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党的二十届三中全会提出健全提升产业链供应链韧性和安全水平、促进实体经济和数字经济深度融合制度。为提高生猪养殖企业疫病防控能力,提升生猪养殖安全水平,本研究基于2019—2023年中国生猪养殖企业的面板数据,构建面板固定效应模型,实证分析流动性约束对疫病风险应对能力的影响,并检验生物安全投入的中介作用。此外,本研究利用双重差分模型探讨供应链金融缓解流动性约束、提高疫病风险应对能力的作用,并探讨其非线性影响。结果表明:1)流动性约束的缓解能显著提升企业疫病防控效果;2)生物安全投入在流动性约束与疫病风险应对能力间起中介作用;3)供应链金融能有效缓解企业流动性约束,提高其疫病风险应对能力,但存在最优使用强度;4)流动性约束对疫病风险应对能力的影响存在规模和区域异质性。据此,本研究建议:提高企业流动性管理能力和风险意识;优化区域协调机制,推动生猪养殖企业均衡发展;加强企业生物安全投入的有效性和积极性;供应链金融的应用应采取适度原则。  相似文献   
[目的] 探究短历时强降雨条件下边坡土体的入渗规律,揭示地质灾害的成因和机理,为该地区地质灾害的形成机理和预警预报工作提供科学依据。[方法] 针对2022年5月26—27日福建省龙岩市武平地区因强降雨诱发的浅层流态型滑坡事件,在地灾点典型滑坡处开展原位人工模拟降雨入渗试验,采用土壤水分计、张力计、孔隙水压力传感器和雨量计等监测装置进行系统观测,同时,结合有限元软件模拟不同降雨强度下雨水入渗过程,以深化对入渗规律的理解。[结果] 在靠近坡体表面的位置,土体的体积含水率增加幅度较大,随着埋深的增加,增加幅度逐渐减小;边坡各处入渗速度大小表现为:坡顶<坡中≈坡脚;在短历时强降雨作用下,孔隙水压力呈现逐渐增大并达到峰值后稳定的趋势,值得注意的是,在距离坡表120 cm处的孔隙水压力值较其他两个深度的孔隙水压力值大,这可能是由于该处的土层渗透性较低,形成了一个相对滞留的水位,数值模拟结果也较好地反映了这一规律。[结论] 在短历时强降雨的情况下,边坡土体的入渗过程极为复杂,且对地质灾害的触发起着关键作用。其入渗特性受降雨强度、土层深度及渗透性等多重因素的综合影响。  相似文献   
Although arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) could play important roles in zinc (Zn) uptake in host plants, the effects of AMF on Zn uptake and transport in winter wheat during the whole growth stages remain unclear. A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of Funneliformis mosseae (Fm) and Claroideoglomus etunicatum (Ce) on Zn absorption, transport, and accumulation in winter wheat growing in soils spiked with different Zn levels (0, 2.5, and 25 mg kg-1). The results showed that there was a significant correlation between mycorrhizal colonization rate and Zn absorption efficiency in winter wheat roots during the post-anthesis period, but there was no significant correlation during the pre-anthesis period. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi significantly increased Zn concentrations (0.56-1.58 times) in wheat grains under 0 mg kg-1 Zn level, but decreased Zn concentrations in wheat grains under 25 mg kg-1 Zn level. Additionally, at the filling and maturity stages, AMF increased Zn absorption rate and the contribution of root Zn uptake to grain Zn by 3-14 and 0.36-0.64 times, respectively, under 0 mg kg-1 Zn level and 0.21-1.02 and 0.27-0.37 times, respectively, under 2.5 mg kg-1 Zn level. However, AMF decreased root Zn absorption rate (0.32-0.61 times) and increased the contribution of Zn remobilization in vegetative tissues to grain Zn (1.69-2.01 times) under 25 mg kg-1 Zn level. This study would complement the mechanisms and effects of AMF on Zn absorption and transport in winter wheat and provide a potential method for the application of AMF to enrich wheat grain Zn.  相似文献   
王洪洋  田振东 《园艺学报》2018,45(7):1305-1313
为探索利用晚疫病菌效应子识别策略快速挖掘具有潜在抗晚疫病基因的马铃薯资源,挑选了晚疫病菌侵染马铃薯时早期上调表达的68个RXLR类效应子基因,将它们分别克隆到PVX病毒植物表达载体pGR106上,采用农杆菌牙签穿刺方法,在55份不同基因型的马铃薯叶片上进行瞬时表达,根据过敏反应(Hypersensitive response,HR)发生与否来推断马铃薯中是否存在潜在抗病基因。结果表明,10个效应子基因,包括无毒基因AVR2家族成员PITG_23008,细胞死亡激发子PexRD2、无毒基因PexRD39(AVRblb2),以及其它未知功能效应子基因Pex147-2、PexRD8、PexRD49、PITG_10232、PITG_11484、PITG_07555和PITG_22724,能够在10份马铃薯材料上诱导HR,预示这些马铃薯材料中具有潜在抗病基因。另外,离体叶片晚疫病菌接种鉴定表明,识别6个晚疫病菌效应子的马铃薯材料IVP196-2比识别3个效应子的马铃薯材料HJT349-3抗病性更强。  相似文献   
Triticale is the intergeneric hybrid between wheat and rye. With the expansion of the triticale growing area, powdery mildew has emerged and become a significant disease on this new host. Recent research demonstrated that this ‘new’ powdery mildew on triticale has emerged through a host range expansion of powdery mildew of wheat. Moreover, isolates sampled from triticale still infect their previous host, wheat, but isolates sampled from wheat hardly infect triticale. Race‐specific and adult‐plant resistance have been identified in triticale cultivars. The main objective of this study was to characterize the cellular basis of powdery mildew resistance in triticale. Commonalities with resistance responses in other cereals such as wheat, barley and oat are discussed. A detailed comparative histological study of various resistance responses during cross‐inoculation of either virulent or avirulent wheat and triticale isolates on both hosts was carried out. The present data provide evidence that for incompatible interactions, the formation of non‐penetrated papillae is the predominant resistance response, while the hypersensitive response (HR) acts as a second line of defence, to cut the fungus off from nutrients, if penetration resistance fails. It is not clear yet what causes the slower growth and reduced colony size of triticale isolates when inoculated on wheat. Possibly, post‐penetration resistance mechanisms, other than HR, are switched on during these (semi‐) compatible interactions. Molecular studies on gene expression and gene function of defence‐related genes might reveal further insights into the genetic basis of these resistance responses.  相似文献   
为进一步提高武夷菌素的产量,以基因工程菌Streptomyces ahygroscopicus var. wuyiensis W273为试验菌株,采用单因子试验确定发酵培养基的最适6种营养成分为玉米粉、葡萄糖、黄豆面、氯化铵、碳酸钙和氯化镁;应用SAS软件中的Plackett-Burman设计法,对影响菌株发酵生产武夷菌素的6个因素进行了筛选,确定葡萄糖和碳酸钙为影响摇瓶发酵生产武夷菌素的主要因素。利用响应面分析法对2个主要因素的最佳水平及其交互作用进行研究,建立了二次回归方程,Y=218.18+270.28X1+1274.74X2-3.28X12-5.4X1X2-200.98X22,并最终确定最佳培养基配方为玉米粉20 g/L、葡萄糖39 g/L、黄豆面20 g/L、氯化铵4 g/L、碳酸钙2.65 g/L、氯化镁0.4 g/L。以新配方在28℃、220 r/min进行摇瓶发酵60 h后,武夷菌素效价平均值为7215 μg/mL,较原始培养基发酵后武夷菌素效价提高了26.5%。  相似文献   
A lesion-mimic mutant of wheat with enhanced resistance to leaf rust   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A lesion-mimic mutant was obtained from a mutagenic treatment performed with ethyl methanesulfonate on the Argentine bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) cultivar Sinvalocho M.A. The HLP (hypersensitive-like phenotype) mutant exhibited tiny, discrete, white lesions in the absence of any pathogen, resembling the typical hypersensitive response (HR). The lesions only became evident once the fifth or sixth leaf emerged, and spread at random along the leaf blades and leaf sheaths of the developing plant, including tissues of the spike. Because the lesion-mimic mutant showed no lesions at the seedling stage, the phenotypes of both the mutant and its mother line were identical at this point. Histochemical studies showed that spontaneous hypersensitive-like lesions in the HLP mutant corresponded to cell death. In leaf-rust ( Puccinia triticina ) infection experiments performed at seedling and adult-plant stages, adult HLP plants showed enhanced resistance to leaf-rust attack compared with plants of Sinvalocho M.A. of comparable developmental stage, suggesting that the HLP mutation may confer increased resistance to the fungus. Because enhanced resistance coincided with the presence of spontaneous HR lesions, activation of HLP plant defence responses appeared to be tightly linked to this phenomenon. Final plant height and yield components in the lesion-mimic mutant did not differ from those of the mother line, indicating that the HLP mutation caused no detrimental pleiotropic effects that significantly affected agronomic performance. These data support the direct use of mutations in disease-resistance breeding.  相似文献   
Conditional expression of harpinPsscauses yeast cell death that shares features of cell death pathway with harpinPss-mediated plant hypersensitive response (HR).Pseudomonas syringae pv.syringae 61 hrp Z gene encodes harpinPss, a 34.7 kD extracellular protein that elicits a hypersensitive response (HR) in plants. Conditional expression of either full-length or truncated hrp Z sequences under the GAL1 promoter caused cell death in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y187. Plating of pYEUT- hrp Z transformants on a medium containing galactose resulted in complete inhibition of colony formation, whereas their growth on a glucose-based medium was unaffected. Western blot analysis confirmed the expression of harpinPssin yeast cells transformed with pYEUT- hrp Z and grown in galactose-containing medium. A time-dependent decline in the percentage of trypan blue-excluding cells in cultures of pYEUT- hrp Z transformants was observed when cultured on galactose-containing medium. Similarly, the number of viable cells reduced to about 50% within 6 h. There were similarities in the harpinPss-mediated cell death in plants and yeast cell death (YCD). Galactose-induced cell death in pYEUT-hrp Z transformants of S. cerevisiae Y187 was suppressed by a protein kinase inhibitor K252a (10 μ M). The viability of pYEUT- hrp Z transformants was prolonged in the presence of 100 U ml−1catalase suggesting a role for the oxidative burst in YCD that was further supported by the flow cytometric patterns of propidium iodide uptake by yeast cells. Overall, it appears that yeast provides a useful model system to understand the molecular mechanism of harpinPss-mediated cell death.  相似文献   
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress may induce two cell defence pathways, the unfolded protein response (UPR) or programmed cell death (PCD) upon unmitigated stress. This study confirmed that viral infection could induce ER stress through changing ER morphology and up‐regulating ER stress‐related genes, including NbNAC089. AtNAC089 serves as an ER stress sensor to regulate PCD in Arabidopsis. In this study, Nicotiana benthamiana NbNAC089 was identified. The gene encoded a 409 amino acid protein with a putative transmembrane domain near the C‐terminus and a NAC domain at the N‐terminus. NbNAC089 was localized to the ER membranes, and a truncated form of NbNAC089, lacking the transmembrane domain, was localized to the nucleus. Meanwhile, the full length of NbNAC089 was activated and cleaved in response to viral infection. The results suggest that the native protein may be translocated to the nucleus by release from the membrane during viral infection. Knock‐down of NbNAC089 in N. benthamiana increased susceptibility to Tobacco mosaic virus or Cucumber mosaic virus, and, in addition, promoted up‐regulation of UPR genes but impaired up‐regulation of PCD genes. These results show that NbNAC089 is a negative regulator of UPR and a positive regulator of PCD, and plays a role in the process of viral infection.  相似文献   
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