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胡豹 《湖北农业科学》2012,51(19):4443-4445
政府的引导机制应包含以政策宣传为引导、以制定相关政策法规为保障、以政策帮助等方面为支持3个层面.在此基础上,从宏观的政府政策调整和微观的农民工自身能力提升等方面来构建农民工返乡创业的政府引导机制,旨在为农民工返乡创业提供长期有效的支撑和保障,提高返乡农民工创业的积极性和成功率.  相似文献   
为探讨农村交通设施改善、数字乡村发展对农民工归乡创业的影响,基于中国劳动力动态调查(CLDS)2016和2018年数据及2018年中国县域数字乡村指数的数据,利用Logit模型和调节效应检验模型实证检验了三者之间的关系。结果表明:农村交通设施改善对农民工归乡创业有显著的促进作用,但存在地区异质性和地形异质性;数字乡村发展在农村交通设施改善与农民工归乡创业之间存在调节作用,强化了农村交通设施改善对农民工归乡创业的促进作用;农村交通设施改善还会显著提升农民工归乡创业的创业绩效,且数字乡村发展在农村交通设施改善与农民工归乡创业绩效之间也存在调节作用。因此需要进一步优化农村交通设施,强化农村数字基础设施建设,以促进农民工归乡创业,提高农民工归乡创业绩效,推动农业农村现代化高质量发展,助力乡村振兴。  相似文献   


本文首先指出农民工返乡创业与新农村建设相互机制探讨的理论与现实意义。然后勾画出包括社会资本提升、中西部发展环境改善、经济发展方式转变等方面农民工返乡创业动力机制。从农民工返乡创业对新农村建设促进作用和新农村建设对农民工返乡创业的影响两方面,分析创业与新农村建设互动关系。对我国农民工返乡创业促进新农村建设的现状进行剖析,指出了自身资本积累不足、缺少优惠政策、创业环境有待完善等主要问题。在上述分析的基础上,从组织领导、政策保障、融资渠道、农民工素质、发展环境、宣传力度等方面提出了针对性对策建议。  相似文献   
可动式螺旋立体花架系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高花卉栽培中的阳台、庭院利用率,满足家庭养花的需要.作者设计了一种可动式螺旋立体花卉栽培装置,它由中央立柱、螺旋式栽培钵、营养液加液系统及定时控制系统所组成,具有美观、小巧的特点,自动浇水,可以转动,便于装拆。设计了全新的一体式螺旋式栽培钵.彻底改变了传统立柱栽培的串装盆钵形式,更加适宜宇家庭养花和公共环境的美化,具有广泛的市场前景。  相似文献   
A mid altitude (700–1200 m amsl.) village in Garhwal Himalaya was analysed in terms of energy and economic efficiency of different land use-land cover types constituting the landscape. Simultaneous agroforestry, sequential agroforestry, home garden and community forests accounted for 27.47%, 27.47%, 1.1% and 43.96% of the total geographical area of the village. Simultaneous agroforestry is the traditional land use involving substantial input of manure derived from forest litter and animal excreta and was practised on terraced slopes in private ownership. Tree cover in this system was represented by nine species with total average density of 390 trees ha−1, Grewia optiva and Boehmeria rugulosa being the most dominant. Sequential agroforestry system involving slash-burn practice and cultivation on unterraced slopes without tillage and manuring was an illicit land use on community lands where forestry land use is desirable as per the government policy. Per ha annual energy input in simultaneous agroforestry system was 305267 MJ compared to 279 MJ in sequential agroforestry and 27047 MJ in home garden. In monetary terms, highest per ha annual output was obtained from simultaneous agroforestry (Rs 25370, Rs 35 = US$1) followed by home garden (Rs 18200) and sequential agroforestry (Rs 9426). Local food, fodder and fuelwood production was in excess of the local consumption. While most of the surplus food was stored, surplus fodder and fuelwood were sold for cash. Production in simultaneous agroforestry system in private lands was sustained with substantial biomass and nutrient inputs from the community and government forests. Land use-land cover changes in the region are driven by the interaction of ecological, policy and human factors. It is concluded that present policy of treating forests and agriculture as closed and independent ecological or production systems needs to be replaced by an integrated land use policy. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
本文介绍了中国水产信息主页设计和制作过程中的方法、步骤和技术关键,如:信息组织、基本结构、文档处理、图象处理、表格处理、链接处理等,并对如何设计和维护这种类型的主页提出建议。  相似文献   
An inventory of plant species was conducted on farms, farm boundaries and homesteads in the Kilimanjaro agroforestry system. The survey covered 30 farms in 6 villages in Hai District on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Over 100 plant species spread over 40 families were identified and their uses obtained through interviews with farmers. The species identified include 53 tree species, 29 food crop species, 21 non-woody plants of economic value and 8 weed species. The food crops, trees and other economically useful plants are carefully chosen by the local farmers and intimately intercropped on the same unit of land. In most cases, the plants had two or more uses of which food, fuelwood, medicine, poles, timber and fodder were the most important.  相似文献   
From 1985, an increasing gap has emerged between the ofifcial statistical measures of meat production and meat con-sumption in China, which has raised concerns from many researchers using such data. In...  相似文献   
分析了住宅空中私家花园新颖美观、空间灵活多变、功能丰富和生态效应显著等特性,论述基于美学和生态视野营造空中私家花园的方法和内容,探索空中私家花园景观设计新的设计思路。  相似文献   
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