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为比较3种不同滤料在封闭循环水养殖中水体净化效果,通过构建3套封闭循环水养殖试验系统,分析了在相同体积的滤器中毛刷滤料、移动床滤料和结构滤料3种不同生物滤料对生物过滤硝化作用效果的影响.结果表明,在一定体积的生物滤器中(HRT 10.5min,水温24 ~30℃下)3种滤料对总氨氮(TAN)去除率的影响差异不显著(P>0.05),但单位滤料体积的TAN去除速率(VTR)差异较大.毛刷滤料、移动床滤料、结构滤料等3种滤料的VTR平均值分别为:(18.66±9.30)、(62.19±30.49)和(16.34±7.87)g/(m3·d).不同运行方式对VTR有极显著影响,移动床的VTR明显高于毛刷滤料与结构滤料的固定床式生物滤器,差异极显著(P<0.01). 相似文献
Thinh Tuan Chu John W.M. Bastiaansen Elise Norberg Peer Berg 《Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Sciences》2018,68(1):1-10
To improve genetic gain of breeding programs for village poultry production, breeding schemes with observations obtained in village production systems using individual (VIO) and group recording (VGO) were examined under different levels of genotype-by-environment-interactions (GxE). GxE was modeled by varying the correlation between traits measured in the breeding station and village environments for bodyweight (rg_BW) and egg production (rg_EP). Relative and absolute genetic gains obtained from VIO and VGO were used for comparison between the schemes. Results showed that village observations significantly improved genetic gains compared to the scheme without birds tested in the village. The improvement was only slightly larger with individual observations than with group observations. Higher rg_BW and rg_EP led to lower relative genetic gain, but a higher absolute gain of VIO and VGO. It is recommended to apply a breeding scheme using group recording of village performance when strong GxE in breeding for village poultry is expected. 相似文献
孔雀河流域绿洲生态支持系统调控模式研究 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
生态环境用水量的减少是孔雀河流域近 50年来现代绿洲环境退化的主要原因 ,维持生态与社会经济的合理用水比例是绿洲系统持续发展的前提。以此为基础 ,本文采用水资源承载力的方法探讨了绿洲生态支持子系统和社会经济子系统优化调控模式 ,最后就配置方案及发展模式的可行性进行了分析 相似文献
试验采用二次回归饱和设计方法,研究了氮、钾、锰、硼肥和芸薹素内酯、乙烯利对甜菜根产量和含糖率的影响,建立了以根产量和合糖率为目标的回归方程。研究结果表明:氮、钾、锰、硼肥和芸薹素内酯、乙烯利的合理配合施用能使甜菜产量明显提高,品质得到显著改善。通过模拟寻优,决选出了根产量67704.46kg/hm2,含糖率22.3%以上的调控措施为:在施用P205150kg/hm2基础上,施纯N119.85kg/hm2,K20144.79kg/hm2,纯Mn5.26kg/hm2,纯B1.16kg/hm2;叶面喷施BIK和ETH,浓度分别为10.42mg/L和225.58mg/L。 相似文献
东北梅花鹿优化育种规划中育种目标的确定 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
讨论了东北梅花鹿依据经济指标确定育种目标的问题 ,以及在东北梅花鹿育种规划中 ,应如何挑选在综合育种目标中的生产性状及其对应的选择性状。并着重介绍了应用综合育种值作为数量化育种目标的方法。指出在确定以茸用为主的东北梅花鹿育种目标时 ,除了主要考虑茸用性状外 ,还应适当地考虑繁殖和使用寿命等性状 ,同时对于直接影响茸鹿生产效益的直接性状和次级性状不容忽视。 相似文献
To control the spread of bovine viral-diarrhoea virus (BVDV), test-and-cull schemes have been used in Scandinavian countries, with success, when combined with strict control of new animal introductions into herds. In situations where BVDV reintroduction is likely to occur, it is necessary to assess precisely the expected efficiency of test-and-cull schemes. The objective of this study was to compare, by simulation, the persistence and consequences of BVDV infection in a fully susceptible dairy herd with either a test-and-cull scheme or no control action. We used a stochastic individual-based model representing the herd structure as groups of animals, herd dynamics, the contact structure within the herd and virus transmission. After an initial introduction of the virus into a fully susceptible herd, the frequency of purchases of animals that introduced the virus was simulated as high, intermediate or null. Virus persistence and epidemic size (total number of animals infected) were simulated over 10 years. The test-and-cull reduced the epidemic size and the number of days the virus was present except in herds with complete prevention of contact between groups of animals. Where no virus was reintroduced, virus persistence did not exceed 6 years with a test-and-cull scheme, whereas the virus was still present 10 years after the virus introduction in some replications with no control action (<2%). Where frequent purchases were made that led to virus introduction (6 within 10 years), with an intermediate virus transmission between groups, the probability of virus persistence 10 years after the first virus introduction fell from 31% to 8% with the test-and-cull scheme (compared to the do-nothing strategy). Within the newly infected herd, the test-and-cull scheme had no effect, on inspection, on the number of PI births, embryonic deaths or abortions over 10 years. Given this, the economic efficiency of the test-and-cull scheme should be further investigated. 相似文献