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刈割扰动下半干旱区豆科牧草种间关系的反应   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
以苜蓿和沙打旺根据生物替代设计组成的简单混播种群为对象,通过调查2种牧草在刈割扰动下的生长反应,比较了单混播处理条件下3种播种密度刈割处理的种间关系和补偿性反应特点,探讨了种群稳定与演替的可能机制。结果表明苜蓿和沙打旺在刈割条件下,土壤水分利用竞争空间上移 20 cm,并且水分利用呈增加趋势,土壤平均水分为15%。刈割诱导低密度混播处理和高密度苜蓿单播处理土壤水分最高,分别达15.6%和15.8%。单播下,刈割可诱导中高密度单播沙打旺处理产量分别增加33%和29%,而混播方式下,刈割均导致沙打旺和苜蓿株高、分枝数和地上部生物量小于对照。在刈割干扰下,相比对照,苜蓿与沙打旺两者仍然为资源共享关系,但互利共生程度下降了21%,而混播种群中苜蓿对沙打旺的相对竞争力增加了17%。不论单播还是混播,刈割均可引发2种牧草显著的补偿机制。同时发现刈割干扰可激发更强的自疏作用。2种牧草的生长指标呈下降趋势可能是干旱、刈割和种间竞争或化感协同胁迫作用的结果,但共存与补偿机制有利于减缓这种负面效应。沙打旺和苜蓿的更新补偿时间上的异质性,实现资源利用生态位的分离,从而调控着2种牧草组成的种群稳定性,这对理解生物多样性维持机制具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   
以天山北坡不同区域与海拔地段鸭茅群落主要物种为研究对象,采用邻接格子样方法测定鸭茅群落物种优势度,通过方差比率计算、χ2检验、联结指数即秩相关分析种间联结性,分析鸭茅群落主要优势物种在群落中的分布及优势物种鸭茅与其他物种之间的关系,探讨区域与海拔梯度变化对鸭茅群落物稳定性的影响。结果表明,1)东、西两段山地鸭茅群落主要物种种间联结性在海拔1800~2200 m间呈现出由正关联逐渐向负关联过渡,群落稳定性有随海拔升高呈逐渐减弱趋势。2)联结系数及联结指数结果均说明不同区域与海拔梯度对的鸭茅群落物种间的联结程度有一定影响,但均表现不强,而处于弱联结的较多或无联结,群落中各物种间较松散。3)鸭茅种群与群落内其他种之间的相关性有时呈正联结,有时呈负联结,这与区域与海拔地段所处的环境因素存在异质性有关。研究结果为揭示影响鸭茅群落物稳定性因素,预测鸭茅种群动态和种间竞争与共存机制提供重要的理论依据。  相似文献   
Although adult Rumex obtusifolius are problematic weeds, their seedlings are poor competitors against Lolium perenne, particularly in established swards. We investigated the possibility of using this weakness to augment control of R. obtusifolius seedlings with combinations of Gastrophysa viridula (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and the rust fungus Uromyces rumicis. Rumex obtusifolius seedlings were grown in competition with L. perenne sown at different rates and times after R. obtusifolius: they competed successfully with L. perenne when sown 21 days before the grass. Sowing both species at the same time resulted in a dominant grass sward, with R. obtusifolius becoming dominant when sown 42 days prior to L. perenne. Grass sowing rate had no effect on R. obtusifolius growth or biomass. A second experiment investigated how competition from L. perenne sown 21 days after R. obtusifolius combined with damage from G. viridula and/or U. rumicis (applied at either the 3–4‐ or 10–13‐leaf stage, or at both stages) affected the growth and final biomass of R. obtusifolius. Beetle grazing at the latter leaf stage was the only treatment that reduced R. obtusifolius biomass, although rust infection at the earlier application led to an increase in shoot and root weight. The results are discussed in terms of the potential for use of these agents in the field.  相似文献   
为了提高测量土壤水分Van Genuchten方程求解的精度,提出平行竞争PSO算法。首先在PSO算法基础上,当粒子群最大半径值小于某个阈值时,竞争才被触发,同时最差粒子被重置,粒子被重置的比例随着迭代次数增加而非线性减少;接着粒子群分成若干子群,子群的群平均适应度与原始粒子群平均适应度相差不能小于设定的阈值,引入不同的共享因子对子群与子群、粒子与子群之间进行信息共享动态调节;最后粒子适应度函数由Van Genuchten方程参数构成,给出了算法流程。实验仿真显示本文算法对测试函数求解具有收敛速度较快、解精度较高的特点,测量粉壤土脱湿数据的相对误差最大为5%,吸湿数据的相对误差最大为4%,相比其他算法都较小。  相似文献   
Over‐winter mortality, that is, winterkill, reduces cereal crop competitive ability and yield. While management and environmental variables are known to affect winterkill, the extent to which weeds contribute to increased winterkill is largely unknown. Winter annual weeds may increase winterkill through resource competition and by increasing incidence of and damage from plant pathogens that cause winterkill. We evaluated the impact of summer annual (Avena fatua) and winter annual (Bromus tectorum) weeds on the over‐winter survival rate of winter wheat over three winters, during which plots were covered with snow. Pink snow mould (Microdochium nivale), a winterkill pathogen known to infect B. tectorum and winter wheat, was common in wheat stands. In weed‐free treatments, mortality rates were initially near zero, but increased by nearly 45% in each subsequent winter, presumably due to an increase in snow mould disease in continuously cropped winter wheat. Whereas A. fatua infestation had no impact on crop survival rates, winter wheat survival in B. tectorum‐infested plots was 50% less than the weed‐free control in the second and third years of this study. Among B. tectorum‐infested plots, winter wheat over‐winter survival declined with increasing weed seed produced in the previous summer. Overall, this study demonstrated that winter annual weed infestations can reduce crop stand densities below replanting thresholds by reducing fall‐sown cereal winter survival. The effects of winter annual weeds on winter wheat may be meditated by increased proliferation of snow mould disease.  相似文献   
为明确丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)真菌对加拿大一枝黄花Solidago canadensis与本地菌根植物和非菌根植物种间竞争格局的调控作用,采用温室盆栽试验,通过接种摩西球囊霉Glomus mosseae(GM)、根内球囊霉G. intraradices(GI)及其混合菌种(GM+GI)3种处理,分析AM真菌对加拿大一枝黄花与本地菌根植物玉米Zea mays和非菌根植物油菜Brassica campestris种间作用的影响。结果表明:与对照相比,接种AM真菌均显著提高了加拿大一枝黄花和玉米的菌根侵染率,菌根侵染率为13.720%~50.015%,且前者的菌根侵染率明显高于后者。单独种植时,与对照相比,接种AM真菌尤其是接种混合菌种显著提高了加拿大一枝黄花的株高、叶片数和总干重。在加拿大一枝黄花与玉米混合种植时,与单独种植相比,加拿大一枝黄花的株高、叶片数、根长和总干重均较低;同时,与对照相比,接种AM真菌显著提高了玉米的相对竞争强度而对加拿大一枝黄花的相对竞争强度没有显著影响。在加拿大一枝黄花和油菜混合种植时,与对照相比,接种AM真菌则显著提高了加拿大一枝黄花的株高、叶片数、净光合速率和总干重;同时,接种AM真菌促进了入侵种的竞争优势而抑制了非菌根植物油菜的生长。说明加拿大一枝黄花与本地种的竞争格局受到与之混生物种的菌根依赖性强度以及AM真菌的种类差异影响。  相似文献   
艾比湖湿地植物种间关系研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
应用X2检验、Pearson相关分析和Spearman秩相关分析研究了艾比湖湿地主要植物种的种间关系。总体关联度显示植物种间独立性较强;在19个主要植物种之间,呈显著正相关植物种对数较少,共计15对,为总种对的8.77%;显著负相关植物种对极少,Spearman秩相关检验中为5对,占总对数的2.92%,X2检验中只有1对;研究结果清楚地反映了植物种间关系以及它们在资源利用和生态位上的差异。  相似文献   
Cover crops grown in the period between two main crops have potential as an important component of a system‐oriented ecological weed management strategy. In late summer and autumn, the cover crop can suppress growth and seed production of weeds, whereas the incorporation of cover crop residues in spring may reduce or retard weed emergence. Based on these two criteria, six cover crop species were evaluated for their weed suppressive potential in 2 years of experimentation in the Netherlands. Fodder radish, winter oilseed rape and winter rye had the strongest competitive ability in autumn; the competitive strength of Italian ryegrass was intermediate and white lupin and lucerne were poor competitors. Competitiveness was strongly correlated to early light interception. Surprisingly, doubling the recommended sowing density did not increase weed suppressive ability. Although a poor competitor in the fall, after incorporation in spring, lucerne had the strongest inhibitory effect on seedling establishment, followed by winter oilseed rape and white lupin. Winter rye and fodder radish did not affect seedling establishment, whereas Italian ryegrass was not evaluated because of re‐growth after incorporation. Competition in autumn and subsequent residue‐mediated suppression of weed establishment in spring varied among the cover crop species, with winter oilseed rape offering relatively strong effects during both periods.  相似文献   
利用营养竞争平板筛选法获得了可在大豆麦麸(SWB)培养基上快速生长并拮抗大豆根腐病菌Fusarium oxysporum和F.solani的芽孢杆菌菌株B006和B010。通过16S rDNA序列分析、形态观察和生理生化性状测定,将其鉴定为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)。田间小区试验结果表明,以种子处理(108cfu/mL,药种比为1∶60)和以麦麸为载体的固体菌剂土壤沟施(106cfu/g,用量195 kg/ha)B006和B010菌剂对真叶期大豆根腐病的防治效果分别为74.6%和63.5%,高于商品化学农药35%多福合剂种子处理的防效(P=0.05),大豆产量分别增加13.8%和24.0%。利用特异引物对生防功能基因的扩增结果表明,bmyB、fenD、bioA和srfAA基因以及srfAB基因簇的片段在2个菌株中均存在,而ituC基因仅存在于B010菌株中。对菌株生防功能基因的分析有助于今后高效菌株的快速筛选和对生防菌作用机制的研究。  相似文献   
为揭示山西云顶山亚高山草甸植物群落优势种的种间关系,本研究通过种间联结性和相关性测定,对其植物群落13个优势种78个种对的种间关系进行研究。结果表明:13个优势种间大部分种对的种间关联不显著,种间联结不紧密,说明山西云顶山亚高山草甸植物群落结构不很稳定,存在一定程度的生态退化风险;多数原生优势种在群落中占据主要位置,同时也出现少数非原生优势种优势明显,有逐渐取代典型原生优势种的逆行演替趋势,这是由于人类频繁的旅游扰动所致。因此,应当合理的控制旅游开发强度与游客数量,保持亚高山草甸生态系统的稳定与自我维持,以持续高效的维持云顶山亚高山草甸的经济及生态价值。  相似文献   
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