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锦屏书院为阆中四大书院之首,距今已有近500年历史。通过简述书院变迁的历史过程,分析其选址、布局、理水等方面的园林艺术特色,以期为复原书院旧貌、重现昔日盛况提供理论参考依据。 相似文献
Ting Zhang Faming Yang Xiaoming Qin Xianmei Yang Chaohua Zhang Zhaoyi Wan Haisheng Lin 《Marine drugs》2022,20(7)
Previous studies found that both oral and topical administration of enzymatic digestion products < 3 K Da ultrafiltration fractions of Pinctada martensii mantle (PMPs) had pro-healing effects. Thus, we further purified them by Sephadex-G25 and screened them by cellular assays to obtain Pinctada martensii purified peptides (PMPPs). In this study, we explored the mechanism of PMPPs on wound healing by in vivo, in vitro, and in silico experiments. LC-MS/MS results showed that PMPPs consisted of 33 peptides with molecular weights ranging from 758.43 to 2014.04 Da, and the characteristic peptide was Leu-Asp. The results of cellular assays showed that PMPPs promoted the proliferation of human skin fibroblasts (HSF) (135%) and human immortalized keratinocyte (HaCaT) cells (125%) very significantly at 12.5 μg/mL. The in vivo results showed that PMPPs could achieve scarless healing by inhibiting the inflammatory response, accelerating the epithelialization process, and regulating collagen I/III ratio. The optimal peptide sequence FAFQAEIAQLMS of PMPPs was screened for key protein receptors in wound healing (EGFR1, FGFR1, and MMP-1) with the help of molecular docking technique, which also showed to be the key pro-healing active peptide sequence. Therefore, it may provide a therapeutic strategy with great potential for wound healing. 相似文献
农业生物多样性利用具有增加经济、生态、社会效益的功能,套作是最重要的农业生物多样性利用形式。为研究不同套种模式对桑树生长和综合效益的影响,在幼龄桑园分别套种大豆、绿豆、马铃薯、红薯、花生、芝麻6种农作物,比较6种套作模式下桑树的生长情况、桑叶产量及综合经济效益,并分析生长指标之间的相关性。结果表明:6种套作模式中,桑树/红薯、桑树/马铃薯、桑树/花生的平均枝条数及平均总枝条数显著高于其他模式,从平均枝条长来看则正好相反,而单位面积总枝条数差异不显著;从桑叶叶量来看,桑树/花生套作模式下最高,达16 391.90 kg/hm2,桑树/红薯次之,桑树/绿豆最低;根据相关性分析结果来看,套作幼龄桑园单位面积平均总条数(x)与平均总条长(y)有极显著相关性,拟合多项式方程为:y=0.247x2–2.506x+314.16(x>0);综合来看,桑树/花生套种模式较有利于幼龄桑树的生长,综合经济效益高于其他模式,其次为桑树/红薯、桑树/马铃薯模式。该研究为幼龄桑树套种模式的推广,桑园综合经济效益的提高提供了一定的理论依据。 相似文献
Marine organisms harbor numerous bioactive substances that can be utilized in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Scientific research on various applications of collagen extracted from these organisms has become increasingly prevalent. Marine collagen can be used as a biomaterial because it is water soluble, metabolically compatible, and highly accessible. Upon review of the literature, it is evident that marine collagen is a versatile compound capable of healing skin injuries of varying severity, as well as delaying the natural human aging process. From in vitro to in vivo experiments, collagen has demonstrated its ability to invoke keratinocyte and fibroblast migration as well as vascularization of the skin. Additionally, marine collagen and derivatives have proven beneficial and useful for both osteoporosis and osteoarthritis prevention and treatment. Other bone-related diseases may also be targeted by collagen, as it is capable of increasing bone mineral density, mineral deposition, and importantly, osteoblast maturation and proliferation. In this review, we demonstrate the advantages of marine collagen over land animal sources and the biomedical applications of marine collagen related to bone and skin damage. Finally, some limitations of marine collagen are briefly discussed. 相似文献
The design and development of innovative multifunctional wound dressing materials in engineered biomaterials is essential for promoting tissue repair. In this study, nanofibrous wound dressing materials loaded with anti-inflammatory ingredients were manufactured by a promising electrospinning strategy, and their capability for treating diabetic wounds was also investigated. A scaffold blend consisting of an Enteromorpha polysaccharide and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was fabricated. The in vitro and in vivo studies confirmed the efficacy of PVA/EPP1 fiber. We found that PVA/EPP1 fiber accelerated the repair of a full-thickness skin wound in diabetic mice. The results suggest that this scaffold could effectively shorten the wound healing time by inhibiting inflammatory activity, which makes it a promising candidate for the treatment of hard-to-heal wounds caused by diabetes. 相似文献
Wound healing is a highly orchestrated process involving many cell types, such as keratinocytes, fibroblasts and endothelial cells. This study aimed to evaluate the potential application of synthetic peptides derived from tilapia piscidin (TP)2, TP2-5 and TP2-6 in skin wound healing. The treatment of HaCaT keratinocytes with TP2-5 and TP2-6 did not cause cytotoxicity, but did enhance cell proliferation and migration, which could be attributed to the activation of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling. In CCD-966SK fibroblasts, although TP2-5 (31.25 μg/mL) and TP2-6 (125 μg/mL) showed cytotoxic effects, we observed the significant promotion of cell proliferation and migration at low concentrations. In addition, collagen I, collagen III, and keratinocyte growth factor were upregulated by the peptides. We further found that TP2-5 and TP2-6 showed pro-angiogenic properties, including the enhancement of human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) migration and the promotion of neovascularization. In a murine model, wounds treated topically with TP2-5 and TP2-6 were reduced by day 2 post-injury and healed significantly faster than untreated wounds. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that both TP2-5 and TP2-6 have multifaceted effects when used as topical agents for accelerating wound healing. 相似文献
在注重景观健康效益及多元社会价值的背景下,为自闭症谱系障碍儿童提供完善的景观支持服务成为重要的研究课题。作为康复景观的类型之一,面向自闭症谱系障碍儿童的疗愈花园对提供自然助益、舒缓亲职压力和促进社会关怀等具有重要意义。针对医疗场地附属疗愈花园、自然生境疗愈花园以及社区疗愈花园等类型特点,结合相关研究在调节感觉障碍、舒缓情绪压力、促进社交能力等方面的设计依据,分析出有序空间布局、社交场景功能、感知体验氛围、柔性细节设计等4类设计要点,并通过案例研究对疗愈性景观的设计要点及空间元素进行对比解析。 相似文献
在岭南完成文化重构的历史进程中,岭南园林逐步由边缘走向中心,成为我国园林事业发展的引领力量之一。作为见证者和重要载体,广州城市公园在文化重构的过程中不断完善和充实自身,日益焕发新的生机。以文化重构为视角,重点研究了中华人民共和国成立70年来广州城市公园建设与发展的活态历程,联系不同时期的社会文化背景,总结并揭示社会文化发展与公园建设的内在关系。多元汇通的文化基底、与时俱进的时代政策以及务实求新的人文精神为现代岭南园林的发展道路指明了方向,为岭南园林地位的进一步提升增加了底气和信心。 相似文献