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  1. Species identification of sharks under catch or trade regulations is important for law enforcement and species conservation. Rapid detection of Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)-listed species is needed for on-site screening.
  2. Species-specific primers were designed to target three mitochondrial genes (ND2, COI, and CytB) in both the simplex and multiplex loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for the pelagic thresher shark (Alopias pelagicus), the bigeye thresher shark (Alopias superciliosus), and the scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini), respectively. Another primer set designed to target S. lewini was used for detection-limit testing of the LAMP assay.
  3. The refined direct multiplex LAMP was used to detect the three CITES-listed shark species and omitted the lengthy DNA extraction process. A homogenizer was used to release the DNA from the shark tissues, and a simplex or multiplex LAMP reaction was conducted for 30 min in an incubator at 65°C using species-specific primer sets.
  4. Positive LAMP reactions showed a colour change from pink to yellow, whereas negative reactions showed no colour change. Multiplex LAMP assays were performed using 84 samples, which successfully identified the target and non-target species and provided a fast (<1 h), simple, and reliable method to distinguish three CITES-listed shark species from the other non-target species, for either fresh or dry fin products.
  5. Results of this study and the method developed will play a critical role in assisting fishery agencies and customs officials in identifying the illegal catch and trade of CITES-listed shark species.
To evaluate the impacts of fishing on marine ecosystems, the total extraction of fish must be known. Putting a figure on total extraction entails the difficult task of estimating, in addition to reported landings, discards, illegal and unmandated catches. Unreported catches cast various types of shadow, which may be tracked and estimated quantitatively. Some shadows of unreported catches are reviewed, for example, an innovative, well‐funded NGO publicizes illegal catch in the Southern Ocean. For various reasons, official figures often have the implicit but unacceptable assumption that such categories are null. We present an estimation procedure based on adjustment factors taken from observer reports, correspondents and published information that track changes in a regulatory regime, and hence reflect incentives and disincentives to misreport. Monte Carlo simulations address uncertainty using multiple sources of information to provide upper and lower estimates. Once in place, this method provides preliminary estimates that may be refined without disruption. The method is demonstrated for fisheries in Iceland and Morocco. We use a ‘by‐species’ approach for Icelandic cod and haddock, while the Moroccan catch is divided into demersal and pelagic categories. Results suggest that Icelandic cod catches may have been underestimated by between 1 and 14% at different times, and haddock by between 1 and 28%. Underestimation of Moroccan catches appears to have been as much as by 50%. These case studies show that it is possible to obtain estimates of misreporting, even when direct data are lacking. Our method encourages transparency because sources of information are presented so that uncertain values are easily identified, offering a basis for comment, collaboration and refinement in estimating illegal and unreported fishing.  相似文献   
This study was conducted in São Miguel Island (Azores archipelago) providing the first evidence from Macaronesia of spear fishing impacts on fish communities. The shoreline was monitored during 10 months by access point surveys where 220 fishers were interviewed and 27 target fish species were identified. Mean sizes of top predators and highly vulnerable species were generally less than the respective minimum first maturation length. Species intrinsic vulnerability was moderate with an average of 46.7 (max. 100). There are indications that spear fishers, in the absence of high trophic level and larger species, target smaller and lower trophic level fish, atypical of a highly selective fishery. Daily bag limits were not respected in 36.9% of spear fishing operations and 59% of the catch from the area was illegally sold, a practice likely to have negative consequences for the commercial sector.  相似文献   
当今世界针对非法采伐与相关贸易开展了许多打击行动,欧盟、美国等相继制定了打击非法采伐与相关贸易的行动计划及法案,但是在实施这些行动计划和法案的同时,对于合法木材的界定却不清晰、明确.从欧盟森林施政、执法与贸易行动计划(FLEGT) 度阐述了界定合法木材定义时遇到的问题和困难,最后提出了界定合法木材定义的建议.  相似文献   
非法套现现象广泛存在,是因为套现不仅可以为持卡人提供大量的现金,同时避免向银行缴纳手续费和利息,而且中介机构从中获取了大量的利润。但套现对银行乃至金融业带来的风险和危害也是显而易见的。由于我国信用卡业务刚刚起步,征信体系尚不健全,相应法律法规还不完善,信息通讯技术有待发展等具体国情,使我国不可能像外国一样认可信用卡套现是合法的行为。  相似文献   
目前世界上约26个国家实施了林产品政府绿色采购政策。文中从适用对象和范围、定义和标准、符合性证明以及影响等方面对其进行比较分析,以期为我国进一步完善林产品绿色采购政策提供借鉴。  相似文献   
The green government(public) procurement system plays an important role in achieving the policy objective of energy saving and environmental protection,and promoting green technology progress in enterprises.The green government procurement starts comparatively late in China,and there are still a lot of problems in the legal system,procurement standards,organization and management system, information communication and monitoring evaluation mechanisms and so forth.With international experience as the refer...  相似文献   
东南亚是国际打击野生动物贸易活动的重要区域之一。东南亚国家联盟(东盟)野生动植物执法网络(ASEAN-WEN)的建立是该地区打击野生动植物非法贸易合作机制形成的一个标志,也是地区野生动植物保护领域中极具有代表性与话语权的组织。文中分析ASEAN-WEN基本情况、运行机制、发展历程及其有代表性的活动,进而对东盟打击野生动植物非法贸易的合作机制进行评价,最后就我国与东盟加强打击野生动植物非法贸易合作提出对策建议。  相似文献   
近红外光谱技术作为一种高效、准确、无损、快速的检测技术,在茶叶生产加工和品质调控方面 具有巨大的应用优势。介绍了近红外光谱技术的工作原理,综述了该技术在茶树鲜叶分级、茶叶加工过程监控、 茶叶智能化审评、茶叶品质成分快速检测和定量分析、茶叶非法添加物鉴定等茶叶品质调控环节中的研究,并 对其研究与应用前景进行了展望,以期促进该技术更好、更快地应用于茶叶标准化加工、品质智能化识别和产 地溯源。  相似文献   
No‐take marine reserves are increasingly popular tools for conservation and fisheries management. While much attention has been paid to evaluating the effects of design aspects (size, location, etc.) in achieving reserve objectives, less emphasis has been placed on the role of stakeholder compliance. Therefore, the first aim of this study was to evaluate the state of compliance literature and examine the methods used to measure compliance in reserves. The state of compliance literature is limited, although publications with compliance information have increased sixfold in the last decade. However, most studies containing compliance information (63%) fail to provide quantitative estimates. Furthermore, most (95%) quantitative estimates of compliance were reported using a single method, which is problematic because each method has biases and limited applicability. Methods used to indicate compliance include (i) direct observation; (ii) indirect observation; (iii) law enforcement records; (iv) direct questioning; (v) expert opinion; and (vi) modelling. Our second aim was to empirically demonstrate the critical role of compliance in reserve outcomes by comparing a mixed‐effects model on compliance data synthesized from 63 marine reserves to that of a null model. The model of best fit demonstrated a negative relationship between non‐compliance and target species biomass response ratios. Thus, without incorporating any aspects of reserve design, compliance data predicted reserve response ratios of fish biomass. Accordingly, researchers should explore ways to better understand and measure non‐compliance. Therefore, future research should triangulate multiple sources of quantitative compliance data collected using standardized techniques and conduct baseline surveys before reserve implementation.  相似文献   
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