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利用青石山区梯田堰边栽植1~2a生核桃实生苗,株距4~5m,行距不等,每公顷平均375株。缓苗后进行良种嫁接。主要品种有元丰、香铃、鲁光、阿九等嫁接第2年结果,第3年有一定产量。每666.7m^2核桃产量3a生为33.5k,5a生为915kg,9a生为218.25kg,12a生为273.25kg。堰边良种核桃的综合经济效益分别为对照的1.5~4.9倍阐述了主要优质丰产栽培技术,包括实生苗建园与幼树嫁接良种、合理整形修剪、肥水管理与合理间作、适期采收、坚果处理及病虫害防治等。  相似文献   
杨树基因工程研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用现代分子生物学技术进行林木遗传改良研究具有重要的现实意义。介绍了杨树基因工程方面的研究进展,综述了杨树遗传图谱构建、基因克隆及转基因应用研究方面的状况,并对杨树基因工程研究存在的问题和前景进行了讨论。总结了杨树基因工程研究的规律,以促进林木基因工程研究的发展。  相似文献   
用土钻法研究了西双版纳橡胶Hevea brasiensis林0~20cm土层中≤2mm细根的生物量和生长量,用分解袋法研究了橡胶林细根的分解,结果表明:0~10cm的细根生物量显著高于10~20cm的细根生物量(p<0.01);在0~20cm土层中,橡胶林活细根和死细根现存量分别为2 206 kg·hm~(-2)和345 kg·hm~(-2);活细根现存量的最大值出现在5月份,最小值出现在11月份;死细根现存量的最大值出现在2月份,最小值出现在8月份;年分解量、年死亡量、年生长量和年周转率分别为213 kg·hm~(-2)、733 kg·hm~(-2)、1 801 kg·hm~(-2)和82%。  相似文献   
采用通过筛选的2个木麻黄抗逆无性系与当地生长较好的惠2无性系进行水培育苗试验,结果表明:(1)不同无性系间苗高和地径差异不大,方差分析均未达显著水平。从遗传参数来看,3个无性系间苗高和地径的遗传力均为中等,分别为0.486和0.557,方差分量也不大,分别为66.06%、69.27%,苗高的遗传变异系数较小,其值为14.23%,而地径的遗传变异系数较大,其值为18.22%,利用苗高和地径指标对木麻黄抗逆品系和对照进行比较,不能取得较理想的结果;(2)不同无性系在侧根数、主根长、总干质量/总鲜质量等指标上均未达显著水平,且变异系数不大,仅为25.26%、13.70%、9.28%;但在地下部分干质量/地上部分干质量指标上达极显著水平,且变异系数较大,达46.42%。从苗木根系性状和生物量的遗传变异分析,木麻黄抗逆品系和对照没有什么差异。  相似文献   
The study was carried out to analyze the genetic variability for different growth parameters in poplar clones at the age of 2 and 3 yr in the nursery. Forty-nine exotic and indigenous clones of poplar were evaluated for eight morphological traits. Clones were planted in randomized block design (RBD) with three replications with four clones in a block in each treatment. Observations for different characters were recorded on six selected competitive clones per genotype. Results showed a high interclonal variability for most parameters. Statistically significant differences among clones indicated that the majority of study characters are controlled by genetic factors, specific to each clone. Highly significant genotypic difference supported by wide range of variation of mean and range values were observed for the characters under study. Significant and positive correlation was observed between diameter at breast height (DBH) and plant height. Leaf lamina length showed positive and significant correlation with petiole length, total leaf length, leaf width, and L/B ratio. Total leaf length showed positive and significant correlation with leaf width and L/B ratio. High estimates of heritability (in a broad sense) were observed for almost all characters in the study. High genetic advance expressed as percent of mean was recorded for petiole length (60.90), followed by plant height (60.78) and collar diameter (44.19) at 2 yr. At the age of 3 yr, genetic advance was found maximum for petiole length (60.05), followed by collar diameter (47.62) and plant height (45.29). The efforts for selecting new clones and their field-testing must continue under a long-term improvement plan so that the best clones can be recommended for plantations and hybridization programs.  相似文献   
Myeloblastosis(MYB) is one of the largest transcribed factor families in plants. To gain an overall picture of the evolution of MYB genes in relict plants, we cloned nine novel MYB genes in Taxodiaceae plants(Taxodium distichum, Taxodium ascendens, Cryptomeria japonica var. Sinensis, Cryptomeria japonica cv. Araucarioides, Cryptomer Japonica, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Taiwania cryptomerioides and Glyptostrobus pensilis). The deduced amino acid sequences for MYBs showed that the nine MYB proteins contained two DNA binding domains. The first domain is from amino acid position 29 to 78, wherein three tryptophanes at 33, 53 and 73 were separated by 19 amino acids, respectively. The second domain is from amino acid position 82 to 127, wherein three tryptophanes at 86, 105 and 124 were separated by 18 amino acids, respectively, whereas the first tryptophane at amino acid position 86 is replaced by a phenylalanine. The characterization of these conserved domains at nine MYBs indicated that they all belong to the R2R3-MYB group. The secondary structure analysis showed that α-helix and β-turn are the major motifs of the predicted secondary structure of MYBs. The three dimensional model of each MYB protein showed that the structure is like clip, making it more flexible and mobile. The similarities between the nine MYB proteins in Taxodiaceae were calculated. The highest identical value of 99% is between CjsMYB, CjMYB and CjaMYB, whereas the lowest value of 82% is between TaMYB and ClMYB. According to the phylogenetic tree, the distances between different genera were relatively large whereas those within genera were relatively small. As expected, accessions of the same genus formed a subgroup before being grouped with other genera.  相似文献   
[目的]利用分子生物学技术探讨杜鹃红山茶CaAPX基因的表达模式及在模式植物烟草中所起的抗寒、耐热作用,为今后山茶花抗逆育种奠定基础。[方法]根据山茶花同源序列设计特异性引物,利用同源克隆和3’,5’-RACE技术,从杜鹃红山茶嫩叶组织中克隆出抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX),命名为CaAPX,基因全长1 097 bp,开放阅读框753 bp,编码250个氨基酸。实时荧光定量PCR对杜鹃红山茶7种组织和温度胁迫下该基因的表达模式进行分析。[结果]表明:CaAPX基因在杜鹃红山茶7种组织中均得到表达,但表达水平不一,表达量由高到低依次为:未成熟果实嫩叶花苞叶芽种胚花瓣花芽,其中,未成熟果实中的表达量是其它组织的2.6811.44倍;温度胁迫处理8 h后该基因呈上调表达,CaAPX基因表达量分别是0 h的3.49和2.67倍。CaAPX基因转化烟草分析表明,过量表达CaAPX基因后,APX活性提高了2.58 4.09倍,抗坏血酸(As A)含量提高了2.673.56倍,并且转基因烟草植株的抗寒、耐热能力也获得提高。[结论]通过过量表达CaAPX基因能够提高烟草植株的抗寒、耐热性,为山茶花抗逆育种提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
将柳杉细根剥离土壤,加速细根衰老,测定并分析柳杉细根衰老期间不同根序细根的N,P,K及Ca浓度变化以及N,P,K浓度与Ca浓度比值的变化趋势。结果表明:1)在柳杉细根死亡过程中,N及K存在明显的内循环,Ca内循环不明显,P没有内循环;2)养分内循环首先出现在1级细根,其次是2和3级细根,表明细根衰老和死亡顺序与生长顺序相反;3)养分回输表现为阶段性,1级细根首先回输到2级细根,2级细根再回输到3级细根;4)柳杉细根中N,P,K浓度变化趋势和它们与Ca浓度比值的变化趋势基本一致。  相似文献   
芒是小麦重要的穗部器官和形态特征,是小麦长期进化和适应环境的结果,对产量和抗旱性等具有重要影响。目前,对麦芒的遗传与发育还缺乏系统的研究,相关基因克隆或精细定位的研究尚未见报道。本试验利用短芒材料‘六柱头’与长芒材料‘石矮1号’构建的F2群体(SL-F2)对芒的遗传与发育进行了研究。细胞学观察表明,短芒主要是由细胞长度变短引起;遗传分析表明,‘六柱头’的短芒由显性单基因控制;借助Wheat660K SNP芯片的BSA分析和SL-F2群体的精细定位,确定‘六柱头’的芒长抑制基因是前人报道的B2位点,并将其定位到6B染色体4.84Mb的物理区间(471.28~476.12 Mb)内,该区段在中国春与矮抗58间具有良好的共线性。在B2定位区间共有61个基因,其中5个在中国春穗部特异表达,TraesCS6B02G264400在中国春和Azhurnaya幼穗表达差异显著。这些研究结果为B2基因的克隆、小麦芒形成机理的解析及育种中的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
为更好地开展浙江沿海海上大风的预报服务,本研究对2012年1月1日—2014年12月31日的ECMWF细网格10 m风场产品在浙江沿海的预报性能进行评估,并将其插值到沿海站点和观测数据进行对比分析。结果表明:冷空气影响下,浙江沿海的平均误差为负值,绝对误差分布和变化趋势与平均误差基本一致;台风影响下,24 h预报时效的平均误差为正值,随着预报时效的增加,平均误差逐渐转为负值,鱼山渔场、温台渔场及舟外渔场的绝对误差较其他区域大。另外,预报值和观测数据间的相关系数随预报时效的增加而减小,两者之间的相关系数平均值随海拔高度的增加而减小;ECMWF细网格对岱山和龙山村的预报偏大,对浪岗的预报偏小,预报偏差的离散度随预报时效增加而增大。  相似文献   
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