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The attraction ofTrichogramma platneri Nagarkatti (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to eggs of two lepidopterous avocado pests,Boarmia sel-enaria (Schiffermüller) (Geometridae) andCryptoblabes gnidiella (Millière) (Phycitidae), was evaluated in olfactometer tests. The mobility of the wasp as measured by a mobility index was 0.6 for males and 1.8 for females; the males had a lower mobility and a lower search capacity index than the females. Frozen and fresh youngB. selenaria eggs had the greatest attraction forT. platneri, which diminished with increasing age of the eggs. The eggs ofC. gnidiella were also attractive to the parasitoid. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization. No. 2704-E, 1989 series.  相似文献   
在实验室观察了白虫小茧蜂的产卵行为,从化学及物理的角度探讨了寄主因素对白虫小茧蜂产卵的影响。这些寄主因素包括寻主利它素、寄主表皮的化学物质,显微结构和柔软性。实验表明:寄主表皮的柔软性是影响该小茧蜂产卵的关键因素。寻主利它素、寄主表皮的化学物质和结构均对产卵没有影响。  相似文献   
The differential variables for carcass grades were identified from morphological, behavioral and physiological measurements of young steers at a commercial farm. Thirty‐five Japanese Black × Holstein steers aged 6–10 months were randomly assigned to three pens. The steers had free access to ryegrass hay and a restricted amount of concentrate diet for the first 6 months of trial. They were then given oat straw ad libitum and an additional concentrate diet until slaughter. Behavioral observations (15 categories) were carried out once every 2 weeks for 2 h after feeding. Bodyweight was measured, blood sampled (for seven metabolic hormones and five metabolites), ultrasonic scanning conducted and physical measurements taken (10 parts for each animal) in months 1, 3 and 5 (early fattening stage, EFS) and in months 7, 9 and 11 (middle fattening stage, MFS) of the trial. Temperament scores during these procedures, entry order into restraint stalls, social rank and average daily gain were also assessed. A factor analysis and one‐way anova were used to identify clusters of variables which had different factor scores between carcass grades. As for the carcass yields, a cluster of chest girth and depth, bodyweight, withers and hip height, and rump length (P < 0.01), and a cluster of the frequency of scratching the body with facilities (P < 0.05) were identified as differential variables in the EFS. In the MFS, a cluster of concentrations of cortisol and epinephrine, and the frequency of eating straw were identified (P < 0.10). As for the carcass quality grade, a cluster of social rank, triglyceride concentration and the frequencies of stand‐chewing cud and eating hay, and a cluster of the frequency of investigating facilities (both P < 0.10) were identified in the EFS. In the MFS, a cluster of hip height, bodyweight, cannon circumference, chest depth, withers height and chest girth, and a cluster of the frequencies of eating a concentrate diet and stand‐chewing the cud, and social rank (both P < 0.10) were identified. In conclusion, bodyweight, chest girth and depth, withers and hip height were identified as good differential variables for future carcass grades of young steers. Facility enrichment that encourages steers to eat hay in the EFS, and to eat a concentrate diet in and after the MFS would be effective in upgrading carcass grades. High incidence of investigating and scratching the body with facilities and stand‐chewing the cud might lead to lower carcass grades.  相似文献   
选用5只舍饲成年波尔山羊连续进行3昼夜行为习性观测,结果表明:试验羊昼夜采食222.4±34.2 min,反刍456.2±40.3 min,卧息480.9±25.0 min,自由活动220.5±38.8min,其它行为60.0±6.4min,反刍与采食时间比为2.1:1.0。反刍、卧息多发生在夜间(P<0.01),采食多发生在白天(P<0.01),白天与黑夜排粪、排尿时间差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   
本试验采用实时跟踪摄像和颈静脉血管瘘连续采样,观察二花脸断奶仔猪在2h运输过程中的行为表现,并测定血浆皮质醇水平的动态变化。结果表明:运输前期(出发后15min)仔猪的探究行为和异常行为发生次数较多且持续时间较长,运输中期(出发后60~75min)此类行为显著减少(P<0.05),而到运输后期(最后15min)几乎观察不到此类行为;仔猪的躺卧行为在运输前期和中期发生次数较少,持续时间较短,而在运输后期仔猪大部分时间都处于躺卧状态(P<0.05);运输至中期仔猪大部分时间处于站立状态,而到运输后期站立行为显著减少(P<0.05);仔猪蹲坐行为发生的次数和持续时间在运输的前中后无显著差异(P>0.05)。仔猪上车后皮质醇水平迅速上升(P<0.05),出发15min升至峰值,且保持该高水平直到2h运输结束,下车后15min皮质醇水平迅速下降至上车前15min的基础水平。  相似文献   
Two different aphid species,Myzus persicae (Sulzer) andHyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Homoptera: Aphididae), were used to analyze their ability to transmit two different potyviruses,Potato virus Y (PVY) andPlum pox virus (PPV), to pepper (Capsicum annuum) andNicotiana benthamiana plants, respectively. In parallel experiments,M. persicae consistently transmitted both viruses with high efficiency, whereasH. pruni always failed to transmit either virus. This is in contrast to previous reports describingH. pruni as a vector of these potyviruses. Different aphid probing behavior among individual aphids of each species was obtained in electrical penetration graph (EPG) experiments performed on pepper plants. This suggested thatH. pruni did not transmit these potyviruses due to behavioral differences during probing that impeded virus acquisition and/or inoculation. It was found thatM. persicae usually makes its first probe within the first 2 min, whereasH. pruni individuals remained for more than 10 min on the plant before starting to probe. Furthermore,M. persicae individuals displayed their first intracellular puncture during the first minute of probing whereasH. pruni needed ∼ 15 min to penetrate the cell plasmalemma with their stylets. In addition, intracellular stylet punctures occurred very frequently forM. persicae but was a rare event, never exceeding a single one, forH. pruni. The relevance of these findings for the epidemiological spread of potyviruses by different aphid species is discussed. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 14, 2006.  相似文献   
环境因素对丹顶鹤越冬行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丹顶鹤在盐城越冬期间各种环境因素对其行为都将产生一定的影响,对此我们进行了观察记录。该项工作主要用8×40、10×50双筒和20倍单筒望远镜实地观察、照相机摄影等直接记录丹顶鹤的各种行为;种群数量计算为直接计数法;气候因子则根据各级气象部门的预报结果,结合观察点温度计等手段测算。结果表明丹顶鹤越冬期间,气候因子的变化是对其行为产生直接影响的主要因素,温度、雨、雾、雪、风等发生大幅度变化时,都将导致越冬期丹顶鹤的行为发生相应的适应性变化,对迁徙行为的影响则更为明显。而食物和水源则通过气候因子的变化和安全度的影响再次反应到丹顶鹤的越冬行为中来。本文最后提出了减轻灾害性天气对丹顶鹤越冬行为的影响建议。  相似文献   
以在校大学生问卷调查为例,应用联合分析法,运用极差分析、方差分析的统计学方法得出结论:价格是影响消费者酸奶购买行为的最显著因素;品牌和包装类型对酸奶购买的影响不相上下;净含量和保质期对消费者酸奶购买影响较小。乳品企业应针对不同的消费群体开发相应的产品、制定不同的市场营销策略。  相似文献   
We examined whether recreational tree climbing (TC) activities would have positive social impacts and rejuvenate an outdoor activity center and surrounding community forest in central Japan. Our case study comprised 3800 adults and children participating in TC activities at the Jyokoji Outdoor Activity Center (JOAC) in Seto, Japan. We focused on 1393 adult participants whom we considered to be the decision makers regarding family recreation, and we explored both the social impacts of TC and various factors that contributed to and distracted from the overall experience. Qualitative and quantitative data indicated that elements such as age, gender, tree preferences, tree appreciation, tree education, and technical instruction influenced the enjoyment of recreational TC and the positive effects on tree climbers. Overall, the climbing program had positive social impacts for the community forest and contributed to local conservation initiatives. Our case study suggests that other areas can benefit from incorporating TC programs into community forest planning to complement aesthetic, ecological, and restoration benefits and provide a new venue for recreation and conservation awareness.  相似文献   
2001年大火对扎龙自然保护区丹顶鹤栖息与繁殖的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
2001年8月末至10月扎龙自然保护区发生重大火灾,大火虽对保护区丹项鹤(Grus japonensis)的栖息地有一些影响,但对整个保护区丹项鹤的迁徙数量影响不大;对丹项鹤的营巢环境、巢址选择、巢材等因子产生较大影响,巢周围剩余芦苇面积、高度成为丹项鹤巢址选择的主要因子,次要因子是植被类型;大火对丹项鹤的始营巢期产生了影响,其营巢期较正常年份延缓4~5天。  相似文献   
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