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排污权交易是一种基于市场的环境污染间接控制制度。微观上,排污权的交易有利于企业以最小的成本费用解决排污问题和提高企业投资污染控制设施的积极性;宏观上,排污权的交易有利于降低整个社会控制环境总成本和实现资源优化配置。有赖于市场机制的排污权交易制度的实施需要一定的前提和条件。  相似文献   

南海是金枪鱼类的重要分布区,开展南海金枪鱼类养殖潜在适宜区选划研究具有重要意义。南海金枪鱼类的主要种类为黄鳍金枪鱼 (Thunnus albacares) 和鲣 (Katsuwonus pelamis),根据其物种出现点以及7种南海环境数据,采用最大熵 (Maximum Entropy, MaxEnt) 模型定量评估了南海黄鳍金枪鱼和鲣的潜在养殖适宜性指数。结果表明:1) 模型受试者工作特征曲线的下面值均大于0.848,表明模型准确度良好,可用于模拟金枪鱼类养殖潜在适宜区的分布;2) 表层溶解氧、表层水温、底层水温、底层盐度是影响南海黄鳍金枪鱼和鲣养殖适宜栖息地分布的重要环境因子。其中,黄鳍金枪鱼的最适宜范围为:表层溶解氧浓度201.52~242.68 mol·m−3、底层水温1.96~32.61 ℃、底层盐度34.37‰~35.26‰;鲣的最适宜范围为:表层溶解氧浓度200.83~208.35 mol·m−3、表层水温19.71~28.96 ℃、底层盐度34.30‰~35.26‰;3) 黄鳍金枪鱼和鲣的养殖潜在高适宜分布区域较为集中,黄鳍金枪鱼主要集中在东沙渔场、南沙中部渔场以及南沙中西部渔场的东北部,鲣主要集中在台湾南部渔场的中西部以及东沙渔场。

Thoroughbred racehorses perform exercise at maximal intensities and typically display a hyperthermic exercise response, which can drive core body temperature to critical levels. Despite extremely efficient thermoregulatory mechanisms, certain weather conditions may affect the horse’s ability to cool and result in a syndrome referred to as exertional heat illness (EHI). This is characterised by central nervous system dysfunction, as well as cytotoxic effects of heat on cells, which can produce deleterious consequences. Early detection of exertional heat illness (EHI) in Thoroughbred racehorses can be difficult because signs are often vague and the measurement of rectal temperature as an indicator of hyperthermia is not practical. Best practice in the treatment of EHI in horses, as in human subjects, centres on early detection, rapid assessment and aggressive cooling. Research in human subjects has shown that EHI is manageable when recognised early and appropriate treatment provided. The aim of this study was to investigate the measurement of skin surface temperature (SST) by an infrared thermometer as an aid in the early detection of EHI. A skin surface temperature ≥39°C in the immediate postrace period is considered to be hot. It reflects the interaction of exercise-related metabolic heat production, physiological adjustments to the skin surface such as vasodilation and sweating, together with the effect of high ambient temperature. Most importantly, high SST is associated with a reduced core-to-skin temperature difference, which retards heat transfer from the deep body tissues to the skin and can hinder heat dissipation. Identification of horses with high SSTs can prioritise them for rapid cooling and curtail possible progression to EHI.  相似文献   
Based on the growth, wood property of the ortets, and rooting abilities of cuttings, 32 Pinus massoniana clones for pulp use were selected from forests of superior provenance, mixed families, and progeny test of seed orchard by two-step selection. The average height and DBH growth of three-year-old clones were 28.6% and 16.7%, respectively, higher than those from seedlings, and average gain of wood density reached 8.7%. Rooting rate of all these clones was over 80%, 28% higher than the clones selected by a single step. A cutting orchard of 0.33 hm2 on the hillside was constructed to intensively produce cuttings according to the tests on construction methods, pruning, and fertilization. A total of 50,000 grade I, 37,500 grade II, and 62,500 grade III cuttings were collected per hectare of this cutting orchard each time, and were cut three times each year. With all the above techniques, 48 hm2 of clonal forests for pulp use of those clones had been planted in five places in Fujian Province. Container stecklings are more likely to increase the planting survival rate. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2004, 40(1): 64–69 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   
海林林业局是黑龙江省森工林区的一部分,有林地面积14万多hm2,总蓄积1340万m3,其中天然中幼龄林面积为93386.4hm2,占全林业局林地面积的65.22%。对于这部分面积大、情况复杂的林分,应本着科学精神因地制宜,认真规划,贯彻封山育林、调整林分结构、全面改造和扶育等不同措施进行经营管理,促进该局中幼龄林向着良性、健康和可持续方向发展。  相似文献   
脉动燃烧是指在一定声振条件下发生的一种周期性燃烧,其燃烧室内压力强度、气流速度、温度及热释放效率等参数随着时间呈周期性变化,是一种特殊的不稳定燃烧过程,具有燃烧效率高、燃料经济性好、运行环境友好等优点。研制基于脉动燃烧技术的林业作业装备对于提高林业生产效率、促进环保高效燃烧技术的发展具有重要意义。文中概述了脉动燃烧技术的工作原理、特点及发展现状,介绍了脉动燃烧技术在林业病虫害防治、木材干燥和土壤消毒中的应用,并在分析脉动燃烧技术的不足及其在林业作业应用中存在问题的基础上,提出脉动燃烧技术在林业作业应用中的发展方向。  相似文献   
国有林场在内蒙古林业生态建设中具有骨架作用,是祖国生态安全屏障的重要组成部分与支撑点,也是贯彻落实生态文明建设,践行“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念不可或缺的重要实施主体。在深入了解与掌握内蒙古自治区西部地区6个市国有林场经营现状的基础上,总结归纳了内蒙古西部地区国有林场经营的特点,深入分析了内蒙古西部地区国有林场面临的问题与困境,并探讨解决这些问题的途径,为国有林场今后的发展提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   
通过调查摸清了永泰县古树名木的现状,表明全县有776株古树名木,分属24科、39属,53种。同时分析了古树名木分类、分布特征、树种价值、历史文化、科研、经济价值。提出了古树名木的保护对策。  相似文献   
左军 《森林工程》2004,20(6):65-66
蒸压加气混凝土是一种新型的节能、环保墙体材料 ,它在基本建设中运用具有良好的综合经济效益和社会效益。这里以加气混凝土在建筑中的应用实例 ,从材料、施工、抹灰及存在的问题等方面论述了它的运用情况 ,可供有关设计和施工人员参考。  相似文献   
森林资源连续清查进界木与漏测木确定标准的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对森林资源连续清查中进界木和漏测木传统确定方法进行分析,指出其存在的随意性和缺乏科学性、明确性;提出应用数理统计方法,通过对已往取得数据的分析,制定出科学、合理、明确的标准。并以云南省2002年森林资源连续清查中楚雄州云南松检尺数据对这一方法进行了具体分析。  相似文献   
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