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A primary lung tumor in a dog treated with intensity-modulated radiation therapy was imaged approximately 6 weeks and 1-year posttreatment with combined positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography, utilizing the radiotracers 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose and 18F-fluorothymidine. These two tracers allowed discrimination of tumor from inflammation, and demonstrated spread of tumor along airways over time after treatment. Fusion of functional imaging with anatomic imaging is a useful tool, particularly in the field of oncology, with the potential for PET markers that delineate tumor from normal or reactive tissue, and potential or actual response to therapy.  相似文献   
黄土丘陵区盛果期苹果树土壤水分利用策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
[目的]探讨黄土丘陵区不同栽植年限苹果树水分利用策略,为果园水分管理与可持续发展提供参考。[方法]以10龄、15龄、22龄苹果树为研究对象,利用天然氘同位素与人工氘同位素示踪技术以及MixSIR模型分析不同水分来源对果树生长的贡献比例,探明其水分来源的季节变化规律。[结果]3个树龄苹果树水分利用来源差异较大,10龄苹果树主要水分来源从开花坐果期的中、深层(88.9%)转变为着色成熟期的浅层(57.9%)。15龄苹果树在开花坐果期和果实膨大期水分来源均以中层土壤水为主(74.2%、70.2%);而在着色成熟期则主要吸收利用浅层土壤水(59.3%)。整个生育期22龄苹果树均主要吸收利用浅、中层土壤水(利用比例分别为74.34%、86.07%、87.77%),深层土壤水利用比例逐渐降低。苹果树木质部样品中氘同位素的显著增加,表明果树可以通过吸收利用更深层土壤水分以缓解水分胁迫。[结论]3个树龄苹果树生育期内水分利用来源差异明显,随着树龄增加,水分来源逐渐变浅,用水策略趋于保守。根据不同树龄苹果树水分来源的季节变化对其进行合理的水分管理,有效降低果树非生产性耗水及自身奢侈性耗水,实现苹果园的持续健康发展。  相似文献   
目的: 模拟华北落叶松当前及未来气候变化情景下的潜在NPP,并以此为基础评价其生长适宜性,为评估气候变化对华北落叶松林的影响和精准提升森林质量提供理论依据。方法: 基于河北省森林资源二类调查数据和2001-2010年累年平均NDVI数据,采用Climate AP气候模型生成当前及未来(2040-2069年和2070-2099年)时期的气候数据,利用CASA模型计算华北落叶松当前及未来气候变化情景下的潜在NPP,以此为基础分析其生长适宜性,并运用Pearson相关分析法在像元尺度上分析气温和降水变化对潜在NPP的影响。结果: 河北省华北落叶松当前潜在NPP均值为342.7 gC·m-2a-1,其生长适宜性较低的区域主要集中在平原和西北部高海拔地区,占研究区总面积的80%以上,生长适宜性较高的区域主要集中在亚高山地带,占研究区总面积的比例低于20%;2040-2069年的年均潜在NPP上升为392.9 gC·m-2a-1,总体生长适宜性明显提高,中适宜生长区面积大规模扩大至59.4%;2070-2099年的年均潜在NPP略微下降为375.1 gC·m-2a-1,总体生长适宜性下滑,生长适宜性较高区域面积明显缩小;河北省华北落叶松潜在NPP主要受降水量影响,大部分区域华北落叶松的潜在NPP与降水量显著正相关(P < 0.05),当前的降水条件限制华北落叶松的生产力。结论: 随着气候变化,河北省华北落叶松生长适宜性将发生显著变化,变化主要发生在低适宜生长区和中适宜生长区,总体适宜性将提高。在华北落叶松当前及未来生长适宜性均较高的地区适当扩大其营造面积,有利于防范气候变化的不利影响。。  相似文献   
大花天竺葵组织培养初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程建军  曹爱珍  陈瑶  杨刚 《四川林业科技》2011,32(1):130-132,125
以‘亚里士多德’系列的大花天竺葵新品种的叶、叶柄和带芽茎段为外植体,进行了不定芽、愈伤组织的诱导及芽萌发的研究。结果表明,大花天竺葵叶片诱导不定芽分化的最适培养基为MS+0.5 mg·L^-1NAA+3.0·L^-16-BA,诱导率75.61%,平均不定芽个数4.98;叶柄诱导愈伤组织的最适培养基为MS+0.3·L^-1NAA+1.0·L^-16-BA,诱导率47.2%;带芽茎段诱导不定芽的最适培养基为MS+0.5·L^-1NAA+1.0·L^-16-BA,诱导率81.27%。  相似文献   
We used a null-balance porometer to measure leaf conductance of mature and primary leaves of natural seedlings, saplings, and trees ofPinus roxburghii (chir) during autumn at four sites at 1,320–1,930 m elevation in the central Himalaya of India. Our hypothesis that primary leaves had higher leaf conductance than mature leaves (needles in fascicles), based on measurements in other pines, was rejected. Comparisons on the same saplings and seedlings showed lower leaf conductance for primary leaves than for mature leaves. Primary leaves on seedlings and saplings also did not consistently have higher leaf conductance than mature leaves on near-by trees. Mature leaves on seedlings, however, did often have higher conductance than mature leaves on nearby trees. Mean values for leaf conductance (mmol m−2 s−1, based on total leaf surface area) ranged from 42–82 for mature leaves on trees, 60–121 for mature leaves on seedlings, and 28–67 for primary leaves on seedlings. Compared to published values for other pine species, conductance of mature leaves ofP. roxburghii is relatively low. Funding for this study was provided by grants from the United States National Science Foundation, INT-9312052 and INT-9404043. We appreciate the review of an early draft by Barbara Bond.  相似文献   
Summary Identification and location of fertility restoring genes facilitates their deployment in a hybrid breeding program involving cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system. The study aimed to locate fertility restorer genes of CMSWA system on specific chromosomes of rice using primary trisomics of IR36 (restorer), CMS (IR58025A) and maintainer (IR58025B) lines. Primary trisomic series (Triplo 1 to 12) was crossed as maternal parent with the maintainer line IR58025B. The selected trisomic and disomic F1 plants were testcrossed as male parents with the CMS line IR58025A. Plants in testcross families derived from disomic F1 plants (Group I crosses) were all diploid; however, in the testcross families derived from trisomic F1 plants (Group II crosses), some trisomic plants were observed. Diploid plants in all testcross families were analyzed for pollen fertility using 1% IKI stain. All testeross families from Group I crosses segregated in the ratio of 2 fertile: 1 partially fertile+partially sterile: 1 sterile plants indicating that fertility restoration was controlled by two independent dominant genes: one of the genes was stronger than the other. Testcross families from Group II crosses segregated in 2 fertile: 1 partially fertile+ partially sterile: 1 sterile plants in crosses involving Triplo 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 12, but families involving triplo 7 and triplo 10 showed significantly higher X2 values, indicating that the two fertility restorer genes were located on chromosome 7 and 10. Stronger restorer gene (Rf-WA-1) was located on chromosome 7 and weaker restorer gene (Rf-WA-2) was located on chromosome 10. These findings should facilitate tagging of these genes with molecular markers with the ultimate aim to practice marker-aided selection for fertility restoration ability.  相似文献   
为了研究抑制无效分蘖对不同基因型水稻根系特征及养分吸收积累的影响,以培杂泰丰和粤晶丝苗为材料(分别记为P和Y),通过设计不同的栽插孔穴直径(栽插孔径分别为20,28,35 mm,依次记为D1、D2、D3)限制水稻的无效分蘖,试验采用水培法。结果表明:与D1、D3相比,D2显著提高了水稻培杂泰丰和粤晶丝苗的穗粒数和产量;在幼穗分化期,D2处理水稻培杂泰丰和粤晶丝苗根系根长、根表面积、根系体积以及根尖数和分叉数均明显高于D1处理;D2与D3处理培杂泰丰水稻抽穗期茎鞘P、K含量显著高于D1处理;D2处理抽穗期的钾素积累总量显著高于D1、D3处理;D3处理水稻粤晶丝苗幼穗分化期、抽穗期的氮素积累总量、磷素积累总量和钾素积累总量均显著高于D1处理。相关分析结果也表明,水稻齐穗期的总根长与氮素积累总量和钾素积累总量存在显著的正相关关系,根系的表面积和总体积与氮素、磷素和钾素积累总量均存在显著或极显著的正相关关系,而且,根系的平均直径与磷素积累总量和钾素积累总量也显著正相关。  相似文献   
党支部领办合作社作为党领导下的合作经济组织,能够有效地为乡村振兴引入高质量劳动力、先进劳动资料及多维的劳动对象,促进乡村振兴。以山东省为代表,全国党支部领办合作社已有一定的实践基础,并产生了可复制的经验。未来需要继续从合理分配集体收益、显化党支部成员投入及收益、采取多样化经营模式和平衡公益性与经营性四个角度进一步深化发展党支部领办合作社,在新供给、新需求中寻找新的平衡点。  相似文献   
中国东北三省粮食生产的态势、优势、问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析2004年东北三省农业总体概况的基础上,通过对中国东北地区黑、吉、辽三个省1980—2004年间粮食生产态势、粮食生产的比较优势等问题的研究,找出影响东北地区粮食生产的主要问题,并提出了积极的解决对策。  相似文献   
The increasing expansion of productive lands around the world during the last decades constitutes a strong driver of biodiversity loss, as they are usually established near to high diversity areas. Despite many studies that have compared bird diversity between natural and productive systems, a global synthesis is still missing and important for understanding how biodiversity is being altered. We conducted a meta‐analysis based on 144 case studies to assess the effects of four types of plantations (forestry, oil palm, coffee, and cacao) on bird species richness and abundance. We examined those effects in function of plantation type, latitudinal zone (temperate or tropical), geographical context (mainland or island), zoogeographic zone, and biodiversity hotspots. Plantations presented negative effects on both bird species richness and abundance. Oil palm plantations showed more negative effects followed by forestry plantations, whereas coffee and cacao agroforestry plantations had no significant effects. Those effects were geographically variable, being more pronounced in islands and temperate zones, as well as at the Oriental, Palearctic, and Neotropical zoogeograghic regions, and at the Sundaland and Mediterranean Basin biodiversity hotspots. Our results showed that productive systems reduce both species richness and abundance of bird species, being insular species particularly susceptible. Exotic monocultures with low structural heterogeneity (e.g., oil palm plantations) derive in highly impoverished bird communities dominated by generalist species. We identified South East Asia, tropical South America, and the Mediterranean Basin as the most threatened regions because of the sensitivity of their bird communities and the increasing rates of native forest replacement.  相似文献   
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