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Weed Detection Using Canopy Reflection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For site-specific application of herbicides, automatic detection and evaluation of weeds is desirable. Since reflectance of crop, weeds and soil differs in the visual and near infrared wavelengths, there is potential for using reflection measurements at different wavelengths to distinguish between them. Reflectance spectra of crop and weed canopies were used to evaluate the possibilities of weed detection with reflection measurements in laboratory circumstances. Sugarbeet and maize and 7 weed species were included in the measurements. Classification into crop and weeds was possible in laboratory tests, using a limited number of wavelength band ratios. Crop and weed spectra could be separated with more than 97% correct classification. Field measurements of crop and weed reflection were conducted for testing spectral weed detection. Canopy reflection was measured with a line spectrograph in the wavelength range from 480 to 820 nm (visual to near infrared) with ambient light. The discriminant model uses a limited number of narrow wavelength bands. Over 90% of crop and weed spectra can be identified correctly, when the discriminant model is specific to the prevailing light conditions.  相似文献   
Bare soil reflectance from airborne imagery or laboratory spectrometers has been used to infer soil properties such as soil texture, organic matter, water content, salinity and crop residue cover. However, the relation of soil properties to reflectance data often varies with soil type and conditions and surface reflectance may not be representative of the conditions in the root zone. The objectives of this study were to assess the soil reflectance data obtained by ground-based sensors and to model soil properties in the root zone as a function of surface soil reflectance and plant response. Ground-based sensors were used to simultaneously monitor soil and canopy reflectance in the visible and near-infrared (VNIR) along six rows and in two growth stages in a 7 ha cotton field. The reflectance data were compared to soil properties, leaf nutrients and biomass measured at 33 sampling positions along the rows. Brightness values of the blue and green bands of soil reflectance were better correlated to soil water content, particulate organic matter and extractable potassium and phosphorus, while those in the red and NIR bands were correlated to soil carbonate content, total nitrogen, electrical conductivity and foliar nutrients. The correlation of red soil reflectance with canopy reflectance was significant and indicated an indirect inverse relationship between soil fertility and plant stress. The integration of surface soil reflectance and plant response variables in a multiple regression model did not substantially improve the prediction of soil properties in the root zone. However, crop nutrient status explained a significant portion of the spatial variability of soil properties related to nitrification processes when soil reflectance did not. The implication of these findings to agricultural management is discussed.  相似文献   
大豆叶面积的高光谱模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以ASD FieldSpec-Vnir光谱仪实测不同生长季大豆的冠层反射率,同期采集对应大豆LAI,然后逐波段分析冠层光谱反射率、导数光谱与大豆LAI的相关关系;并采用单变量线性回归逐波段分析了冠层光谱反射率、导数光谱与大豆LAI确定性系数随波长的变化趋势,建立了以近红外与可见光波段冠层光谱反射率的比值植被指数RVI与大豆LAI的高光谱遥感估算模型。结果表明,冠层光谱反射率在350 ̄680nm、760 ̄1050nm波谱区与大豆LAI相关性较大,而在红边区680 ̄760nm的相关性变化较大;导数光谱在红边区与大豆LAI相关程度高。通RVI方式建立的遥感估算模型能较为准确估算大豆LAI,通过对红外与蓝波段建立的RVI指数与大豆LAI的回归模型,表明其预测大豆LAI的能力较好,有进一步研究的必要;通过对比发现,神经网络模型可以大大提升高光谱反演大豆LAI的水平,模型的确定系数R2为0.9661,而总均方根误差RMSE仅为0.446m2.m-2。  相似文献   
土壤剖面硝态氮含量的快速测试方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为缩短分析时间提高时效,建立了田间条件下土壤剖面硝态氮含量测定的方法,主要包括1:1土水质量比快速浸提土壤硝态氮,Merck反射仪进行浸提液硝态氮快速定量及酒精灼烧法快速测定土壤水分,根据土壤容重换算土壤硝态氮含量。将该方法与实验室常规的0.01mol/LCaCl2溶液1:10土水质量比浸提、连续流动分析法比较.结果表明,田间快速法与实验室常规法测定的土壤硝态氮含量具有极显著的相关性,2种方法测定表土层(0~30cm)和底土层(30~90cm)土壤硝态氮质量分数(mg/kgN)的相关系数分别为0.96和0.92,按不同层次土壤容重换算表土层和底土层土壤硝态氮含量(kg/hm^2N)的相关系数为0.93和0.92。  相似文献   
草坪近地面光谱特征研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了草坪光谱反射特征的研究近况。国内外利用光谱分析技术在草坪领域开展了较为深入的研究,发现了高羊茅、多年生黑麦草、草地早熟禾的部分品种之间存在明显的"同色异谱"现象;筛选出与草坪外观质量指标显著相关的敏感波段和植被指数,建立了草坪色泽、密度、盖度及冠层叶绿素水平的光谱反演模型;氮肥水平能够明显改变草坪在可见光和近红外...  相似文献   
近红外光谱技术(NIRS)是一种快速、高效、无损的现代检测技术,已经在许多领域广泛应用.简要介绍了NIRS的基本原理、特点以及应用于牧草育种研究的意义,阐述了NIRS在牧草营养品质改良、次生代谢产物分析、病虫害抗性分析、抗逆能力评价等牧草育种方面的应用现状和前景.  相似文献   
为了探索玉米苗期叶片叶绿素含量指标的快速、非破坏性估测方法,该文运用多光谱图像技术对大田玉米苗期叶绿素含量指标进行快速无损的诊断研究。大田试验中,采用2-CCD多光谱图像采集系统获取大田玉米苗期的冠层多光谱图像,并同步采集漫反射灰度板的多光谱图像。为消除光照对图像采集质量的影响,准确将不同光照条件下的玉米冠层图像数据转换为其叶面反射率数据,标定试验中采用一块4个不同灰度级的满足朗伯面条件漫反射灰度板,建立了叶片光谱反射率同图像灰度值之间的线性反演公式,并与大田试验中漫反射灰度板的多光谱图像建立了玉米冠层图像灰度值的校正公式。对玉米苗期冠层多光谱图像进行处理,提取出玉米冠层B、G、R、NIR(中心波长分别为470,550,620,800 nm)4个波段归一化平均灰度值。通过灰度值的校正公式得到校正后的归一化平均灰度值,由线性公式反演出R、G、B、NIR 4个波段的平均反射率值,并计算4种常见光谱植被指数(RNDVI、RNDGI、RRVI和RDVI),采用最小二乘-支持向量回归(LS-SVR)建立植被指数同叶绿素含量指标的拟合模型。结果表明:植被指数RNDVI、RRVI和RDVI和玉米冠层叶绿素含量指标拟合验证集决定系数R2为0.56,达到了较为理想的拟合结果。证明通过漫反射灰度板对玉米冠层多光谱图像建立反射率反演校正模型的方法是可行的,这一方法为快速无损检测玉米苗期叶绿素含量指标提供了支持。  相似文献   
To assess the genetic variability of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in tolerance to iron (Fe) deficiency, spectral and photosynthetic parameters of 12 peanut cultivars were determined. The results showed that peanut exhibit significant variations in spectral and photosynthetic parameters within cultivars in response to Fe deficiency. The 12 peanut cultivars were separated into three groups, which include (i) a Fe-deficient tolerant cultivar (‘Zhenghong 3’), (ii) a Fe-deficient sensitive cultivar (‘Huayu 22’), and (iii) ten intermediate cultivars. Iron deficiency caused an increase in root biomass, root/shoot ratio, structure independent pigment index and intercellular carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, but resulted in a decrease in net photosynthetic rate (Pn), quantum yield of PS II photochemistry (Fv/Fm), effective quantum yield of PS II (ΦPS II), photochemical reflectance index, red edge point, and chlorophyll normalized difference index. Iron deficiency-induced decline in net photosynthetic rate may be resulted from the reduction of photosynthetic pigment contents and inhibition of PSII photochemistry.  相似文献   
本文讨论了双向反射率分布函数、双向反射率、双向反射率因子等光谱反射率之间的关系,并指出了在一定条件下,遥感技术中野外测量地物反射光谱所得的双向反射率因子和物理学中惯用的光谱反射率即半球反射率定义(全部反射光功率与入射光功率之比)是完全一致的.最后还讨论了在野外测量地物反射光谱时需要注意的几个具体问题.  相似文献   
植酸是一种抗营养因子。传统的用三氯化铁沉淀植酸的化学分析法费时费工,不能满足饲料工业发展的需要。为了寻求快速检测饲料中植酸磷(简称P.P.)含量的手段,本试验运用近红外光谱分析技术(简称 NIRS),分别以植酸磷含量较高的米糠饼和植酸磷含量较低的高粱为样品,对这两种饲料的化学分析法测值与近红外光谱法测值进行了比较。试验结果表明:用48个米糠饼样品和50个高粱样品进行定标,相关系数(R,下同)分别为0.901和0.890,残余标准差(RSD,下同)分别为0.06和0.03;另用不参与定标的25个米糠饼样品和21个高粱样品对定标结果进行检验,R 分别为0.803和0.917,RSD 分别为0.07和0.02。NIRS 法的分析精度基本上可以达到化学分析法的要求。作者认为,达项技术作为饲料中 PP 含量快速分析的手段是可行的。  相似文献   
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