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本文研究了太白山锐齿栎景观林带树干基部筑巢的两种蚂蚁的筑巢生态学及其巢内真菌的组成。研究结果表明:亮腹黑褐蚁Formica gagatoides Ruzsky是锐齿栎林中的优势蚁种,可在地表及树干上活动,主要取食栎树枝条上蚜虫所分泌的蜜露及其他昆虫和植物材料;盘腹蚁Aphaenogaster sp.仅在蚁巢周围活动,捕食其他小型昆虫;亮腹黑褐蚁F.gagatoides蚁巢材料含水量非常高,而盘腹蚁Aphaenogaster sp.的蚁巢较为干燥。锐齿栎林中树干的平均蚁栖率为20.3%,但蚁栖率随海拔差异而不同(海拔1800m的锐齿栎林带蚁栖率仅为6%,海拔1600m的锐齿栎林带蚁栖率高达38.5%)。两种蚂蚁的长期营巢活动造成树干基部腐朽、孔洞不断扩大,严重影响锐齿栎树干的水分、营养传输及生长,且极易倒伏和风折。两种蚂蚁巢内及其体表真菌的种类组成明显不同,从亮腹黑褐蚁F.gagatoides蚁巢材料中可分离出7种真菌,而从盘腹蚁Aphaenogaster sp.巢中仅分离出2种;从亮腹黑褐蚁F.gagatoides体表可分离出4种真菌,而从盘腹蚁Aphaenogaster sp.体表分离到3种真菌;其中Tri...  相似文献   
安徽发现草地贪夜蛾为害早播小麦   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2019年5月17日,在安徽省黄山市黄山区发现草地贪夜蛾为害春玉米,首次证实草地贪夜蛾入侵安徽,截至8月25日全省16市全部见虫。2019年10月22日,淮南市寿县窑口镇早播小麦田发现疑似该虫为害,经鉴定,确认为草地贪夜蛾。调查发现,全田均可见该虫为害状,百株被害率最高达84.21%,每平方米最高虫量43头。调查提示,入侵安徽的草地贪夜蛾种群可取食为害小麦,应加强其在麦田发生情况的监测。  相似文献   
水稻病虫危害损失和防治效益评估研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005-2008年笔者在早稻、晚稻生长期间进行防治与不防治对比试验。分析试验数据得出:全程不防治平均减产51.26%,常规防治平均增产113.14%,常规防治平均收益4498.58元/hm2,比全程不防治增86.12%,平均投入产出比1:5.18。拟合出单虫或单病在定局时的发生量(或发生率)与其危害损失之间的线性回归模型:稻飞虱每丛虫量(X)与损失率(Y)之间关系式为Y=8.7654+0.0881X;稻纵卷叶螟卷叶率(X)与损失率(Y)之间关系式为Y=1.9341+0.2851X;二化螟发生率(X)与损失率(Y)之间关系式为Y=1.4182+1.0407X;稻瘟病白穗率(X)与损失率(Y)之间关系式为Y=0.3765+0.9004X;纹枯病病株率(X)与损失率(Y)之间关系式为Y=-2.4469+0.2829X,相关分析均达极显著水平。  相似文献   
Eight isolates of Grapevine virus A (GVA), which induced different symptoms in leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana, were recovered from various grapevines. The dsRNA patterns of two isolates, which consistently induced mild vein clearing (referred here as mild isolates of GVA) were similar, but different from those of other isolates of GVA. Analysis based on overall nucleotide (nt) sequence identity in the 3 terminal part of the GVA genome, comprising part of ORF3 (putative movement protein, MP), entire ORF4 (capsid protein, CP), entire ORF5 and part of 3 UTR, revealed that GVA isolates separate into three groups (I, II, III), sharing 91.0–99.8% nt sequence identity within groups and 78.0–89.3% nt sequence identity between groups. Mild isolates of the virus were group III and shared only 78.0–79.6% nt sequence identity with the other isolates. The comparison of predicted amino acid sequences for MP and CP revealed many amino acid alterations, revealing distinct local net charges of these proteins for mild isolates of the virus. Based on both conserved and divergent nt regions in the CP and ORF5, oligonucleotide primers were designed for the simultaneous RT-PCR detection of all GVA isolates and for the specific detection of the most divergent virus variants represented here by mild isolates of the virus.  相似文献   
黄胸蓟马对香蕉的危害及其防治   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1996~1997年在香蕉花期调查结果表明,黄胸蓟马在广州地区香蕉园中普遍存在,香蕉花感虫率达100%,平均每花苞感虫82.8头。感虫数与花苞着生高度有关,以高度120~140cm的花苞感虫数最高,以后随高度的增加剧减。黄胸蓟马只危害稍开和已开的第1至第4苞片内花段,且虫口数由外向里递减。园中杂草有助于蓟马对香蕉花的危害,平均每花苞虫口数多杂草蕉园比管理精细的无杂草园多3.6倍。室内药效试验结果表明,毒死蜱、乐果、丁基克百威和灭多威对黄胸蓟马有很好的毒杀效果,氯氰菊酯和顺式氯氰菊酯效果不理想。  相似文献   
There are concerns that genetically modified soybean might threaten the genetic diversity of the wild soybean populations that are distributed in East Asia because genetically modified soybean has no crossing barrier with wild soybean. A simple and effective method to prevent hybridization via pollen flow is spatial separation between the two species because their hybridization occurs only when they grow in close proximity. Therefore, the invasiveness of wild soybean needs to be known in order to secure the appropriate distances. As wild soybean seeds are dispersed mechanically by pod dehiscence, an experiment was conducted in which white sheets were placed on the ground, concentric circles were drawn around the parent plants, and the number of dispersed seeds within each 0.5 m‐wide zone were counted. About 40% of the produced seeds were dispersed and the number of dispersed seeds gradually declined as the distance from the parent plants increased. The model that explained the relationship between the number and distance of the dispersed seeds was produced by using a generalized linear model procedure. More than 95, 99, and 99.9% of the produced seeds stayed within 3.5, 5.0, and 6.5 m after natural pod dehiscence. Knowing these values is useful for evaluating the level of invasive risk by mechanical seed dispersal. The goal of the work is to efficiently and deliberately prevent hybridization by isolating genetically modified soybean fields and wild soybean populations by vegetation management, including weeding and setting up specific‐width buffer zones.  相似文献   
近年来随着广东青梅种植规模扩大和商品化生产深入,病虫害问题逐渐突出。通过对青梅果园病虫害的调查研究以及防治试验,初步掌握了广东省青梅主要病虫害的发生与流行规律,并总结出有效的防治技术,为青梅种植业的健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   
甜玉米田玉米螟发生危害及防治措施   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
甜玉米在我国大面积种植历史较短,对甜玉米田亚洲玉米螟发生危害和防治技术研究较少。本文对国内外甜玉米上玉米螟成虫产卵习性、幼虫危害和防治技术研究和应用现状进行了综述,为我国甜玉米田亚洲玉米螟的研究和防治提供参考。  相似文献   
甜菜筒喙象是世界潜在入侵象虫网收录的一种重要象甲科昆虫,主要为害甜菜,以及藜科、苋科和蓼科的一些杂草,国内外未曾见有为害藜麦的报道,2016年7月下旬我们发现该种象虫在北京严重为害藜麦。本文首次报道甜菜筒喙象在藜麦上的发生为害情况,同时介绍了其形态识别特征、生物学特性,给出了防治建议,并提出下一步研究重点,为有效防范甜菜筒喙象的进一步扩散为害,保障我国藜麦产业的健康发展提供科学支撑。  相似文献   
选取6种不同木质纤维制备PVC木塑复合材料,分析木质纤维的基本形态参数及表面接触角,对比研究不同木质纤维制备木塑复合材料的综合力学性能。结果表明:木质纤维长度、长径比及接触角值均较高的材种较适合制备木塑复合材料;在6种不同木质纤维中,纤维长度、长径比和接触角分别为266mm、6535和9032°的杉木制备的木塑复合材料综合力学性能最佳,弯曲强度、弯曲模量、拉伸强度和抗冲击强度分别可达4563、3247、2914MPa和641kJ/m2。  相似文献   
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