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苜蓿白粉病的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苜蓿白粉病(Leveeillula leguminosarum Golov.)是我国北方地区近年来普遍发生的一种真菌病害,对于苜蓿的品质、适口性、产草量及种子产量均有较严重的影响。选育和推广优良抗病品种,是从根本上防治苜蓿白粉病的有效措施。在割草地、小面积试验或种子生产田适时刈割,或喷施灭菌丹、粉锈宁、甲基托布津是防治苜蓿白粉病的重要措施。  相似文献   
Phosphorus (P) deficiency is one of the most yield limiting factors for crop production in South American soils. Upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important crop in South American cropping systems, including Brazil. A field experiment was conducted with the objective to evaluate 20 upland rice genotypes for phosphorus (P) use efficiency. The P rate used was low (0 kg P ha?1) and high [87 kg P ha?1 or 200 kg phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) ha?1]. Plant height, shoot dry weight, grain yield, panicle number, 1000 grain weight, spikelet sterility, and grain harvest index were significantly influenced by P and genotype treatments. The P X genotype interaction was significant for grain yield, indicating that genotypes responded differently under two P rates. Overall, grain yield increased by 12% with the addition of P fertilization. Based on grain yield efficiency index, genotypes were classified into efficient, moderately efficient, and inefficient group. The genotypes that were classified as efficient in P use were BRA032048, BRA042094, BRA02601, BRA032051, BRA032033, BRA052015, BRA042156, BRA01600, BRA01506, BRA052023 and BRA042160. The inefficient genotypes in P us efficiency were BRS Primavera, BRA052045, BRA01596, and BRS Sertaneja. Grain harvest index had a significant positive association with grain yield and spikelet sterility had a significant negative association with grain yield, as expected. Average, P-use efficiency of five genotypes was about 17 kg kg?1 (kg grain yield per kg P applied).  相似文献   
采用三因素裂区试验设计,研究了种植密度和摘薹对双低油菜宁杂11号、宁油16号的菜薹产量、菜籽产量及净收益等的影响。结果表明:宁杂11号各处理的菜籽产量和净收益均显著高于宁油16号,但菜薹产量略低于宁油16号。随着种植密度提高,宁杂11号的净收益显著增加,但摘薹后净收益增加不大。宁油16号摘薹后净收益大幅度增加。摘薹后油菜生育期推迟、株高降低、总角果数减少、千粒重下降,但角果长度和每角粒数能显著增加。  相似文献   
为了提高土下作物机械化收获质量和效率,解决土下作物收获机械田间试验成本高、效率低、数据采集不便且受天气因素影响大等问题,该研究设计了一种土下作物机械收获自动对行挖掘试验台。该试验台主要由传动装置、速度调节装置、偏离行中心距调节装置、块根固定及株距调节装置、偏离探测装置、液压纠偏执行机构和挖掘模拟装置以及测控系统和液压系统组成。在分析试验台工作原理的基础上,进行了关键部件的结构设计及参数确定,设计了集成角度传感器、位移传感器、速度传感器的机电液一体化测控系统。以甜菜收获为研究对象,以株距、偏离行中心距离和前进速度为试验因素,以漏挖率为指标进行试验台准确性田间对比正交试验。试验结果表明,在不同前进速度、偏离行中心距离、株距等参数组合下,试验台试验漏挖率为2.33%~2.72%,田间试验漏挖率为2.38%~2.92%。与田间试验相比,漏挖率绝对偏差率范围为2.10%~6.85%,平均偏差率为3.67%,且漏挖率越大,偏差率越大,试验台具有较好的准确性。该研究可为甜菜、萝卜、土豆等土下作物的自动对行挖掘收获系统设计提供参考。  相似文献   
以湖北巴东产的皱皮木瓜为试验材料,分别在皱皮木瓜果实7个不同生长期采样,通过果实颜色、纵横径、鲜果质量等形态特征的测定,并采用HPLC法对不同生长期内的有效成分(齐墩果酸、熊果酸、原儿荼酸、绿原酸)进行检测,综合评价皱皮木瓜最佳的采收季节和质量指标.结果 表明:(1)皱皮木瓜的纵径、横径、鲜果质量增长随生长阶段呈逐渐递...  相似文献   
Forest amphibians, especially salamanders, prefer forests with shaded, cool, and moist forest floors. Timber harvesting opens the forest canopy and exposes the forest floor to direct sunlight, which can increase forest floor temperatures and reduce soil moisture. These microclimatic changes can potentially degrade the harvested stand for amphibian habitat or affect other biotic resources or ecological processes at the forest floor and in the understory. The degree of forest floor disturbance is directly related to the intensity of harvesting, however, the duration of this effect is unknown. We conducted a study of forest floor temperature and relative humidity over a 12-year chronosequence (1993–2004) of timber harvests. We compared simultaneous, paired measurements of temperature and relative humidity at three positions (soil, forest floor, air) in harvested and control sites over three seasonal survey sessions. Vegetation composition and structure were measured at each survey location. Ambient weather conditions were recorded at three open-field locations across the study area.  相似文献   
The influence of 9 rootstocks (M2, M7, M25, M26, MM104, MM106, MM109, MM111 and seedling) on fruit quality at harvest and after storage of ‘Wellspur Delicious’ (WS) and ‘Goldspur’ (GS), and of 3 rootstocks (M7, M26 and MM106) on fruit quality of ‘Red King Delicious’ (RK) and ‘Golden Delicious’ (GD) apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) was evaluated during a 4-year period. Fruits from trees on M26 were larger, developed earlier color and soluble solids (SS), and maintained higher levels of acidity (at harvest and during storage) in comparison with other rootstocks. Fruit from trees on M2 tended to have high SS. Fruit color from trees on MM104, MM106 and MM109 tended to be comparatively poor. There were significant rootstock effects on SS, starch, acidity, color, circumference, weight and box size.  相似文献   
[目的] 研究不同收获期对2种玉米农艺性状和生物学产量的影响,选择适宜在内蒙古乌兰察布市凉城县制作青贮饲料的玉米品种以及最佳收获期。[方法] 以全株青贮玉米吉东81和粮用玉米甘优702为试验材料,试验期为2019年9月5日至10月5日,设11个收获日期,分析不同收获日期2种玉米株高以及各部位鲜物质产量、干物质含量和干物质产量的变化。[结果] 2种玉米株高随着收获期的延长呈先增加后平稳趋势,9月17日吉东81和甘优702的株高最高,分别为3.51 m和2.94 m,试验期间吉东81的平均株高显著(P<0.05)高于甘优702。2种玉米茎叶、秆、果穗和整株鲜物质产量呈先上升后下降趋势,干物质含量呈递增趋势,干物质产量呈先上升后平稳趋势。2种玉米整株平均鲜物质产量差异不显著(P>0.05),吉东81的整株平均干物质含量和干物质产量显著(P<0.05)低于甘优702。[结论] 全株青贮玉米品种吉东81最佳收获期为9月23—26日,粮用玉米品种甘优702最佳收获期为9月17—20日,且在相同种植条件下全株青贮玉米品种吉东81更适合在内蒙古乌兰察布市凉城县推广。  相似文献   
翠冠梨不同采收期生理指标测定及其常温贮藏试验初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对云和县重河湾森林食品基地所产翠冠梨不6.8-7.6,可溶性固形物含量10.8%-11.1%,果实切片碘溶液染色为淡蓝色或淡黄色,种子颜色为黄褐色;成熟早期采摘的梨果可在常温下贮藏7-10d;中熟时采摘的梨果常温下可贮藏5,6d;全熟后采摘的梨果不宜贮藏。  相似文献   
本文通过对理想点法进行分析,认为该法取不同的p值代表决策者对不同目标的偏爱程度;但p值过大模型求解比较困难,故实际应用时p值取较大的值并不现实.为进一步突出决策人对不同目标的偏爱程度,作者对理想点法进行改进,引进了各目标的权重,提出了加权理想点法.与前者比较,它进一步突出了不同目标对决策结果的影响,使决策结果更符合决策者的愿望,便于在生产中实施.通过用该法对山西省千秋沟林场某经营类型进行收获调整,表明用该法进行森林收获调整,到调整期末龄级结构基本达到完全调整林状态,且可将决策者对不同目标的要求落实到合理水平上.  相似文献   
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