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Arabinogalactan protein JC from Jatropha curcas seed endosperm (mean molecular weight 140 kDa) was isolated by cold water extraction and characterized concerning sugar and amino acid composition. At 10 and 100 µg/mL JC stimulated mitochondrial activity (MTT test) of human skin cells (HaCaT keratinocytes, fibroblasts) and the ATP status of primary keratinocytes. JC did not influence the cellular proliferation, while primary keratinocytes were triggered into differentiation status. Investigations on a potential mode of action of JC were performed on complex organotypic skin equivalents. JC induced the production of HGF, KGF and TGFβ, with TGFβ being the main inductor for the differentiation-inducing effect of JC. Also the expression of GM-CSF was stimulated strongly by JC.  相似文献   
本文对香江集团在天津投资的锦绣香江小区的设计定位,湿地做法、植物配置进行了比较详细的分析,探讨了乡土树种利用价值。  相似文献   
运用超效DEA模型对泛珠三角区第一产业效率进行评价.研究结果显示广东省第一产业生产效率最高;分年度广东省第一产业Malmquist生产率指数及分解指标表明,2001-2004技术进步平均增长率达到了1.78%;1999-2003的规模效率平均增长率达到3.12%;1999-2010的纯技术效率平均增长率达到3.37%.对泛珠三角区内其他各省第一产业发展提出了相应建议.  相似文献   
于2007、2008年每年的3-11月,对大连沿海地区的仿刺参养殖池塘叶绿素a含量进行了调查,并对初级生产力进行了估算.结果表明,大连沿海各地区的仿刺参养殖池塘中叶绿素a年均含量为2.11~5.40 mg/m3,最高值出现在2007年8月的庄河,平均值为12.96 mg/m3,最低值出现在2007年3月的旅顺附近,平均值为0.17 mg/m3.仿刺参养殖池塘中初级生产力的年均值为111.38~272.58 mg/(m2 · d),最高值出现在2007年6月的瓦房店复州湾地区,平均值为602.72 mg/(m2 · d),最低值出现在2007年3月的旅顺附近,平均值为16.47 mg/(m2 · d).  相似文献   
以仿刺参Apostichopus japonicus体腔细胞为材料,分别用体腔液和MEM、L-15两种培养基进行原代培养,初步探讨了仿刺参体腔细胞培养的基本条件。结果表明:在18℃下封闭培养,体腔细胞在体腔液中直接培养能够贴壁、伸展,细胞呈球形和上皮样,但凝集现象严重;在合成培养基(MEM、L-15)中,体腔细胞凝集明显减少;与MEM培养基相比,体腔细胞在L-15培养基中贴壁时间长,伸展状态好,上皮样细胞较多,可培养至72h;培养基中血清的添加量与细胞的培养状态和可培养时间关系不明显。  相似文献   
Primary lens luxation (PLL) is a well-recognized, painful and potentially blinding inherited ocular condition in dogs. We screened PLL-affected dogs of 30 different breeds, to identify those which carried a previously described c.1473+1 G>A mutation in ADAMTS17 that is associated with PLL in Miniature Bull terriers, Lancashire Heelers, and Jack Russell terriers. This ADAMTS17 mutation was identified in PLL-affected dogs from 14 additional breeds. PLL-affected dogs from some breeds (most notably the Shar pei and the Brittany spaniel) did not carry the G1473+1A ADAMTS17 mutation, indicating they must suffer from a genetically distinct form of the condition. We also estimated the frequency of this ADAMTS17 mutation in some of the breeds. Our findings indicate the mutation segregates in a large number of different breeds of dog, many of which are terriers or breeds with terrier co-ancestry, but some of which have more diverse origins. Our results also indicate that the mutation is present at high frequency within most of the breeds in which it segregates. In the miniature bull terrier breed estimates of mutation frequency ranged from 0.27 to 0.39, corresponding to 7.3-15.2% PLL-affected dogs in this breed. We also identified an increased risk of PLL associated with heterozygosity at ADAMTS17, suggesting that carriers carry a low risk of developing PLL.  相似文献   
禽流感H9亚型SD696株疫苗生产工艺改进试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别采用10日龄和12日龄SPF鸡胚增殖禽流感H9亚型SD696株病毒,并改变后孵化温度,将死亡高峰期、最终死亡率、平均单胚收获量、尿囊液血凝价HA、病毒含量EID50进行对比,结果表明用12日龄SPF鸡胚比用10日龄SPF鸡胚增殖禽流感H9亚型SD696株病毒,死亡高峰期推迟12-24 h,最终死亡率、尿囊液的HA和EID50无差异,平均单胚收获量提高了2-3mL。35℃培养比37℃培养鸡胚死亡高峰期延迟、最终死亡率降低、平均单胚收获量提高、尿囊液的血凝价HA及病毒含量EID50偏高。选择12日龄SPF鸡胚,35℃培养温度为生产工艺,既提高疫苗产量,降低成本,又能够提高产品的质量。  相似文献   
抗生素替代物对畜禽生产的影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭巧萍 《山西农业科学》2012,40(5):553-554,558
目前,许多国家均出台了相关的法律规范,开始限制或禁止使用抗生素类饲料添加剂饲喂畜禽。因此,进一步开发利用其替代品成为发展畜牧业的必然趋势,业内人士也审时度势地开展了这方面的科学试验。综述了近年来国内利用复方中草药添加剂、姜黄素、百御素、葡萄糖酸、谷氨酰胺及其组合物等分别代替抗生素饲喂肉仔鸡、仔猪的可行性与效果。结果表明,利用这些替代物质饲喂肉仔鸡和仔猪后,其表现出的生产性能和健康状况与饲喂抗生素者相当,甚至某些重要生产指标还优于抗生素组。  相似文献   
以长株潭地区县级行政区域为例,摒弃局限于乡村内部变量的常规研究思路,在构建乡村重构度评价体系的基础上,主要运用地理加权回归分析(GWR)等方法研究乡村重构时空格局及其城镇驱动力。研究结果表明:1)2010—2016年间,长株潭地区乡村重构度在研究期内县均增长7.55个百分点,呈现"两头窄,中间宽"的梭形分异发展结构;2)乡村重构度和城镇四项驱动因子均具有高水平类聚现象,乡村重构发展与受城镇驱动作用均存在较强的地域相关性和空间异质性;3)研究区北部发达地区乡村重构格局受城镇化、生活水平驱动作用较强,南部远离城市核心地区受投资建设水平和市场发展水平的提升作用更加明显。新时期,长株潭地区不同乡村格局的重构要基于城镇驱动力的差异程度采取差异化的发展措施,特别是对于落后地区的乡村重构要更加重视乡村资源潜力和城镇发展实力的统筹推进。  相似文献   
For providing a correct and reasonable strategy to develop agricultural mechanization in developing countries, this paper took China as the representative to analyze the poor agricultural equipment service condition. It also put forward the ecology and social crisis brought out by the long-term and large-scale primary mechanization. According to the characteristics of national condition, this paper brought forward several certain policies and solutions, such as compelling to shorten the continuance cycle of traditional primary stage, seeking for new economic growth poles of high-added-value agricultural production by fully using the abundant labor force, etc. It is a feasible technical program to develop harmonious agricultural modernization in developing countries  相似文献   
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