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为推进节水型校园的建设,以河海大学文天学院为例,对高校非常规水资源优化利用情况进行了调查。结果表明:高校水资源利用存在较大弊端,用水管理模式不完善等是导致高校水资源不合理利用的原因。结合高校现有水资源利用现状提出了高效节水的合理建议。  相似文献   
不同耕作方式对小杂粮产量及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用深松耕、免耕、传统耕3种耕作方式,研究了陕北小杂粮产区不同耕作方式对小豆、糜子产量和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,免耕和深松耕有利于改善土壤物理结构,增加土壤的蓄水保墒能力,提高水分利用效率,节水、节本、增产增效明显,是比较理想的耕作方式。  相似文献   
采用灰色关联度分析法对17个谷子品系的7个农艺性状进行综合评价,结果表明:品系96-9207、009-342、94-9071综合表现最好,等权关联度与加权关联度的分析结果基本一致。不同农艺性状对单株粒重的关联度不同,6个农艺性状与穗粒重的关联度排序为:穗重生物产量节数株高穗长千粒重。  相似文献   
如何进一步开发和利用信阳的红色旅游资源,做大做强信阳的红色旅游产业,把丰富的红色资源转化为物质财富,使红色旅游成为信阳经济发展新的增长点,是一个值得深入探讨的重要问题。  相似文献   
分析了当前陕西省柿树资源开发利用的必要性、有利条件、存在问题及前景,并提出有关建议。  相似文献   
应用人工神经网络方法分别建立土地资源预测、森林蓄积量预测、各龄组蓄积量预测三层前馈反向传播神经网络模型对森林资源进行预测模拟.预测结果表明在小样本条件下,森林资源预测神经网络模型预测精度较高,开辟了森林资源预测新途径.  相似文献   
作为对原生资源的一种替代,我国再生资源进口数量逐年增加,相关口岸从再生资源中截获到许多有害生物。本文分别从截获有害生物年度变化规律、生物类别、再生资源类型、来源地、直属局、检疫性有害生物等方面对全国口岸2006~2016年从进境再生资源中截获的各类疫情进行了统计分析。结果表明:全国进境再生资源中截获有害生物共2003种164 566种次84 035批次,检疫性有害生物69种(属)5 215种次4 540批次。有害生物年度变化规律显示,2006~2013年进境再生资源中截获有害生物种次趋于平稳,从2014年起,有害生物截获种次迅速增加。从截获有害生物类别来看,以昆虫、杂草截获种类最多,占截获总种类的85%,昆虫截获种次最多,占截获总种次的72.2%。从再生资源种类看,有害生物、检疫性有害生物的截获种类和种次均以废纸、废塑料、废有色金属截获最多。从来源地看,共有121个国家和地区截获到有害生物,其中美国、中国香港、英国、日本、澳大利亚位于前五位。24个直属局有截获记录,其中广东局、江苏局、深圳局、浙江局、福建局位于前五位。数据显示,红火蚁、四纹豆象、桔小实蝇、双钩异翅长蠹、非洲大蜗牛、假高粱位于检疫性有害生物截获种次前六位。针对疫情截获情况,提出了进境再生资源查验及检疫鉴定工作的合理化建议,以提高再生资源有害生物疫情检出率,有效保护国门生物安全。  相似文献   
The pace and magnitude of biodiversity loss has led to wide recognition that efforts to conserve individual species must be complemented by assessment and planning at community and ecosystem levels. Emerging protocols for assessing the conservation status of communities include as central criteria the current extent, historical reduction and contemporary rate of decline in geographic distribution. Estimation of these parameters is confronted by methodological challenges, data limitations and uncertainties that may vary from case to case. We describe an approach to these issues comprising five steps: (1) classification of the community using an analysis of data from systematic ground surveys; (2) mapping to produce a contemporary baseline distribution (1980s); (3) interpolation to produce a historical distribution (pre-European settlement); (4) interpretation of satellite imagery to update the distribution (various dates up to 2004) and (5) assessment of change in extent over historical and contemporary time scales incorporating plausible bounds of uncertainty around best estimates. The bounds can be based on areas for which image interpretation produces uncertain diagnosis of clearing and differences between credible alternative base maps of the same area. We demonstrated the approach using a case study of Coolibah-Black Box Woodland, a declining semi-arid woodland community in Australia and found that 61% (plausible range 50-67%) of the woodland community had been cleared since European settlement and that during 1998-2004 the community continued to decline on average by 135.3(±21.7) km2 each year, or 1.7(±0.3)% of each previous year’s distribution, apparently accelerating in recent years. Strengths of the approach include the use of biological data (cf. remote sensing) to distinguish the target assemblage from others, the use of historical and contemporary base lines to examine change over different time scales, and the use of bounded estimates to incorporate uncertainty into the assessment.  相似文献   
While maximizing plant species richness continues to be central in the design, conservation and reforestation action plans, plant life histories are receiving increasing attention in assessments for the conservation of biodiversity in fragmented landscapes. We investigated the determinants of woody plant species (trees, shrubs and climbers) richness in the forest patches of the Guadalquivir river valley, a Mediterranean agricultural landscape with ∼1% forest cover. We analyzed three species richness variables, total, and those corresponding to species with short-distance (ballistic, barochorous, myrmecochorous and short-distance anemochorous) and long-distance (anemochorous, endozochorous, exozoochorous, hydrochorous and dyszoochorous) dispersal systems, which significantly characterize earlier and late successional stages, respectively. We selected eleven predictor variables related to habitat structure (patch area, shape, distances to the nearest patch and reserve, and general isolation), physical environment (temperature, precipitation, elevation, and lithological heterogeneity), and anthropogenic influences (disturbance and proportion of old-growth forest). We used ordinary-least-squares multiple regression (OLS) and the Akaike's information criterion (corrected for spatial autocorrelation) and derived indices to generate parsimonious models including multiple predictors. These analyses indicated that plant species richness increase primarily along with increasing patch area and decreasing disturbance, but also detected secondary effects of other factors when dispersal was considered. While the number of species with potential long-distance dispersal tended to increase in more isolated patches of areas with greater precipitation and lithological heterogeneity (e.g. highlands at the valley edges), the number of species with short-distance dispersal increased towards drier and less lithologically complex zones with shorter between-patch distances (e.g. central lowlands). Beyond emphasizing the need to consider dispersal in fragmentation studies, our results show that woody plant species richness would be favoured by actions that increase patch area and reduce anthropogenic disturbances particularly in lowland forests.  相似文献   
本文从风景园林规划的基本目的入手,通过实践和调研房山区中南部沟域景观资源,分析地区内各景观体系类型,分类整合地区景观资源特征,挖掘房山中南部景观资源本身价值,并通过对房山区中南部地区进行上方花海沟域景观规划,系统研究房山区中南部沟域地区的景观建设发展方向,为深层综合开发、培育和保护当地景观资源提出改进措施,亦为房山区中南部的沟域经济的建设发展提供必要的理论依据。  相似文献   
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