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A comparison was made of automated procedures and steam distillation for analysis of NH4 + and NO3 in KCl extracts of soils. Automated analysis of NH4 + utilized the phenate‐hypochlorite reaction. Nitrate was analyzed by E. coli reduction of NO3 to NO2‐which was then determined colorimetrically by reaction with sulfanilamide and napthylethylenediamine diHCl. Soil extracts were made with 1 M and 2 M KCl. Extracting with 1 M KCl was as effective as 2 M KCl. Extracts in 1 M KCl did not interfere with E. coli reduction of NO3‐, but 2 M KCl did. The automated procedures when compared to distillation gave similar if not better precision and reduced variation particularly at low N concentrations. The automated procedure tended to give higher values at higher NO3‐concentrations. Reduced time required for the analyses provided an additional advantage for the automated procedures.  相似文献   
选择黄河口生态恢复前后的未恢复区(R0)、2007年恢复区(R2007)和2002年恢复区(R2002)的芦苇湿地为研究对象,探讨了生态恢复工程对生长季湿地土壤无机硫形态变化的影响。结果表明,生态恢复工程不同程度地改变了湿地土壤中各形态无机硫含量。相对于R0,R2002和R2007土壤中的水溶性硫(H2O—S)含量分别降低46.7%和44.7%,吸附性硫(Adsorbed—S)和盐酸可溶性硫(HCl—Soluble—S)含量分别增加0.4%,116.0%和50.1%,29.1%,而盐酸挥发性硫(HCl—Volatile—S)含量在R2002下降8.0%,在R2007增加19.7%。不同恢复阶段湿地土壤中各形态无机硫含量在生长季呈不同的变化特征,这一方面与不同湿地植物生长节律以及地上与地下之间的硫养分供给关系密切相关;另一方面则与不同生态补水方式导致的环境因子,尤其是pH、EC和氮养分的变化有关。随着恢复年限的增加,湿地土壤的总无机硫(TIS)含量以及其占全硫(TS)含量的比例均呈降低趋势。湿地土壤的TIS储量整体随恢复年限的增加而降低,而这种降低主要取决于H2O—S、Adsorbed—S和HCl—Soluble—S的贡献,且以H2O—S占优(78%~80%)。研究发现,随着黄河口湿地的逐渐恢复以及每年冬季芦苇收割活动的进行,恢复湿地土壤中的无机硫养分逐渐趋于缺乏状态,长期来看将不利于维持湿地的稳定与健康。  相似文献   
退耕对滇池湖滨土壤理化性质与无机磷分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]明晰退耕对滇池湖滨土壤理化性质和土壤磷素形态分布的影响,进而评价退耕的土壤恢复效应和环境效应。[方法]采用空间代替时间的研究方法,对比研究滇池湖滨缓冲带和设施农田剖面土壤理化性质以及无机磷剖面分布特征,并且以滇池湖滨3个区域(牛恋、海埂、兴隆)相同退耕方式为对照进行研究。[结果]退耕3a后,牛恋缓冲带浅表地下水埋深明显变浅,土壤有机碳和全氮含量明显增加,土壤全磷,Olsen-P,Al-P和Fe-P含量均明显降低,O-P含量明显增加。但是浅表地下水埋深较深的海埂缓冲带土壤理化性质和无机磷组分没有发生明显变化。兴隆缓冲带土壤有机碳和全氮含量明显降低。3a内退耕没有直接对土壤理化性质和无机磷组分产生明显影响,浅表地下水埋深改变是影响土壤恢复和无机磷组分变化的直接原因之一。[结论]滇池湖滨缓冲带和设施农田土壤磷素均存在淋失风险,退耕活动通过抬高浅表地下水位加速土壤磷素淋失从而降低土壤潜在淋失风险。  相似文献   
向厌氧消化体系加入外源添加剂是一种有效且简单的用于提高产气效率的方法。为了解决秸秆厌氧消化原料转化率低、易酸化、厌氧消化时间长等问题,该文选取尿素和无机盐土作为秸秆厌氧消化的添加剂,研究比较不同添加量对玉米秸秆厌氧消化过程产气特性、发酵环境、微生物活性以及物能转化效率的影响。结果表明,对于出现酸化问题且甲烷菌活性较低的厌氧消化系统,添加尿素和无机盐土有利于缓解酸化并促进微生物生长繁殖,三磷酸腺苷(ATP)峰值时的微生物数量可增加2.76×1011-5.31×1011个/L。添加一定量的尿素和无机盐土可使产气高峰提前,添加10%的无机盐土处理组与纯秸秆处理相比,产气高峰可提前4d;但酸化也会削弱尿素和无机盐土对产甲烷过程的促进作用,添加量越大,削弱效果越显著。研究结果可为秸秆厌氧消化的工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   
Tillage, mineralization and leaching: phosphate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phosphate is usually the limiting nutrient for the formation of algal blooms in freshwater bodies, so tillage practices must minimize phosphate losses by leaching and surface run-off from cultivated land. Mineral soils usually contain 30–70% of their phosphate in organic forms, and both organic and inorganic phosphate are found in the soil solution. Some organic phosphates, notably the inositol phosphates, are as strongly sorbed by soil as inorganic phosphates, and this decreases their susceptibility to mineralization. The strength with which both categories are sorbed lessens the risk of their being leached as solutes but makes it more likely that they will be carried from the soil on colloidal or particulate matter, and the greatest losses of phosphate from the soil usually occur by surface run-off and erosion. Recent studies at Rothamsted have, however, shown substantial concentrations of phosphate in drainage from plots that have long received more phosphate as fertilizer than is removed in crops. These losses probably occurred because preferential water flow carried the phosphate rapidly from the surface soil to the field drains. For lessening losses of phosphate by leaching and run-off, the prime requirement of tillage is that it should encourage flows of water through the soil that help it to retain phosphate. Primary and secondary tillage should ensure that the surface roughness and porosity of the top-soil encourage the flow of water into the soil matrix where it will move relatively slowly and allow phosphate to be sorbed, thereby avoiding problems from run-off and preferential flow. Inversion tillage can be useful for lessening the loss of phosphate by run-off and erosion. Secondary tillage could be used to decrease the size of the aggregates and increase the surface area for sorption. Although tillage will increase the mineralization of organic phosphate, pulses of mineralization are unlikely to be so rapid or to lead to such large losses as with nitrate. The strength with which phosphate is sorbed also lessens the problem. As with nitrate, the key to managing phosphate is basically good husbandry.  相似文献   
 Delaying cultivation and incorporation of arable crop residues may delay the release of NO3 and hence reduce leaching. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of timing of cultivation on the mineralization and leaching of NO3 from an arable crop residue. Overwinter N leaching and periodic measurements of soil inorganic N were combined to estimate net N mineralized after ploughing a crop residue into a free-draining loamy sand soil in central England on six dates from June 1994 to January 1995. The crop residue was whole green barley with approximately 2% N. N leaching in the two following winters was increased by the addition of crop residues. Early residue application also tended to increase N leached in the first winter, largely as a consequence of relatively large losses early in the drainage period. Thus, early incorporation of crop residues presents a greater leaching risk. The amount of N leached in the second (drier) winter was similar for all dates of incorporation. At the end of the first winter, inorganic N derived from the crop residue was greatest for earlier additions: June (40% N applied) > September (30% N applied) > August (20% N applied) > October (19% N applied) > November (11% N applied) > January (3% N applied). However, at the end of the experiment, there was no evidence that the residues which had mineralized least by the end of the first winter had, to any significant degree, caught up, and this was confirmed by the parameters of the equation for first-order decomposition in thermal time. These results indicate that the effect of temperature, particularly in the early stages of residue mineralization, is complex and interacts with other soil processes in terms of the fate of the N mineralized. Received: 19 July 1999  相似文献   
在河北衡水潮土上进行田间试验,以当地习惯高氮用量(小麦季施N 300 kg/hm2,玉米季施N 240 kg/hm2)为对照,研究冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系中减少氮肥用量对玉米季植株生长、氮素吸收及根际土壤中无机氮与微生物量氮的影响。结果表明,两季作物氮肥施用量减少25%和40%,对玉米产量、生物量及植株体内氮累积量未产生明显影响,氮肥利用率提高。不同氮肥施用量对根际和非根际土壤铵态氮含量的影响不显著;减少氮肥施用量,对玉米根际土壤硝态氮含量也没有明显影响。在玉米苗期、抽雄期和成熟期,习惯高施氮量处理的非根际土壤硝态氮含量较高,其中抽雄期,非根际土壤硝态氮含量较氮肥减施40%用量处理高出近一倍,但非根际土壤微生物量氮水平含量明显降低。氮肥减施未影响根际土壤微生物量碳、氮含量,反而增加了非根际土壤微生物量碳、氮水平。在高肥力的潮土上,冬小麦/夏玉米轮作体系中适当减施氮肥并未影响玉米根际土壤氮素水平,可保证玉米稳产,实现减氮增效。  相似文献   
A sand culture experiment was conducted to determine the effects of different seawater (5% and 10%) treatments on plant growth,inorganic ions,indole alkaloid concentrations and yields of Catharanthus roseus,in an effort to increase the alkaloid yield by artificial cultivation.The total fresh and dry weights and tissue K + concentrations decreased,but Na + concentrations increased in the plant roots,stems and leaves of C.roseus under seawater stress as compared to the control.The concentrations and yields of...  相似文献   
张煜  张琳  吴文良  孟凡乔 《土壤学报》2016,53(4):930-941
内蒙武川是我国典型的内蒙农牧交错带地区,土地利用方式转变和施肥是影响该地区农业生产和土壤碳储量的重要人类活动。选取内蒙武川地区,针对不同土地利用方式(耕地、退耕还林/还草)和施肥措施(化肥、有机肥)的长期定位试验土壤,分析土壤有机碳(SOC)、土壤无机碳(SIC)和全氮(TN)含量和储量,结合13C和15N稳定同位素方法,研究土地利用方式和施肥措施对于该地区土壤碳氮转化的影响规律。研究表明,退耕还灌/还草后,SOC储量较耕地均有显著提高(提高幅度0.60~0.98 Mg hm-2 a-1),SIC储量也增加或保持相同水平(柠条地除外)。相比不施肥处理,施用有机肥能显著增加SOC(1.08~1.19 Mg hm-2 a-1),施化肥处理则会降低SIC(0.06~0.16 Mg hm-2 a-1),且主要影响次生碳酸盐。施肥SIC中原生碳酸盐比例(0~23%)低于自然土壤(3%~29%)。施肥措施对于土壤碳氮的转化强度远大于土地利用方式的改变。对于内蒙等干旱半干旱地区土壤,土地利用和施肥措施对于土壤有机和无机碳的影响应该在区域固碳管理中给予全面考虑。  相似文献   
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