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在生物多样性保护中,涉及一些基本的理论.这些理论都是认识生物多样性保护和自然保护区的基本出发点.本文汇集了生物多样性保护的一些基本理论,如最小存活种群、岛屿生物学理论、集合种群、边缘效应、生物最小面积、生物伦理学、生态伦理学、生态系统理论、景观生态学、生态系统的服务功能、生物多样性的伦理价值、生态文明观、科学发展观、和谐社会理论.这些基本理论能为自然保护和生物多样性保护提供理论依据和技术支撑.  相似文献   
安徽升金湖国家级自然保护区的湿地类型多样,生物资源丰富,在全国具有一定的典型性和代表性。保护区为保护升金湖完整的湿地生态系统、物种生存和进化提供了有利场所,特别是为白鹤、白头鹤、东方白鹳等珍稀濒危鸟类提供了一块重要的越冬地和停歇地,保护区不仅是长江中下游区域的生态安全屏障和重要水源地,也是保护和研究我国一些特有珍稀物种的重要生境,是我国华东地区,尤其是长江中下游区域少有的生物基因库和生物多样性保护基地,具有重要的保护价值。  相似文献   
内蒙古兴安盟图木吉地区鸟类资源的考察   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
对该地区鸟类的区系、分布、生态和迁徙进行了较全面的考察。共记录鸟类16目、40科、132种。其中非雀形目鸟类95种,雀形目鸟类37种。候鸟120种、占鸟类总数的90.9%,夏候鸟55种、冬候鸟8种、旅鸟57种。国家级保护鸟类29种,其中一级6种,二级23种。黑雁、毛脚、灰背鸥、黑嘴鸥和蛎鹬5种为内蒙古驱鸟类分布新记录。所录鸟类中,有81种被列入《中华人民共和国政府和日本和日本国政府保护候鸟及其栖  相似文献   
以湖南省自然保护区现状调查成果为基础,从自然保护区数量与规模、类型结构、区域分布、管理现状和生物多样性保护等方面,阐述了湖南省自然保护区建设现状,指出在区域分布和管理体制中存在的问题,并对湖南省自然保护区建设发展提出建议。  相似文献   
以黑龙江三江国家级自然保护区管理局的部分工作人员(30人)为样本,以调查问卷和小型座谈会的方式,对保护区被调查者的基本信息、保护区的相关情况、湿地保护法律法规及相关规章制度等进行调研。深入分析调研数据认为:黑龙江三江国家级自然保护区整体管理水平较高,但也存在着一定的不足。依据黑龙江三江国家级自然保护区的现状,并结合中国对自然保护区的管理政策有待日趋完善的现实,从不同层面提出了自然保护区管理的改进策略,认为:保护区需要重视人才的引进和工作人员的培养,保护区需要发展多元化经济,国家急需出台湿地保护法律法规并完善相关的规章制度(如出台全国性湿地资源保护法、拓宽湿地保护中的公众参与渠道、明确生态效益补偿制度、清晰湿地资源权属等),相关部门需要增加湿地保护资金的投入。  相似文献   
The common dentex, Dentex dentex (L.), is an iconic marine coastal fish in the Mediterranean Sea. This study was performed in the Bonifacio Strait Natural Reserve (BSNR), (NW Mediterranean Sea). The aims were to: (1) evaluate temporal variation of the artisanal fishing of common dentex (2000–2012); (2) compare and quantify catch rates, fishing techniques and catch composition for artisanal and recreational fisheries, and determine the influence of management measures by both activities; and (3) estimate the production of both artisanal and recreational fisheries. Fishery data were collected from different artisanal fishing surveys (onboard fishing vessels and landings) and recreational fishing surveys (roving). The gears with the highest rates of exploitation were longline (3554 g per 100 hooks) and Trolling (351 g boat?1 h?1 ±SE), respectively, for artisanal and recreational fishing. This study showed that catches by both activities were quantitatively higher in partially protected areas than outside them. Production estimations suggest that the recreational fishery contributes significantly to fishing mortality and that it can magnify the negative effects of artisanal fisheries. Specific measures are needed for the sustainable fishery management of common dentex.  相似文献   
  • 1. This study describes spatial patterns in the biodiversity (species, assemblages) of rocky reef fishes at a spatial scale relevant to management, and compared the outcomes for this biodiversity from alternative procedures for selecting marine protected areas (MPAs) and from the selection of MPAs for fisheries‐related objectives.
  • 2. The study area included 104 species in two assemblage types; 36 species and 14 species occurred only in one or two locations respectively.
  • 3. MPAs selected by hotspot richness, greedy richness complementarity, and summed irreplaceability included similar percentages of species and significantly more species than randomly selected MPAs. A combined species‐assemblage selection ensured representation of assemblage diversity. Representation of all species and assemblage types required 92% of locations.
  • 4. MPAs chosen using density of all fishes or density of exploitable fishes as selection criteria included fewer species (than MPAs selected using species identity) and the percentage of species accumulated did not differ from a random selection.
  • 5. Use of an established MPA as the seed for an expanded network was inefficient, leading to additional locations being required and an accumulation of species that did not differ from a random selection.
  • 6. The smallest MPA network that fulfilled multiple management objectives (representation of assemblage diversity and majority of species, population viability, support for fisheries, connectivity) required 30% of the surveyed locations.
  • 7. This study concluded that: MPAs selected without the benefit of data on intra‐habitat variation in species assemblages will be unrepresentative; the upper range of currently promoted targets for MPA establishment (i.e. 30%) should be regarded as a minimum for biodiversity conservation; MPAs selected for fisheries‐related reasons may not provide expected benefits for the remainder of the fish assemblage.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Competing land use in the reserve site selection problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this paper is to present an approach that addresses competing land uses in the reserve site selection problem. This approach is implemented in a spatial optimization model for conservation planning in human-dominated landscapes: MENTOR. This model allocates new sites as stepping stones between existing sites. We illustrated the model by a case with competition for space between wildlife habitat and agriculture as it occurs in the Netherlands. We focused on deciduous forests with the European nuthatch Sitta europaea as an umbrella species for forest birds. Suitability maps for deciduous forests and for agriculture were applied as input for the allocation model.Effects on the landscape pattern, nuthatch populations, bird species richness and dairy farming were described. We can conclude that the application of MENTOR leads to an effective reserve network in De Leijen concerning the suitability of the land for dairy farming. The results show a doubling of the average proportion of occupied habitat, an increase in colonization probability of patches, a decrease in extinction probability of local populations, and an increase in bird species richness per patch. Whereas it results in a relatively small reduction in land currently used by agriculture.  相似文献   
在广东省康禾自然保护区10 hm2常绿阔叶林样地中,设置1 000个样方调查枯立木,选取主要树种锥及木荷运用单变量成对相关函数g(r)函数进行个体点格局分析,采用标记相关函数kmm(r)以枯立木胸高断面积为标记进行标记点格局分析,探究枯立木空间分布格局的形成原因。结果表明:锥和木荷枯立木个体径级结构均表现为“L”型,小径级个体死亡多,随着径级的增大,死亡个体数减少。锥枯立木个体空间分布格局在0~50 m尺度下表现为聚集分布,随着尺度的增大,聚集程度降低;木荷枯立木个体空间分布格局在0~4.3 m以及8.7~14.0 m时表现为聚集分布,4.4~8.6 m以及14.1 m后均表现为随机分布。锥及木荷枯立木同种个体间无显著相关性,表明同种枯立木在死亡前个体间无竞争作用。枯立木个体在生长发育早期死亡较多,其空间分布格局的形成可能主要是受活立木种子的扩散限制、密度制约和生境过滤的多重影响,而大径级枯立木主要是由于自然衰老导致其死亡。  相似文献   
2016年6月至2017年3月,于旱季与雨季分别开展泸沽湖省级自然保护区鸟类多样性调查,对比不同生境鸟类多样性组成,以期反应泸沽湖退耕还湿的成效。结果表明:泸沽湖现有鸟类120种,隶属15目44科。其中留鸟63种,候鸟46种。基于不同生境鸟类相似性指数,无论是旱季还是雨季,退耕还湿区和林地相似性最高;退耕还湿区在雨季形成了季节性沼泽,但水鸟却仅6种,远低于林鸟;旱季退耕还湿区因水位下降归于旱地,不利于水鸟栖息。泸沽湖实施退耕还湿工程后,目前退耕还湿区对鸟类栖息的服务功能与陆地更为相似,作为湿地的服务功能相对较弱。  相似文献   
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