马鹿主要分布在中,高覆盖度胡杨林、红柳灌丛和胡杨红柳混交林带中.同时根据在不同类型栖息地中马鹿粪便、卧迹、足迹的出现频率并结合地理信息系统分析结果,把研究地区生境划分为4种适宜栖息地等级.其中不适宜区占62.6;;较差区占3.76;;适宜区占3.38;;非常适宜区占30.23;.  相似文献   
Composts are considered to be one of the best soil amendments. However, the effects of composts with added polymeric materials on soil physical,hydraulic, and micromorphological properties have not been widely discussed. Changes in soil physical properties influence the numerous services that soils provide. We studied the impacts of composts with the addition of three different polymers(F1–F3) produced from polyethylene and thermoplastic corn starch on the physical, hydraulic, and micromorphological properties of two soils, a Cambic Phaeozem and a Luvic Phaeozem. Applying composts with polymers had limited or no significant effect on soil bulk density and porosity, but increased the field water capacity by 18%–82% and 3%–6% and the plant-available water content by 15%–23% and 4%–17% for the Cambic Phaeozem and Luvic Phaeozem, respectively. The application of composts with polymers had a greater effect on the Cambic Phaeozem than on the Luvic Phaeozem. It was suggested that the use of modified composts led to changes in soil physical properties and micromorphological features and this effect was dependent on the compost application rate. Composts made with the addition of composite synthetic and natural material-derived polymers during composting were found to be a composite mixture that can be successfully used in agriculture.  相似文献   
客观评价图书馆采编业务外包工作中代理机构的优势,及高校图书馆采编业务外包操作过程中遇到的实际问题,分析了高校图书馆现阶段采编业务外包的利弊及解决的方法。  相似文献   
目前国内的压捆机生产出的草产品密度还比较低,向高密度发展是一个必然的发展趋势。为此,通过对狗尾草的高密度压缩试验,研究其压缩过程的基本规律,获得了体积模量与压缩密度、压力与压缩密度及压缩密度与压缩量之间的变化规律,旨在为压缩设备及压缩工艺的优化提供理论依据。  相似文献   
We investigated effects of silvicultural treatments (planting and subsequent treatments) on understory structure and plant species diversity in managed Picea glehnii plantations (21–26 years old) in northern Japan. We evaluated the importance of each treatment (machinery site preparation, planting, weeding, and thinning) in 19 plantations, with considerable variation among treatments overall. The understory had 98 vascular plant species; the most dominant species was a dwarf bamboo Sasa senanensis, followed by tree species Abies sachalinensis and Betula ermanii. Multiple regression analyses showed that thinning negatively influenced plant species diversity. Planting density showed a strong positive correlation with density of seedlings (height <20 cm), but few independent variables were correlated with density of saplings (height ≥20 cm and diameter at breast height <1 cm). The negative effect of thinning and the positive effect of planting density seem to be related to the existence or reinitiation of dense cover of Sasa senanensis. We present possible mechanisms of response to treatments to generalize the results. We then suggest ways to improve current treatments to meet the goals of wood production and biodiversity conservation in the region.  相似文献   
黄土坡面细沟水流剪切力及其侵蚀效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用具有定流量人工放水的组合小区模拟降雨试验方法,对黄土坡面细沟水流剪切力及其侵蚀效应进行了试验研究。结果表明:(1)细沟水流切应力随径流历时的变化,各雨强条件均表现出增大趋势,可用线性方程很好地描述,增大速率在产流6min之后略有减小。(2)细沟水流切应力随径流历时的变化,不同坡度下也不断增大,可用直线方程进行描述,产流过程中变化趋势较为一致,其中两个大坡度下增加速率较小坡度下稍大,产流12min以后更大。(3)坡面细沟水流平均切应力随雨强增大而增大,可用对数方程描述。随坡度增加而迅速增大,可用幂函数方程描述。随雨强及坡度的变化可用二元幂函数方程描述。(4)不同雨强及坡度下,细沟侵蚀率随细沟水流切应力的增大而增大,可用线性方程描述。研究表明,细沟水流剪切力具有显著的侵蚀效应,是产生细沟侵蚀的重要水力学参数和水动力学根源。  相似文献   
为了探究串联式水平潜流湿地内部水流规律及其对水禽污水的处理效果,对三级串联式水平潜流湿地运行效果进行了连续监测,分析了单位面积总磷(total phosphorus,TP)去除率月变化,进水流量和水力停留时间(hydraulic retention time,HRT)对出水TP质量浓度的影响,并通过推流式反应器模型(plug-flow,PF)、扩散流模型(dispersed-flow,DF)和串联反应器模型(tanks-in-series,TIS)对水流形态进行了描述。结果表明:单位面积磷去除率随处理单元(P1,P2,P3)增加而降低(P1:(0.11±0.09)g/(m2·d)、P2:(0.08±0.03)g/(m2·d)、P3:(0.05±0.01)g/(m2·d));进水流量小于55 m3/d时,增加进水流量可提高P1单位面积去除率,但会降低P2和P3单位面积去除率,P2和P3在HRT85 d时对HRT具有较强敏感性,各处理单元最佳进水流量和HRT分别为P1:55 m3/d,166 d;P2:3.4 m3/d,151 d;P3:9.5 m3/d,176 d;P1在6月单位面积TP去除量大于释放量,P2和P3在7月-9月均存在TP净释放过程;P1(k:0.663~0.751 cm/d)理化环境较P2(k:0.641~0.722 cm/d)和P3(k:0.429~0.458 cm/d)更有利于除磷;TIS模型(R2:0.567~0.883,P0.05)对出水质量浓度的拟合大于DF(R2:0.510~0.723,P0.05)和PF模型(R2:0.465~0.626,P0.05),表明实际水流形态更接近混合流。该研究对于深化水平潜流湿地内部水流规律认识,全面了解不同运作下磷迁移转化机制提供参考。  相似文献   
冬季东海外海鱼类群落特征及其对拉尼娜事件的响应    总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2004年12月和2008年12月东海区渔业资源底拖网调查资料,利用多元分析[非度量多变量排序(nMDS)、SIMPER],对比分析正常年份(2004年)和拉尼娜(La Ni(n)a)年份(2008年)不同生态属性鱼类的变化特征,探究鱼类群落结构对拉尼娜事件的响应模式.结果表明,2008年冬季与2004年冬季相比,调查水域的种类组成由45种增加至61种,其中,暖水性种类比例减少,暖温性种类比例增加.主要优势种年间变化不大,仍为带鱼(Trichiurus japonicus)和小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis),两者资源密度之和分别占总资源密度的59.95%和55.16%.不同生态属性种类的资源密度发生了显著变化,以带鱼(Trichiurus japonicus)为代表的暖水性鱼类资源密度下降,而以小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)为代表的暖温性鱼类资源密度增加.研究水域生物丰富度指数(R)、多样性指数(H')和均匀度指数(J))的均值均有所升高,但独立样本t检验表明,年间3指数间无显著性差异(P>0.05).在捕捞压力保持相对稳定的情况下,群落组成的变化可能与拉尼娜事件有关,未来需要掌握不同种类对拉尼娜事件的响应模式.  相似文献   
Vegetation plays an important role in soil erosion control, but few studies have been performed to quantify the effects of vegetation stems on hydraulics of overland flow. Laboratory flume experiments were conducted to investigate the potential effects of vegetation stems on Reynolds number, Froude number, flow velocity and hydraulic resistance of silt‐laden overland flow. Cylinders with diameter D of 2·0, 3·2 and 4·0 × 10−2 m were glued onto the flume bed to simulate the vegetation stems, and a bare slope was used as control. The flow discharge varied from 0·5 to 1·5 × 10−3 m3 s−1 and slope gradient was 9°. Results showed that Reynolds number on vegetated slope was significantly higher than that on bare slope because of the effect of vegetation stems on effective flow width. All the flows were supercritical flow, but Froude number decreased as D increased, implying a decrease in runoff ability to carry sediment. The mean flow velocity also decreased with D, while the velocity profile became steeper, and no significant differences were found in surface flow velocities among longitudinal sections on all slopes. Darcy–Weisbach friction coefficient increased with D, implying that the energy consumption of overland flow on hydraulic resistance increased. Reynolds number was not a unique predictor of hydraulic roughness on vegetated slopes. The total resistance on vegetated slopes was partitioned into grain resistance and vegetation resistance, and vegetation resistance accounted for almost 80% of the total resistance and was the dominant roughness element. Further studies are needed to extend and apply the insights obtained under controlled conditions to actual overland flow conditions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用CFD前置处理软件gambit建立扇形喷嘴内部流场的可视化模型,通过fluent软件求解扇形喷嘴高压水射流各节点速度.根据速度场分布云图,分析影响扇形喷嘴高压水射流速度的主要因素.结果表明:扇形喷嘴出口盲端长度和切槽相对偏移量对其内部流场影响较大,圆柱端长度和切槽半角对其内部流场影响较小,切槽半角主要决定射流的散射...  相似文献   
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